Chapter 6

Two months passed, and Blake still had absolutely no explanation she could make to herself as to why she was still doing this! Not in the slightest could she explain so much as to herself why in the hell she was marching to Weiss's room amidst what had otherwise been a mundane Monday. Baffling the foolish faunus too caught up in herself to admit she enjoyed further, the last time they had done this, she was actually the one to accuse Weiss of having faked her orgasm. Sure, on the one hand, it almost seemed like heiress was trying to show off in some way, but there was no faking the way Weiss's thighs trembled when Blake tried to bring her back to the real world and out of her fantasy. Blake knew that all too well.

But there she was, marching her way to Weiss's for what had quickly become a weekly occurrence for the duo. Ears fidgeted anxiously against the bow that hid them as she chastised herself for still doing this. What was the point! She knew! The answer was already clear! She had seen Weiss cum at least ten times in the past couple months, some days she was almost confident that Weiss had tried to hide a first just to sneak in as second during their sessions. Blake would have been lying if she hadn't considered it herself, but she had always decided against it in an effort to help convince the prissy princess she hadn't been lying.

Despite the both of them continuing under the pretext of being certain the other was lying and that they needed to maintain trust to stay effective in the field and during fights, the duo's fighting had never been more in sync. More than once in the past weeks, Ruby and Yang had both questioned what exactly Weiss and Blake had been doing to improve their teamwork; a question they both seemed to shy away from giving any real answers to, most often just saying they weren't quite sure or that it probably wouldn't work the same for anyone else on the team. Either way, suspicious methods to their teammates or not, the efforts had proved themselves on the field. Weiss may have continued to claim she didn't trust the faunus, but there she was, leaving herself to be caught by Blake every time she had to take a fall. Blake couldn't complain tho, it meant team RWBY had been comparatively shining in combat trials.

Blake shook the thoughts from her head as she approached the other woman's dorm room. One preparatory breath and she knocked with the agreed-upon code to denote their arrival for one of these nights. One knock, then two, then three, each sequence with a small pause in between and near no pause between.

Weiss sat upon her bed, covered in more pillows than several humans could ever reasonably need or use. Through her efforts with Blake had continued, so had all her other problems… well, problem, singular. Whoever had been doing this to her had continued her efforts, picking even odder patterns that lasted so long Weiss most recently thought she would have gone insane. An anxious mind drove the heiress to fish out the journal she near always kept on her and check it's latest entries.

Weiss Schnee, December 10


Beginning at 10:10 AM! Who in the hell does that in the morning! And why the hell during classes! I had to leave in the middle of everything after it became clear she wouldn't be stopping any time soon.

Long, short, short, short, short, short, long, long, short, long, short, long, long, long, long, short

Weiss had grown exhausted with the unique patterns of her soulmate, too exhausted to continue recording the exact duration of each session and how long the edges or quick peaks went. Beyond that, with each iteration, it became more and more clear that the edges were intended to last roughly fifteen minutes while the quick climaxes seemed to regularly take no longer than five. So she had begun to simplify her notes to long or short.

December 10, again!?

4:25 pm, at least it is afternoon and classes are over now. But lord! How does this woman not have anything left to rub!?

Short, long, long, short, long, short, short, long, long, short, short shot, long, long, long, short, long, long.

Today again seemed to go on for hours! I can't believe this. It is ridiculous… I… how could I ever forgive whoever is doing this to me… they are supposed to be my soulmate…

Wait! Wasn't Blake next to me in class?! Ruby and Yang have that period off because they tested out of the class, but Blake was there! And, she didn't leave till after I did! So- so how could she possibly have been the one doing this? How could she be my soulmate if that started after?

Weiss's eyes welled with tears of worry and confusion as she continued reading her own scratchy and unkempt handwriting from her earlier distraught state.

But… how could she not be? Whether she has been doing this to me or not… I've been loving the time she and I have been spending together. Even if it is embarrassing, it is… like home not like the cold home of Atlas… but a real one.

Weiss's head snapped up from her notebook the moment she heard the code knocking. Startled, she snapped her head over to the second bed.

"Ohh! It's Blake's fancy knock!" Penny perked.

"Blake has a special knock? Why?" Ruby raised an eyebrow curious.

