AN: I'M SORRY FOR THE LONG UPDATE. I have been relatively busy nowadays :(( I also can't believe some of your guys got it right! hehe and i know most of you guys have been asking about the bracelet and nooo I did not forget! I think it's just hard to Sasuke to ask during the time when he told Sakura how he felt because she was waaaaaay too sad! But I will definitely find a good opportunity for sasuke to request it back hmmm hopefully a solo time for the two again! I'm sorry but I really enjoy writing tragedies and sad scenes between two people HEHE.

I hope you guys enjoy this relatively long chapter! Do enjoy and let me know hehe


Karin wasn't having it when Jugo and Suigetsu suggested to return to Oto. Hinata was still nowhere to be found. They were supposed to be back at their camp by five, but it was already eight into the night. There was no way she was going to just leave her be, especially when she was someone who possessed one of the greatest eyes.

"Karin, you need to calm down. Hinata is a strong girl. Let's head back to Oto and we will wait for her there." Suigetsu said. "It's late, our supplies are out, and it seems like it's going to rain soon. It's not feasible to stay out. We are in the middle of the forest and the nearest place is back to Oto."

"Someone might be digging her eyes out right now!" Karin argued, fuming.

Jugo exhaled and stepped in. "Do you sense her chakra?"

"I can't." She choked, feeling the first drop of rain.

"You're burned out from these two days of searching, Karin." It was true and Suigetsu wasn't going to let the person he cared for go down just like that. He knew she needed rest and the best way through the night was to return.

"Suigetsu and I aren't scouters, you know that Karin." Jugo stated the fact calmly. "You need to rest. We will head back to Oto and request Orochimaru-sama for help."

"But – "

"Come on, this is the best we can do. We can search all night, but we don't have the bykugan or your chakra sensing skill. Jugo's animals could only go that far." The white-haired male was at his breaking point. Karin was way too stubborn. "She will be alright." He assured in a softer voice, hands around her shoulder. "And if Sasuke really cares, I'm sure he will show up when Hinata's in trouble."

Karin pressed her lips and sighed in defeat. Indeed, if Sasuke really did care about Hinata, he would show if anything were to happen to her. She nodded in agreement and picked the small backpack on the ground.

"Let's head back and get Orochimaru-sama to help." Jugo said, leading the way but stopped in his tracks when he noticed as pigeon flying above them landed on his shoulder.

He had never seen it before. Noticing a piece of note was tied around the pigeon's leg, he lifted his brows in curiosity and signaled the messenger to land on the back of his index finger instead. He untied carefully the knot, not wanting to ruin the paper.

"What's that?" Suigetsu quizzed. "A message?"

"I have never seen this pigeon before." Jugo said, opening up the note. He could feel the drizzling of rain getting heavier.

When his eyes laid upon the paper, together with Sugietsu who was peering over his shoulders, he let out a soft chuckle. He then turned to look at the male behind him, only to receive a scoff. Jugo shrugged.

"What happened?" Karin asked.

He tossed her the note that was in his hand. "Read."

The female cocked her brows and quickly opened up on the note. Hinata's at Mizu. – S.U. She then thought that if the next time she saw her former leader, she was going to give him a serious scolding. "That bastard. He needs to make up his mind."

"Hinata must have passed out from overusing her eyes." Suigetsu added in.

"He cares." Jugo said, a small smile on his face.

"Seems like he really has a heart." Karin replied.


Sasuke took a sip of his tea.

"After years of visiting, I suppose I finally get to know your name." Enju said as she chopped the onions.

The Uchiha was puzzled. He knew his former team was searching for him and he did try his best to hide his presence from everyone. Including creating a barrier to hide himself and having to suppress his chakra made travelling harder. Leaping off branches to branches should not be taken for granted.

He was contemplating when he felt the presence of an unconscious Hinata. Whether should he simply just ignore the fact that she was left vulnerable opened to everyone, or perhaps he should at least find her a safe spot. As one of the greatest eye possessors, he knew the existence of those eye hunters out there in the shinobi world, wishing to cultivate the secrets behind those powerful eyes of theirs. She might have her eyes dug out, and it honestly wasn't his business to care.

