Disclaimer: We do not own Digimon. That is Toei

Co-written by GhostKaiser23




Another new story laughs

This one is one of those... weird and fun ones.

Tai and Agumon have fun with the girls in their lives! While Tai has a few fun nights with the Digital Girls, Agumon has his own chapters with their human partners.

Come on, you're all smart. You get this.

Well, no more stalling. Here we go!

Tai and Agumon's Digi/Human Fun

Digimon Oneshot Series

Chapter 1A: Feathered Fun with Biyomon

It was a hot summer's day, the sky was clear and people were carrying parasols and towels; wearing vests and shorts, bikini's and skirts, hats and sunglasses. All of it was peaking at near 30 degrees Celsius. And inside of an apartment, we see a sweating 21-year-old man with spiky brown hair, blue goggles and shirt with black shorts. To his side was an empty sports bottle of water with evaporated condensation on the sides

"Urgh... this heat." He groaned as he felt the heat, even with the breeze of the open window.

"Tai, I have to agree. This year's a hot one." A strange voice answered; it belonged to a three-foot-tall, green-eyed, orange-skinned dinosaur-like creature with white-clawed hands and feet and a stubby tail.

"A-ah...? Urgh. Empty. Want a refill, Agumon?" Tai asked, reaching and drinking from the empty bottle.

"Sure. Days like today are boring." Agumon nodded, looking out to the horizon of the city.

"Yeah." Tai stretched "How did you deal with this sort of stuff back in the Digital World?"

"Well, normally we exercised by fighting other Digimon... but since we're at peace it's a bit hypocritical." Agumon answered "So... sometimes we just find mates."

"Mates?" he blinked

"Yeah. Digimon sometimes get mates. Err... girlfriends or boyfriends. Like humans do." Agumon answered

"You guys have sex?" Tai wondered


"Wait, that's what you meant?" Agumon asked

"Err, Yeah." He nodded in response. "You guys fuck with each other?"

"... Angewomon and LadyDevimon." Agumon pointed out, that being all of the evidence he needed

"Wow~!" Tai whispered in awe as he remembered the two sexy female women, remembering the white silk clad angel and the devil clad in tight black leather "Hot."

"Wait, you find them attractive?" Agumon blinked in shock.

"Yeah! I mean... sexy ladies." Tai admitted

"I guess." Agumon agreed

"Oh yeah? What about you? Got any sexy girls or guys you've got your eye on?" Tai asked

"I'm glad you're open-minded, Tai. But I like girls just as much as you." Agumon pointed

"Come on bro, give me the details." Tai encouraged

"Fine... I like human ladies." Agumon admitted "Lady Digimon look... samey after a while. Like exact copies. Human ladies, vast differences. Taller, shorter, long and short hair. Curvy, slim. Variety." He answered

"Really?" Tai questioned in shock

"You have your preferences, I have my own." Agumon admitted.

"Fair enough, dude." He answered as he thought about the Digimon girls he knew, curious 'Hmm. Biyomon and Palmon turn into Garudamon and Lilymon.' He thought. 'Gatomon turns to Angewomon.'

Biyomon, Palmon, Gatomon.

He had to think, they were all so... different despite all being female Digimon

"Hey, are we going to get some water?" Agumon asked sweating through his scales.

"Sure buddy. I was just thinking." Tai answered. Tai went off to get his drink, wondering what the girls where like...

*time skip*

The gang was in the Digital World, since it was one of the few times they actually did hang out since their lives had become busy. Tai smiled at his friends, seeing how they had all changed

Joe looked more defined and proper, his hair was trimmed neatly, wearing his famous gasses and wearing what looked to be a casual pair of sorts and shirt.

Matt's hair looked wavy and more of a rock and roller's wearing shorts and a light T-Shirt.

TK, still wearing a green cap, a pale blue shirt and black shorts.

And Izzy was wearing a smart shirt and black work trousers, his short maroon hair still spiked while he was carrying his trusty laptop

Next was Sora, her beautiful red hair going down her neck, slightly curled at the ends, her brown eyes, slender and toned body, her C/D-Cup breasts, wearing a blue skirt and loose beige shirt and sandals, below those she was wearing a red bikini which looked a bit too small

Next was Mimi, her long brown hair that went to her back, her D-Cup breasts covered by a stylish tank top and skirt with her model-like body. Under that she wore a green V shaped stringkini which hid almost nothing without the other clothing

And then there was Tai's sister, Kari. Nineteen years old, short brown-hair and eyes, wearing a pink bikini and blue skirt, C/D-Cup breasts and wearing a pair of sunglasses. She had grown up nicely from when they were younger

Next was their friends and newer DigiDestined; Davis, Yolei and Cody.

