Chapter 1 - The Holy Woman

Heartfilia Manner, X775

(FF7 OST - Tifa's Theme)

An 8 year Lucy Heartfilia is wondering around her house. Often wondering what to do for the day. Her personal teacher finished her lessons for the day, her parents are busy and there are no children her age to play with. For a rich little girl who can be given anything she needs, she can't be given something she wants.

Not to say she is spoiled or ungratefully in anyway. In fact, she could not be anymore grateful knowing her parents worked hard to achieve what they have now. Little Lucy also understood both her parents were hardworking individuals and weren't capable of doing everything. So with that, she continued to wonder what she could do.

As she continued to wander around the halls of her home, she heard a door creak loudly. Turning around, she noticed the door to the family library was open. So she approached wanting to close it only to hear a loud thud. Lucy gasped fearing that something broke or fell. She quickly went inside wondering what happened so she can ask a maid to clean it to avoid hurting herself. Turning on the light, she saw a large book was on the ground next to a chair that fell.

Lucy was an organized and responsible girl so she quickly picked up the chair and pushed it into the table where it was at. Then proceeded to try and lift the heavy book only to give up and put it on a table. Before she wanted to leave, Lucy decided to take a look at what book fell to let her parents know in case they looked for it later. The name of the book was hard and she didn't understand it not having a good vocabulary or college level reading level, but that didn't stop her from understanding the name of the author.

"Me-Mer- Merlin!" Lucy said congratulating herself.

Having understood that much, she opened the book hoping to test her reading skills from what her teacher had taught her.

To the one whose eyes can perceive this book, I congratulate you for making it this far.

This book is not meant for the eyes of just anyone. For all my knowledge of magic along with the knowledge of my elder sister's race lies in this tome. Beware, knowledge is meant to satisfy the mind with new information and not to be used on others for self gain and abuse. Many would people would seek out destruction and will care very little for those they hurt for the sake of bleeding this tome dry of its knowledge.

I hope that you my potential successor are worthy and whose heart is as pure as my sister's, use this knowledge for the betterment of humanity. I beseech thee that no harm comes towards the innocent and let the wicked rome free without punishment. Beware, everything comes at a price and although you may not be the first to have been able to read this, many others might surrender their eyesight or life in order to guard this information.

I warn you, that if should you choose to live an ordinary life. Put my book where you found it and tell no one about its existence as if you've never found it. If you do choose to read its contents, then I wish you luck and that you allow the heavens and spirits of your ancestor's guide you down the correct path.

-Merlin, the mage of Britannia

Lucy was left horribly confused and failed to understand just about everything except for the warnings. All she knew was that whatever this Merlin person was hiding, a lot of it could be bad and worse, could be in the hands of bad people. Maybe it was best to try and put this away and tell her mother about it in case she was aware of it too. Her mother Layla was a mage as well, so perhaps she would make a greater understanding of Merlin's message and warning. Only time would tell.

(End of Song)

Later that night

After being read a story and given her kiss goodnight, Lucy fell asleep hoping to let the dream world take her. About a couple hours later into the night, the door to Lucy's room was opened slightly with the lights on. The lights were bright enough to wake her up and see where it came from.

"Mama?" Lucy asked thinking it was her mother who had opened the door.

Hearing no answer, she got up while rubbing her eyes and went to open the door and look both ways. Looking down she noticed the same book from the library was there almost as if someone was mocking her. Lucy puffed her cheeks and groaned in annoyance thinking one of the servants saw her and made fun of her reading level. To make matters worse, the book was really heavy and she was barely able to move it the first time. Looking at her clock, she noticed it was almost midnight and too late to wake her parents up.

Lucy also doubts anyone else besides the guards would be awake and she couldn't bother them for something this small. So that left her with one option. Take the book inside and leave it in her room for the night. With all the might in her little hands, Lucy dropped the book making a very loud thud making her clench her teeth in hopes that no one heard that. She waited for a couple of silent minutes before checking the hallway outside her door again seeing that no one was there yet.

Sighing in relief, Lucy slowly went back to sleep only for her window to open and let a loud gust of wind inside her room. Lucy almost screamed at the jump scare and quickly used all her strength to close and lock the window while still hearing the rustling wind. Sighing again, she turned to her bed only to see the book cover and a few pages had been moved by the wind. Lucy decided to take a quick look hoping none of the tree leaves or twigs got inside and messed up the book.

In hopes of not getting in trouble, Lucy lit a candle and looked over the pages making sure they didn't take any damage or stains. A minute later, she was relieved to see it was in fine condition. That's when she noticed the fine printed calligraphy and crimson colored letters. Lucy quickly decided to read one small sentence out of sheer curiosity. What she read said...

Hello Lucy!

"Eep!" Lucy squeaked as she jumped back in fear.

How did the book know her name? Slowly making her way back to the book, she saw the writing was gone. Lucy felt like she was losing her mind as she seeked out for the greeting only to find nothing. Shaking her head, she closed the book and immediately went back to bed ignoring tonight's events.

The next morning

*Knock knock*

"Lucy, are you awake dear?" asked a soft female voice.

Lucy yawned as she rubbed her eyes, "Yes mama." she answered.

The door opened and revealed a young blonde woman with brown eyes wearing a pink dress fit for a noble. This woman is Layla Heartfilia, the wife of Jude Heartfilia and mother of Lucy. In a way, you could say that Lucy was the spitting image of Layla so no one would blame you for confusing the two within the next decade.

"Good morning Lucy, how are you feeling today?" Layla asked sitting by her daughter's bed.

"I'm good mama, but something woke me up last night. So I didn't wake up early like always." Lucy answered honestly.

Layla raised a brow, "Did you have a nightmare?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"No mama, someone opened my door and left a book from the library. I had to leave it there so I wouldn't wake you up." Lucy answered pointing at her desk.

Layla got up and looked at the book with much confusion. She proceeded to turn the pages and quickly went over them quickly and tried to skim through each page. Layla shook her head as she tried to lift the book and check the back only to be surprised be the book's sheer weight making her almost break her fingers trying to put it down gently.

"Lucy are you sure someone just left you this book outside your door?" Layla asked receiving a nod. "Ok, were you able to read this by any chance?" she asked out of curiosity.

