pedrofaria339: It's fine

Arraia: It is updated WHEN IT'S done!

thunderofdeath97: Yeah, but Matt and Gabumon weren't exactly there, where they?

HMV Black Templar: True.

Shooting Star Dragon 3000: Yeah, Tai is going higher and higher in the world laughs

Here are reviews answered by Ghost:

Shooting Star Dragon 3000: A doy, he's gonna get a goddess. But yeah, this isn't a competition.

HMV Black Templar: Yeah, it took a little while for this to be sorted out.

thunderofdeath97: Yeah he probably could but Gabumon isn't here.

pedrofaria339: Ah, I see you're a man of culture. nods

The Keeper of Worlds: Yep, there's a lot to unpack there. chuckle

Disclaimer: We do not own Digimon. That is Toei

Co-written by GhostKaiser23


So... been a while since the last chapter, right? laughs

Alright. So... this chapter needs a LITTLE explanation.

It is a theory that early in production... Veemon was supposed to be a girl. Now this has never been confirmed but there are a few facts that lead to this
- The fact Yolei and Hawkmon where the only partners in the entire Adventure series (and when you look closer, the entire franchise until Marcus' sister in Data Squad/Savers) to not be the same gender. It seems weird to do so for just one pair
- Veemon's voice actor in the Japanese version was a woman. Not the strongest reason out there, but it just extra full for the fire
- And the last big one that I can remember... is Flamedramon. Look at Flamedramon. It is LITERALLY designed to have a sports bra/croptop look with it's armour, plus the wide hips and slender figure. Compare Flamedramon to Renamon and you see a LOT of similarities

And so... we decided to be creative this chapter. Have fun!

Tai and Agumon's Digi/Human Fun

Digimon Oneshot Series

Chapter 4A: V-Licious

It was a couple of days since Junomon and Tai's mother had joined Tai's and Agumon's respective harems... and the two had gotten back onto good terms. They were best friends after all. And Agumon promised to keep all flirtations between him, Kari and Yuuko to a minimum while Tai was there.

"So, what're you going to do today?" Yuuko asked her son and daughter.

"Going to see Joe." Tai said "The Izzy."

"Oh, that's nice." Yuuko smiled. "Don't forget to eat."

"I won't." Tai sighed, even though he didn't live there anymore, his mum was always looking out for her. He was about to give her a kiss on the cheek as he left... And then decided not to, not wanting to imagine what had happened to that cheek last night

"What's wrong?" Yuuko asked.

"Nothing." Tai answered. "I'll see you later." He gave her a hug, gave Kari a wave, before he left.

Agumon followed right behind, after giving mother and daughter a kiss "So." Agumon spoke up.

"Yeah." Tai nodded.

"Seven hours."

"Yep. That's why we're going to Joe's." Tai repeated.

"...When you say it like that it sounds like we're going to a burger shack." Agumon chuckled.


The two laughed a bit, Tai pushing his friend lightly

"Well, he is the best person to ask in this sort of situation." Agumon chuckled.

"Yeah. I wonder if Izzy's also made any progress on that 'virus' on you." Tai added

*with Izzy*

Izzy was busy at his computer, working hard making a steady schedule for Dataramon, while he tried to make some progress on the Agumon virus thing. The only problem was, Dataramon was giving him a blowjob under his desk... Yeah, he was a bit distracted

"F-Fuck!" He moaned and climaxed in her mouth, coating her tongue with his seed. Izzy had more sex in the past week or two, than he had his entire teenage life.

Dataramon seemed almost insatiable!

"Hmm~" she moaned as she held her mouth around his tip, her silver hand rapidly rubbing his rod to milk his cream into her waiting mouth and cover her teasing tongue

"W-We've been at this for ages, Dataramon." Izzy panted. "My dick might fall off."

"I doubt it. A dick this good is too amazing to fail in such a way." she assured

"Y-You're just saying that." He blushed nervously.

"Of course not. You're my manager and I'll always tell the truth to you." Dataramon answered as she nuzzled his member with love hearts in her eyes

Izzy's heart thumped loudly in his ears as he heard that, Dataramon was an amazing girlfriend. He felt so lucky to have her and to be attracted to her.

