Why hello there, human. I got bored so i did this. This is a crossover between Mob Psycho 100 and Re: Zero so.. Sicco. I suck at writing so there's your warning. My first fanfiction! Nice.
Shigeo's eyes widened. He.. was really going to be killed by Toichiro, wasn't he? He didn't expect this, to be honest. The energy blast he got hit with- it burned. In the end there was silence. That's all Shigeo could hear once the blast engulfed him. Well, not entirely. He could hear screams, were those from his Master or his brother?
Shigeo didn't want to die. He was scared of leaving others, being apart from them again. But he couldn't do anything about it. Death really was unfair.
Progress To Mob's Explosion: ?%
Shigeo gasped, looking around. Where was Toichiro? Was he dead? Was everybody safe? And- wait, why were there human-animals? The puzzled boy glanced to his sides, blinking a few times. Weird- everything felt too real to be a dream. Everything from the tall, fantasy like building in this.. Market? To the amount of human/animal hybrids that walked past. The hybrids didn't seem like some weird cosplaying either, they simply looked like if animals were shaped like humans, with different body shapes, genders and such. The dumbfounded esper had a multitude of questions, but the most prominent one was definitely
'...Where.. Am I..? What's going on?'
Shigeo had seen many things, heck, he had just fought an esper who destroyed a city. He.. destroyed a city. People's homes would need repair, some might not even have homes- was Toichiro still there? Hopefully his friends and family got away. He didn't even get to say goodbye to any of them.
Progress To Mob's Explosion: 12%
Shigeo wandered around the town, deep in thought. The buildings looked very different compared to the building back in Spice City. They almost looked like something he'd see in a Fantasy movie, it was almost generic. Mob looked down at a few apple-looking fruits. Why hadn't he heard of this place? It had animal people, but everyone spoke in japanese, so it must be somewhere in Japan, right? He couldn't recognize the writing though-
Shigeo looked up. Oh, it was a human. That's.. Refreshing. The man was muscular, and had a body that made that boy feel just a hint of jealousy- He was built like the body improvement club. He had some scars on his face, and green hair.
"Ah, hello there." He greeted the man politely. If he had to be honest, this man intimidated the esper.
"Those are some weird looking clothes. Is your family travelling? Actually, where is your family?" The man asked him, crossing his arms.
Shigeo looked down at his middle school uniform (which was somehow restored to a perfectly intact state.)
"Ah, this is just my school uniform, and-" His family.. Mob decided to change the subject- "W- What are these?" He asked curiously, pointing at a basket of the apple-like fruits
"Oh, those are apppas." The man informed, before clearing his throat. "If you're not going to buy anything, I'm gonna have to ask you not to interfere with my business." He added.
The boy's face went red as he nodded a few times quickly. "Er- R- Right, sorry." He apologized, bowing before he walked away from the stand. This place was.. Weird.
'I forgot to ask for directions to Seasoning City'
Shigeo spent a good half hour wandering this foreign city. He found a few things out, but the most significant of which were that his phone had no reception and that he was in a place called the Kingdom of Lugnica. The esper didn't know what he got himself into, but apparently places like Japan or America didn't exist in this place. Could it be another world? That was his first idea. As insane and as bizarre the idea seemed, the boy assumed it was plausible based on everything he saw. Someone placed a hand on Shigeo's shoulder and-
Threw him backwards into an alleyway.
"That's a nice metia you got there kid, if you don't want to get hurt, hand it over. And while you're at it, hand over everything else ya have too." A large man said, grinning. He looked smug. Were all men bulky in this place? Apparently not, because there was a kinda skinny guy and a child there next to him.
"Metia..? What's a metia..?" Mob muttered to himself, thinking aloud. "Metia, i haven't heard that term-" He muttered again.
"Looks like that kid is muttering something." He heard one of them say. Wait, he was thinking out loud?
"I'm not sure what that kid is sayin', but i know he's makin' fun of us! Kill him!" Another added. Mobs eyes widened. Wait, kill? He didn't get much time to think until he got uppercutted backwards a few meters by the muscle-y guy. He stood up. One of them had a knife, crap-
"You.. You shouldn't really point knives at people.." Shigeo pointed out, his voice shaking in fear.
The man dashed at him with a knife and slashed upwards, licking his lips with a satisfied smile. Mob just jumped backwards, hoping to avoid the attack. It hit his cheek, piercing his skin.
"Hey, out of my way!" A young sounding girl cried out, jumping on the walls and over them. Shigeo glanced at the girl, but the man with the knives just saw this as a distraction to punch the boy in the face and into the man with the larger build. It didn't take long before Shigeo was on the floor, getting kicked by the trio and being called 'scum'
"That's enough." A feminine voice called out. Shigeo and the robbers all looked in her direction. It was a girl, who was either in her late teens or in her young adult years. Shigeo blinked. Her hair was unnaturally silver, but he had seen someone with green hair not an hour ago, so.. Not the most unnatural color he had seen today. She was kind of pretty though- but nowhere near as cute as Tsubomi
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Stop now, and I'll let this slide. So just graciously return what you stole." The girl said. Shigeo mentally sighed. So she wasn't here to stop them.. Oh well.
"What we stole..?"