"I couldn't understand all the words." Lucy answered.

Layla gave her a confused look, "So you're able to read this?" she asked.

"Only a little bit mama. I don't think I can understand it all yet." Lucy answered.

"Lucy do you mind if I take this book with me?" Layla asked.

"Sure mama, I don't need it." Lucy answered with a bright smile.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'll be a little late to join you and your father for breakfast ok?" Layla asked getting a no as Lucy proceeded to get dressed up for the day.

Layla was heavily confused about this strange book. Not only was she incapable of reading it, it was as if it were written in a foreign language from an era long forgotten. What surprised her was the idea that Lucy could understand it, but then again it could have been her own interpretation. Lucy was still a child after all and that would make much more sense as opposed to Lucy actually understanding the contents of this work of literature.


A year had passed and Layla returned the book to Lucy who she had hoped would decode the book on her own. Jude never really cared for books or any sort of knowledge related to anything farther than the past decade. Hence he left his daughter to her own devices even if it was mostly spent reading since it would just help her gain better knowledge to help with her studies.

With that, Layla would occasionally sit down with Lucy who would decypher what she was able to read. It was amazing and frightening to Layla. What appeared to be chicken scratch to her was intermediate poetry for Lucy. Some words and phrases were difficult for her to understand, but was still able to read them and even rewrite them for Layla to understand.

That's when things were rather frightening for her as she started understanding the complexity and foreign terms from the book. As Lucy mentioned earlier, the book was written by a mage named Merlin from an ancient country called Britannia. With that, she was able to understand the runes and other basic concepts of magic from what Lucy was able to read and write down for Layla.

Although she feared for her daughter, all she could do was hope that she could understand why her daughter was able to read Merlin's words.


Another year passed, Layla never truly understood the purpose of the book or solve the mystery of why Lucy was the only one able to understand it. However, her time came to an end and it was time for a tearful goodbye to her daughter and husband.

Layla Heartfilia had died at the young age of 29 leaving behind her 10 year old daughter without a mother. Lucy mourned her mother and would never replace her in heart and would cherish every moment they spent together. With that in mind, she vowed to finish her understanding of Merlin's book as it was something they did together that always brought them close.

While Jude isolated himself in his office to work on his family konzern finances to further promote business. Lucy managed to develop good relations with all the staff, but they could never replace her mother or heal the hole in her heart. Even though she's not around anymore, Lucy still had her memories of her mother which she will always treasure. Not only that, but the two gold keys left by her mother for when she was ready to be a mage.

Lucy guessed that with Merlin's book, preparation for mage training only came sooner as they tried to dive deeper into the book. In a way, it was a personal mission for herself. To unlock the mysteries of the book and finish the work she and her mother both started.


Years passed and Lucy was almost a young woman. As time passed, she learned all she needed to and despite being so young. Lucy understood it was time to leave home. Her father neglects her and only thinks about making money keeping his business alive. The staff and other servants can only do so much and all though she's gotten close to them, there was not much else for her here.

So she prepared herself leaving with nothing but basic supplies and her book. Just as she prepared to leave, she only gave her goodbye to the one person who she misses most in this world.

Layla Heartfilia


Her mother.

Lucy had realized the most difficult part in starting her journey. She had to leave her mother and abandon the home where she was raised by the angelic woman. Leaving with only her inheritance of her celestial keys. Lucy may have been unsure of what kind of mage she would become, but she knew she would succeed her mother and master the celestial spirits she was gifted with.

She would strengthen her bond with Aquarius and Cancer along with any other keys she would run into. Like her mother, she would see the celestial spirits as equals and companions instead of like mongrels as some more selfish celestial mages tend to be.

Lucy looked over the book once more and pulled out a single picture from it. One from about a month before Layla's death. It was the last photo of them happy together showing little Lucy trying to hold the heavy book while Layla sat her on her lap. Wiping away her tears, Lucy spoke to her mother and talked about all the adventures she would have and that no matter what, she would always be grateful for the time they had together and for the life she was blessed with. Then finally, the Heartfilia heiress left her mother's tombstone and left not looking back hoping to no dwell on the painful memory.

Today, Lucy Heartfilia's name would be forever remembered in the world of magecraft!

Just like Merlin was in Britannia. Looking at it now, she remembered another picture that made her happy. Turning all the way to the end, Lucy found a small painted portrait of the author herself along with the one she considered her sister.

Merlin and her big sis sis

The portrait revealed a black haired woman in armor styled to look similar to a woman's dress. Beside her was a younger looking woman with silver hair revealing one blue eye who wrapped her arms around the other woman. This was Merlin and her adoptive sister Elizabeth. Both of whom left knowledge of their magic for Lucy to find in this book one day.

And now that the time has come, Lucy would master everything they taught her. With that, she wouldn't have to make her celestial spirits do all the work and feel useless. Because now she can fight back and defend those who are unable to help themselves.

Even if the lands where she travels are barren and are only full of false promises. Lucy will never back down and will swear on her mother's grave that she will be among the greatest.

With her resolve stuck in her mind, Lucy Heartfilia left behind the life she once had to start anew.


"Are you ok big sis?" Lucy snapped out of her thoughts and looked towards a little red haired boy.

"Yes Shirou, I was just thinking about something." Lucy replied as the two arrived in Hargeon town from sea.

"So how far until we reach that guild you always talk about?" Shirou asked curiously.

"I think its the next town over. Come on, we should get some supplies first." Lucy answered.

It would be a long time before they eventually found a magic shop. Apparently the store owner mentioned that Hargeon was mainly for fishing although he set up shop for passing wizards and mages. Most people in town didn't even know how to use magic so managed to explain a lot.

"So we came all the way over here for nothing?" Shirou asked with much disappointment in his voice.

"Now now young man we have some of the latest goods in stock. For example this colors magic is popular." the old store owner said showing a strange box.

"That's for girls." Shirou replied.

"And I already have one." Lucy responded as the store owner changed the color of his clothing. "Although I wouldn't mind finding some gate keys." she muttered the last part.

The store owner was able to hear her anyways, "Gate keys huh? That's a rare request." he said opening a small box revealing a silver key.