But for some reason, he knew he wasn't going to just leave her be. So he brought her back to the place where he usually visited to recuperate even before the war. He knew Enju would help. She was good with medicinal herbs, to an extend some even sped up the rate of his eye recovery previously.

"You never ask." Sasuke deadpanned.

Enju chuckled, throwing the onions into the pot of water that was boiling. She was making soup. "Could have at least tell me you're the famous last Uchiha."

"I don't see any special in that title." Sasuke responded.

"She's looking for you."

"I know." Sasuke thought he should have left the moment he dropped her, but he wanted to stay. To ensure that she was alright, to just feel the closeness of her for just a few moments longer. "Don't tell her anything."

"It's not my business to say anything, child." A term she had always been referring him to before knowing his name. Enju tossed the remaining ingredients into the pot and covered the lid. "She strained her eyes pretty bad."

"How long will it take?"

"A week, perhaps more." Her raspy voice hid a tint of uncertainty. "She strained it worse than you. How long are you going to stay?"

"I'm leaving now."

She laughed. "Really? I'm cooking tomato soup for breakfast."

He needed food. He dropped his katana on the table again, sighing. "After soup."

"Sure." Enju was confident that this time, he was not staying for the soup. Instead, for someone else. "I hope she likes my soup."

Sasuke exited the kitchen and proceeded to the backyard. The pile of wet fabrics in the basket was still not hung yet, causing him to grunt softly. It had been a thing, whenever he dropped by here, he would be doing the chores Enju had not done. On days he wished he did not catch sight of those incomplete task because he knew if he did, he would do it without a doubt.

He hung the poles up horizontally, for some reason appreciating the morning light that was hitting his face. Hanging of clothes simply reminded him of the day he was stuck at the temple with that maddening Hyuga. He wondered what Hinata had to say to him, especially in regard to her mentioning about telling him everything. What exactly was everything?

Was it a final proper way to reject him? As tough as his heart was after all those years, only idiots would sign up for another round of breaking. He already knew her answer, he did not need to hear it physically and mentally destroy himself over her answer. If he could, he would wish to avoid her for the rest of his life, or at least for the time being, for he did not know how long it would be.

He wasn't going to forget about the promise he made to Sakura about the fireworks festival. The answer he had provided her wasn't the best, but he hated breaking promises just like that. He knew she would still appreciate it if he showed up at least, even if it wasn't for her. But if Sakura could take his rejection properly, even though she was balling her eyes out, why was he so afraid?

Maybe he was just so tired of losing people.

"Child, the soup's ready!"

Sasuke hung the last piece of clothing and wiped his slightly damp hands against his pants before making his way towards the kitchen. He took a bowl from the cabinet and handled it to Enju, watching her as she scooped a ladle full of soup. He caught a whiff of the tomato soup, causing his stomach to grumble softly.

Enju handled him the bowl but pulled back before he could take it. "This is not for you. But I'm handling you this so you can feed her."

"Feed?" Sasuke frowned. "Why am I the one doing it. Can't she do it herself?"

"You brought her to me. I am not taking care of her needs other than her eyes or anything that isn't appropriate for a male to handle. Plus, if she dirtied by blanket with soup, are you going to wash them for me?" Enju sternly responded. "Take the soup and feed her."

Maybe he should leave. But despite all the constant debate within himself, he knew he would choose to stay. So he unwillingly took the bowl of hot soup and proceeded towards the room where Hinata was resting. He stood outside the door, feeling the heat of the soup burning his hand as he hesitated to knock.

Doing things like this would not help him at all. There was no way he would put her down completely, forget about her if he was still constantly around. He needed to go, he should not be staying at all, even if he really wanted to.

He spun himself around, preparing to return to the kitchen but only to have Enju staring at him across the hallway. Her hands were resting on her hip, like a stern grandma as she signaled him to enter the room. "Don't make me." She threatened.

