Darkness, darkness was all that surrounded the Slayer. A pocket dimension where he couldn't do anything but float. Samuel Hayden had betrayed him and taken the Demonic Crucible for himself. Although The Slayer was furious, he knew anger wouldn't solve this problem. Without Vega online, The Slayer had to figure this out himself. A thought popped into his mind, the argent energy! With all the Argent Energy cells he had absorbed he could reroute the power into forcefully jump starting the tether! The Slayer pried off some armor from his left forearm in order to access the circuitry underneath.
After multiple guesses of where the tether would have been installed, he caused a surge of argent energy and the activation of the tether… however a warning flashed on his helmet's hud "Warning! Coordinates are not set!" Almost instantly, red electricity sparked throughout the suit and began to pull the Slayer into a rift.
The Slayer began to fall into orbit of a nearby planet. He could see it was a deep blue… it finally snapped into his mind that he was headed straight for earth. The question is, which earth?
===Earth #? - 34th Century BC - The Forge===
Rose Quartz was very much worried, although Bismuth was a great asset and with her new sword she could do battle far more effectively… she needed more gempower if she wanted the rebellion to stand a chance against the diamond authority. As it stood there were only a small handful of gems who had joined this uprising; and most of which lacked any type of fighting experience what-so-ever. She needed to wage battles and conflicts against the diamond authority if she wanted to encourage more dissent on the earthbound gems.
While lost in thought, Rose failed to notice that Pearl and another Quartz recruit had walked up to her. "Rose, it seems this Quartz has something to share with you." Pearl said with a little bow. Rose quickly turned toward her to hear what she had to say. "Commander! I saw something unbelievable! I saw a human take out an entire squad of rubies and quartz!" the Quartz exclaimed in an almost panicked tone. Rose too was surprised by the claim, she quickly kneeled down, and grabbed the quartz by her hands. "Show me" was what she asked the Quartz.
===Ancient Sky Arena===
Just as Larimar was finishing some finishing touches on the pillars of the arena, she could hear some of the quartz ask why they needed to protect this gem if she was simply sculpting. The Larimar puffed up her cheeks in offense and exclaimed "I'll have you know the many of the high class gems have personally picked me to do the refinement and construction of this place thanks to some jerk Bismuth running off and defecting!" The quartz quickly shut their mouths, seeing as this gem was clearly upset.
Not even a minute later and one of the half dozen rubies notice something in the sky. "Hey… what is that?" The ruby with her gem on her right collar bone asked aloud. "What is wh-?" was all Larimar could say before the whole area shook from the object landing and destroying some of the arena, causing dust to fly into the air. Larimar sank to her knees, grabbed her head and yelled "NOOO!" at the top of her voice.
As the dust started to clear the Quartz and Rubies quickly surrounded the figure that landed. "Who are you and why are you here!" a Cherry Quartz shouted with confidence. Upon hearing this the figure that landed in the Area stood up. An armored individual revealed themselves by stepping out of the smoke and into a clear view for all the gems to see.
A few tense seconds of silence pass as the quartz repeats herself "I said who are you! Are you a gem?". The figure shook his head 'no' to the question. Faced with this answer the Red Quartz decides to take the figure into custody. "You're coming with us, greeny!" was what the Cherry Quartz said just before grabbing the person by their arm. Just before the Quartz could make contact the figure quickly grabbed the gem by the wrist and moved her hand away from him.
The Quartz struggled to break free from the armored figure's grasp but found just how strong it was. The Cherry Quartz calls out for the others to attack, quickly causing a fight to break out. In one swift motion, The armored individual headbutted the Cherry Quartz into dust. Her physical form poofed with one attack as the figure pulled out an object made of wood and metal. Another orange quartz warrior dashed forward with a wide right cross, the figure grabbed the punch with their left hand and returned the gesture with a powerful downward right handed punch to the face, the quartz hit the floor face first and skid backwards from the force of the blow, and as she came to a halt a thunderous sound rang out and shattered her form into dust.
The half dozen rubies wasted no time and began to fuse together while the last blue quartz soldier, realizing the gravity of the situation, manifested her weapon in the form of a greataxe from her palm. At the same time the figure slowly ejected two plastic cartridges from his weapon and replaced them with two new ones, all while staring down at the gems with an opaque helmet.
The blue quartz ran in and swung her axe with both hands, aiming for the figure's head, however with perfect timing the quartz was staggered by a blast from the armored individual's weapon. Before the gem could get her barrings the figure was already right next to her, the figure delivered a devastating right kick into the gem's right knee, causing it to bend backwards. The blue quartz recoiled as she struggled to retain her physical form, but by doing so she held a weak grip onto her axe, the figure quickly snatched the weapon from the gem's hands and used it to cut the quartz in-half from her midsection, reducing her to dust.
The greataxe dematerialized from the figure's hands upon the gem's defeat, and in a split second the now fused ruby unleashed a powerful punch to the armored foe, sending him into the walls of the arena. The Larimar that was working on the architect began to tear up from the stress and tried to crawl away to the warp pad in the midst of the conflict. The now fused ruby cautiously moved toward the hole in the wall, the foe didn't seem to leave the hole, but nor could the gems see if the foe was defeated. A faint blue light could be seen in the dark hole before the gem could feel what could be as small as a pebble pierce through the fusion's body at speeds they couldn't process… once again reducing the gem's physical form to dust.
The Slayer slowly walked out of the hole in the wall holding the Gauss Cannon, he briefly surveyed the arena for any other threats. His eye catches a smaller neon colored creature trying to crawl away from the battle. The Slayer debated with himself for a moment before deciding he needed to spare this one for information. He fired a warning shot with the Gauss Cannon, completely destroying a chunk of the arena to the left of the gem. The blue creature instantly stopped crawling and slowly turned around with their clawed hands up. It's face had closed eyes and sharp teeth with the head smooth with a single point on top, similar to a teardrop. The creature was shaking uncontrollably and seemed to have been leaking light blue fluid from where a nose would be.
"P-please don't p-poof me…" was all the smaller gem could manage to say as The Slayer slowly walked toward her. The man stopped in front of the gem with his large weapon in hand, the gem simply stared at the large figure with shaking legs. A few moments of silence passed as the Larimar managed to calm down enough to try and barter "I-I can help you, just please… spare me." The Slayer slowly stretched out his left arm to show the gem the damaged wiring of his suit. "You, you need help repairing your armor?" the blue gem asked tentatively. The Slayer nodded his head, "I-I can't fix it myself, but I know a Peridot could! I-I could show you where!" The Slayer gestured for her to show him and she hesitantly agreed and began to lead him to the warp pad. The two teleport in a flash of blue light.
Not ten minutes later Rose Quartz, Pearl, and the recruited Quartz soldier land on the same warp pad as they see the now damaged arena and gem hearts that had their owners recently poofed. Quickly they made haste to bubble them to avoid later conflict. "You said it was a single person?" Rose asked the Quartz "Yes, someone I've never seen before in a green armor. They seemed to have fallen from the sky… and by the looks of it, he took on three quartz and six rubies…" Rose nodded her head. If this person could be reasoned with, it may be possible to bolster her forces before inciting the full on rebellion. But then again, who's to say this new figure wouldn't also try to harm her and her forces. They couldn't be certain until they met.
Author's Note: Alright, please leave reviews if you want more of this story. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try to answer them the best I can, I always welcome constructive critiques.