Hello Everyone, this is Rokettoman.

Another new Fanfic again, I'm sorry.

The story will be a mix of Sword Art Online with the elements of Super Robot Wars. And The characters will not only from Sword Art Online, but there will be characters from another anime too, and various mecha that has its Plastic Model.

I hope all of you will like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any property that I used for this story.

"Its time for this week MMO stream! We began with a promotion video. Was this the day of last week's launch? What with all of the people waiting in line for? Plamo Universe Online! Now we can officially say goodbyes to its predecessor, Plamo Battle Virtual."

"Man, I'm glad I already got the game." A Japanese boy with a well-build body chuckling at what he saw on the tv as he pats his short wavy hair. Then he hears a small beeping voice from his computer screen. The voice is coming from the message in a chat group.

Kirito: Everyone, are you ready?

The boy smirked, then he quickly clicked the keyboard.

Kabuto: Damn right I do!

Nagare: The Getter team also ready!

Gore: You really into this roleplay huh, Nagare?

Baku: Let him be, Gore. This is one of his dreams after all.

Kabuto: Then what we're waiting for, Lets Volt In!

Kirito" I'll be waiting on the fountain in Town of Beginner, Ok?

Gore: Alright.

Kabuto: Got it!

Baku: O.K.

Nagare: Let's do this!

(Kirito left the chat)

(Nagare left the chat)

(Gore left the chat)

(Baku left the chat)

(Kabuto left the chat)

After that the boy went to a thing that looked like a helmet connected with a barcode-scanner look-alike, sitting on his desk. The helmet is a hardware device that popular nowadays called NerveGear. The boy take the NerveGear and went to the drawn that full of Plastic Models or to be short, Plamo.

"First, let's scan my Plamo." He takes a Plamo of Mazinger Z Infinity version that already attached to Jet Scrander. Red laser appeared from the scanner, as the scanner is scanning all of Mazinger Z's body.

Scanning Complete! Mazinger Z Infinity Ver. + Jet Scrander

The message appeared on the screen of the scanner after completing the scanning.

The boy smirked again. "Alright! MAZIN GO!" He quickly put the helmet on his head. then he lies down on his bed. "LINK START!"

-Head link, check-

-Body link, check-

-Hands link, check-

-Legs link, check-

-Checking Complete.-

-Language: Japanese-

-Account: ******

-Password: *******

-Creation Character-

-Beta test data still available.-

-Would you like to use it?-

-Yes- -No-

-Please wait...-


You're now on the Town of Begining, inside the Side 7 Space Colony.

The boy's appearance now is changing, his average height is now turned into a muscular tall body. His short black hair also turned into black spiked hair that is combed back along with forward-facing sideburns. His clothes also turned into dark-red colored clothes that resemble beginner adventurer in a usual fantasy setting RPG game. "...I'm back..." The boy said while grinning. "Now, let's go to the fountain first."

The boy, nicknamed as Kabuto, walking across the town. He saw many players lurking around in the town, all of them is happily talking at each other or showing their Plamo's stats and ability via the floating menu screen. While walking, Kabuto also looked at the scenery of the Town of Beginning, there are so many buildings such like the house, tavern, inn, and shops that inspired by middle-age era European building but there are also many futuristic skyscraper buildings, modern-looking monorail, and vehicles like flying cars, bikes, and also Liftboards, a surfboard-like device.

As Kabuto arrives at the fountain, someone suddenly pats his shoulder from behind. "Yo."

Kabuto turned his head, then he smirks. "Glad to see you again, Kirito."

Kirito's avatar is a teenager with average height with a long dark hairstyle, wears a dark-blue novice clothing and a brown leather vest with a black pant. "That avatar of yours really suits your fantasy, isn't it?"

Kabuto had a small laugh after hearing that. "Same goes for you, little one." He playfully mocks Kirito's height in real life, making Kirito chuckles too. "The Getter team is not arrived yet huh?

"Nice to meet you two again, you bastards."

Kabuto and Kirito looked at the three people who approached them. Kirito formed a small smile on his mouth as he knows well the three people. "Looks like Londo Bell had a reunion huh?"

The first one is Nagare. His avatar is an adult man with a muscular body, more muscular than Kabuto's avatar. He has shoulder-length disheveled black hair and bushy eyebrows. He wears a bright-red novice clothing and black pants.