Davis was an eighteen-year-old boy with spikey brown hair, goggles on his forehead, wearing a pair of blue shorts.

Yolei was a purple-haired eighteen-year-old girl with glasses and wearing a blue towel skirt and tube top to cover her C-Cup breasts.

And lastly was Cody, about fifteen-years-old, short almost bowl-cut styled hair and wearing beige shorts. And with them, of course, where their partners

Gomamon, a white furred seal-like Digimon with an orange Mohawk and black claws.

Gabumon, a yellow skinned Digimon with a single horn, wearing a white and blue wolf-pelt.

Patamon, an orange pudge-ball with bat wing ears and white underbelly.

Tentomon, a red ladybird-like Digimon with black protrusions and points on his arms and smaller hands underneath.

Biyomon, a pink bird-humanoid Digimon with a cute striped swirl on her head, black claws and yellow legs with a black anklet.

Palmon, a humanoid plant with cute black eyes, a pink flower protruding from her head and pink-purple tendrils as her fingers.

Gatomon, a cute white cat-like Digimon with yellow glove-claws, green eyes, a white and purple striped tail with a gold ring.

Veemon, a blue Dragon-humanoid with a white mouth and belly with a crooked tail and a yellow 'V' on his forehead.

Hawkmon, a dark red feathered bird-like Digimon with a Native American headband with a feather in the brim.

And lastly Armadillomon, a sandy yellow mammalian with a hard shell.

It was great having the gang back together, at least mostly. Ken was away studying in America right now. He was doing his best to get into University.

"AH~! This is great!" Davis stretched. "Sun and surf without that intense heat!"

"Yeah." Tai chuckled "So, how ya doing Davis?"

"Ah, you know. Still working on my noodle cart stuff. But it's a business." Davis answered.

"Yeah, he's been working like a truck." Veemon chuckled, pointing to her partner.

"That's good to know." Tai chuckled "Any lucky ladies, buddy?"

"Um. No. No, I-I haven't." Davis admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"No-one wants to be with a good guy who has a job." Cody answered. "Their loss."

"Yeah." Tai laughed, patting his shoulder

"Hey Yolie, how are you and Ken doing?" Mimi asked

"Well... we decided to take a break." Yolei admitted

"Wait, really? I thought you two were solid." Mimi wondered like she had just heard her OTP had been broken up

"He's. Well, he's Ken." Yolei sighed "We decided to have a break while he was studying overseas. Because the distance was making it hard. And when he comes back, if we still feel the same, we will pick up where we left off."

"Ah, yeah that makes sense. It's a hell of a time-lag." Tai answered which made Yolei sigh and nod, glad he understood "It is always good to think about that your happiness and your friendship with stuff like that."

"Yeah, thanks Tai." she smiled

"Hey Sora, looking good." Matt praised

"Oh, thanks Matt." Sora said awkwardly

"What's with them?" Joe wondered

"Oh, they broke up last month." Cody explained casually


"No way!" Joe gasped, since the two had been together for a while

"Yeah." Davis nodded "It's a bit... weird."

"Why don't we just enjoy ourselves right now? It's too nice to be glum." Matt offered as he pulled up his guitar

"Oh! Are we getting a free show?" Mimi chuckled as she saw it.

"Heck yeah. And a new song I've been working on." Matt nodded, as he tuned his guitar.

"How's astronaut school going, Matt?" Izzy asked with a laugh

"Honestly? It's tough as hell." Matt answered as he began to play. "How's the computer stuff?"

"Rather easy." he admitted with a smile

"How's medical school, Joe?" Kari asked as Sora and Biyomon stretched and walked.

"Just going for a walk. Be back later." Biyomon commented

"Be safe!" Agumon reminded

"Will do!" Biyomon waved.