Sasuke knew she meant by revelation. So he sucked it up and admitted to fate before giving a few soft knocks. He waited for a few second, determining it was enough for the lady inside to be prepared for a stranger entrance before he slid opened the door.

"Who's that?" She sat up slowly and quizzed with a groggy voice. She must had just woken up.

Sasuke kept mum and sat beside her. He placed the soup down and grabbed onto her hand again, tracing kanji characters onto it.

Enju made soup.

"Good morning, Shin-san." She greeted politely. "Thank you for the soup."

I am feeding you. Enju do not want the blanket to be dirty.

"Ah." Hinata nodded. She could hear the metal soup hitting the ceramic bowl. "Sorry for the trouble." She muttered.

The metal spoon touched her lips, and surprisingly it wasn't as hot as how she had expected it would be. Perhaps the person in front of her was cooling it down with his breath. She opened her mouth, taking in the soup slowly. "Have you taken breakfast?"

Not yet. After you.

She chortled. "Am I too troublesome?"

A little.

She laughed louder. "Gomen, Shin-san." The soup reached her lips again. "Is there a message back?"

Hinata was slightly confused at the fact that none of the members of Team Taka had seek for her despite her sending the message. Did the pigeon fail to deliver? It was raining yesterday's night before she fell asleep so perhaps, they could have been taking shelter first since her safety was already a given. Maybe they would show up this afternoon.

No. Waiting for one?

"Not really." She shook her head. "The tomato soup is nice. Do you like tomatoes?"


"Sasuke-san likes tomatoes too. He once mentioned he loves his mother's tomatoes onigiri. I think he will like this soup."

He seems important.

She simply nodded. "Everyone's important to me, Shin-san. But for Sasuke-san, he holds a little more weight. I just need to let him know that."

More weight?

"Yea, just more weight." She wasn't revealing much. "Do you think he will forgive me?"

Feeding her the last spoonful of soup, he suddenly felt a loss in appetite. He watched her licked her lips, taking in every last essence of the soup and almost enticing him to kiss her again. He absently clutched onto her fingers, allowing the warmth of her hands to remind him that she was there, that she was close to him and that that he really wished he could hold onto it for a much longer time.


Feeling for her palm and brushing against the mild calluses that was probably caused by her childhood intense training, he thought it would be best for him to go. To take some time for himself.

Hinata had clearly shown that she wanted his forgiveness but Sasuke never once blamed her for anything. He was simply just mad, and he needed to time to cool off, to settle his feelings in hope it will eventually die down so that was the reason why he was avoiding her. How could he blame her for disregarding his feelings anyways? Who was he to do that?

He was the one that was constantly catching her off guard, confusing her and at the same time confusing himself too. He was the cause of this entire annoying episode between him and Hinata. He should be the one requesting for forgiveness, and he ought to do that when he felt ready to see her again. Just not now.

He traced one final word on her palm before exiting the room.


A soft gasp escaped her lips after a few minutes of his departure as Hinata whispered to herself upon realization. "S-Sasuke-san…"


Sasuke stood outside the doors of Sakura's home. It had been a full week ever since the last time they met. It wasn't the greatest meeting previously, but he was glad he managed to get his thoughts to her. He knew she must not had it great.

After leaving Hinata to the hands' of Enju, he quickly made his way back to Konoha, wishing to retrieve the bracelet back from Sakura – something he had forgotten to during their depressed session. He needed to get it back, for no matter what, it held something special to him. He thought he could at least have one final reminder for him about Hinata, just like how the Uchiha's blood was running in him reminded him constantly about his brother, and his clan.

He could wait out, but he was sure Hinata would stop travelling after her eyes recovered. She would return to Konoha, making it a lot harder for him to drop by without bumping into her. He did not want to live a sneaky life around Konoha. If he was to visit, he wanted to visit comfortably.