The second one is Gore. His avatar is an average height adult man with an athletic build, long straight hair, and good-looking face. He wears a light-blue novice clothing with brown pants.

The third one is Baku. His avatar is a male teenager with an athletic build with short black hair and eyes. He wears a light-green novice clothing and dark-green leather vest and blue pants.

Kabuto also smirked at the arrival of the trio known as the Getter team. "Glad to see you three doing well."

"Why are we standing here doing nothing like an idiot? Let's go crushing something." Gore said while putting his hands on the pocket of his pants.

"As always Gore, only you can say something sinister like that." Kirito sighing. "Let's go to the Hangar and take our Plamo to walk."

"Can we eat first? The developer said that we can taste the food just like in the real world." Baku said while patting his stomach.

Nagare playfully slaps Baku's stomach. "And as always, food is the only thing that filled in your brain Baki."

Kabuto and everyone laughing as they leave the Fountain of Beginning.


Space Colony Side 7, Town of Beginning: Hangar.

"WA-HA!" Baki shouts happily. "What the developer said is true, we can change the Getter Robo's form!"

"And they're also in their right size too, just like in the anime." Gore also can't hide his excited feeling. "Finally, after always stuck in Getter-1 form, now we can change to Getter-2 and Getter-3 too."

All of the five-player are looking at their own Plamo that now is on their real size just like from the source of what they came from.

Kabuto looked at the Pilder of Mazinger Z, then he looked at his Plamo who's now is sized just like a real-life giant robot. Stood in front of him is 25 meters Mazinger Z Infinity version without its Pilder, but the Jet Scrander already attached in Mazinger Z's body. "Hahaha, now I can felt what Kouji Kabuto feels when he saw Mazinger Z for the first time. A super robot that can make you become either God or Devil."

Kirito is now standing in front of his own Plamo. An 18.3 meters GN-001 Gundam Exia with Dark Cloak as accessories, already with its armament such like GN-Sword mounted on the right forearm, pair of GN Beam Sabers stored on the back of Exia's shoulder armor, pair of GN Beam Daggers stored on the Exia's rear waist, GN Long Blade is stored on a rotatable mount on the left hip, and the GN Short Blade is stored on the same type of mount on the right hip, and GN Shield mounted on the left forearm. Exia also has a pair of small beam guns known as GN Vulcan, but right now it's not attached in Exia's body. Looked at White Demon from another century, Kirito can't help but feel excited right now. "Now I can become Gundam for real."

Nagare, Gore, and Baku looked at the three jet-like vehicles known as Getter Machines. Getter Machines are jet-like vehicles that serve as the components to the Getter Robo, they feature a special anti-gravity flight system that allows them to fly for periods of time and are composed of Getter Alloys that allow them to change shape and combine. Each Getter Machine contains an autopilot that can be controlled from different areas but is not as powerful without the three pilots in control. Their average speed is Mach 0.9 but their mobility and acceleration are different from each one. The red-colored Getter Machine Eagle Unit is a Getter Machine with high mobility features. It is armed with a small beam gun and rockets and is later given a machine gun for additional firepower. The white-colored machine named Jaguar Unit is a Getter Machine with aerodynamic features. It has a high acceleration module that uses NO1 to boost. Its nozzle contains an area for the Getter Beam and is armed with small missiles. The yellow-colored Bear Unit is a Getter Machine that features great stability. It is armed with a large missile launcher.

"Now it feels like we're become the real Getter Robo pilots huh?" Nagare smirks in excitement.

"This sight truly makes me shudder, I can't believe we're inside a game," Gore added. "They look too real."

The Getter team's Plamo in real life is a Getter-1 Plastic Model. Unlike its successor, Getter Robo had a 'unique' combine segment that impossible to re-create in any form of toys and plastic models.

"And it feels real too, look." Baku knocking the body of the Bear Unit, the knock produces a loud sound like someone knocking real steel. When Baku touches the Bear Unit, it feels like touching a real iron. "This game is amazing."

Kabuto jumps into inside the Pilder. "Woah, inside the Pilder, the steering, and the buttons look exactly the same." Then he turned on the Pilder. "MAZIN GO!"

Everyone is surprised by Kabuto's sudden shout and the sound of the turned-on Pilder. "Kabuto! What the hell are you doing!" Nagare shouts.