*with Tai*

"Heeeeey~ Joe!" Tai cheered as he entered his friends office

"Tai, what brings you two here?" Joe asked as he saw his friend.

"Well... Something is up with me." Tai commented

"What is it?" Joe asked. "Is it something to do with your multiple partners?"

"...You know about that?" Tai blinked.

"Tai, I may wear glasses, but I'm not blind. I've seen how you've been hanging around Palmon and the others. And I heard about Junomon. So, I put two and two together." Joe said with a shrug and chuckled lightly

"... Humans are not supposed to be able to orgasm fifteen times a day every day with each... 'load' being like you have been backed up for a few days, are they?" Tai grumbled

"... Step into my office." Joe asked seriously as he heard that, going into 'Doctor mode' and was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Yeah." Tai sighed happily

Joe put on some one-use gloves and a medical mask; he would get to the bottom of this "Please put this on." He passed over a hospital gown to Tai. "I'm going to give you a full examination."


"Yay." Tai muttered

*with Lillithmon*

Lillithmon was smiling proudly as she observed her two 'champions'. Not only did Tai take Junomon as a mate, but MetalGreymon Incubus Mode was strong enough to fight Jupitermon! Her powers where working their way into them perfectly! And Dataramon was adding even more power to her!

"Hee, hee, hee! I'm getting so much power and energy! Between those three, I feel like I could power a small city!" Lillithmon laughed to herself with glee "But... I want more~!"

"My Queen. You seem ecstatic." D'Arcmon asked politely.

"Yes." Lillithmon grinned "Now, D'Arcmon, I want you to get some attention in the Digital World! Because I have a new job for you!"

D'Arcmon knelt down and bowed in respect. "Of course, My Queen! Whatever you desire of me!"

*with Tai*

"And that's the exam." Joe spoke as Tai sat on the bed.

"Thanks... So what's wrong with me?" Tai asked

"Don't know yet." Joe shrugged and deadpanned

"Well that's surprising." Tai groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Less sass please, Tai." He answered. "As far as I can tell, you're healthy. A little too healthy, but healthy none-the-less." Joe turned around and put a few containers into a rack "I do need to ask for someone to look at these samples you know. If I'm lucky and he isn't busy, I can have a friend from med school get it done in two to three days."

"That's great to hear, 'Super Doc'." Tai sighed in relief and gave his friend a dopey nickname.


"Huh?" Tai blinked as he looked at his D-Terminal


"What?!" he gasped

"What's wrong?" Joe blinked as Tai was rushing around, getting dressed

"Davis, Cody and Yolei are under attack! They are calling for backup!" Tai yelled

"Go, use my computer." Joe offered "Gomamon isn't here but Agumon is, so you go ahead."

"Thanks, Joe!" Tai answered, the Digi-Gate opened and teleported away "DIGI-PORT OPEN!"

*In the Digital World*

In the Digital World, Davis, Yolei and Cody were struggling against this enemy.

D'Arcmon flouted above them, with ExVeemon standing between Aquilamon and Ankylomon. The three champions where trying their best but this Champion was... very strong!

"GAH! We need help!" Cody called out. "Ankylomon!"

"I can't hit her..." the dinosaur groaned before he fell over, reverting to Armadillomon

"Aquilamon, circle around!" Yolei called out.

"She's quicker than I can hit her!" Aquilamon called out, before being slammed to the ground.

"Children." the champion scoffed before she landed, green energy sparking around her fingers

"You stay away from them!" ExVeemon called out, jettisoning up to attack her.


"Huh?" D'Arcmon and ExVeemon gasped, dodging out of the way as Greymon appeared alongside Tai.

"Tai!" Davis cheered

"Sorry for the wait guys!" Tai apologised. "Who's that and how strong is she?"

"D'Arcmon, she just attacked us." Davis answered

"A champion." Yolei informed them "Fast, strong and she can fly."

"Faster than ExVeemon, stronger than Aquilamon and able to stay out of Ankylomon's grasp." Tai quickly analysed with a serious look in his eyes "She knew what to expect as well, you couldn't catch your breath to strategize. And without TK or Kari or Ken, you where too off balance."

"We're sorry." Cody frowned as he felt weak right now, while protecting Armadillomon.

"It's not your fault." Greymon assured "This gal seems perfect for countering you three."

