A/N: Here we go, last chapter. So many hours put into this and now it's over after three days. WELP.

Thank you everyone who followed/favorited and reviewed! I may not answer to every review, but I read and appreciate each and every one of them!

Hiccup slowly blinked his eyes open.

Daylight was streaming through the window, along with a cool breeze that made him pull his blanket up to his chin. He had to bend his knees so his feet didn't poke out on the other end, but there was little space for him to do so.

Astrid was lying on her back, arms folded over the covers, legs spread wide underneath like a starfish. His back hit the wall when he leaned back only slightly. It was no mystery who was in command over this large bed, he thought with a fond grin.

He could see her chest move with every even breath. A few strands of hair were hanging over the side of her face, quivering slightly with every exhale. Her braid was a mess, come loose in most places, spilling over her pillow like a golden meadow.

She looked so relaxed, so calm, so at peace that he didn't dare to move lest he woke her, no matter how much his fingers twitched to gently push the hair out of her face.

The other reason he didn't want her to wake up was that he didn't know what had actually happened last night and what had been a dream. Had the flirty tension really hung between them the whole time? Had she really kissed him in her kitchen, had he panicked and made things awkward? Or was that just his subconscious trying to deal with the new things he felt for her that for some reason didn't feel new at all?

Since there was no way he was able to go back to sleep now anyway, he figured he could at least try and make sense of this new dynamic between him and his friend.

Somehow, last night hadn't come out of nowhere. It was like this thing had been building between them for a while and all it had needed had been a spark to ignite the fire. Spending time alone with only each other to focus on seemed to have done the trick. In his mind's eye, he saw a slightly pixelated version of himself opening a chest and unlocking a new achievement. Next time he was playing Mario Kart, he'd go with Link, and Astrid could stick her stupid arguments elsewhere. Waluigi. Oh, please.

Hiccup didn't know how long he'd been awake when she stirred, mumbling something incomprehensible under her breath, still drugged with sleep. When her eyelids began to twitch, he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep like he'd not been staring at her like a creep.

For a few minutes, she was still, and he thought she'd fallen back asleep. But then she started blowing air on his face and he struggled not to break his sleeping poker face, failing spectacularly when he couldn't hold it anymore and his shoulders started shaking.

"Ha! I knew you were awake!"

He opened his eyes, unable to keep his grin at bay, noticing with relief that she didn't fare any better.

"Good morning."

"It's afternoon, Hiccup."

"Good afternoon."

"Good aft–" She was interrupted by her stomach growling like a pack of hungry wolves in mid-winter. "Whoops. Guess it's time for breakfast."

When she crawled out from under the cozy blanket, Hiccup used the opportunity to sprawl out over the whole bed. The spot she'd just vacated was still warm and he snuggled into the pillow, humming contentedly. "Hmmm. Not breakfast. It's afternoon."

Something soft hit his head. It was one of her throw pillows. Instead of flinging it back at her, like she expected, he simply put it under his head and threw her a victorious smirk that earned him an eye-roll. Satisfied with his situation, he watched her pick up a brush and comb through her long hair, tousled and wavy from escaping her braid while she slept. It went down to her waist and his eyes followed her brush wander up and down, up and down, a methodical hypnosis luring him in.

For a few minutes, he was so focused on her hair that he didn't even notice she wasn't wearing any pants. He blinked a couple times, swallowed, and forced his eyes to the floor. But the damage was already done, the image of her navy-blue panties seared into his brain. He didn't even have to wonder if her bra was in a matching color, because there it was, lying on the ground in his field of vision as if it was mocking him. Had she flung it there during the night? Had he slept here, clueless, while Astrid Hofferson had undressed right next to him until all she was wearing was panties and a t-shirt?

He couldn't help himself, he had to look at her. It was impossible for him not to. When she inevitably noticed him staring, he blushed and deliberately averted his eyes.

"You know," she said with a cheeky grin, "after all the tongue we shared last night, you're allowed to look."