"No! No reason!" Weiss yelped as she lept to her feet, tossing aside the notebook.

"Huh? Weiss? What's going on?"

Penny's eyes darted around, not wanting to betray her friend's confidential trust, but also not a fan of hiding things from her girlfriend.

"Really, it's nothing!" Weiss chuckled anxiously as she waved off the idea. "We, umm, we just… you know, it doesn't matter. But! You two should get going!"

"Get going?" Ruby's head darted between the other two.

"We did have plans for another date." Penny shrugged, doing her best not to pick a side.

"Yes, but why is Weiss kicking us out again?" Ruby pouted. "I feel like we are constantly getting kicked out of here or my room with Yang, and neither my sister nor my teammates, or even my girlfriend will tell me why!"

"I-" Weiss's voice caught in her throat as she heard the knock again followed by Blake's voice.

"Weiss? It's me. Are we still on for our… our thing?"

"What is this thing?!"

"Sweetheart." Penny tried to calm her girlfriend clearly more than a little wound up between secrets and final exams.

"I- just let me get the door for her?" Weiss winced.

"Whatever." Ruby pouted.

"Hey, so, we ready to do this? Your bed? Or do you just want me to start stripping and diddling myself out here in the hallway." Blake teased in what she expected to just be a good-natured banter between teammates who casually fucked themselves to repeated orgasms in front of each other on a semi-regular basis.

"Diddle yourself and stripping!?" Ruby half yelled. "What!?"

"Oh god." Penny's head dropped, certain this was the absolute worst way Ruby could learn of it.

"Ruby is here!" Blake's eyes bulged from her skull as they silently chastised Weiss for not telling her sooner.

"Not like you gave much of a chance to tell you." Weiss glared back at Blake.

"I am sorry! But someone needs to fill me in on what the hell has been going on here!"

"You let this cat out of the bag, you fix it." Weiss ordered to Blake before marching back off to her bed to hide from her teammate in shame.

"Haha." Blake mimicked a false laugh. "So funny, so original." She rolled her eyes as she pulled the bow from her hair to free her ears and closed the door behind her, preparing to relay the story.

"Wait… so you two are each other's soulmates or not?" Ruby questioned with the face of a toddler trying to comprehend calculus.

"We… don't know." Weiss and Blake lied in unison.

"But you have both been experiencing the same… soulmate things since you started…" Ruby didn't have the words to say what she now knew the other two were doing.

"Exactly the same." Blake nodded.

"Exactly." Weiss echoed in agreement.

"But- but…" Ruby looked baffled, but above and beyond that which any of the other three anticipated.

"That is why we are trying to figure out." Blake tried to reassure her teammate in a calm tone.

Weiss just nodded along.

"I- I need to go. Have to…" Ruby stood from her place next to Penny on her bed as if she were disoriented and stepping into a new world.

"Rube? Ruby?" Penny stood just a moment after Ruby. The slightly younger woman didn't turn or acknowledge her girlfriend until Penny gently grasped her fingers against her arm. "Ruby?" She whispered concerned.

"I- I'm fine. Just… gotta go check something." Ruby paused. "I need to ask Yang something about my mom."

"You- you're mom?" Penny knew that above all else was still a sensitive topic for her lover. "Do, do you want me to come along with you?"

Ruby had no words, she just nodded in her silence.

"Ok. Ok, I've got you love." Penny whispered as her arms wrapped around Ruby in a warm hug.

Ruby relaxed slightly into the touch, stress slowly melting off of her, but a not insignificant amount of tension remaining."I- umm, good luck you two." Ruby emptily offered to the monochrome duo sitting on Weiss's bed silently.

"Hope you are ok."

"We are here if you need anything."

"Thanks guys. I… I'll see you in class." Ruby mumbled under her breath before Penny squeezed her again in a tighter hug and escorted her back to her room.

Weiss and Blake sat there in silence for a moment, the awkwardness and worry for their friend getting to them. Neither wanted to speak first, to break the thickening ice coating the cold room. Time passed, and nothing seemed to change. Blake placed her hands by her sides on the edge of the bed, clinging to it and about to hop off. Maybe tonight just wasn't the best night. Just because they had been doing this every Friday didn't mean that she had to do it, that they had to keep doing it.