"Now, please. It's Important to me. I'll give up on the other stuff, but i can't let you have that. Be good and hand it over, please." Shigeo wondered what this girl was looking for. After all, she seemed to want it back quite a bit. He guessed it must have had some sentimental value. Maybe that blonde who ran past stole it.
"You didn't come to save the kid?"
"What strange clothes he has.. But if you asked if i had a connection or relation to him, I'd have to say no."
"Then you have no business with us! If anything, that brat who ran past stole it!" The annoyed muscular man said. The kid added on "Yeah! She went that way!" as he pointed towards the street.
The girl nodded, muttered something under her breath, and ran past them. Shigeo didn't expect her to help - like she said, it wasn't like she knew him.
"But.. I can't allow myself to stand back and watch as you three rob an innocent boy."
Wait, what?
The girl held her hand up, and three pieces of ice went flying towards the thugs, knocking them back. Shigeo blinked a few times in confusion. She was an esper? He didn't sense any psychic energy from her..
"You messing with us..? I don't care if you use magic! I'll kill you!" The tall, skinny guy recovered from the blow and stood up, pointing a finger at the girl as if he was trying to intimidate her. "You think you can win when it's two against one?! Huh?!"
Shigeo's eyes widened. Kill her? He couldn't let that happen- Oh, and 'is that a spirit i'm sensing..?'
"You're right." The girl placed a hand on her hip and smiled. "Two against one may be unfair. Two against two might be fairer then.." And as if on cue, a gray cat-looking creature came out of seemingly nowhere.
Shigeo's eyes widened. That thing was a spirit. And it was powerful from what he could sense. Very, very powerful. It was definitely stronger than Mogami, and that thought alone scared the young esper quite a bit.
Progress To Mob's Explosion: 19%
"Y - You're a spirit user?" The big one, who had been a bit silent asked,
"That's right. Back off now and I won't come after you. Decide quickly, I'm in a hurry."
Again, the skinny guy pointed his hand at her in some effort to intimidate her. "You bitch! Next time i see you, I won't go easy on you!" He yelled. Now it was the cat's spirits turn to talk.
"Do anything to her and I'll haunt you and the rest of your kin forever. Well.. You won't have any kin if i do that."
And so, they both ran away. The skinny guy grabbing the little kid. Shigeo was surprised at how non-violent that was.
"Ah.. tha-"
"Don't move."
"...Oh, okay.."
Shigeo didn't really mind not moving (For what he assumed was a temporary amount of time.). He tried to decipher the expression on her face, but he couldn't really do it.
"You don't seem guilty.."
"It's nothing. You may move now."
"Oh, oka-" Shigeo stood up- or, tried to. The beating he took combined with his weak physique seemed to take a toll on him, because he passed out a few seconds later. He woke up on some.. Really warm and furry lap, what eve-
Progress For Mob's Explosion: 28%
It was that spirit
The sheer amount of power that radiated from the spirit unsettled Shigeo- He didn't understand why. It didn't feel *that* malicious. Nothing as malicious as Toichiro's energy, but he was definitely massively more powerful. He didn't even notice himself jump off.
"Are you alright?" It asked. Shigeo gulped.
"Y-.. Yeah, I'm fine.." Shigeo nodded. This spirit didn't seem evil, so it was trustworthy, right? It must be- He looked down and.. Wait, he was healed? How.. could it have been the esper? Oh she was right there- "I'm sorry for the inconvenience i probably caused you two ny healing me-"
"Don't get the wrong idea. I only stayed because I have some questions to ask you. Healing your wounds and temporarily making Puck your pillow until you woke up were all for my own benefit, now I need you to repay me in kind."
Right.. Shigeo didn't get how such a large favor would be solved by a few simple questions, but he'd be willing to answer. He nodded quietly.
"You were here with those thugs earlier, right? Then you must have some idea who stole my insignia."
Insignia? Like.. One of those badges?
"It has a small gem in the center, and it was about this big." The girl added, making a C with her hands.
"Ah.." Shigeo thought back. It could have been that blonde girl - right? "There was a small blonde girl who ran on the roofs of these buildings, she seemed like she was running from something, but, ah, I'm not really sure if she stole it or not-"
"I see. At least I know roughly who I'm looking for, so you gave me your answer in return for healing you." The girl crossed her arms.
Wait, that was all? Shigeo felt kind of bad. He must have wasted some of their time that they could have spent looking for the thief, but instead they stayed and nursed him back to health. That insignia must have been important, as well.
"Well, I'm in a hurry, so I'll be going now. Your wounds should be better now, but next time don't go wandering into dangerous things like wandering into a dark alleyway without your parents. I'm not concerned, I'm just warning you. If that happens to you again, saving you won't benefit me, so don't expect me to help you if it happens again." The girl simply walked away from Mob.
"Ah-" Shigeo blinked in confusion. He didn't think it was.. fair to give such a small amount of information.
"Sorry about her. She's so insincere. Don't think too badly of her." The spirit said, keeping it's eyes locked on the girl. Mob turned to it. Insincere? Yeah, maybe a little. Shigeo still felt bad, that insignia must have been important to her, yet she stopped for him.
Shigeo made up his mind. He'd offer to help her, since he didn't know what the thugs would have done had the white haired girl not intervened.
'W- Wait-" Shigeo began jogging to catch up to the girl.
Nice. I know It's short, I know my writing is shit, so- Neato. I guess you can leave a review, I'll update this… When I feel like it.