But Sakura wasn't at the hospital and according to the medics, she had been showing up inconsistently to work with puffy eyes and dark eye circles. Everyone could possibly deduce by then what actually happened, especially right after Sasuke Uchiha appeared at Konoha Hospital seeking for the kunoichi.

He gave the door a few knocks, full of hesitation knowing that Sakura's parents would not be very keen to meet the person who had broken their daughter's heart. He just needed to pass through the parent level, and straight to Sakura. The door swung opened, revealing a very tired looking female he was seeking for.

Sasuke felt his heart ached for a moment, at the sight of a good friend and a good comrade looking the worst he had seen, and he was the one who caused it. His brows furrowed and without waiting for her permission to enter, he pushed himself into her house.

"What are you doing?" Sakura rebuked.

"Sakura, what happened to you?"

The pink head scoffed. "Are you really asking me that question?" Her lips were shaking, and Sasuke could tell that she was trying to fight back from a round of breakdowns.

"Sakura, I didn't come here to make you even angrier than you already are." Sasuke explained. "You don't look so well. Have you eaten? Where are your parents?"

"They are out." Her arms are folded as she looked away from him. "I ate a bread."

"Just a bread?" Sasuke sighed. Seeing how she was still willing to talk and even replying to his question, he knew she wasn't mad at him. Perhaps just wasn't ready. "Do you have something to cook?" He quizzed.

"I'm not in the mood, Sasuke-kun. What do you want?"

"I just want to see how you have been doing."

A frown flawed her face. "Sasuke-kun, I am clearly not doing well. And I know it's my fault for having way too much expectations on us but what can I do? Could you please just let me be?"

"Sakura, I… Sorry."

"No." She bit her lips, tears forming around her eyes. "I don't need your apology. It's not going to change how you feel about me and it's not going to make me feel any better than how I am now too. I just needed time for myself right now. Some time away from you too."

It was definitely the worst timing to request for his bracelet. How could he even drop the question now? "I don't feel great seeing you like this too, Sakura."

"I don't need you to feel great, Sasuke!" Her voice raised, allowing the first tear to drop. "I just need to get over you, stop feeling like I need to stay in my room all the time and get back to the hospital to do my usual job of saving people. I just need you to stay away, for me to recover." She paused, voice shaking. "P-Please."

"Listen to – " Sasuke stopped, feeling the familiar kyuubi chakra behind the door. He knew who it was, and the person didn't seem to be moving at all.

Not wanting anyone to be listening to their entire conversation, he grunted and spun himself around, hands placing onto the doorknob and opened the door. The blue-eyed boy standing in front of him was clearly taken aback, face frozen and body stiffened at the sight of a rather stern looking Uchiha.

Shikamaru, standing beside Naruto merely let out an annoyed 'tch'.

"What are you standing there for?" Sasuke quizzed, ignoring the sound of Sakura's soft sniffing.

Naruto stared at him in disbelief as a frown marred his face. "What else can we be here for? To have a party?"

"Sakura." Shikamaru butted in between the duo and looked towards the pink head. "We are here to ask you out for lunch. We can invite Ino along if you wish."

"It's fine." She shook her head. "I just needed some rest. Can you guys do me a favor and leave me be for the moment?"

"But Sakura-chan! It's good –"

For once, the Uchiha and the Nara worked together to stop the loud blonde from talking. A small smile appeared on Shikamaru's face as he nodded. "Okay. Anything you need, you can look for us."

"But wait – "

"Naruto." Sasuke butted in, glaring at the male. "Let's go."

A sigh escaped her chapped lips as she rubbed the remnant of tears away. Sakura knew deep within her she would get better eventually, and she needed the time to recover by herself. She gave Shikamaru a nod and apologized to Naruto for not being able to join before turning her attention to the Uchiha.

"Thank you, Sasuke-kun." She muttered and closed the door, leaving the trio by her doorstep.

"Have a good rest." Sasuke said, almost with a smile before deciding to take off. The bracelet could wait, Sakura's healing should be the priority.