Blake was just about to stand, but then there it was, Weiss's slightly chilly hand atop hers. "I'm sorry." Words Blake never would have expected to hear from the heiress, but seemed to come all too often as of late.


"I should have warned you that Ruby was over. It's not like I didn't know you would be coming."

Blake snickered.


"You've never seemed so sure as to whether or not I had been cumming in the past."

Weiss huffed and turned to push Blake gently back. "You are the worst!"

Blake pressed out her chest and arched her back in just such a way that always seemed to elicit more moans from the other woman, all the while sticking her tongue out.

"The! Worst!" Weiss pushed again, but Blake gave out all too easily, falling back to completely lying on the bed as Weiss all but tumbled atop her.

Blake broke out in delighted laughter, the other woman collapsed atop her, warm and soft, almost seeming dainty atop her even though Blake knew better. She knew Weiss, if thoroughly infuriated enough could kill her and then bring her back just to fight future battles for her, but that didn't change how perfect and beautiful the heiress looked atop her.

"What!" Weiss looked up to faunus who seemed to be caught in a heavenly daydream with an accusing pout.

"Nothing, nothing." Blake smiled.

"We are still doing this?" Weiss found herself for a moment wanting to relax into Blake and took that as reason to pull away to her own corner of the bed.

Blake frowned, but she wasn't surprised, not in the slightest. "We- I mean, we don't have to if you are worried about Ruby."

"I… I am." Weiss admitted, curling her knees into herself. "I am, but wouldn't the best if we just find out for sure? Wouldn't putting it to rest be easier on her?" The idea that they had ended up hurting their friend souring even the sweetest of delights from the past months.

"Is that what you want?" Blake crossed her legs under her as she receded away into the corner of the bed farthest away from Weiss.

"Is it what you want?" Weiss asked back.

"I asked first." Blake shot back with all the nuance of a seven-year-old.

"Well, technically I asked first." Weiss rolled her eyes.

"Weiss!" Blake snapped harsher than she intended but tossing a pillow to emphasize that she wasn't necessarily mad.

The heiress caught the pillow with all the grace a turd has falling from a constipated cow's ass. Hands scrambling in front of her face to catch the fluffy lump, Weiss almost missed all the vulnerability written across Blake's face; but only almost. Had Weiss taken all the time in the world to examine the expression, she would have caught so much more than just the glisten threatening to turn to tears. More than the way Blake's brow furrowed with worry. More than just the faunus ears drooping with lament. No, if she had the time? Weiss would have seen the fear behind it all.

"Blake…" She whispered back, pulling the pillow into her stomach as if it could call the butterflies.

"Fine then." Blake stood from the bed and turned to look out the window, her back turned to the other woman. Fingers gently traced the blinds, enjoying the warmth that accompanied the sun's dying evening rays against her skin before she retreated them into her chest.

"Blake I-"

"Fine then." Blake cut off, slipping off her top without turning back to see Weiss. "Then, let's get it done, and done for good this time- because there's no reason if we aren't, right?" She left a pause to clarify it wasn't intended to be a rhetorical question, but never the less no response came from the heiress who had a heart stuck in her throat. "No reason." Blake settled, the realization truly settling in as her fingers rose to wipe away tears before they could fall and force her to answer why she seemed to care so damn much.

"I-" Weiss choked.

"Exactly." Blake removed her bra before slipping off her pants and turning to see Weiss once more. "Then let's get it over with already." She chilled herself and steeled her heart because that was the only way she felt she could get through it. "So, no more blinking, no more I missed it, and no more not being sure. Not anymore."

"Ok." Weiss couldn't tell if Blakes coldness made it easier or harder, if it made things easier to deny and block out or if it made everything hurt all the more.

"Good." Blake settled solemnly, stripping off her panties and slipping into the bed once more.

"Yeah." Weiss shrunk into her pillow.

"Well?" Blake stared Weiss down.


"Are you not going to join me this time? Or is this actually the one where you sit back and watch, Ms. Queen Schnee?" Blake taunted.

"O- of course not!" Weiss barked back. "I just… I-" The pressure of this being their final time began to make her crack. Ever since their second time, a though had rattled around in her head, one originating from a place of apprehension, but the nature had changed drastically since then. She knew that all too well. There were a dozen reasons why the thought continued to surface, but none of them were the same as why it had first cropped up, and never in a million years would she ever tell Blake the truth of why the thought lingered. "I-"

"You what? Cat got your tongue, or is it just my pu-" Blake spread her legs to display herself in full view.