He wanted to get up and share some more tongue then and there, but he didn't have the courage to do it. Whatever had possessed him last night to kiss her (after he had so spectacularly ruined the moment the first time), it seemed to be dormant during the day. Late night decisions had a way of appearing sensible in the moment and showing their true ugly colors the next morning, or afternoon in this case. Luckily enough, Astrid didn't seem embarrassed or regretful in any way. That had to count for something, right?

While she was taking a quick shower – that he had to force himself not to think about – he got dressed and flopped down onto her desk chair. He took it for a few spins until she returned with only a towel covering her body, her hair loose and dripping, almost giving him a heart attack. He quickly disappeared into the bathroom as well.

He met her in the kitchen where she was making coffee, dancing on the spot to last night's playlist. While she was concentrated on that, her back to him, he stood in the doorway for a while, wrestling with his uncertainty about what to do and where they stood with each other now.

Finally mustering his courage, he walked up to her with the intention to casually slide his arms around her from behind. When he was almost there, however, arms ready to hug, all the bravery that had fueled him last night left him on the spot. Instead, he leaned on the counter next to her, close enough that he could put his chin on her shoulder like he'd done that morning before she'd fallen asleep in his arms. Goal achievement skills: pending.

"Do you think we should have even more caffeine?" he commented.

"You're right," she said and put three more spoons full of coffee powder into the machine. Ever since she'd woken up, she'd been wide awake, with only a moment to breathe in the shower where she'd had the chance to calm her fluttering heart. She wasn't so sure if it was an after-effect of the many energy drinks she'd consumed in the span of one night or if the cause lay elsewhere. Probably both.

She'd thought she'd been prepared when she'd heard Hiccup walk towards her, but when his arm had touched hers and his face had appeared right next to her, her hand had briefly started shaking before she'd brought it back under control. Fortunately, she'd spilled the coffee powder directly over the brewer.

"You know that's not what I meant."

His voice was distractingly deep and gravelly, probably still from sleep and because he hadn't had any water all night – should they have drunk more water, with all the pizza and sugar and caffeine? – and because he was half talking into her shoulder.

"Don't be such a baby, Waluigi."

"Me?!" She almost pouted when his voice sounded a little clearer. "That's rich, coming from a literal baby, Baby Peach!"

"I'll have you know that this baby won last night."

The downside of only two cups of coffee running through the machine was that they were doing so way too fast. She dreaded the moment they were done and she had no excuse to lean here against Hiccup anymore. Whatever had happened between them, it apparently hadn't been limited to only last night.

"Yeah, because this baby cheated."

Shaking her head, she turned towards him, finding him way closer than she was prepared for. She could see the thoughts scurry over his face like shadows fleeing from the sun, could feel his breath on her skin. Her heart beat faster when she smelled his minty toothpaste.

"Are you ever gonna let that go?" she murmured, eyes flickering between his eyes and mouth.

"Are you confessing?"


"Then I'm not… gonna…" He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The last drops of coffee trickled into the can. It fell on deaf ears.

This kiss was far more innocent in nature than the previous one. It lasted only a few seconds and ended in hands resting on arms and shoulders and touching foreheads. The playlist with music from the seventies was still on in the background and Astrid was sure she would always associate it with this moment from now on, as well as baking pizza, dancing in her small kitchen and taking Mario Kart way too seriously.

"You cheated."


"Yes." His voice was so deep again and she wanted him to keep talking forever.

"Did not."

"Yes, did."


"You cheated."

Opening her eyes and seeing him so comfortable in a t-shirt, sweatpants, and the fluffy dragon slippers that he stole from her and that were way too small for him made her heart jump.

"So… What now?"

He looked at her with a serious expression. "Now you go to trial."

She punched him on the arm and while he was busy gaping at her mock-offendedly, she backed away to the other end of the room and jumped on the chair furthest from him. "I'm not going to jail!"