Things weren't going well for him. It was a complete mess and he had absolutely no idea on how he could actually make anything, or anyone feel better. And that one person he was trying to avoid was desperately trying to seek for him to the extent of severely straining her eyes. Naruto, or anyone in the village would perhaps kill him if they were to find out. Especially Hiashi. Who cares about him being his savior?

"Oi Sasuke!" Naruto shouted, stopping him by grabbing onto his shoulders and pulling him back.

"Naruto, do not cause any ruckus over here." Shikamaru advised, knowing the temper of the blonde.

"What the hell happened?" The loudmouth questioned, eyes filled with rage. "Why did you reject Sakura?"

Sasuke shrugged his hand off and growled. "I can't seem to like Sakura. I can't lie to her." His stole a glance at the genius, knowing that he knew the deeper detail of his reasoning too.

"What? You two were having dates and Sakura has been waiting for you for so long!"

Did that matter? So was Hinata but Naruto clearly had chosen the patriotism over love. What gave him the very right to attack? Sasuke inhaled deeply. "Do you really want to go there?"

"Sakura had been like this for the entire week because of you." Naruto grabbed onto Sasuke's collar and pulled him closer. "She has been crying every single day!"

"And how do you think Hinata would feel knowing that you have chosen Konoha over her?" Sasuke finally snapped. He brought both his hands up and pushed the blonde away from him, eyes slightly red with anger. "Do you know how stupid she is, constantly still waiting for you to give her the answer she wishes to hear."

"Why is this on me right now?" Naruto retaliated.

"Why can't you just give Hinata an answer straight away? Why is the hero of Konoha so afraid of telling the truth? And here you're, giving me crap about how I was wrong to tell Sakura that I can't be with her. At least I've the balls to tell her how I feel, at least I don't make her wait for me full of hope. What did you do, Naruto?"

Shikamaru would kill to get out of the friendship argument he was in. He should really consider taking up some mediator job instead. The trio was still standing out of Sakura's home and Shikamaru knew how loud their voices could be in correlation to their rising anger. He needed to get them out, to provide Sakura a peaceful resting time and not having villagers strolling pass and staring at them judgmentally.

He brought his fingers up and activated his shadow controlling jutsu, allowing his shadow to extend to theirs. "We will settle it at the top of the Hokage's tower."

That would be the best place to go. The training ground would definitely provoke a physical fight between the two. He pooled chakra around the bottom of his feet and leaped off towards the roof, causing the two that was being controlled to follow his footsteps exactly. They seemed compliant, not even a sign of recalcitrant.

When they reached the tower, Shikamaru released them instantly.

"Naruto, listen to Sasuke." He wasn't taking sides. He just understood how Sasuke felt, and he did appreciate him telling Sakura the truth, rather than what Naruto had been doing to Hinata.

"What does he have to say? And what the hell do you mean by Hinata's waiting, what do you even know about her?" The blonde argued. There ought to be something going on between the duo.

"What did Hinata say to you?" Naruto continued to probe as he started putting the evidences together. Hinata had decided not to show up at his barbeque birthday dinner and Sasuke surprisingly did. Did he really return for his celebration or was he searching for someone?

He took a step forward, watching as his hunched form remained silent from his words and yet, exuding an animosity that was potent. "Sasuke!" He raised his voice, demanding an answer from the male.

Every word that flew out of Naruto's mouth only fueled the fire that was burning in Sasuke. "You never pay attention to her, at all." He finally spoke.


"You never understand how shitty she must have been feeling through the time of your stupid hold off of the relationship. That idiot has been waiting for you. She won't stop till she gets an answer from you, but you are here, hiding behind the piles and piles of papers Kakashi gives you and keeps on delaying in providing her the answer you already have." Burning rage hissed through his body like poison as he fought the urge to activate his sharingan.

"What's the deal with you Naruto? The entire Konoha sees you as the hero but behind of those heroic actions you have built for yourself simply lies a fucking selfish coward who doesn't want to tell his ex the truth."