"No! No Your! NO!" Weiss turned ruby red as she tossed the pillow aside. "Your- does not 'have my tongue'!"

"Good, then get stripping," Blake smirked.

"Wait! I- just wait!" Weiss ordered frazzled. "You… you never want to have to do this again right?" She was almost thankful that Blake had teased her, it made for a decent excuse to her frazzled stammering. "You said no more, right?"

Blake closed her legs, feeling above and beyond vulnerable. "I mean… we have to stop right? F- for Ruby?"

"Yeah." Weiss looked down and fiddled with the hem of her dress.

"Then… yes, I guess this does have to be the last time." Blake pulled her knees into her chest insecure.

"If… if that is the case, then maybe, maybe this time, we should do it to each other? Instead of just ourselves. Th- that way we can know for sure! If… if I make you cum, and I can feel you… cumming… and visa versa. And the other one of us doesn't. Then, then we know."

"You… you want to have sex?" Blake's eyes widened in shock.

"I mean, is it all that different from what we have been doing?"

"No, no, I guess not." Blake admitted.

"And… and it would make it so we never have to again. Because… we would know, you know?"

"Ok." Blake held her knees in tighter to her chest with a tiny nod.


"Ok, we can do that. I- if it means we will be able to keep trusting each other, and we won't have to keep doing this- if it means we can stop for Ruby's sake."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, if you want this?"

"I do." Weiss swallowed, trying to subdue her rising anxiety.

"How do you wan-" Before Blake could even finish asking, Weiss was there, kneeling in front of her, fingertips gently grazing against the outside of her thigh as a soft request for consent.

"You are sure?" Weiss checked once more, painfully aware that there was no undoing what she was about to attempt. But then again, if she didn't… she would never have that opportunity again.

"Yes." Blake released the grip she held around her knees. "Are you?"

Without a reply, Weiss leaned in just a little more, enough that she had to hold herself up against the headboard behind Blake to stop from just falling into the faunus; from falling for her in another, even more terrifying way. "May I touch you?"

"It would be really hard to do this if you didn't." Blake scoffed as she looked away and to the room's empty bed. It was so much easier to look off that way, to look away instead of admitting this was really the last time, that it would all end soon.

"Damnit Blake." Weiss gritted her teeth with frustration.

"Yes! Yes, of course you can! Alri-" As soon as she had given consent, Blake felt her head turned by soft fingertips despite calloused inner knuckles pulling her by the chin back towards Weiss. Before she could even question it, their lips had locked.

Kissing. Such a simple thing. Something Blake, and Weiss, had thought about doing to each other so, so, so many a time, but never aloud. Often the most basic show of affection when in the field of romance, but that wasn't what this was supposed to be, now was it? This was just supposed to be proof, fucking at most, not romance! That didn't stop them though. Both kissed deeper. Weiss's arms wrapped over Blake's shoulders, holding to the faunus by her neck. Blake's hands naturally found themselves cupping Weiss's cheeks, guiding her as the kiss deepened. Burning, smoldering, and threatening to extinguish both of the women's flames if neither attained any oxygen soon, but both Blake and Weiss vyed on, clinging for that one more second even if it killed them. Neither knew what the other would say after, if the other liked the kiss or was disgusted by it, so neither yielded. They refused to give up what could be the first and last.

"Breathe!" Weiss collapsed into Blake's lap panting. "Don't- don't forget to-"

"Breathe?" Blake finished for her almost equally as breathless.

"Yeah." Weiss rested her forehead on Blake's strong shoulder.

"You… kissed me?"

"Was that ok? I- it just seemed like… like it would be too awkward if we didn't?"

"It was ok. It was nice."

"Really nice." Weiss smiled.

"Yeah." Blake's hands naturally found Weiss's hips, tracing over the soft fabric of Weiss's dress. "May I touch you?"