Lucy's eyes beamed at the key, "The white doggy!" she squealed.

"It's not very powerful though." the store owner said.

"That's not much of an issue. How much are you willing to sell it to me for?" Lucy asked.

"20,000 Jewel." he answered with a bright smile.

Lucy and Shirou paused at the answer, "Are you serious?" Shirou asked.

"How did you just say?" Lucy asked with a sweat drop.

"20,000 Jewel!" he repeated.

Shirou pulled on Lucy's blue skirt grabbing her attention, "Yes Shirou?" she asked.

"Big sis show him your wiles." Shirou whispered.

"Shirou how could you even think of something inappropriate?" Lucy asked.

"You want that key don't you?" Shirou asked.

"Yes, but I am not going as far as using my body like a lady of the night." Lucy answered.

"Well I'm sorry but..." Shirou paused and stood still for a moment.

"Shirou?" Lucy asked.

"Big sis multiple mana signatures! I think it's the enemy master and they're heading this way!" Shirou panicked as he summoned his two swords.

Lucy nodded as her face turned serious, "Sir please stand back." she told the store owner before using her magic to change her outfit.

Within a single bright flash, Lucy's outfit was replaced by a strange red and white outfit. Her hair was long and undone with a white crown on top of her head. A long white cape flowing down her to her feet, the front was white and had hole designs that revealed her large bust and opening revealing her belly and her arms were inside the cape.

(A/N: Irisviel Dress of Heaven)

"Shirou where are they I can't detect them?" Lucy asked taking a defensive stance.

"Nevermind, I think it was just a random mage." Shirou said feigning innocence.

"Shirou!" Lucy yelled making him smile sheepishly. Lucy turned back to the elderly store owner, "I apologize for my forwardness sir." she said only to find him on his back behind his counter.

"20..." the store owner muttered as he picked himself up and wiped his nose of blood.

"Yes we know, 20,000 Jewel." Lucy replied.

"Oh that's not what I meant." he said making the two look at him strangely.

A little while later

"Shirou as much as I'm happy to have a new key for a reduced price. I am very disappointed in you." Lucy said in a serious tone as she reverted to her normal clothes.

Her real outfit consisting of a long blue skirt with black boots, with a white sleeveless kimono blouse with a yellow obi and separate sleeves on her arms. Finaly there was a strange staff on her back in the shape of a round claw or some kind of paw.

(A/N: Yuna outfit from FFX)

"Sorry, but I wanted you to have it and I didn't have the money to buy it for you." Shirou said defending his actions.

"Well then don't be using my feminine body as way to get me cheaper presents." Lucy said.

Shirou nodded, "Ok, I'll just use Astolfo instead." he said.

"Ha, the kid knows what's up. You should learn from him some time Lucy." said a disembodied voice.

"Don't encourage him Astolfo!" Lucy argued.

"Big brother understands me." Shirou said.

"The last thing I need is another accident like the one between you and Jeanne." Lucy said with a sigh.

"It's not my fault she thought I was a girl." Astolfo responded nonchalantly.

"Anyways..." Lucy was interrupted by the sounds of a crowd of teenage girls.

"Are you serious he's really here?" asked one of two girls passing by them.

"It's Mr. Salamander!" said the other.

"They're looking for salamanders?" Shirou asked with much confusion in his voice.

"I think I remember that name. It's the... the... the wizard who uses fire magic!" Lucy answered.

"I wonder what a cool wizard is doing in this dead end town." Shirou said as both went down to see what the commotion was.

Upon arrival the two saw the women crowding around some man with blue hair and a tattoo on the side of his head. Lucy looked annoyed by the man's lack of charm and tact. For some reason she felt like something was pulling her close only to make her feel internally ill. Then suddenly a young man with pink hair interrupted the crowd.

"Igneel! It's me!" he said only to stop in confusion and noticed the blue haired man. "Who the heck are you?" he asked the man.

"Who am I? I'm Salamander surely you've heard of me before." the man said with glimmer in his eyes.

The pink haired boy walked like there was no purpose there.

"Hey wait a minute!" Salamander pleaded reaching out for the boy.

Then suddenly a couple of girls tackled the pink haired boy down. They continued to beat him up as if he committed blasphemy to their religion. Or cult in Lucy's case.

"Now now my lovelies, please let him go. I'm sure the boy didn't mean anything malicious by it." Salamander spoke up grabbing the angry girl's attention back to him. The man grabbed a board and signed his name on it before handing it over the pink haired boy, "Here's my autograph kid. Now you can brag to all your friends." he said pridefully.

"No thanks." the boy suddenly found himself tossed into a pile of trash for offending the women.

Salamander gave his farewells before taking off on a purple beam.

"Who the heck was that guy?" asked the pink haired boy.

"I don't know, but he was a real creep."

And then

"My name is Lucy and this is my little brother Shirou." Lucy said introducing herself.

Instead of a response, the pink haired boy ate all his food like he was preparing to go into hibernation as well as the cat.

"Natsu and Happy was it?" Shirou asked taking cover of all the food stains.

"You people are so nice." Natsu said with his mouth full.

"You get full now. We aren't in a hurry." Lucy said.

"At least you saved all that money at the old geezer's shop." Shirou said smiling.

Lucy gave her younger brother a slap on the head for that remark. Lucy then went over explaining the banning of charm spells and thanked the boys for grabbing her attention before she fell for the trick.

"You know I may not look like it, but I'm a wizard too." Lucy said.

"Is that so?" Natsu asked while still stuffing his face.

"Some people call her the Holy Maiden." Shirou spoke up.

"That's cool." Natsu said not really caring for titles or reputations.

"Although I'm not in a guild or anything. I won't dwell into it since it's pretty complex to explain. Except I'm not actually a full fledged wizard until I join a guild. All the famous and best guilds are difficult to get into and the one I want to join is the best one." Lucy said trailing off as her excitement got the better of her.

"Big sis you're doing it again." Shirou spoke up making Lucy turn red for a moment.

"Anyways, didn't you say you were looking for someone?" Lucy asked.

"Aye we're looking for Igneel!" Happy said.

"We're here because we heard that a salamander was coming to this town, but it turned out to be someone else." Natsu answered.