"Yeah. Without Ken, TK or Kari you had no way to even up the playing field." Tai assured

"Ah, finally a 'challenge'." D'Arcmon commented as she licked her lips

"Tai, this one might be one for you." Greymon commented jokingly.

"Really? Right now?" Tai deadpanned as he gripped his Digivice "Time to Digivolve, we need to get to the Sky."


"Oh my!" D'Arcmon gasped in shock before she was hit with a metallic arm. She grunted, caught completely off guard, hitting the ground hard as MetalGreymon landed on the floor with a heavy thud

"GIGA..." MetalGraymon roared as he began to gather energy, his body sparking with power...


And then the bad happened

"Huh?" everyone blinked


They all looked down at the ground


"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" everyone yelled, falling into the cave system below them

*time skip*

Tai awoke in pain, feeling his head throb in pain as he couldn't see where he was... it was dimly lit by the natural glowing rocks in the cave "Ow... where am I?" he blinked

"Urgh..." A voice groaned as Tai thought he was on his own.

"Who's there?" he blinked

"It's me." A familiar voice answered, pulling themselves out of the ground. It was Veemon!

"Oh thank goodness!" Tai sighed "You okay, Veemon?"

"Yeah. My Champion form took most of the damage." Veemon joked while sitting down "Where are we?"

"I think we're in a cave system. But I don't know where. We must've gotten separated." Tai answered

Veemon nodded, the blue dragon's horn-nose flicking

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Tai asked

"Nothing. Thought I smelt something." Veemon commented with dismissive wave

"Oh. Right." Tai sighed heavily, before looking up. "Dang, we must've fallen a freaking long way."

"You okay?" Vee asked

"I landed on my ass. So I had a soft landing." Tai joked.

"Oh." Veemon nodded, staring at Tai


'This is weird.' Tai thought with a raised eyebrow


"Hello?" Cody called as he, Armadillomon and Hawkmon walked through the caverns

"It's okay, Cody. It'll be alright." Armadillomon reassured his partner.

"Yeah. But I'm worried for everyone else." Cody sighed

"We'll find them, Cody. It isn't long in this tunnel." Hawkmon answered, patting his back.

"Thanks." He nodded

*with Tai *

"Veemon, seriously? Why're you sniffing?" He asked nervously as they walked through the cave

"I'm sorry, I just swear I can smell some Digimon." the blue dragon shrugged "It's so weird."

"Armadillomon? Agumon? Who can you smell?" He asked, getting up to his feet. "Here, I'll carry you."

"A Biyomon... Palmon... Gatomon?" Veemon listed off, letting Tai encircle the blue dragon's body with his arms and lift "... It's coming from you?"

"Ah. Now, I can explain that." Tai awkwardly responded before he noticed wetness on his arms "Aww, Vee, what the he-" he started, looking down... To see a wet slit between the blue dragons legs … "... A-Are you-?" Tai double-took.

"Yesh." Veemon blushed nervously. "So embarrassing."


"I always thought you were a boy."

"Yeah. My species is very 'boy heavy'." Veemon admitted. "It was...easy to rub 'being a boy'."


"My voice. My body... Davis being a boy. It just seemed easier acting like a boy." She admitted. "Have you ever seen a Veemon or ExVeemon with tits?"

"... You are the only Veemon I have ever met." Tai responded very simply

"... Shit, you're right." She frowned and covered her face "Damn it! I wasted so much time!"

"It's alright, Veemon." Tai hugged her gently; unintentionally letting her smell the scents of the various Digimon Tai had been with.

"Oh~" she moaned softly at the scent

"I guess you can smell the others." Tai apologised. ... "Wait... Didn't you have a crush on Gatomon?"

"It's complicated. I d*. But... I don't know if she feels the same." Veemon explained "I'm... I guess it's called being bisexual? That's what you call it, right? I like both guys and girls. And I just… love Gatomon."

"You know... We can talk to her." Tai admitted


"I'm with Gatomon in a relationship. If you come with me, we can talk about this when we get home." He answered as he found himself rubbing the blue dragon's cheek, his fingers brushing her scales sensually

"A-Are you sure?" Veemon blushed as he heard that and that gesture

"Yeah." Tai nodded "She's part of my harem, I love her… and she'd happily accept you."