"I'd like that." Truth, so so so much more truth than Weiss had ever let slip before, but Blake didn't flinch. Not in the slightest. The faunus seemed to just take it in stride. Weiss was almost certain she was hearing and seeing things, a list addled illusion or hallucination because she could almost swear that she saw a smile and heard a minuscule 'I'd like that too.' words that couldn't have been real, even if just whispered under the faunus's breath. Either way, Weiss didn't have long to reflect and piece together what had or hadn't happened. Blake's hands were quick to action, and so much less uncertain in their goals. The faunus's right hand slipped slightly lower and wrapped around to grasp at Weiss's ass firm enough to earn a small whimper all while her free hand left Weiss's hip to trace fingertips along the inside of her thigh and up the skirt of her dress. Nimble beyond all reasonable measure, Blake moved aside Weiss's already soaked panties with ease and fingers found their way, tracing along the heiress's folds and leaving Weiss with a spinning head.

"Fuck, Blake, I-" Weiss clung to the faunus tighter as Blake's fingers riled her up faster than she had ever expected.

"That's it, there you go princess." Blake praised with a cold detachment Weiss was certain she would have loved in any other context, at any time other than this, while she was striving to figure it all out, what she wanted, what Blake wanted, how those things may differ, or if she could really dare to hope they were the same.

"N- no!" Weiss firmly denied, grasping for anything to have the power back, to not feel so desperate, so needy and craven for this affection to be returned. "Not a princess." Weiss's eyes narrowed and pierced the faunus as her hands rose to run through Blake's hair and then gently scratched behind Blake's ears. A calculated risk, one that might not have paid off in any other context, but Blake seemed to like it, damn near purring into the caress.

"Weiss, I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I'm not a princess, not like this. But…" She pulled Blake's hand by the wrist down and away from her sex before licking Blake's fingers clean in an effort to show off for the faunus. "Today, this time, this final time, if you want to be, you can." Weiss slowly scooted back and lowered herself so she could leave soft kisses at the inside of Blake's thigh. "If you want… just get your pillows comfortable, and be my princess, for this last time." She repeated the phrase, a buffer, a reminder, a wall to collide in and slow her before she went and got her heart broken any worse than was already inevitable.

"You… you want? I- I mean, you would really do that for me?" Blake's voice trembled like it were something more important than just the offer of oral.

"I want to let you be the princess this time."

Blake looked down, almost actually seeing the fear in Weiss's eyes, or maybe just her own reflected in them? "I- I would really like that, yes." Blake stammered shocked and surprised before she slipped herself slightly lower down on the bed. "Are you sure?" She checked as she spread her legs, an open invitation despite the way they trembled.

"I'm sure, princess." Weiss winked up to Blake before turning her attention back down to Blake's core.

"Woah! Fuck!" Blake's hands suddenly shot to the back of Weiss's head. She fought not to force Weiss down any further or any faster than she wanted. "W- wow…" She moaned breathily.

Then tragedy struck. Weiss went to lift her head and Blake wanted to curse all the gods for it. Despite the tragedy, Blake released any nominal hold she had on Weiss's head, not wanting to make her do anything she didn't want. "Blake?" Weiss licked her lips as she looked up.

"Yeah?" Blake whined disheartened and wishing she hadn't done whatever it was she must have done wrong that made Weiss stop.

"Are you ok?" Weiss checked, a hand gently running up and down Blake's thigh, trying to soothe.

"I-" Blake looked away, having trouble understanding the feeling of care she felt from the other woman. "Yeah. Of course, I'm fine." Facades returned.

"Then why did you say woah?" Weiss rested her head on Blake's thigh, worried for her and patient enough to wait out an explanation.

"Because it was nice, I've never felt that before."

"Huh? What?"

"You heard me!" Blake could feel her cheeks burning.

"But… but…"

"But what!?"

"But you said that you had a soulmate before… didn't she?"

Blake shook her head without a word.

"Well, why the hell not? I mean, if she was your soulmate, why wouldn't she-"

"I- I never had one before." Blake pulled away, closing her legs and covering herself with her knees as best she could. She slowly curled up into a tighter and tighter ball while receding away from her teammate.

"But you-"

"Ilia said it! Not me!" In a desperate attempt to feel safe, or at least covered, Blake grabbed one of Weiss's blankets and pulled it over herself.

"Ok, ok." Weiss tried in a calmer tone. "But if you didn't have one, why did she say-"

"It is a long story. From back when I was in the white fang." Blake tightened the blanket around her. "And we both already know how you feel about them."