"He wasn't a salamander at all." Happy said.

"No kidding, he doesn't breathe fire like a real dragon." Natsu said.

"You're friend Igneel looks like a dragon?" Shirou asked.

"No Igneel doesn't look a dragon. He is a dragon." Natsu answered.

"Aye! A real fire dragon!" Happy added.

"Why would a dragon of any kind show up in the middle of town?" Lucy asked with concern in her voice making Happy and Natsu freeze in shock.

To Lucy should this have been a real dragon, they're too intelligent and rather big to be visiting human towns. From the look on their faces, the two were not very smart and must have lost their reptilian comrade a while back.

"Anyways, we should be going. Enjoy your food." Lucy said as she lead Shirou to the exit with her.

"What the heck are they doing!?" Shirou yelled.

Lucy turned back to see Happy and Natsu bowing their heads, "Thank you for the meal!" they both said.

"It's fine no need to thank me!" Lucy said before she took off with Shirou.

A little while later

Lucy and Shirou soon found themselves sitting on a bench looking at a magazine.

"So is that how all Fairy Tail mages are like?" Shirou asked as Lucy quickly covered Shirou's eyes.

"Shirou no!" Lucy said skipping a few pages ahead to avoid him seeing Mirajane Strauss in her skimpy bikini.

"Hey I'm almost 9! I can handle it!" Shirou argued trying to take her hand of his eyes.

"It's not about handling it, it's about maturity and not looking at such images little brother." Lucy argued back.

"But maybe it will help you learn how to get us into Fairy Tail." Shirou whined.

"Shirou I am very sure Fairy Tail wouldn't subject women such as myself to strip and for a photoshoot." Lucy replied

"I guess, a cool guild like Fairy Tail wouldn't do something like that to you." Shirou said.

"You want to join Fairy Tail?"

"Salamander!" both cried out seeing the shady wizard pop out from the bushes.

"I wanted to relieve you of your babysitting duties and invite you to a party I'm having on my yacht." Salamander offered.

"No way would big sis go to a party with you! You're a creep!" Shirou said.

"A creep? Why did you call me that?" Salamander asked slowly losing his self confidence.

"Because you're using magic to charm girls. It just proves even big wizards are big idiots." Lucy said.

"You wish to join the Fairy Tail guild right?" Salamander asked making them raise a brow.

"Yeah so?" Lucy asked.

"Have you ever heard of Salamander? A member of Fairy Tail?" Salamander asked.

"Yes the wizard who uses fire magic and you haven't shown us any." Lucy answered unfazed.

"I would be willing to prove myself and... offer a good word for you. If you come to my party." Salamander offered.

Before Shirou could decline for them, Lucy spoke up, "I'm actually waiting for a couple of my friends who want to join as well. I'm not one to leave friends behind." she said.

'What friends?' Shirou wondered.

"Well if they can make it here by tonight you're all free to join me and leave the brat behind." Salamander said as he started taking off with his magic. "I'll see you then!" he said as he left.

"Big sis you aren't planning on going to his party are you?" Shirou asked.

"I have an idea Shirou. There is no way he's a member of Fairy Tail. All guild members carry the mark of their guild and he didn't once reveal it or his fire magic. Not only that, but no wizard would shamelessly use illegal charms like him. I think there's something shady about him." Lucy explained.

"So what are you going to do?" Shirou asked.

"I'm going to expose him and I need a little help from a couple of friends of ours." Lucy said smiling.

"You know someone like Jeanne isn't going to approve of this mission." Shirou said.

That night

"I do not approve of this mission." said a blonde haired woman with a giant braid.

"Neither do I." said another blonde woman who had her hair tied in a bun with two bangs framing her face.

"Well I need you two to blend in and find out what you can. I'm going to find out more about this "Salamander" phony. You two know what to do if the worst comes." Lucy explained.

"But why couldn't you use Astolfo? He looks female enough." Jeanne suggested.

"Because I couldn't take the risks seeing this could be a dangerous wizard we have on our hands. Besides Shirou and Iskander are watching us from the distance in case things turn out for the worst." Lucy explained.

"Alright, come on Jeanne. Let's find out out what we can." Artoria said as the other woman nodded reluctantly.

"Ok now time for my meeting." Lucy said adjusting her dress.

Meanwhile with Shirou

The red haired boy found himself standing next to another redhead who looking at the boat with a pair of binoculars.

"See anything Iskander?" Shirou asked.

"I see delicious meals and beautiful women. This man, Salamander, has an idea how to celebrate festivities. I give him that much, but I swear Nero would be running down lake to join." Iskander answered knowing the woman had thing for parties.

"Yeah, but anything off about the party itself?" Shirou asked.

A few moments later Iskander spoke up, "Shirou tell me if this is natural for your time. Back in my day, we evolved from clubbing a woman in the head and dragging her back to our homes. Did your time adopt that idea again? Because I see some women falling asleep on the deck and being dragged away by underdressed men who look like bandits." Iskander said describing what he saw.

"Let me see that." Shirou said taking the binoculars and taking a look.

"This is bad, but where are the other two?" Shirou looking for Artoria and Jeanne.

Shirou found Jeanne being forcefully dragged only for Artoria to knock out the bandit. The two went side by side and proceeded engage the the threats before looking for Lucy.

"Big sis might be in trouble, but at least those two are safe." Shirou said.

"Then we should take off then." Iskander said as he manifested his chariot.

"Don't worry Lucy! We're coming!" yelled a blue cat with wings holding someone in his tail.

"What the heck was that?" Iskander asked.

"Welcome modern Earthland. Population flying blue cats and pink haired boys." Shirou said before they took off.

With Lucy

The blonde girl soon found herself surrounded by the men and Salamander. The fake Fairy Tail guild member revealed himself to be a criminal attempting human trafficking. All the while attempting to put her asleep as well. Only his plan failed and Salamander attempted to disarm her by stealing her keys. That also failed as Lucy destroyed his strange beam of light.

"So much for a powerful fire wizard. You can't even use fire can you?" Lucy asked in a mocking tone.

"I'll show you fire!" Salamander said as he created a magic circle creating flames only to lose control. "What?" he asked confused as to what happened.