"T-Tai." Veemon sniffed weakly "Thank you!" she cried before she kissed Tai

Tai blinked in shock, before kissing back, cupping her chin and set her down. The feeling of Digimon lips on his own was getting him excited. Scaly, so new and different. So different than Biyomon's beak and feathers, Palmon's viney flesh, Gatomon's fur and Junomon's skin. Digimon where all so different, each one was a new experience and so special. They were all so sexy

"Ah~, T-Tai. I-I can't. Believe it." She whispered in awe as his large human fingers teased her slit "E-Eek!" Veemon gasped as she felt the fingers tease and play with her, feeling Tai's longer human fingers push inside her hidden flower "That-That-Oh~!"

"You've been neglecting this, haven't you?" He asked, gently pleasuring Veemon's slit "Don't worry, I'll make you feel like a woman once again."

*with Davis*

"Ow. My ass. That hurt." Davis groaned as he landed awkwardly "Ow, Ow, ow." He rubbed his lower back and groaned, repositioning himself against the cave's wall.

"Urgh..." A second groan came from the side. A female voice

He shook his head and then looked down at the source of the voice. "Wait. You?" He asked, seeing the figure.

It was D'Arcmon!

"Ow... That drop." D'Arcmon rubbed her head. "Huh? You're here too?"

"... Hi?" Davis gulped and reached for his Digivice

"Hello." She responded politely. "I didn't think that Greymon would cause a collapse."

"Yeah, me neither. Wait, where's that 'you want to kill us' fire gone?" Davis asked

"You presume much if you think I'd attack an unarmed opponent." D'Arcmon answered "And I had no intention of killing you, I was just a distraction for my Mistresses plans. And to test her improvements to her chosen champions."

"'Mistress'? You have a 'Mistress'? Which champions?" Davis inquired, thinking this was part of something bigger than he originally thought.

"Oh, but that's telling." she giggled

"Isn't there any way to get you to tell me?" He asked with a frustrated pout.


Suddenly D'Arcmon squealed and pulled Davis into a hug "You are adorable!"

"I-Huh?" Davis double-took in shock... and felt her breasts by his cheek through her armour "O-Oh..."

"I want to know; do you have anyone close?" She asked, stroking his head.


"Do you have a girlfriend?" D'Arcmon asked

"Er... No." Davis admitted "I mean there are some cheerleader's I've slept with but… I kinda had my eyes on this girl. But she isn't into me and I'm trying to move on… so I'm single."

"That's unfair." D'Arcmon frowned. 'But good for me~.' She thought to herself before she kissed him

"Hmm?!" Davis' eyes widened as he felt her lips on his own, before his hand crossed her cheek gently. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, playing with his skilfully 'Holy shit!' Davis gasped as he couldn't believe what was happening. His tongue being playfully battered and teased by D'Arcmon's tongue in his mouth. This older woman happily moaned as she made out with him

'Mine~.' She thought happily, hugging Davis close... and managed to remove her bra to expose her pink spherical breasts. She broke the kiss, reaching for Davis' shorts

"W-Wait!" Davis panted as he saw this, shocked and nervous at the same time but it was too late, his shorts and boxers pulled down to his knees

"Why? What's wro-whoa!" D'Arcmon asked before she saw his member before her "That's... surprising."

"Y-yeah." Davis admitted, revealing his eight-inch long dick. "S-Sexy ladies are always a turn on."

"Oh? Sexy ladies?" she laughed happily

"Ye-why did I say that?" He groaned, facepalming.

"Well, let me show you how this 'Sexy Lady' does things." D'Arcmon licked her lips before licking his cock. Her tongue covered his entire member at once

"Oh~! My god!" He gasped as he felt this, shocked to have this enemy begin to perform fellatio.

She was about twice his size physically, as well. She hummed happily, thinking to herself as she could feel the heat coming from it. And then she just wrapped her mouth around him and sucked. Her hands held his thighs as her head shot down, moving like a missile. She rushed down like a woman possessed, his cock filling not just her mouth but into her throat as she sucked

Davis' eyes almost popped out of his head as he arched forwards and held her head "Holy-!"


She could feel Davis' cock reach the back of her throat, letting her hair come undone out of her helmet.