"It's ok." Weiss whispered. Grabbing a second blanket and placing it around Blake before moving to sit next to her on the bed. With a sigh, she took Blake's hand from under the blanket and held it. Leaning against Blake, Weiss rested her head on the faunus's shoulder. "Soulmates or not, you are still my friend." She snuggled up. "And what are friends for if not long stories from when you were in rebel organizations?"

Blake laughed at that, even if the laugh neared a stifled sob, it was still at least partly a laugh.

"So? Long stories only get shorter after you start telling them?"

Blake leaned her head into Weiss's, slowly snuggling back. "First off, I never had a soulmate back then. I… only thought I did."

"Oh? Ok?"

"They tricked me… lied… made me think… made me think a lot of things, but also that they were my soulmate."

"That bitch! How did she-"

"He. His name was Adam. And… a number of ways? Mostly just by leading me on, lying, having me tell him whenever I did spontaneously… and then taking credit for it. Whenever we did have sex, he either convinced me I came and didn't realize it, or lied that he did… and" Blake had never felt so small than she did explaining her past away to her friend while naked on a bed. "I believed him. Believed him for so long. I just felt like I couldn't tell Ilia after I found out… I just felt so stupid. Not that it matters anymore. I told her after her outburst during monopoly. She… she's barely spoken to me since, even though we live in the same room."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Blake." Weiss held tighter to Blake's hand.

"It is in the past." Blake reminded herself. "It is in the past, and he is gone now."

"No matter what, I am here for you."

"Thank you." Blake snuggled up, relaxing just a little. "Any other questions?"

"I- Well, actually, yes, I do have one still. But It seems rude to ask anything when you have already shared so much."

"Ask away." Blake made a flourish with her free hand.

"Even though he was lying, why not… do the thing I was going to do?"

"Why didn't he eat me out?"


Blake laughed, more earnestly. "Now that one is actually good."


"He said he wouldn't do it because I didn't shave."

Weiss rolled her eyes and huffed disgusted with the idea. Sure she kept herself nearly hairless downstairs, but that was a personal choice, nothing to do with anyone else.

"Yup. I tried once, Accidentally cut the hood of my clit, took months to heal, at least! Partially just because he wouldn't leave it alone, even when I told him to."

"Fuck that asshole." Weiss wrapped her arms around Blake for a more meaningful hug.

"Thank you." Blake hugged back. "I… it really meant a lot to have you offer. Even if I ruined the mood."

"No." Weiss squeezed Blake's hand. "You didn't ruin anything. I am just glad that I can be here for my friend. And, as for the offer, it stands."


"Yes Blake. I meant it." Weiss ducked in and under the blankets, leaving a series of kisses at Blake's belly. "If you want, you can still be the princess tonight."

Blake adjusted on the bed, opening back up and moaning slightly at the feeling of Weiss's kisses moving further south.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Yes!" Blake agreed emphatically.

Weiss pulled back the blankets tentatively, not wanting to remove Blake's armor if she wasn't ready. "You can put your hand on my head if you want, even push a little, just be careful and if I tap twice on your thigh, let go." She patted Blake's thigh as a demonstration. "That ok, princess?" She smirked with another kiss at Blake's belly.

"You… you are…" Blake reeled, any corner of her loosing whatever certainty she once had that this was supposed to be the 'last time'. "Weiss, you are so much more than I thought you were. I- I- Thank you."

"For you? Anytime?" Maybe Weiss was beginning to forget that this was supposed to have some finality to it too? "Just relax, relax, and enjoy." Weiss assured before delving back down below the blankets. She assisted Blake in getting comfortable before delving back down in earnest.

Blake quickly found herself coming undone at Weiss's love. Her tongue so soft and warm, seeming to be the absolute ideal. Warm, wet, soft, the perfect sensation enveloping her, soothing every ache that built naturally in Weiss's presence. Maybe she had just conditioned herself to be all wound up on nights like this over the past weeks, maybe it was just because she had been so emotionally open, maybe Weiss actually had her that aroused? "Oh yes! Right there! But just a little softer!"

Weiss moaned her approval into Blake, doubling down her efforts and refocusing just to the upper left of Blake's clit.