"Test drive!" Kabuto shouts from inside the Pilder. The Pilder slowly flying to Mazinger Z's head. "Woah, Woah, it really flying. " Then the Pilder reaches the top of Mazinger Z's head. "PILDER ON!" Now the Pilder attached at the top of Mazinger Z's head and became the brain and the cockpit of Mazinger Z.

Mazinger Z's eyes shine brightly and its hand moved like an angry titan. Mazinger Z's right hand accidentally hits and destroys the Hangar's wall, makes the panic Kirito and the Getter team running around in a mess. "Damn it Kabuto! Stop destroying the hangar!" Kirito shout.

"Sorry, sorry !" from inside the Pilder, Kabuto looking at his angry friends.

Nagare grins like a mad man. "Gore! Baku! let's get into the Getter Machines!"

"OKAY!" Gore and Baku shout in unison.

Nagare easily jumps into the Eagle Unit's cockpit, Gore also jumps like a ninja and successfully landed into Jaguar Unit's cockpit. Baku is a little bit jealous that Nagare and Gore look cool when they jumped into their respective unit, also tries to jump into Bear Unit. But he slipped and fall headfirst to the floor. Kabuto, Nagare, and Gore laugh loudly looking at Baku's witty act.

"Ouch! Why I still felt the pain even though this is just a game?" Baku said to Kirito who approached him, helping him to stand up.

"Really? That's new. There are no such things in the Beta." Kirito said.

"Let's go Baku! The Getter team is not complete without its third pilot!" Nagare shouts from inside the Eagle Unit.

"Hey, hey! Wait for me!" After some help from Kirito, Baku successfully getting inside the Bear Unit's cockpit.

Then the hangar automatically releases a runway for the Getter Machines. "Haha! Now, this is just like the real thing! Gore, Baku, are you ready?"

"Anytime," Gore answers with a smirk.

"Let's do this!" Baku shouts.




All of the Getter Machines launched from the hangar at unbelievable speed.

"Heh! I don't want to lose! SCRANDER CROSS!" Mazinger Z is flying from the hangar to outside.

Kirito shakes his head. "They're just like little kids." Then he looked at his Gundam Exia. "Well, it's a lie if I said that I'm not excited."

Then Kirito opens the cockpit of Exia, the sight of Exia's cockpit makes Kirito whistling in amusement. "It really looks like a real Exia cockpit." Then he gets in inside the cockpit, shut the cockpit's door and turned on the Exia's system. As the hangar automatically releases a runway for taking off, Kirito smirked. "Kirito, Gundam Exia, eliminating the target."


Space Colony Side 7, Beginner's Forest.

As the Mazinger Z and Getter Machines flying in the sky of Side 7, Kirito with his Gundam Exia is catching up with them with unbelievable speed.

"There you are, Kirito!" Nagare greets.

"Can't let a bunch of kids getting all the fun!" Kirito said.

"Everyone, there are three monsters in front of us." A three giant T-Rex look-alike with long arms and robotic scalp appeared in front of Kabuto and his friends. From the health bar above the monster's head, the name of the monsters is Space T-Rex.

"Three, huh? What a coincidence." Gore smirk. "Nagare, let's use Getter-1!"

"Okay! Getter team! Ready in position!" Nagare shouts as the Getter Team preparing the position for combining into Getter-1, position in order for combining into Getter-1: Eagle+Jaguar+Bear.

Then Gore noticing that Bear Unit moves slower than the other two Getter Machines. "Baku, match our speed! I don't want to meet my end like Michiru in Getter Robo Armageddon!"

"Hiii! I don't want it either!" Baku answers as he finally matches the other Getter Machine's speed.

"CHANGE GETTER-1! SWITCH ON!"The three Getter Machines combining in a strange and do not make a sensible way. Three Getter Machines combine and transform into 38 meters Getter-1. "GETTER WING!" A cape-like attachment appeared from Getter-1's back. The Getter Wing act as an anti-gravity cloak allows Getter-1 to fly in the sky.

"Even though now we saw the real combine in front of my eyes, it's still don't make any sense." Kirito comments. Kabuto answers it with nodding his head.

"GAN! GAN! GAN! GAN! The flame of youth is burning hot as we're flying high!" Baku singing the theme song of Getter Robo's anime.

"SKRREEE!" One of the Space T-Rex firing a flame breath to Getter-1.

"Oh no!" Baku shouts in fear.

But Getter-1 evades the attack immediately.