Shikamaru was prepared to seek for Kakashi in case the duo broke off into a fight. He knew his capability would be of no match to them two combined. But Sasuke was right. And he honestly did not want to look like as if he was taking sides but Sasuke was right at every single point he made. Naruto was indeed a pussy.

"Naruto." Shikamaru called, earning the attention of the distressed male. His eyes were wide, mouth opened and body frozen. "Sasuke's right."

"Right?" He choked. "He – Hinata has not been waiting for me!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

"What the fuck do you even know about Hinata?"

A scoff escaped from the Uchiha's lips. He was appalled by how clueless his friend could be and he had no time or the patience to be explaining to him how was did he even manage to know so much about the female Hyuga. He just needed to clear all the mess he had created.

"Sasuke, I suggest it's good to tell Naruto." Shikamaru said, directing towards his infatuation towards Hinata. "He has to know. I assume Sakura's smart enough to figure why you did that."

He agreed. He found no reason to hide anyways. "Hinata's different." Sasuke revealed with a heavy heart. "I care for her enough to know that she's still waiting. So if there's some part of you that still cares about her, tell her the truth."

The atmosphere between them took an instant dull turn. No one spoke for the next couple of minutes. Sasuke thought he could keep it down and buried it somewhere deep within him, pretending like this whole liking of Hinata never existed and hopefully Naruto would not know about it. He did not want a fight, or any misunderstanding. But now, he did not seem to care much about how that blonde would feel; he wasn't going to get her after all.

"When did all this happen?" Naruto muttered, still trying to process the information he had received. "When did you start… seeing her in that light?"

Ignoring his question, Sasuke continued. "I came back to get something from Sakura, but I think it's better for me to return next time. Sometime later." He averted his gaze towards the Nara kid and sighed. "Shikamaru, could you help me keep an eye on Sakura. Tell her I'm sorry."

"She's a strong person." The genius assured. "A little more time and she will be fine."

"Are you seriously just going to leave like that?" Naruto wasn't convinced with the words Sasuke had given him. And he wasn't going to let him off so easily this time. "You gave Sakura so much hope and then you came back telling me you're going after Hinata, my girlfriend?"

"You two broke up, she isn't yours anymore." Sasuke argued stoically.

The pressure of the rage within him was tempting him to spill things he knew he would regret. He had to get out, but he couldn't. The anger was consuming him. His teeth gritted so tightly, and his fingers clenched into a fist. "You bastard!" He charged forward with a loud cry, tone full of wrath.

Sasuke stood rooted, waiting for the punch to hit him knowing how he actually did deserve a beating for his doings. Naruto was perhaps mad at his words, but he could take it as the punch was for Hinata and Sakura. Naruto continued to charge, but for some reason finding his movement to be slower than usual.

Instead of landing it straight into the chest of the Uchiha, the half formed rasengan in his palm dissolved into thin air when he felt two pairs of rough hands trying to seize him just a few meters away from the stoical male. He could feel the electricity spark running through his nerves.

"If you guys are training, the Hokage's tower isn't the place." A familiar voice reached their ears, causing the duo to lift their gaze.

"Thank goodness you came." Shikamaru heaved a sigh and dropped his hand away from Naruto's shoulder. "I thought you might need to recalculate the finance to rebuild the tower."

"I felt their tension even through this solid building. It's a good excuse for me to get out of the office." Kakashi chuckled as he gently pushed Naruto a little. "Why are you two fighting?"

"Long story." Shikamaru said, earning a surprise look from Naruto.

"Kakashi." Sasuke greeted politely. "Sorry for causing the trouble. I will be going off now."

"Take care on the road. It will be good to let me know whenever you return. You still owe me sake." The Hokage watched as Sasuke gave him a quick nod, eyes filled with guilt as he leaped off the roof of the tower.

He could feel the intense chakra running within Naruto. There was a great deal of emotions behind the silence. Something personal must had taken a toll on these two. Instead of waiting for another outrage from his successor and possibly having some of Konoha newly renovated buildings destroyed, Kakashi decided to bring up a suggestion, as well as an excuse to skip work.