"S- softer ooh! It's sensitive. Still sensitive!"

Weiss replied by lapping slower and sucking softer, just gently adding to her efforts.

Blake quickly came undone, the slower pace working better for her than a fast one would have even if it didn't hurt. She seemed to just melt into the practical pillow fort behind her, slipping lower and lower as her hips began to rock gently to the rhythm of Weiss's efforts. "J- just like that!" She cheered breathless, a hand finding the back of Weiss's head and directing her gently.

Blake's breathy voice an angelic message to Weiss's ear, the heiress couldn't help but think to the future. Could they ever really go back to normal after this? If they did, could she handle it? Loosing this; losing Blake in this incredibly intimate way. No, no she couldn't. There was no more room for lying to herself, Blake couldn't have been faking and hiding it that long. They weren't soulmates. Weiss had known that since the first time, but she had never been able to let go. She still didn't want to. It was then that Weiss decided she didn't have to. Fuck whoever may have been her soulmate! They didn't matter! They were still evil and maintained a horrid schedule. And it didn't matter. Even if Weiss's soulmate had been normal, that wasn't who she wanted, not who she loved.

Resolute in her decision, Weiss settled that she would bring Blake to the best climax she could offer and then confess, admit all of her feelings and tell Blake just how much she wanted to continue, how she wanted to be Blake's girlfriend. Hoping to help Blake achieve a beautiful climax, Weiss added in the efforts of a single finger. Immediately, Blake thought she might just break; not from the minor intrusion, but from the overwhelming sensation and pleasure.

Weiss could feel Blake, the way the faunus trembled, the hand with fingers tied up in her hair pushing her down and wavering with the overwhelming sensation. It all made for the most tantalizing enticement there could ever be. Her finger curled, catching the perfect spot, tongue swirled, suction adding the last touch, and Blake lost herself to it.

"Gods! Weiss! I! I! I'm-" Blake's voice broke as her legs clamped around Weiss's head and the world seemed to wash away into a relief unlike what Blake had ever felt previously. Blake didn't regain a full awareness of her surroundings until almost a full minute later. She knew enough to have remembered Weiss rather roughly pushing her thighs off of her shoulders a moment or two after the climax had finished. Had thought been readily available beyond the haze of orgasmic relief, she would have considered Weiss's roughness unnecessary, but she would have also understood it might not be great to be wearing another woman's limp legs as earmuffs after turning her to jelly for a minute. "Babe, that wa-"

"GET OUT! GET THE HELL OUT!" Weiss screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Weiss?" Blake groaned, still gathering her whereabouts.

"Put on your clothes and get the hell out!"

"Woah, what's wrong?" Blake questioned slowly.

"You! You! You lied! You've been lying this whole time!" Suddenly Blake could see that Weiss was panting and crying.

"Weiss! What's wrong? I didn't lie, why are you-"

"Get out! I said get out!" Weiss screamed, her voice breaking half into a sob as she began to push at Blake, nearly dropping the feline faunus onto the hard floor.

"Weiss, I didn't-"

"You made me think you weren't my soulmate this whole time! Two months we've been doing this! You've been faking it and hiding it this whole time?!" Weiss kicked and pushed, but Blake held to the bed.

"Why do you think- I- did you just?"

"I bet you lied about that Adam asshole too? What was the truth? Were you the one who lied and tricked him? Tried to do it to me too?!" Blake's jaw dropped at the accusation and this time Weiss easily kicked her out of the bed.

The faunus landed hard, not even thinking to catch herself, just reeling, confused, and hurting. "You- you can't really believe I-" Blake stared up at Weiss as the heiress peered off of the bed and down towards her.

"Get the hell out!" Weiss fully broke down into sobs. "I never want to see you again! L- lying dirty faunus!"

Blake broke. She couldn't tackle any more abuse. Barely able to grab her top and pants, Blake was still pulling them both on as she stumbled out of the room. Already a mess with tears, she hobbled her way back to her room where she cried herself to sleep over all she had lost, and how it really was their last time.

End of Chapter 6

So! As has been the trend with this fic, I am posting one extra chapter ahead for free elsewhere, and then there are another 5 chapters beyond that that you can find on the web somewhere... hint hint, the links will be on my Tumblr: hopefulbadgerjunara