Disclaimer: I do not own Fifty Shades Trilogy

.. 💖

NOTE: So, this is an alternate universe. I've also changed some things about Ros Bailey.



What's the worst part?


.. A week later ...


Ros Bailey always looked good, and she knew that. With her red hair, full lips and the sexy clothes she usually wore that clung to her body as a second skin, she was able to bring men to their knees if she wanted to. And she did that from time to time; it depended on the man and the situation she was in. Women saw her as competition, and indeed she was. But not this young woman, no not her— not Ana.

Anastasia Steele was the nicest and kindest person Ros had ever met in her life. Their leader had required Christian for a specific mission, so he had ordered Ros to temporarily take his place to protect the brunette. At first Ros acted reserved towards the young woman, but it didn't even take an hour, before she completely had warmed up to Ana. Ros was good at reading people, and immediately sensed that the brunette was the real deal. There was no one sweeter than Ana was Ros' opinion... she was certain of that.

"Ros, please. Keep her safe?" Christian had asked with pleading eyes, before he went on the mission.

"Of course!" Ros replied, and continued, because he kept looking at her as if she wasn't capable of doing her job." Get out of here, Grey. The others are waiting! I'll keep her safe. I promise."

"Fine, and keep training her, OK? She's getting pretty good at it, I've noticed." he requested with pride in his voice, the corners of his mouth curling upwards into a small smile.

"Grey, if you don't get out of here now—" she threatened, while glaring at him.

In response, he sighed aloud and turned towards Ana." Ros is gonna look after you, OK? Listen to her?"

Ana nodded." Of course, and be careful. See you soon."

He looked at Ana one last time, hesitated for a few moments like he wanted to do or say something, but decided not to. Christian then walked out the house with huge strides, and jumped into the small plane with ease.



… Four days later…

"Come on, Ros. Let me get my hands on you." The brunette said, as she held a bottle of peroxide and hair dye in her hands.

"No!" Ros warned, and walked a few steps back.

Ana pouted in response, and acted as if throwing a tantrum." Oh, come on Ros! Your hair is so flowy, and shiny and soft... so pretty red. I have to get my hands on it!"

"Ana, no." she warned, holding a hand up.

At that, the wheels in Ana's head started turning, her eyebrow raising. "OK, I'll make you a deal."

"I'm listening." The red head replied, as she narrowed her eyes, wondering what Ana was plotting.

"Let's settle this during training. Give me twenty minutes, and if I can make you fall on your back. I get to dye your hair blonde." The brunette said, as a wicked smile graced her pretty face.

"Deal." Ros replied, assuming this newbie would never be able to do just that.



… Twenty five minutes later …



"Ana, you know you cheated, right?"

"I did not! How can you insult me like that." The brunette answered with an innocent look on her face.

"You didn't say we could use any weapons." Ros complained, her brows furrowed.

"Shut up, and close your eyes, before the peroxide drips on them." Ana laughed, as her whole body shook from laughter.

"You're one weird girl, you know." Ros said, and shut her eyes.

"I know." Ana giggled, and went on working on Ros' long hair.

"To be honest, Ana. You're getting good at fighting."

Ana beamed in response." Seriously?" she said, and continued." Are you joking? Because if you are, I will dye your hair green." She threatened.

At hearing that, Ros began to laugh and almost couldn't stop, even snorting loudly.

Ana chuckled, and kept working on her hair.

"No, I'm being serious. You are getting there." Ros said convincing, after their giggles have died down.

"Well, I have a very good teacher." Ana stated.

"Yup, you do. Have you injured yourself during training with him?" Ros questioned." I bet you have"

"Uhmm— let's see. I almost broke my right hand, I have sprained both my ankles, I've a few bruised ribs— that's all." The brunette summed up, while using the fingers on her left hand.

Ros smiled, and said." You are crazy, you know..."

"Sit still! The dye will not only color your hair, but also the rest of your face, if you keep moving like that." Ana warned, but couldn't keep a straight face herself.

"OK, I will."

"How did it go, when you almost broke your hand?"

"Oh, Christian was furious! I thought he was going to bite my head off or something! He immediately insisted on not training me for a few days." Ana complained, and rolled her eyes, making Ros smile.

"You didn't follow his instructions?"

"I tried! I really did, but then I messed up, almost breaking my hand. He can be intimidating sometimes, you know." Ana replied, and rolled her eyes once more, as she thought back on that particular evening.

After 45 minutes, when Ana had rinsed, blow-dried, and curled Ros' hair, she motioned her to look in the mirror." Go on, take a look." She said, while smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh my God! Who the hell is the woman staring back at me in the mirror?" Ros exclaimed." You're good, really good, Ana..."

"It's the new and improved you." Ana answered, and smiled, looking darn proud of her work.

"This is nice. Thank you, Ana." she said." I mean it. You're so sweet."

Ros wanted to hug her, but hesitated.

It's been a while since someone had done something nice for Ros without an agenda, without wanting something in return. A huge lump had formed in her throat, as she looked at Ana. She was like the little sister she never had, but always wanted.

"Come on, let's whip up something to eat. I'm starving. You?" Ana asked, and dragged her into the kitchen.



At the moment, Ana and Ros were eating dessert.

"This is really good, Ana..."

"I know right? Christian taught me."

"Seriously?" Ros asked, baffled.

Ana nodded, and said."Uhum... he found a cooking book in the attic and one day started to cook."

"You are joking, right?" Ros questioned, unable to believe what she just heard.

"No, I'm serious." Ana replied, and took a big bite of her pie.

Ros stopped eating, contemplating how to start a new topic." Ana?"

"Huh?" she said and locked eyes with Ros.

"I wanna ask you something." she told Ana.

"OK, I'm all ears." the brunette said, and looked at Ros questioningly.

"You like Christian, don't you?"

As that question tumbled from Ros' lips, Ana almost choked on her pie. She took a sip of her juice and contemplated how to respond." You've noticed, huh? But I haven't acted on my feelings. We haven't... it's not like he likes me too, you know. I know he's off limits." Ana babbled, and almost couldn't stop.

"Uhuh, I've noticed. And that's not even the worse part." Ros stated.

Ana cleared her throat, suddenly feeling like the dining room had caught fire. With her cheeks flushed, she carefully asked." What's the worst part?"

But just as Ros was about to answer her burning question, they both heard gun shuts. Loud ones...

"Ana, get down!" Ros shouted, while jumping over the table without hesitation, and crashed onto the floor taking Ana down with her.

Note: Oh no...

So, what do you think Ros wanted to say?

Thanks for reading and reviewing.