"Let me show you a real mage. Have you ever heard of the White Holy Sorceress?" Lucy asked with a smirk.

"The what?" Salamander asking having heard that scary name before.

Then suddenly Lucy began to glow brightly. That's when her dress was replaced by the same battle outfit from the store in town. Many of Salamander's thugs began to walk backwards in fear.

"Boss I know that crazy lady! She's the Holy Maiden!" one yelled.

"So what?" Salamander asked.

"She's freaking S class and no one knows what her powers are!" another answered.

Then suddenly the door was broken down as Artoria and Jeanne arrived in full armor. The two quickly surrounded Lucy who was smirking at her situation. As Lucy was preparing her own attack the roof of the ship was smashed down revealing Natsu being carried by Happy.

"We're here to rescue you Lucy!" yelled Happy as he dropped Natsu in the middle.

The girls all sweatdropped at the scene, "What?" Lucy asked.

"Don't worry I got you!" Natsu said picking up Lucy and tossing her at Happy who wrapped his tail around her and took off.

"LUCY!" Artoria and Jeanne yelled.

"So you're from Fairy Tail are ya!?" Natsu asked Salamander as he covered his fists in fire.

Back with Shirou

"Hey that cat's back!" Iskander called out.

"And it has big sis! We need to go after it!" Shirou yelled as Iskander changed direction of his chariot.

Back with Lucy, "Happy what about Natsu and the other girls?" she asked as she struggled to get free.

"I can't carry more than one person." Happy answered.

"Well then let me go." Lucy said.

"But you'll fall in the water." Happy said.

"Happy, I can fly while in this form." Lucy said making the cat stop.

"You can?" Happy asked with a shocked face.

Lucy responded by revealing four wings coming out of her back and breaking free of Happy. The blue cat soon fell down as his wing retracted. Lucy quickly caught him and lifted him up by his tail.

"Why aren't you flying?" Lucy asked.

"My transformation ran out." Happy answered as Iskander passed by.

"Big sis are you ok?" Shirou asked.

"I am, but I should recall Jeanne and Artoria before they get swarmed." Lucy said as she placed her hand over her heart.

The next thing anyone knew, two bright beams of light shot out of yacht. The beams transformed into majestic lights that started flying around in the air before entering Lucy.

"There, now their safe." Lucy said feeling satisfied.

"But the boat, it's getting away and Natsu is on it!" Happy said.

"He can't defend himself can he?" Lucy asked.

"He can, he's a wizard after all, but that's not the problem. Natsu has the worst motion sickness in the world! He can't even travel so much as on a wooden wagon without vomiting or being paralysed!" Happy explained.

"Oh boy, I think I have another friend who might help." Lucy said pulling out a key.

"Isn't the water maiden not so fond of you?" Iskander asked.

"That's why you're still here Iskander. You can help us escape her tidal wave if she aims it at me." Lucy answered.

"Of course I am." Iskander said feeling annoyed.

"Gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!" Lucy called out using her golden celestial key.

Among the bright flashes came out a blue haired woman with a golden headband and mermaid's carrying a water jar.

"Wow fish!" Happy said drooling. "That's pretty cool!" he also said.

"That's the power of a celestial wizard. Whenever I use my gate keys. I can summon spirits from other worlds unlike Iskander." Lucy said before lower herself to meet Aquarius's level. "Listen up Aquarius! I want you to use your power to push back that ship into the port." Lucy ordered.

"Ugh." Aquarius said with great attitude pointed towards Lucy.

"Your supposed to help me! Not give me attitude!" Lucy barked.

"I wouldn't make her her any angrier if I were you." Happy said fearing for his life.

"Let's get something straight. If you so much as let someone else even touch my key. You're dead." Aquarius said giving the evil eye to Lucy before going underwater and sucking all she could into her water jar.

The moment she resurfaced, she yelled with great force as she created a giant tidal wave hitting the ship and almost Lucy has Iskander not pulled her in. By the time it was over, the ship hit the beach and fell on its side.

"Can you try to avoid taking me with the ship?" Lucy asked.

"Oh that was an accident, I didn't mean to get the ship." Aquarius said with possible hints of sarcasm.

"You were right about her aiming for you big sis." Shirou said.

"Don't call me for a while. I'm going on a week long vacation with my boyfriend and he's hot." she said before leaving.

"So much for your strongest celestial key." Iskander said.

"Yes, but she would never handle guys like Karna or Dioscuri twins." Shirou said.

"Hey I got an idea! If the fish lady gives you any trouble, just call me to take care of it." Happy said optimistically.

"Weren't you just afraid of her?" Lucy asked making a storm cloud go over Happy's head.

"Hey is that Natsu?" Shirou asked.

"Iskander return to me for now." Lucy said getting a nod as he returned to Lucy as a beam of energy.

Meanwhile Natsu removed his jacket and proceeded to beat up Salamander's thugs, "My name is Natsu and I'm a Fairy Tail wizard and I've never seen you before!" he said to Salamander who looked ready to piss himself.

"Your telling that guy is in Fairy Tail?" Shirou asked shocked at the revelation.

"That mark on his arm. This guy is the real deal Bora!" said one of the thugs with panic stricken face.

"Don't call me that you fool!" Salamander said.

"I know him. That's Bora the Prominence. Rumor has it he was kicked out of the Titan Nose guild a couple of years ago for bad behavior." Happy stated.

"I'm not going to let you dirty the Fairy Tail guild's name." Natsu declared slowly making his way to Bora.

"What are you going to do to stop me? Prominence Typhoon!" Bora yelled setting where Natsu was standing ablaze.

"Wow this is so gross. Are you really sure your a fire wizard? Because these are the nastiest flames I've tasted." Natsu said with his mouth full of fire as if he were eating again.

Everyone screamed in shocking, including Lucy who was confused by the pink haired boy's ability. Natsu finished swallowing the flames scaring Bora. Happy mentions that Natsu can't be harmed by fire magic.

"Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu yelled blowing a stream of fire through his hands destroying the group except for Bora who was in the sky with his prominence magic.

"Hey Bora, I swear I've seen this guy before. The pink hair and the scaly looking scarf, there's no doubt about it. He's gotta be the real one." one of the thugs said.