Davis grunted and moaned, feeling his dick throb in her throat and came in her soft lips "Yes!" he moaned happily, filling her mouth quickly

D'Arcmon's eyes widened as she could feel all of Davis' cum flood her mouth; he must've been backed up for weeks 'So nice~, so thick~ and tasty~!'

"Oh. God." Davis panted happily and heavily "Th-that was amazing."

"Best ever?" she questioned sensually, her lips not parting far as she spoke

"Yeah. Best ever." He nodded as he leaned back, noticing some white he could see between her lips

"Good~" she purred and opened her mouth wide, showing her mouth. Her mouth was filled with his cum, looking like a spiderweb of babybatter

Davis looked at her with his throat getting dry as he only ever saw this in porn. "Wh-whoa."

She then swallowed it, her tongue dramatically licking her lips "Round two?" D'Arcmon asked teasingly before opening her mouth as wide as she could, showing her empty mouth. She wiggled her tongue around dramatically as she did so as well

"O-Oh! Yeah, please!" he nodded eagerly

"Okay. Have you ever been with an older woman?" D'Arcmon asked, sounding like a sexy MILF.

"No." he gulped

"Ara ara~." She smiled as she exposed her flower to him. "Let me teach you." She removed her golden panties, revealing her naked sex under the loincloth

*with Tai and Veemon*

Tai was slowly rubbing his dick over Veemon's slit, she was panting heavily as she was quivering with anticipation, her lips covered with cum after blowing Tai "You are so cute and small." he teased

"D-Don't say that." She pouted as she felt his dick rub against her slit... and then gasped as she felt him slowly enter her pink flower.

"But you ARE adorable!" he commented

Veemon could feel Tai stretch out her unused flower, she had never felt this big of member open her out. Was this the vigour of humans? Because it felt so~ good~!

"F-Fuck, you're tight, Vee!" Tai moaned as he thrust into her, feeling her womb getting closer, almost stretching her stomach. He sat down, holding her like some sort of toy he began to move up and down his member 'F-Fuck! Yes! So tight! It's like she's a cock-sleeve!' Tai thought as he fucked her pussy.

Veemon's eyes rolled back in her head as Tai's massive cock was making a bulge in her stomach "Oh~! My~! Fuck~! Yes!"

"You're tight. You're a tight little bitch!" Tai spoke dirty to her, feeing her pussy tighten down on his cock. He noticed as those words left his mouth, she moaned louder and her pussy tightened around him

"F-Fuck me! Fuck me, TAI~!" She screamed, begging for him as she felt his dick impale her like a spear of meat.

"Oh? Does my little dragon slut like that?" Tai smiled

"Y-Yes! Yes, I love this!" Veemon moaned like a bitch as she could feel Tai's dick almost lift her up.

"And you like being a little whore, don't you?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm a whore! I'm a dragon-whore!" Veemon panted and 'confessed' though she was lust-drunk. Her red eyes sparkled in lust, her eyes rolled up a bit as she wiggled her hips "Just keep fucking me~! Please!"

"Got it." He smiled and gripped her hips, his dick rubbing her walls as his coock seemed to stretch her out "Take it, my cocksleeve!"

Veemon's eyes widened as she felt Tai's hips on her own, feeling his cock go balls-deep into her as her stomach bulged out and feeling the massive dick 'break her' "Ruin me~!" she shuddered

*with Davis*

Davis was lying underneath D'Arcmon, her pussy filled with his dick as he slapped her ass with rough and rapid motions "Yes~!" she moaned happily "You like that ass shaking?"

"F-Fuckin' great!" Davis mumbled as her breasts were in his face, muffling his voice "So good!"

"F-Fill me! Fill me with your hot seed!" She moaned, wanting to cum from his cock "Do it! Please!"

Davis gasped and grunted, shoving his cock deep inside of her, kissing her womb and squirted his human seed into her digital cunt "T-Take it all!"

"Oh yes!"