He snorted. "And you think you're safe over there?"

Crossing her arms, she gave him a challenging look. "Come try and get me."

"Nah." He opened her cupboard and reached for the largest mug he could find, filling it to the brim with coffee so that there was nothing left for another cup. Then he turned around and lifted it to his lips, eyebrows raised, waiting for her to give up first.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You wouldn't."

"I will. Unless you come here and face your sentence for cheating."


"Okay, then." Without breaking eye contact, Hiccup gulped down the entire cup of hot, black coffee, his smug expression morphing into a grimace as he tried to suppress a shiver. But he kept going until he slammed the empty mug onto the counter with a cry of disgust.

"And now you lost your only leverage."

"But – gah! – but unlike you, I can always just leave while you have to camp out on your stupid chair all day."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "Say, hypothetically, that I do answer for the crimes I haven't committed. What would my sentence look like?"

Hiccup hummed in thought, taking his sweet time to answer. The chair hadn't been very expensive, wobbling every time she shifted her weight. The only thing keeping her here was her stubbornness, really.

"If you plead guilty, you have to get me a second present for Christmas, too."

That sounded manageable. She could just get him a roll of toilet paper or some grandma panties. For appearances' sake, she pretended weighing out her options, before eventually jumping down from the chair. She crossed the room and punched him on the arm once more.

"Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Blackmailing me."

"I don't know what you're talking about." She met his innocent expression with an unimpressed look that softened at the edges the longer she was exposed to the radiance of his smile. She could already tell that his mere joy and excitement was going to be a weak spot of hers. How had she ever been able to withstand it before?

"You're impossible."

"And yet you still haven't thrown me out of your house."

"I can still do that."

"Then do it."

She bit her lip. Was she actually considering it, just so she wouldn't have to back down from his deliberate provocation? But wouldn't that mean to let him win because she reacted to his challenge exactly as he thought she would?

With a frustrated groan, she moved to get the pizza out of the fridge and ignored Hiccup's probably very smug grin. But when she glanced at him past the open fridge door, he was just looking at her with a soft smile.

"You're really enjoying yourself there, aren't you," she asked and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

"Sorry, do you need my help with something?"

Her heart exploded from the sincerity in his voice, as if he was really concerned that he was being inconsiderate. "Yes, actually. Come here and I'll show you."

Now his expression grew wary. "Is this going to hurt?"

"Only if you keep hesitating."

Still suspicious, he cautiously approached her, blinking in surprise when she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, that will be all for now." With that, she spun on her heels and went about heating the pizza in the microwave.

"Is it always going to be like this from now on?" Hiccup asked, carefully reaching for her hand. She pretended to swat it away, but couldn't find it in herself to go through with it, instead interweaving their fingers and squeezing them once.

"I'd like to try and see where it goes."

He squeezed her hand back and met her eyes with a dazzling smile. "Me too."


Five pairs of eyes turned to the door of Snotlout's living room where an inebriated Tuffnut was leaning against the frame to hold himself upright. He was wearing a Santa costume that he was clearly not the target audience for, and tied to one of his dreadlocks with a rubber band was a rumpled-looking mistletoe.

"Did you steal that from one of the hookers down the street?" Astrid asked, taking in the red leather and white plush covering only a minimal part of Tuff's body, showing more hair than anyone present was comfortable with.

"Five bucks at the dollar store," Ruff said, raising her hand for a high-five to Hiccup who was sitting next to her. He only pulled up an eyebrow at her and Ruff shrugged, high-fiving herself. Hiccup shot Astrid a meaningful look and she grinned back. He didn't have to say anything.

Tuff sashayed over in his crocs, producing a large paper bag from behind his back and making a big show of dropping it on the table. Inside were the Christmas presents they had all gotten each other and had put on the kitchen table when they arrived so they could hand them over later that night.