"Haha! Puny attack like that won't hit Getter Robo!" Nagare laughs smugly. "GETTER TOMAHAWK!" a tomahawk appeared from Getter-1's right shoulder. "GETTER TOMAHAWK BOOMERANG!" Getter-1 throws the tomahawk ax like a boomerang. The ax decapitates the Space T-Rex's head. "GETTER KICK!" Without giving a chance, Getter-1 destroying the Space T-Rex's body with a dive kick.

Another Space T-Rex is angrily roaring at Getter-1, but a laser beam from Mazinger Z's eyes hits its body. "PHOTON BEAM!". The dinosaur monster now changes its sights to Mazinger Z. With its long tail, the Space T-Rex tries to grab Mazinger Z's hand. "Hah! Something like this is nothing for Mazinger Z! ROCKET PUNCH!" Mazinger Z's right hand suddenly detached from Mazinger Z's body and penetrated the Space T-Rex's body. Mazinger Z raised both of its arms, the Mazinger Z's chest plate is glowing like oven. "BREAST FIRE!" From its chest plate, Mazinger Z fires an intensely hot blast of heat at 30,000 degrees Celcius. The blast melts the Space T-Rex immediately.

Kirito sighing. "They're really into this." Then he looked at the last dinosaur monster approaching him, trying to bites Exia's head off. "Off, almost got me." But Kirito with Exia successfully evades the bite attack. Then the GN Sword change into GN Rifle, Exia shots the last Space T-Rex several times. All of the bullets successfully penetrates the Space T-Rex's body but it still standing.

"Come on, Kirito! Finish it quickly!" Gore said.

"Give me a break, Mobile Suits is not designed for combat against giant monsters you know?" Kirito said as the GN Rifle turns back into GN Sword. "I'll finish this!" In one swing the GN Sword decapitates the Space T-Rex's head. Then Exia swings GN Sword once again to cut the Space T-Rex's body, killing it immediately. "Huff, that was intense." All of the pilots got a small amount of money from slaying the three Space T-Rex, material drops, spare parts to strengthen the Plamo, and pilot experience points.

"OPEN GET!" The Getter-1 cancels the combine and turns back into three Getter Machines. All of the super robots landed carefully on the ground, and their respective pilots came out from the cockpit. All of the pilots sighed in amazement as they looked at the beautiful scenery of the Side 7 in front of them, the fake sky of a space colony, fake sea, the town that combines futuristic era and medieval-fantasy era,

"I can't believe that this is just a game, it really looks like we're inside a real space colony." Kabuto is the first one to speak. "The difference between the beta and the real deal is like sky and earth."

"The Beta is just like an upgrade version of Plamo Battle Virtual after all, the cockpit is not like the real thing, and only Side 7 is the available space colony to explore." Kirito smiling, remembering the fun days when Plamo Battle Virtual still exists. And the disappointment when Plamo Battle Virtual closing their server.

"Whoever made this game know their stuff," Baku said while rubbing his nose.

"...I'm glad that we can experience the thrill once again," Gore added.

"Everyone." Nagare calls his friends. "This is our time to bringing back the glory days of Londo Bells! Let's explore this universe and become the number one once again!"

"Hahaha, you really into this aren't you?" Kirito laughed, then his lips formed a soft smile. "To be honest, during the time we're Beta-Testing, PUO is the only thing I can think in day and night. In this game, a single Plamo can take you to any world you want to go to."

"The possibility of PUO is endless." Kabuto nodded. "It's not real-world but damn! I still feel more alive than in the real world."

"Me too," Kirito said. The Getter Trio chuckles, agreeing Kabuto's statement.

"Anyways, want to explore the outer space?" Nagare asks.

Baku looked at the clock from the floating menu. "It's already 17:30, my mother will smack me if I'm not logged out."

Kabuto and the others laughing at what Baku said. "Well, we already had enough fun today. Let's continue tomorrow morning."

"Then I'll go off first," Baku said as he opens the menu, searching for a logout option. "Huh?"

Knowing something wrong, Kirito asks. "What's wrong?"

Baku raised his eyebrows. "There's no log out button."

This gained Gore's attention. "What? Look closer."

"What's wrong?" Kabuto and Nagare approached.

"...I still can't find the log-out button." Baku started to become panic

"Are you blind!?" Nagare opens his menu screen. "It's right... huh!?"

"See!? I told you!" Baku barks back.