"Salamander!?" Lucy and Shirou asked.

"I hope you guys are paying attention! Because this is what a Fairy Tail wizard can do!" Natsu exclaimed dashing at Bora with his fists covered in flames.

"Red Shower!" Bora fired at Natsu who avoided all the purple beams.

Natsu proceeded to jump and punch Bora in the face and send him back into the earth.

"What kind of magic is that?" Shirou asked.

"Dragon lungs for breathing fire, dragon scales for dissolving fire, and dragon claws for attacking with fire. His kind of fire magic is the one where his body allows him to take the body of a dragon. It was originally made to deal with dragons." Happy explained.

Everyone could see Natsu beating Bora to a bloody pulp and threatening to cook Bora into a smoked fish.

"It's called Dragon Slayer magic." Happy said.

Then Bora crashed into several buildings and is assumed to have been defeated.

"Amazing!" Shirou said with wide eyes.

"They overdid it." Lucy said.

"Aye!" Happy said.

"Shut it you stupid cat." Lucy said before they turned to the sounds of multiple footsteps revealing several knights making their way to them. "The army?" she asked with fear as her outfit reverted to its original form.

"Crap we have to get out of here!" Natsu yelled dragging Shirou and Lucy away with him.

"Where are you taking us!?" Lucy demanded.

"Come on you said you wanted to join the Fairy Tail guild didn't you?" Natsu asked giving Lucy a smile while she looked at him in surprise. "So let's go!"

"Alright!" Lucy said.

Some time later, Fairy Tail guild

Natsu kicked the door down, "We made it back alive!" he yelled.

"We're home!" Happy announced.

"So I heard you went all out in Hargeon, Natsu. Had to go start trouble..." the buck toothed guild member was interrupted with a kick to the face.

"What did you do that for?" Lucy asked with concern for the other guild member.

"You lied about that other Salamander! I'm gonna kick your butt!" Natsu proclaimed.

"Don't get mad at me. I'm not the one to blame here. I'm just passing along a rumor I heard." the other man argued.

"It was just a rumor?" Natsu asked.

"You want to fight?"

"Let's go!"

Then suddenly a riot broke out as Lucy was left in amazement that she was in a guild hall.

"Big sis should we do something?" Shirou asked only to receive silence.

"Wow I'm actually standing inside the Fairy Tail guild hall." Lucy said with excitement.

Then some half naked guy was marching to Natsu. Then someone wearing a bikini top and no shirt said something about not dating me without class. After that, a man in school boy clothes with wooden sandals said something about being a man before being knocked out in one punch.

"Isn't there someone who's sane in this place?" Shirou asked.

"Hello, are you new here?" both turned to see a white haired woman in a red dress.

"Hey its that lady from your magazine big sis." Shirou said.

"That's Mirajane." Lucy said trying to restrain her inner fangirlism. "Um, don't you think we should try to stop them or something?" she asked pointing at the small riot.

"It's always like this around here. I just leave them alone. Besides..." Mirajane was interrupted by Elfman who fell on her. "It's kind of fun, don't you think? Before her soul started to leave her body." she asked.

"Aah! Don't die, Mirajane!" Lucy yelled.

Gray soon crashed into Lucy, "Give me back my underwear jerk!" he yelled at Natsu who was waving them around like a flag. the naked mage turned his eyes to Lucy who was grossed out, "Excuse me miss can I borrow your underwear?" he asked casually.

"As if!" Lucy yelled smacking him away with her staff.

Shirou caught Gray and kicked him into the air like a soccer ball, "Get the heck out of you stupid pervert!" he yelled.

Suddenly Loke lifted Lucy up like a princess, "These guys are all so insensitive. A woman has needs..." Shirou dropped kicked his face sending him across the hall.

"Are you ok big sis?" Shirou asked before dodging a punch from Elfman and tossing him across the hall with Loke.

"I am, but I think Mirajane needs to be revived." Lucy said as the poor barmaid's soul was trying to escape.

"Ugh, it's so loud. So much for having a drink to relax. That's enough you guys. I suggest you knock it off." Cana said pulling out a card.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Gray asked forming his ice magic in his palm.

Elfman roared as his arm turned into a stone like material.

"You punks are such a nuisance." Loke said as he activated the magic in his ring.

Natsu started to surround his fists with fire, "I'm ready for you" he said.

"Is it always like this?" Shirou asked Happy.

"Aye!" Happy answered.

"You don't seem worried!" Shirou said as he was amazed by Happy's smile staying in place.

"This is going to be a pain. I guess I should show them a little power before the tryouts." Lucy said with a smirk.

"Try not to hurt them big sis." Shirou said smirking back.

"Huh? What's Lucy going to do?" Happy asked feeling out of the loop.

(Those Who Fight Further -Orchestra Version-)

While everyone was focused on starting world war 3, Lucy quickly changed into her Dress of Heaven. Before anyone noticed that the lovely shrine maiden turned into an angelic beauty. Lucy quickly slammed her hand onto the ground creating a large magic circle with foreign runes that began to light up the whole guild hall.

"Magic Cancel!" Lucy said as the magic started to grow more powerful and snuffed everyone's power.

"Hey my flames!" Natsu whined.

"My ice!" Gray yelled.

"My alcohol! Oh and my cards too." Cana said realizing she spilled her drink.

One by one everyone noticed that their magical ability was cancelled out. The scary part was they couldn't attempt to reconnect or use it at all. Before anyone could continue to complain or freak out about the magical rune that appeared and now disappeared. A giant dark figure appeared and stomped on Natsu.

"Master, I didn't know you were still here." Mirajane said happily after regaining her consciousness.

"That's the master?" Shirou asked shaking as she hid behind Lucy's legs.

(End of Song)

"Shirou stay close." Lucy said preparing herself seeing as the Master was likely beyond her level.

"Ah I see we have a new member!" the giant figure said looking at Lucy.

"That's right sir." Lucy said keeping her bravery active for Shirou's sake.

The figure stepped forward and quickly shrunk into a miniature elderly man wearing an orange outfit with a strange hat that looked like horns.

"Your the Fairy Tail guild master?" Lucy asked in shock.

"Yes, meet master Makarov!" Mirajane said.