"Ho-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!" Tuff slurred. He'd clearly had too much of the egg-nog Astrid had brought – actually, if she thought about it, he'd been the only one drinking it. No surprise that he was wasted; she'd spiked it with rum, vodka, and beer, after all. Even she herself hadn't had the chance to try it, which was a shame. It had looked delicious.

"Dude!" Snotlout complained, leaning away from Tuff whose mid-section was way closer to him than he would have liked. "Get your testicles out of my face!" He shoved Tuff so he fell backwards into the armchair that Fishlegs was currently occupying.

With a horrified expression, Fishlegs tried to push their slutty Santa out of his lap. Ruff whipped out her phone and took a whole series of pictures while Hiccup got up and helped maneuver Tuff into an empty chair. When Santa had his own chair, he flopped down on the couch next to Astrid who reclined into his side. She couldn't wait to give him his present.

"Okay, let's start!" she exclaimed cheerily. "Who wants to go first?"

"Oh, me! Me! Pick me!"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, Tuff goes first."

While presents were being exchanged, Hiccup's arm curled around Astrid's side and it felt like it had always belonged there. It stayed there the entire time, even when he was opening presents. He just had to wrap her closer into his embrace to use both his hands properly, but it wasn't like she was complaining.

After most presents had been opened, she didn't want to wait anymore. She reached into the plastic bag and produced the extra present she had gotten for Hiccup, true to her word. Spotting the cheeky look in her eyes, he knew what she was up to and grabbed the extra present that he had to give her for her victory.

"Here you go, cheater," he said and she huffed in fond exasperation. Well, every great victory came with a sacrifice, she thought, and now she had to live with the consequences. He handed her the slightly bulky package that looked suspiciously like the one she handed him in return. Even the gift wrap was the same.

With a sense of foreboding, she removed the paper – and burst out laughing. Hiccup joined in only a moment later, holding up the little Baby Peach plushie she'd bought at the same store he must have gotten her new Waluigi plushie from.

She buried her face in his shoulder in an attempt to stop the giggles that started anew every time she looked at their matching presents. When she looked up again, Hiccup was smiling at her lopsidedly.

"Thank you. I've always wanted a Baby Peach plushie."

"You're welcome." She had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing, the serious tone of his voice in contrast to his expression too tempting. "How did you know I've always wanted to put a Waluigi toy on my shelf so it can watch me in my sleep with that creepy grin?"

He shrugged. "Who doesn't want that? You can't return it, by the way."

"Why would I ever return it?" she asked, completely earnest, and watched the mirth in his eyes turn into that soft adoration that never failed to make her knees go weak. She was glad she was sitting down.

They met in the middle, melting into each other, ignoring the protests coming from Snotlout's general direction.

"Come on, guys, do you have to do that all the time?"

"I think it's cute," Fishlegs countered.

"Yeah," Ruffnut chimed in, "just because you've never kissed a girl, you don't have to ruin it for others."

"Excuse me, I have so kissed girls!"

"Your mom doesn't count," it came from Tuff who was slouching in his chair, still wearing that ridiculous costume.

"I wasn't talking about my mom, and will you please put on some pants, dude?!"

Astrid broke away from Hiccup, sharing one last knowing gaze with him before turning back to their friends. "Snotlout, one day you will find someone to play Mario Kart with, too."

"Yeah," Tuff drawled, "I still don't believe that's what you did. I think you just–" He smacked his hands together repeatedly.

"I guess you'll never know," Hiccup said and even winked at Astrid for good measure. She grinned. Messing with their friends was still the most fun when they did it together.

Later that night, when Hiccup was dropping her off at her house, she couldn't shake the giddiness that wouldn't stop overcoming her at any given moment ever since that night a few weeks ago. It felt like the caffeine she'd ingested into her system back then had never left her body, pumping through her veins with every beat of her heart.

Regarding the Waluigi plushie in her hand, she decided this night wasn't over yet. She nudged her boyfriend with the toy and challenged him with a suggestive grin. "Wanna come inside and play some Mario Kart?"