Kirito and Kabuto open their menu screen and check enough to be sure there is no log out button. "No... There isn't..." Kabuto dumbfounded.

Kirito tries to calm himself and his friends. "I'm sure there is some bug or error on the server, this game is just come out today and there are already more than 10.000 players after all."

"Ah! My mother gonna smack me!" Now Baku became panic for real. "There's gonna be another way to log out, LOG OUT! EXIT! ESCAPE! RETURN!" Baku tries shouting with a different pose, but nothing of it successful.

"That won't work! Stop embarrassing yourself!" Gore shouts.

"We can't take off the NerveGear by ourselves either, the NerveGear intercept everything we told our body to do here," Kabuto said. "The only option is either waiting for the server to fix the bugs or someone to remove the NerveGear for us."

Nagare furiously kicking the grass. "Just great! You all know that I'm living alone right?"


The sound of the town large bell can be heard, as blue light suddenly surrounded the pilots and the Plamos.

"What the-" Gore can't finish his sentence as he and his friends suddenly disappeared along with the Plamos.


Space Colony Side 7, Town of Beginning.

Suddenly, Kabuto and his friends are summoned in the town hall, along with the other players as well.

"What the hell?" Nagare and his friends also the other players are confused right now with the sudden summons.

"Up there!" Suddenly they heard someone shouts.

Up in the colony's sky, red warning signs can be seen. And then, the signs spread to the entire sky. A blood-like ooze suddenly starts to fall down and forming something. The forming is finished and it reveals five giant humanoid figures wearing a black cloak with their face covered, their appearance resembles a group of the grim reaper.

"What is that?"

"The game master?"

"Is this an event?"

Murmurs of PUO players can be heard, all of them are confused and scared of the sudden event.

Then the grim reaper in the middle clear it's throat. "Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Plamo Universe Online, the small universe that now belongs to us."

"Belong to... what's that mean?" Kirito wonders.

"We are Metsubojinrei, the group that from now controlling this game from now on."


"Never heard of it."

"What kind of joke is this?"

All of the players' murmurs to each other.

"I know many of you are wondering about the logout button went missing. It's because we already delete that features."

What the middle grim reaper said making many eyes widen.

"What!? Are you joking?" Nagare said, gritting his teeth.

"You cannot logout PUO by yourselves, and no one on the outside can shut down or remove the NerveGear," The middle grim reaper said before continuing, "If one were to attempt to remove your Nerve Gear during gameplay…the Gear would send off microwave waves that would destroy your brain and thus, ending your life."

Many players gasped as some took a step back, but the wasn't finished.

"What is he talking about? He must be insane, right guys?" Baku asked, not believing what said.

"He's right," Kirito answered. "The transmitter work like a microwave."

"If the safety turns off, then it could fry the brain." Gore continued, gritted his teeth. "And the gear had an internal battery, so power cutting is out of the question."

"But that is crazy! What's going on here?!" Nagare furiously shouts.

"Unfortunately, some players' family and friends have ignored this warning, 213 people had already suffered that fate regrettably and gone forever," The middle grim reaper informed

bringing up a screen with various pictures of death PUO players. There was news coverage all around and various videos of families and friends breaking down crying.

"Its... that many?" Kabuto asked in shock.

"213..." Kirito whisper in shock.

"Damn it! I can't believe it!" Nagare shouts.

"The entire world news has already reported this, including the deaths, thus you can assume the danger of NerveGear being removed is minimal. So relax and focus on enjoying the game." The middle grim reaper said calmly makes the other grim reaper chuckles. "But, I want you to remember this clearly, there's no method to revive someone in this game. If you're dead, your avatar will forever be lost and the NerveGear will destroy your brain."

The players can only stare in shock of what just calmly proclaimed.

"There are only one means to escape, and that is to win against us. That's it, we're declaring the war against you, Plamo pilots." The middle grim reaper said, followed by sinister chuckles from other grim reapers. "Just like in the Mobile Suit Gundam, our troops will always terrorize all of you whenever you are, even in the Texas Colony or Byston Well, we'll always follow all of you around."


"What is he talking about!?"

"No! You're lying!"

"If this is some cruel jokes, please stop right now!"

Kabuto and his friends silently glaring at Metsubojinrei.

"And finally, I've added a present to your inventory, please see it yourself."

Kabuto and his friends' exchange looks at each other, and then open their inventory.