Makarov narrowed his eye looking closely at Lucy's chosen attire. A tint of blush appeared on his cheeks at the sight of her bust being revealed. Makarov wasn't one to speak about proper attire considering Mirajane would pose for bikini photo shoots and other girls like Levy and Cana would walk around in a revealing bikini top. His eyes turned to the small child behind her, Shirou.

The two looked different other than their eye and skin pigments. So there was a slight chance the two were either siblings or just as close. The boy's attire was a black outfit with a single red sleeved jacket over it and a red headband over his forehead. Even in his current form, Makarov still intimidated Shirou.

"And who might you be young lady and young man?" Makarov asked in a grandfatherly tone.

"I'm Lucy and this rugrat is my little brother Shirou." Lucy answered in a friendly tone.

"So you two want to join Fairy Tail?" Makarov asked.

"We sure do! My big sis is a really powerful wizard! She even has a title too!" Shirou said with excitement.

"Shirou don't embarrass me." Lucy said with a blush.

"But big sis." Shirou whined making the old man laugh.

"It's nothing to be ashamed about. What do they call you Lucy?" Makarov asked.

"I know! I heard someone call her a Holy Maiden!" Happy spoke up.

Makarov laughed and went to walk away to give his speech, "That's an interesting name. Nice to meet you Holy Mai- Mai- Mai- MAIDEN!?" he yelled.

"What's wrong with him?" Happy asked turning to Mirajane who was whiter than her hair.

'With that complexion, I swear she looks like Justeaze.' Lucy thought wondering their reactions to her title.

"YOU'RE THE HOLY MAIDEN OF LIGHT!?" Makarov yelled at Lucy while unintentionally getting some spit in his face.

Lucy looked around as everyone minus a small handful of people like Natsu were stunned at the revelation.

"It's one of the names people gave me." Lucy answered nervously although physically indifferent.

"I think I should give my announcements before I... settle this." Makarov said wondering why a freelancer with such a high reputation would choose to join Fairy Tail of all places.

After the speech

After Makarov gave the speech about the trouble and destruction they caused despite not liking the council. Which not many people were very enthusiastic to respond to due to the fact someone supposedly more frightening than Erza wanted to join the guild. So putting aside all the late news with the council blaming Fairy Tail for destruction of property (yet again) and a new member who isn't your typical recruit.

For Lucy, she just lied her head against the counter sighing at people knowing her for her reputation. Not even that drunk lady complaining about the men would go near her.

"Maybe I should I have mentioned you by your books big sis." Shirou said scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"At least then people would come and talk to me." Lucy said.

"I'm not scared of you Lucy. I still see you as a new friend." Happy said landing in front of her.

"Thanks Happy." Lucy said before Natsu joined in.

"I bet it's nothing. Besides, I'll show you who's a real man around here by the end of the week Looney!" Natsu said.

"Its Lucy!" Lucy corrected.

"I expected something like that to come out of Elfman's mouth." Mirajane said checking inventory from the bar.

"Hey Mirajane, was it like this when you were on the field?" Shirou asked knowing the barmaid wasn't always a barmaid.

"Maybe before I developed a positive personality." Mirajane answered remembering she wasn't exactly the kind soul she is now since it was her sister Lisanna's job to be the nice sister back in the day.

"Come on not all S rank mages are that scary. Look at Laxus. He's still the same jerk as ever." Natus said.

"Yeah he's a jerk and all, but they said your new friend is scarier than Erza." Gray said coming up to the bar.

"Put some clothes on you pervert!" Shirou yelled drop kicking the half naked man.

"Hahaha! I like this kid already!" Natsu said patting the redhead on the back.

Gray came back with his clothes back on, "Of course you would. He's just another flame brain in the making." he said glaring at the kid.

"Well your a pervert and I bet you have a lame power!" Shirou said glaring back.


"Dirty old man!"

"I'm 18! Who are you calling old!?" Gray demanded.

"Then I guess your immature!" Shirou yelled back.

"Shirou that's enough. What do I always say?" Lucy asked in a motherly tone.

"Little kids and and big kids as dumb as little kids aren't worth it." Shirou answered reluctantly.

"Who are you calling dumb?" Gray demanded.

"Who do you think popsicle?" Natsu asked with a laugh.

"Why you!" Gray raised his fist only to be interrupted by the voice of another child.

"How come my dad hasn't come back yet?" everyone turned to a little boy talking to Makarov who was drinking.

"You're starting to work my nerves Romeo. You're a wizard's son have faith in your father and wait patiently for him." Makarov replied.

"But sir! He said he would be back in three days and he's been gone for over a week now!" Romeo argued.

"If I remember correctly, he took the job on Mount Hokobe." Makarov said.

"That's right and it's not that far from here. So why won't someone go look for him?" Romeo asked.

"Listen kid your old man's a wizard. And like every other wizard in this guild he can take care of himself. Now go home, have some milk and cookies, and wait!" Makarov ordered.

"Jerk!" Romeo yelled as he punched the elderly guild master knocking him off of the counter. "I hate you all!" Romeo yelled.

Suddenly Natsu punched a hole in the board. Makarov sighed as Natsu and Happy left the guild hall. From what Lucy overheard, the other members assume he's going to Mount Hakobe to look for their lost guild member.

"Just leave him be." Makarov said.

"Just because we're all members of Fairy Tail. It doesn't mean we don't have our own personal issues." Mirajane said as she saw the pink haired boy leave to look for Romeo's father.

From there Mirajane went on to explain Natsu's upbringing as an orphan who was raised by a dragon named Igneel. The guild members scoffed at the idea since they didn't believe in the legendary beasts. Lucy did from her encounter with a certain high ranking dragon who deemed her worthy of summoning him, but not on a whim. Someone of his status is not a puppy dog that will arrive at the sound of a bell.

Listening to her story, Lucy understood how Natsu saw himself in Romeo as he was patiently waiting for his father's return. Something Natsu has been doing ever since Igneel disappeared. Shirou felt inspired by the story as he was left alone to perish had he not been sent to be taken care of and raised by Lucy. There were times when he felt closer to Lucy than just an adoptive sibling because of the past years he spent with her. In the end, this was enough resolve for the two go out and help Natsu on his quest.

