Wait what am I doing writing another story? I should be working on homework. Lol I needed a break and I found inspiration from some instrumental music from random soundtracks. Oh boy.

I am beginning with Setsuna again. Age twelve here.

I own nothing. This is all speculation. Characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi.


Part 1: Setsuna's Vow

"Again Setsuna." Kohaku ordered the twelve year old girl. He charged at her with a katana and she blocked with her naginata. He raised his blade high and struck down, then from the left, then he spun and attacked from her right. His movements fast. Setsuna gritted her teeth and gripped the staff of the blade tightly.

He pushed her back until she fell back onto her rump, tripping on a rock. He stared down at her as she rubbed her side. She looked up at him and glared. "That hurt master." She huffed out. "I'm only twelve, there is no need for a full grown man like yourself to push at me so hard."

The man in his thirties shook his head. "When I was your age, actually, a little younger, I was travelling with…" She noticed him look at her and shook his head. "I was travelling with a demon lord and his companions. He was powerful, but I was to defend myself. As must you. Now, that was enough for today. You did well until you tripped." He smiled and held a hand out. She grasped it and he pulled her up.

He patted her head. "Go rest." He turned from her and headed over to some of the other members of the village. She watched with amber eyes as he headed to his wife and young child. The little girl reached with chubby hands and he took her from his wife and kissed the little girl's cheek.

She brought her staff close to her chest and looked down at the ground. Do I have a place here? Master Kohaku married two years ago and now he only trains me. He used to care for me like he does for his child.

She heard a soft meow and opened her eyes after closing them lost in though and she smiled softly. "Hello, Kirara. Will you accompany me to the spring?" Another soft meow and the two-tailed cat brushed against her leg. "Come on, let's get some fresh clothes and go together."

The demon cat leapt up onto her shoulder and nuzzled her head. Setsuna smiled softly. She walked back to her little house at the back of the village then headed to the spring.

Kirara jumped off her shoulder and sat down at the edge of the water. Setsuna laid her naginata against the tree and slowly took off the guards of her outfit off. Shrugging off her pelt from her shoulder, the two-tailed pelt rested on the ground. She untied her outfit and looked at her pelt. She knelt down and touched the grey pelt. It was part of her, and she couldn't remember when she got it.

"It is a part of your very being, never stray from it. Wear it with pride and know you'll always come home." It was a sharp female voice that was kind but spoke with the pride of the aristocrats. She remembered white hair in long ponytails, a small quirk of lips and a small purple stripe on each cheek. "Did you give this to me? Who are you?" She mused allowed.

A small meow and Setsuna was brought out of her thoughts shook her head and lifted her pelt and brought it to the water. She afraid of losing it, the words in her fragmented memories and dreams haunted her.

Master…was the demon lord my father? Is that why you don't speak his name? The woman who came here three summers ago and held me as I screamed, was she my mother? Why did I collapse like that?

These questions as many others always ran through her mind. She set her pelt down on a large rock and sat down in the water. Kirara sat beside her pelt and leaned down and nuzzled the top of Setsuna's head. "Thanks for guarding my pelt, Kirara. And for being with me always." A soft meow.

She leaned back and stared up at the orange sky, the sun was starting to set. The warm water of the spring soothing her aching muscles from training. "Kirara, let's sleep in the meadow tonight. Just us." A meow was her response with another nuzzle.

She washed her limbs and hair slowly and felt the day's grime and sweat gone from her body. Deciding after a period of time that she was in long enough she stood up and grabbed her pelt and dressed. She carried her training outfit and guards back to the village, her naginata in her other hand. Kirara walked beside her dutifully.

She knew the demon cat was her master's companion, but Kirara seemed to know that she needed her most and Kohaku was busy with his family. Maybe she needs me too? Setsuna wondered as they entered her little home. The sky was darkening. "Kirara let's get a blanket and some food." Setsuna set her clothing and weapon down. She looked at the blade that was by her bed. She bit her lip. I am not ready to carry it. Master Kohaku said with more training I will be soon.

She saw Kirara pawing open her storage bin. Setsuna opened it and Kirara hopped in and hopped out, pulling a blanket. Setsuna thanked her and grabbed some dried fish for the both of them. She gathered up the blanket and grabbed her naginata just in case. There were some demon activity increase as of late and Setsuna would not be caught unaware. Even though she knew Kirara would transform and get her out of there, the feel of the naginata was familiar.

A woman…that woman…did she wield a naginata too?

"Setsuna?" She stopped in her tracks to see Kohaku staring down at her from the central house, his house. He stood on the porch and she saw him wearing a yukata. "Where are you going?"

"Kirara and I are going to sleep out in the meadow tonight." Setsuna called out and started to walk toward the gate of the village.

"Come back if there is any trouble." He called out. She noticed that he did not yell out, he knew her hearing was good. She looked back and nodded.

Kirara led the way and they found a comfortable spot in the meadow at the base of the hill. Setsuna laid out the blanket and picked up a dried fish and put it down on the blanket for Kirara. She rubbed the two-tailed demon cat's back at she purred and ate in contentment. Setsuna smiled softly and then grabbed her own piece and chewed slowly.