Tai looked on at Biyomon and wanted to go, but 'would this be weird or awkward?' He thought to himself. His mind was drifting, thinking about Biyomon in an... inappropriate way 'Was Biyomon... always that plump?' He thought, his dick slowly growing as his imagined Biyomon, thinking about her form. She was short, granted most Rookies were about three feet tall, but she had a soft body, slender legs, long fingers. She just... looked cute. Her slender yellow legs, with three small red claws. A singular silver ring around her ankle, which gave a strange sensual flare. Her little plump pink ass framed by her tail feathers 'Damn. Am I really this big a pervert?' He thought to himself and slowly stood up.

"Hey Tai, you okay?" Kari asked as she saw her big brother get all nervous and awkward

"Oh, yeah. Just going for a walk." He answered, stretching a little.

"I'll come with, I need to stretch my legs." Agumon nodded

"Thanks, buddy." Tai answered as the two walked off. The Chosen of Courage and his partner walked away from their camp, stretching their legs slightly

"So. Did you notice any of the girls?" Agumon asked, making Tai flinch.

"What do you mean?" he laughed nervously

"Come on. Biyomon? Palmon?" Agumon answered, listing them off "Maybe Gatomon?" he grinned

"Shut up." He pushed his friend in a joking manner. "I mean, it's not like I want to pet her soft and fluffy fur. Or anything..."

"... Baka." Agumon laughed, continuing the sentence.


And the two best friends started laughing, holding their stomachs

As the two laughed, someone was watching them, sensing them. Their laughter was catching someone's attention...Floating on the digital winds, a tall womanly figure sensed them.

"Oh?" the woman muttered as light flickered across her form, revealing black leather and latex as well as purple silk "This is interesting~." She whispered to herself. In the shadows, was a beautiful woman, E-Cup breasts, leather clothing that almost looked like bondage attire, purple silks with golden trim, a pair of tattered black wings and two small black bat wings, two leather black tethers, purple eyeshadow and a pair of golden hairpins and a golden comb "These two might provide me with some sustenance. If not some much-needed fun." She smiled as she looked at them. "If that's what you two want...I can help with that." And extended her hand, letting some pink and purple digital mist float over the two and spread around to only some select members of the DigiDestined and their partners.

The most turned green as it touched them, being absorbed into Tai's Digivice as if it was invisible to their naked eye, while a green symbol flashes on the Digivice's screen and in their eyes

"Now, to wait and see what happens." She smiled and vanished away.

"Ah~, you've been watching too many anime meme videos, dude." Tai patted Agumon on his head.

"Says who?" Agumon grinned

"Yeah, I guess." Tai answered. "Look, I just needed a breather."

"Yeah, me to. I forgot how hot those girls are." Agumon agreed

"I just hope they're not gonna be mad if we comment about them." Tai admitted

"Yeah." Agumon nodded. The two walked back to their friends, unaware that their data and Digivices had changed, allowing them to become 'compatible' with the opposite sex.

"Huh?" Tai blinked, as he heard something

"What is it, Tai?" Agumon asked, looking up at him.

"I thought I heard something." He answered

"Well, go check it out." Agumon urged softly

Tai sighed and nodded. "See you in a sec. I'll call if it's anything." Tai answered, walking of

"Good luck!" he waved

As Tai walked off towards the sound, he wondered who or what it was. True this was a 'safe area' for the Digital World, but it didn't mean that there weren't potential enemies. Tai pushed through the walk and heard the sound getting louder... like... panting? "Huh?" Tai blinked at the noise 'Is a Digimon hiding or something?' He thought as he approached the sound... coming from a bush. 'Okay, it might not be an enemy.' He knelt down, gently pushing the bushes apart. And what he saw shocked him. There was Biyomon, playing with herself! The pink bird was playing with what essentially was her vagina with her feathered fingers.

"Ah~ ah~ ah~!" Biyomon moaned as she had her legs spread, a hand between said legs and running over her wet slit "D-Damn this heat!" She panted, trying to muffle herself. "F-Fuck! I want a dick!" She spoke unbecoming of her.

"Wow." Tai blinked as he looked at her, hearing how her voice was SO different

Biyomon gasped as she wanted more. She wanted a dick. She wanted to fuck. "Dick, dick. Fuck! I want one in me!" She moaned, wanting to climax.