"Well that's it. I'm gonna go help Natsu!" Lucy said.

"And I'm coming too!" Shirou said as he got up and followed Lucy who wanted to go after Natsu.

"Lucy, Shirou wait!" Makarov called out making them stop. "You two can't join a wizard from another guild when they're out on a mission." he said making them look down. "Not at least you join the same guild." he said happily as he passed the stamp to Mirajane who smiled.

"Do you mean...?" Lucy trailed off as Makarov spoke up.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Makarov said proudly.

"But I thought you were afraid of me joining." Lucy said.

"Nonsense, sure I was caught off guard, but that's because it's not everyday an S level mage wants to join a guild out of the blue. I'm sure with time, everyone will get used to you. Fairy Tail is a guild where each member treats each other like family after all." Makarov explained.

"And Shirou, can he join too?" Lucy asked looking at the younger boy.

"So long as he can hold his own. But he will still need some supervision. So what do you say? Will you join us?" Makarov asked.

"I want my mark in crimson. Right here!" Shirou said pointing at his right bicep.

Mirajane giggled, "Your a strong and handsome young man aren't you Shirou? I bet all the ladies will be after you with muscles like those." she teased making the boy's cheeks match his hair.

"I'll take a pink one on the back of my hand." Lucy said once Mirajane was finished with Shirou.

A while later

Lucy and Shirou managed to catch up with Natsu who got a ride on a wagon. Lucy was subjected to watching Natsu's motion sickness. Which was rather strange to watch up until they arrived revealing a powerful snow storm which was ironic considering it was the middle of summer. The world of magic was a strange one indeed, but who likes living a boring life. Can I get a raise of hands?

Once off, Lucy felt cold, but knew Shirou had it worse and ripped away Natsu's blanket from his bag ignoring his objections. To further keep him warm, she summoned one of her celestial spirits, Horologium and placed him inside of the grandfather clock.

"Thank you big sis. He says gratefully." Horologium said... is he going to do this work for me?

"I guess I will." Horologium said.

"But it would help if you didn't do it after I spoke." the celestial spirit added.

"Horologium who are you talking to?" Lucy asked.

"Oh no one Ms. Lucy." he lied. 'Now I know how other people must feel.' Horologium thought before being annoyed at being a narrator who is being narrated.

The group continued to move as Natsu explained Macao went off on a mission to slay a Vulcan.

"Rest in peace Leonard Nimoy." said the author despite being a Star Wars fan and finding the Star Trek fandom to be redundant and stupid as the video game Fortnite, bottle flipping, fidget spinners and anything children find interesting that was created before the year 1999. Cue the comments.

As the search for Macao continued, Natsu and Happy were ambushed by a black and white furred ape like creature.

"That's a big vulcan!" Happy said.

The Vulcan soon ran and picked up a panic stricken Lucy, "Big sis! He yells with worry." thanks Horologium.

A while later, at a cave

Lucy managed to break free of the vulcan's grip just in time for Natsu to slip and fall sliding next to her. Shirou and Happy arrived shortly after by Lucy's side.

Natsu quickly recovered, "Stupid monkey where is my friend? Tell me where he is!" he ordered.

"Man!" the vulcan pointed towards a hole in the wall.

"I think he's going to show me!" Natsu said looking out the hole before anyone could stop him.

The vulcan quickly shoved Natsu out leaving him to fall for his death screaming monkey, "Natsu!" Shirou and Lucy yelled.

"No like man! Me like woman!" cheered the vulcan.

"This is bad! Natsu can't survive from this height big sis!" Shirou said.

"We can at least deal with the monkey man first." Lucy said reaching for her staff and slamming it on the ground. "If you heed my call and obey my will and reason. Then answer my summoning!"

Suddenly a circle surrounded them as a nearly ten foot tall man with a metal bull's helmet appeared carrying two axes.

"You call? Sister?" Asterios asked.

"No touch my woman!" the vulcan commanded.

"You no dare touch sister!" Asterios yelled as he made the sound of a beast and dashed at the vulcan smashing the ground beneath him.

The vulcan managed to escape and although Asterios wasn't fast. He noticed Natsu trying to kick him only for the Berserker to move out of the way and land a punch on the dragon slayer's stomach knocking the wind out of him. Thus leaving the pink haired boy twitching on the ground while Shirou fired several arrows at the vulcan who was throwing ice spikes at them.

Asterios managed to pick up the slack and stab the vulcan's arm before repeatedly punching it in the face. Not finished their, he picked him up by the back of the head and slammed his face into the ice a few times before tossing him into the wall of ice and knocking him out.

"Good, but now we can't figure out where..." Lucy stopped as a cloud of smoke appeared and revealed a wounded man with blue hair.

"Um big sis?" Shirou asked.

"I'll see what I can do." Lucy said as her arms hands revealed green orbs.

As this went on, Natsu regained consciousness and explained that Happy saved him from the fall. Lucy asked about Happy being a mode of transportation only for Natsu to say Happy was his friend and not a vehicle. Lucy realized her mistake and put it aside to heal Macao who took a good beating from Asterio's brute strength.

Macao woke up later revealing that one surviving vulcan out of the 20 he was supposed to kill possessed him. So that impressed Lucy that he was able to take 19 on before falling. With that out of the way and learning what really happened, the group helped Macao up and took him back to the guild. To where the father would be reunited with his son.

Back at the guild

As the father and son reunited, Romeo thanked the group for helping to bring Macao back home. Lucy smiled at the grateful boy and was rather happy about being accepted into a guild. Seeing that Makarov was true in his words about acceptance. Maybe the place really was like family, even if they all like to fight and destroy the guild hall all the time. For now, Lucy just wanted to retire for the day with Shirou after a long trip from Mount Hokobe.

Leaving the pair to only imagine how the next day as members of a guild would turn out. Knowing if there are other people like Natsu, then it sure wasn't going to be boring.


Author's Note: Wow a story that's not about Naruto! That's right, this time we'll be joining Lucy as our favorite blonde. The poor boy already has enough on his plate so it's best I give him a vacation. I can literally write a list of how many bad things I've done to him, but that would take so long. So instead, here's Lucy not wearing a mini skirt all the time.