"Kirara the stars are coming out." Setsuna laid back and looked up at the night sky. She raised a hand and connected several stars together and hummed softly. "The Great Dog Demon that died long ago. There he is. He ruled the west long ago, Kirara. I don't know why I remember that story. I don't even remember who told me it." She sighed heavily and rested an arm under her head, her hair down since her bath. She traced the dog demon out once more. "They say he fought a large dragon that sunk his fang into his chest. And with one last effort he made it to his human lover to save her and their little newborn son. A half-demon, just like me."

Kirara curled up beside her head and purred gently as if to comfort her. The purring was gentle and soothing and lulled Setsuna asleep. She watched the stars until her eyes felt too heavy to stay awake.

Setsuna sees them in her dreams. A woman running in fields of flowers, a naginata in her hand, but a smile nonetheless. Setsuna can't see her eyes but she feels like they are on her. The woman runs toward her and kneels down a large smile on her face. She holds a flower and tucks it into Setsuna's hair before turning and placing another in another person's hair beside her. Before Setsuna can turn to look at the person the dream changes.

She see's the white haired man cupping the woman's face and leaning down and speaking words she cannot make out. The woman leans up and kisses him gently. She's watching the tender moment. The man for once in her dreams isn't wearing armour. A simple dark blue kimono, his hair braided and over his shoulder. The woman's long dark hair hung loosely as she wore a beautiful pink kimono. The woman pulls back from him and they turn to her, but she doesn't catch a glimpse of their faces before the scene changes.

A white haired female, the one she can hear, speaks to her. "It is a part of your very being, never stray from it. Wear it with pride and know you'll always come home." Setsuna received the pelt and she felt strong hands behind her helping her fix it to her waist and shoulder. She snuggles her face in, it feels familiar to her. "…." The woman spoke a name, the name of the person behind her, the man who helped her fix the pelt on her small frame. "Will you not let….have …too?"

Setsuna is whisked off through scene after scene. The man and the two women always present. But she can never hear their names, see their faces, or understand who the other person, the mysterious one is that is always close to her. She can feel their presence, but before she can look she is whisked away.

She sees flames and cries out. This was always her nightmare. The end of her dreams. To torture her further. To remind her that everything was gone. Her family, her memories. Her identity. Only the voice of another person calls out to her screaming her name, promising to find her. "Who are you?" Is what she wants to ask but dread and guilt always fills her.

Setsuna gasps and opens her eyes and sees the dog demon in the stars. She raises her hands to the stars and feels tears running down her face. "Who am I? Are you and I family? Where are my parents? My family?" She cried out.

Kirara transformed and curled around her, resting her head against Setsuna's side. Kirara shielded Setsuna from the night as the teen cried. Setsuna turned to her side and patted Kirara's head. "Thank you, Kirara."

The demon cat chuffed and Setsuna cried softly.

"I see their smiles. I hear a voice telling me I'll come home. But how can I go home if I don't know who I am? Who they are?"

The demon cat whined softly.

Setsuna nodded slowly and decided to stand up and look at the stars. Kirara raised her head to look at the stars with her. "Kirara, I have to find out who I am." She glanced down at her naginata and stared at it. "That naginata it is the one from my dreams." She looked back to the stars. "Am I part of the legacy of that Great Dog Demon of legend? Why has that story stuck with me despite my memories being taken by that butterfly? Why do I remember the butterfly?"

Kirara nudged her hand. Setsuna turned to Kirara and stroked the black diamond on Kirara's head. The cat closed her large eyes in contentment.

"Kirara, I will find out who I am. I will find them, my family. I will train harder every day to wield the blade that woman, the one master described as the Lady of the West, brought me from the Lord. I want to see her again. Her scent is familiar. I will find Moroha, as she keeps running off. I want to know my place in this world." She spoke with conviction and looked to the stars again and stared up at them. She raised her palm and felt Kirara shift under her other palm to look at the stars too. "Great Dog Demon hear my vow!"

She licked dry lips and nodded at the stars, "I, Setsuna, will find all of my answers, I will fight every demon if I must. I will kill that butterfly demon and I swear on my life that I will find my family. If I am your descendant, part of your legacy, then grant me your strength."

Kirara made a soft noise.

Setsuna turned to Kirara and sat down on her knees and pressed her forehead to Kirara's. "I know it is silly to think I could be related to the Great Dog Demon, but I feel close to that constellation. It is the only one I can always find in the night sky, it calls to me. Kirara, will you help me?"

A soft nudge and Setsuna moved to hug the demon around the neck. "Thank you, thank you for being my friend."

She felt sure then that one day she would have her memories back. For better or for worse. She made her vow to the Great Dog Demon in the stars and she would not fail.

Yeah, I totally made up a constellation to suit the needs of my story. I know that there are several like Canis Major...but for the sake of my story this one constellation is about Toga.

I want Kirara to join Setsuna and the girls on their journey, I took creative license thus far. Kirara seems to go with who needs her most after all. Midiriko, Sango, Kohaku...and probably more in between the ancient priestess and the siblings.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Next: Moroha's Job.