"Mirror?" Kirito said as he and his friends took out the mirror.

"Ugh!?" Baku screamed suddenly as he surrounded by blue light, so does his friends and the other players.

When the light faded, every player transformed. "You guys okay?" Kirito and Kabuto looked toward the sound and sees a lean and athletic teenager with messy black hair that went down his neck and extended at the front.

"Nagare!? " Kabuto and Kirito shout as they know well the person in front of them.

"Y-You two? How!?" Nagare also panics after looking at Kirito and Kabuto's appearance, Kirito and Kabuto look at the mirror, and see their faces, real faces. Kirito has short black hair and black eyes, he was quite pretty with his thin and small body. He's shorter than Kabuto.

"What the!?" Kabuto freaked out.

"Ah! My clothes!" Baku now has an overweight figure but has noticeable pectoral muscles and also had a bald head.

"How!?" Gore now has dark shoulder-length hair and piercing eyes with a rather elongated face. He's now the tallest of the five.

"Fuck! This is my real body!" Nagare shouts when he looked at the mirror. "But how?!"

"Probably the NerveGear, it covers your entire face with high-density signal or something, so it can see what your face looks like." Kirito guessed.

All the players too, transformed into their original forms, all the men that lie behind their character were found out, and some girls even turn into guys.

"But... our height and body weight?" Baku asked in a panic state.

"Well, when we first use it, it had us calibrate it right? You have to touch your body all over." Kabuto answered.

"That's right... I dunno it will be this advance though..." Kirito said.

Baku becomes more confused. "But why?"

"I'm sure he'll tell us," Kirito answered, pointing to Metsubojinrei.

"I'm sure you are wondering, 'Why?' Why we are doing all of this? All you need to know that both you Plamo Builders and the developer in this game have sinned..., all of you destroying, killing every each of us, and this is our payback..., good luck players, have a good time..." All of the Metsubojinrei members transform into a red mist and quickly dissolved, making the red warning sign disappeared.

All the players looked at where the Metsubojinrei was before, all of them lost for words, that is until someone drops the mirrors and screams.


"Screw you!"

"Let me out! Let me out!"

"Help us! Someone?"

"I have a meeting after this!"

"Help us! Help us!"

All of the five pilots looked at each other and nod. And then they leave the main hall.

"I can't believe something like this happened." Baku is the one who talks first. His face shows a sad expression. "Mom and dad at home must be very sad right now."

"Those bastards! Playing innocent people's lives like that, unforgivable! If they want war, we gave them real war!" Nagare furiously punches the wall. "I'm gonna kill them all!"

"Calm down, Nagare." Gore pats Nagare's back. "If what that bastard said is true, our Plamo is not enough to win this war. We need an assault carrier or battleship."

"In other words." Kirito continues. "To do this efficiently, we need to get more money and allies. Slaying giant monster in this area is not enough to give us more money, sooner or later we need to move away from Side 7."

They arrived at the hangar and every one of them looking at their respective Plamo.

"We can't call them Plamo from now on because this is not a game anymore," Kabuto said solemnly. "Our lives depend on our skill in piloting these machines."

"We can't back down, we... we're going to survive!" Kirito cry out.

"Hell yeah, we are! We will destroy those Metsubojinrei bastards without letting any traces behind!" Nagare cry out as well.

Gore grinning like a mad man, "For the sake of ourselves and the other players..."

Baku tore his clothes. "And to come back to the people we love!"


To Be Continued.

Kabuto, Nagare, Gore, and Baku is not entirely an original character. Their real name will be a mix of character from Mazinger Z and Getter Robo or other Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa's property.

Kabuto's real appearance is based on Yamato Hino, the protagonist of God Mazinger.

Nagare's real appearance is based on Ryoma Nagare in his first appearance in Getter Robo Manga.

Gore's real appearance is based on the psychopath Hayato Jin, his first looks in the Getter Robo Manga. The name Gore is based on Emperor Gore, Getter Team's nemesis.

Baku's real appearance is a mix of Baku Yamagishi from Getter Robo Arc and Mushashibo Benkei from Shin Getter Robo anime.

The first choice of Kirito's Gunpla is either Aile Strike Gundam or Gundam Barbatos, but in the end, I choose Gundam Exia because for me it fits with Kirito.

Metsubojinrei is based on the Humagear rebel group in Kamen Rider Zero-One.

Please don't forget to review or critique. Thank you for reading.