Davis grunted one last time, nuzzling his head deep into D'Arcmon's cleavage and finished inside of her "So good." he mumbled

D'Arcmon panted heavily and happily. This was honestly a happy coincidence that this happened. And she was going to enjoy the hell out of it

*with Tai and Veemon*

Veemon was bouncing on Tai's cock, feeling him stretch her out as she was limp in his arms. She was fully his mate "Yes! Yes! Breed me!" she begged

Tai grunted and smiled, shooting his seed deep inside of her, filling her belly with his human cum. He chuckled, feeling her cold dragon body getting so much warmer under his hands "Like that?" he mumbled happily

Veemon went limp in Tai's arms, feeling her pussy squirting from such pleasure "Yes~" she drooled

"Fu~ck, Vee. That was great." He panted with a smile, hugging her close "Want some more?"

"H-how much?" Vee drooled in ecstasy as she couldn't believe how much Tai could cum and continue.

"That was just my first load, Vee." he whispered into her ear "Now be a good little cumrag and get on all fours." he continued to talk dirty, loving how she squeezed him when he did

"The. First?" She panted, getting onto all fours while he was inside her.

"Yeah. I'm gonna keep going till you pass out. Then I'll get us out of here. And when we get back to my place, I'll keep going until you pass out again." Tai grinned

"Y-You're a monster~." Veemon panted as she heard that, imagining passing out twice in one day.

"I hope you mean that in the good way." Tai smirked

"Yes~! Ruin me, Tai-Mon!" she panted


Tai's dick became harder inside of Veemon, hearing her say that and pinned her down like a bitch. He ploughed his throbbing shaft deep into her as he penetrated deeper and deeper into her "Take this!" he ordered lightly with a slight snarl

Veemon gasped happily, feeling his cock thrust deep inside of her, making her stomach bulge.

*with the others*

"This tunnel is ridiculous. It just keeps going on and on." Cody frowned, rubbing the back of his head.

"Agreed." Armadillomon nodded

"Could we even get-?" Cody followed up before both Hawkmon and Armadillomon stopped him.

"Shh. Do you hear that?" Hawkmon asked.

"Yeah, what is that?" Armadillomon followed up.

"What is it? Who is it?" Cody inquired

"It sounds like... Water?" Hawkmon answered. "Loud water?"

"A waterfall, maybe?" Cody asked

"Let's hurry." Hawkmon nodded with a panicked nervousness 'Where is Yolei? I hope she is okay!'

*with Lillithmon*

"Damn, I didn't think they fell." Lillithmon commented as she saw the things that had transpired. She was sitting in just her black leather catsuit, sitting in her throne with her legs crossed "But still, what could they be doing down there? Are all three of them fucking?" She bit her non-armoured finger with a peverse grin... before she gasped

Fluttering around her throne where a few glowing green butterflies. Four of them, shimmering in the light.

One of them landed on her skin and glowed, melding with her body. Lillithmon moaned as her body shuddered, pleasure filling her.
In her minds eye she saw Dataramon on Izzy's bed, being fucked into the mattress hard by the tech geek, before he pulled out and came on her metal face

The memory faded in a nanosecond, but Lillithmon felt more power and hornier. Following this a second butterfly landed and merged with her
In her mind, this time, she was seeing Tai fucking Veemon. He was pulling her tail a bit, pounding her pussy happily, before he pulled out and came over her ass

"They... are incredible!" she shuddered. She held her hand out, letting the third butterfly do as its breather-in did
D'Arcmon was bent over, gripping onto the stone wall, as she let Davis use her asshole. Her eyes where rolled into her mask, feeling him explode inside her

"AH~! Oh fuck!" She gasped as she felt all this euphoria and lust flow through her... but who was next? Which butterfly was going to show which fuck?

There was only one person left.

Agumon. She would say he was her greatest champion, at the moment. Actively searching and claiming girls, purposefully making a harem unlike Tai who was just falling into lucky situations like a hentai protagonist.

Although Lillithmon DID enjoy those Hentai books and cartoons the humans of Japan made

'I need to look into this 'tentacle porn' stuff more.' she thought with a giggle. She held out her hand, offering it, as the final butterfly flew towards her.

The glowing green energy insect landed on her soft screen, being absorbed into her being

Lillithmon gasped loudly as her hips bucked, her eyes glowing green, as her mind was assaulted by the pleasure Agumon felt and the memory of what happened...

"AH~ HA~! AH~ HA~! HAAAAA~!" She screamed as she came hard