Tai saw this and wanted to crawl a little close... but his own cock was throbbing under his shorts, peaking through the rim. He reached up and began to undo his pants

"Oh, why can't a human fuck me?!" Biyomon whined

Tai's eyes widened as he heard that. 'A human?' He thought. 'Is...Is Biyomon 'human-sexual' or something?... Is that what it would be?'

"Their cocks look so good in their pants! Teasing me! Soverines damn it!" Biyomon continued to moan and finger herself "They all seem so good! I just want one! I just want to suck it, fuck it! It's so unfair!"

Tai wanted to say something, he wanted to get closer... but would she want him? He, however, did free his cock from his pants and began to jack himself off. He slowly and quietly jerked off, seeing Biyomon's slender and plump body, seeing her pussy. It allowed him to get a... Good look at her. She was cute. A little plump from her hips and her legs, a slender body but had a cuddly body.

"Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Gonna cum!" Biyomon squealed. As she said so, so was Tai. Looking upon her as he wanted to cum with her. To cum while inside her. He walked forwards and grunted, his cum shooting out and landing onto Biyomon's legs as beak "Ah~!" Biyomon gasped as she felt his cum on her legs and tasted the smallest bit of cum on her beak that dripped to her mouth. Her eyes rolled into her head slightly as she moaned, the taste burning into her mind... Before she blinked, realising someone was there. She looked, her blue eyes locked with Tai's

Tai gulped as he looked down at her, seeing her eyes lock on his. "B-Biyomon. I. Please don't scream." He hoped

"T-Tai?" she blinked and crossed her legs, hiding her pussy as best she could

"Y-Yeah. It's me. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spy but-!" Tai apologised, accidentally showing off his modest cock to her. For a human, he was big, but to a Rookie Digimon...he was massive.

"I... Oh fuck... That... That's... That's big." Biyomon gulped

"Wait, what?" Tai asked, looking down at his cock. "It's...not that big." He answered modestly.

Biyomon quickly shuffled around, getting on all fours, and crawling towards Tai "It is. It looks... So thick and hot." She panted, looking up at him and nervously wanted to touch it. To taste it "... Please? Can I?"

Tai gulped and nodded, not believing this was real... but he wouldn't deny her. Not when she asked.

Biyomon nodded, wrapping a feathered hand around his member

"Your feathers are soft." Tai admitted as he felt her hand.

"Thanks. I've never done this before." She admitted as she opened her mouth wide

'Oh god, this is gonna be weird!' Tai thought before he felt Biyomon's warm tongue as she lapped his cock in her beak. However she was keeping her mouth as wide as possible, to the point it almost looked painful, as it keep the edges away from his dick

"Ah-ah~!" Biyomon moaned, doing her best to savour Tai's cock as her taste buds exploded in desire 'So tasty! It's so good.' She thought as she lapped her tongue over his cock. 'More. I want it. I want him!'

"Damn, this is good!" Tai grumbled in pleasure

"Hmm?" Biyomon asked as she looked up at him.

"This is your first time, Biyo? You're really good." He smiled, stroking her head making her eyes turn to hearts in joy

"Just. A little more. I'm close." Tai admitted as her tongue began to wiggle around his cock eagerly. Tai panted, exhaling quickly as he held Biyomon's head; having her mouth open, Tai shot his cum into her mouth and coated her tongue with his human seed "Yes!" he grunted, his hips bucking a bit as his cum poured into her beak

Biyomon gasped as she felt the ambrosia enter her mouth, tasting his seed as she was lost in her euphoria. She wiggled her tongue, gargling his seed as she moaned, before swallowing

"Well? How is it?" Tai asked as he 'looked down' at her.

"Hmm~, tasty~!" She smiled, holding her cheeks. She squealed, shaking her body in glee. Said act making her ass bounce from side to side "Human cum tastes so good! Can we fuck now?"


"Are you sure?" Tai asked in shock, realising that he was about to fuck a bird Digimon... and he had never been so excited for sex in his LIFE!

"Yes! I want to know what it feels like!" she nodded with a smile

"Okay, Biyo. But... I've never done this before. If it hurts, tell me." Tai asked, leaning over her and kissed her feathery forehead to get her ready. She nodded and leaned onto her back, looking up at the much larger human crawl atop her

Tai looked down at her pink feathers and saw her opening. He guided his cock to her moist wet slit and slowly pushed inside of her. Biyomon gasped as she felt his massive cock stretch her lips, but she didn't scream she was relishing it, feeling him enter her virgin hole as she wrapped her hands over him.

Her eyes became half lidded, flicking up into her head slightly as she felt his length move into her "It's so... Slick! So smooth and... Amazing! Just right!" she moaned at the feeling of her first human cock entering her

"You're so tight, Biyo. You're so warm!" Tai moaned happily, propping himself on the ground to not crush her, he gave slow and gentle thrusts into her pussy, feeling the warm and inviting folds of her lips. Each thrust made her entire body jiggle "Ah~, Tai! Yes! Yes, Tai!" She moaned happily. "It's kissing it! You're so deep!"

"Kissing it?" he grunted, seeing her stomach visibly distort with every thrust "Oh my god! Am I that big in you?" Tai gasped as she continued to bounce on his cock, feeling him 'mess her up'. He was glad she was made of data, it made her very... malleable and made her limits very high

"So good~!" she moaned "It's not as big as a Mega's, but it feel's so much better!"

'Yeah, okay.' Tai thought and hugged her close, giving her a passionate fuck to make her climax. As fumbling as he was. He kissed her beak, his hands holding her stomach and ass area as he moved his hips hard and fast

"C-Cumming. I'm cumming!" Biyomon moaned and almost screamed, squirting over his cock. Two grunted at the tightness, his dick throbbing and filling her

Tai had filled her digital pussy with his seed, feeling how wet and moist she felt as both fell into each other's arms and fell to the floor in exhaustion.

Biyomon panted deeply and lustfully, her eyes fluttered upwards "O-Oh~! Y-Yes~! So full and warm~! Human seed... Feels so good~!"

"How was it?" Tai asked gently, stroking her cheek "Because you where brilliant."

"It was. Amazing." She turned to him with joyful tears in her eyes "Can you... Get on your back? "

"On my-? Um, yeah, sure. What're you thinking?" Tai wondered, but got onto his back, with his shorts still around his ankles. Biyomon smiled shyly as she walked up onto his lap and reached behind her, carefully spreading her pink feathered ass cheeks "Oh. Oh~!" Tai's eyes widened as he felt her tight ass, holding her hips and slowly guided her down onto his cock.

"H-hnn!" She whimpered, feeling her ass being spread open "Feels~ so~ good~!" she moaned as she started to bounce on him

"Biyo! Your ass, it's so tight!" Tai grunted as he held her hips, keeping her in place but still bouncing.

"AH~! YES~! YES~!" She moaned, bouncing her hips harder and faster "HUMAN! HUMAN COCK! IS! THE! BEST!"

"Digimon pussy is the best!" Tai moaned happily, rubbing Biyomon's clit as she bounced on his cock, filling her ass with his cum

"YES~!" Biyomon literally SHIRKED as she came, her eyes rolling into her head and her tongue hanging out

Tai panted slowly as he held the Digital bird. "Three times. Whoo." He exhaled.

"So... good~" she shuddered lustfully

"Yeah." Tai smiled... and realised he was still hard "Ready for round four?" he smiled

"Round... four?!" she gasped in shock, hearts in her eyes

"Yeah." he smiled, groping her feathery ass "Get on all fours... wings and knees."

"H-how long can you go?" She asked, doing so as she carefully removed herself from him and turned around to get on her wings and knees.

"Honestly, with a DigiGirl like you? No idea." Tai admitted, rubbing her ass and giving it a slap to watch it jiggle "But I normally can go about six rounds, my life style gives me lots of stamina."

"Six? I thought you were-? AH~!" Biyomon gasped as she felt Tai enter her once again.

"Where what?" he asked, slapping her ass again


"A-A virgin." She moaned. "B-But you're too good!"

"Who said I was a virgin?" Tai smiled "I said I had never done -this- before, as in have sex with a Digimon girl."


"AH~!" Biyo moaned as she heard that. "S-Sorry! Please, don't stop!"


"That ass jiggle looks so hot." he commented, as he kept thrusting away

Biyomon cried gently as she continued to feel Tai's open hand on her ass. Feeling the slaps triggering a spark of joy within her. She didn't know why, but she enjoyed it

"Hmm~! I could do this all day with you!" Tai remarked, slamming his cock deep inside of her.

"YES~!" she moaned

They where going to be at this for a while