Birds are chirping as one flies to the lake behind the school. It flies into the banner, flying backwards. Randy jumps onto a water ski.

"Randy Cunningham, 9th grade phenom. First freshman ever to ride in the Wave Slayer relays. Cunningham, through the shoots. Cunningham, off the ramp. Cunningham something, something. Cunningham! Cunningham!"

"Cunningham!" A blast of water hits him in the face.

"What was that for?" Randy asks in defense as he adjusts his hair.

"For fantasizing when you're supposed to be waxing," He replies before spraying his friend again.

"What was that for?" Randy grits his teeth, standing on the dock.

"For asking what that was for. Do you want to keep going, or do you want to do your job?" He walks away, but not before spraying the taller boy for the third time.

"Howard, we did not join the Wave Slayers to sit around waxing our water craft," Randy pulls out a towel and starts waxing again. "We did it to rock!" He holds up a clenched fist.

"No, that's why you did it, and for the other obvious reason," Howard points at him. "I joined for the executive snack bar privileges." He checks his watch. "And BT Dubbs, it's quarter past corndog. Where is Luigi?"

Luigi walks over to him with a plate of corn dogs. "I'm so sorry. Luigi make it a promise. You Slayer Waves, you no wait in the line."

Howard grabs a corn dog. "Luigi, you know what would totally make this right? Cheese sauce," He grins, as he's enjoying this.

"Right away, Senor Weinerman," Luigi rushes off to go get the sauce, the obese boy taking a bite. Luigi comes back and places the plate onto the table.

"Snack. Bar. Privileges."

Randy rolls his eyes, looking away with a blush. "Hey, don't announce the other reason so loud, okay? She'll be coming back any mi-"

Amy steps out of the tent nearby the table, wearing a red one-piece suit with a white plus sign over her chest. She's also wearing her sun hat, sunglasses hanging from her bathing suit. Her hair is in a neat low ponytail as she doesn't have her glasses on today. A clipboard is in her hands as she's wearing a whistle over her neck. She lets out a small sigh, adjusting herself. Randy freezes in place at the sight of her.

"I just love my parents signing me up for this," She murmurs as she stands nearby.

"How's being a lifeguard?" Howard asks while grabbing a camera.

"Volunteer lifeguard for the Wave Slayers," She corrects him, adjusting her sun hat so that it's slightly over her face and not covering it.

"I forget, how did you get this position again?" Howard grins while looking at Randy. "I mean, I know you told us, but I myself need a reminder."

"Howard," She rolls her eyes. "Really? I already explained this yesterday." She doesn't seem to notice Randy's expression nearby. "My parents thought it was a great idea to sign me up for it before we moved here because it'll look good on my college applications. That's how it always is with them: all business and no talk..."

"Uh huh," Howard murmurs, recording the two. Amy raises a brow at him.

"Why are you filming me?"

"Oh, not just you, Smith. This is something that just can't stay in my mind," He zooms in on Randy, who's trying to make it obvious that he's not staring at her. "Ah, I'm so gonna watch this later."

"Hm?" She looks at him in confusion and Randy clears his throat, getting her attention.

"Hi! Ames!" He smiles nervously at her. "You, uh, you look nice!"

"Thank you," She smiles softly at him and he rubs his neck. He hadn't had a chance to talk to her about her...secret escapades ever since he spoke with Kunoichi. But he figured now was a good time as any rather than wait.

"Uh, and Howard feel-"

"You. You feel," Howard interrupts, Randy glaring at him briefly.

"We are just a little concerned about where you go every time there's a robot attack or when someone gets stanked," Randy pushes his fingers together a little. Amy's eyes widen and she sweats a little.

"The, um...bathroom. Or I just hide somewhere. I've told you that."

"Yeah, but you have to go to the bathroom every single time the Ninja and Kunoichi show up? Just before she comes, you always never see her or the Ninja," Randy raises a brow.

She really wants to tell them, but she can't risk their lives. McFist is after her and Ninja. As long as she doesn't tell them, they won't be in danger. She couldn't do that to them. Amy glances between the two, sighing.

"I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine," She lies through her teeth, smiling weakly.

"It's know, if you need to talk, I'm here," Randy places a hand on her shoulder and her eyes soften.

"I know. Thank you, Randy."

"Hmm," Howard narrows his eyes slightly. "I still think she's hiding something."

"Hey, who is the one that buys you all your McSquiddles?" Amy turns around to him. "Don't you trust me?"

"It's more like a 75 to 25 percent ratio for me," He waves his hand slightly, earning glares from both of them.

"Well, I trust you completely, you're one of my best friends," Randy grins, gesturing to himself. "But I can't take it. I was born to ride, guys." He glances to the side and starts climbing the ladder towards a specific water ski.

"What are you doing?" Howard screeches as they run up to him. "That's Buttermaker's Wave Slayer."

"You know, the captain of the Wave Slayers?" Amy asks the boy.

"Relax, I'm just going to sit on it." He zips up his life jacket.

"Then why are you zipping that up?" Howard asks suspiciously.

Randy sends them a sly look. "Safety?"

"Uh huh. And I guess doing that while sitting on the Wave Slayer is gonna protect you from drowning?" Amy questions sarcastically.

Howard grumbles as he seems to agree with Amy. "Taking out the captain's Slayer for a joyride is a really bad idea."

Randy scoffs, trying to look innocent. "Joyride? No, no, no, no. As team waxer, it is my solemn duty to make sure the wax is evenly applied."

"Yeah, on land," Amy reminds him as Howard chuckles next to her.

"Ah, duty," He finishes his corn dog. Randy pulls out the key.

"Ran, you should really get away from that thing," Amy warns him. His eyes widen at the nickname and he turns around to her with a grin, trying not to blush.


"Ah," She rubs her neck sheepishly. "Sorry, it's just...with you calling me Ames, I thought...I mean, if you want, I can always stop-"

"Pfft, what?" He waves it off. "No, I'm cool with it. As long as I can still call you Ames."

"Yeah," She smiles a bit, biting her lip as she hugs the clipboard. "I never had any issue with it..."

He turns the key, chuckling. "So bruce! Howard, sometimes you just gotta say...what the juice."

Amy looks down and notices something. "Wait, you forgot to-"

Randy takes off, not realizing that the jet ski is still tied to the dock. He comes flinging back, hitting the dock. It's enough to make Amy wobble, and she stumbles back, falling into the water. He looks behind him and sees the damage.

"What the juice?!"

"When Coach Green sees this, he'll kick us off the team!" Howard points a finger at him threateningly. "If I lose my snack bar privileges, so help me."

Amy crawls back onto the dock, coughing up water. She picks up her soaked hat and takes it off, water dripping from it. "Randy! If I get kicked out of volunteering, my parents are gonna ground me for a week! And trust me, just because they're not home all the time doesn't mean I still can't get punished."

"I can fix this!" Water spews out of the jet ski, spraying Amy.

"I am already wet!" She screams at him in annoyance.

"Aah! I can fix this!"

After they get the jet ski onto the dock, Randy grabs some wax to apply it to the damages. "Just a little more wax..."

Howard and Amy step up to him. Amy is crossing her arms, a towel over her body. "Yeah, as long as nobody looks at it, I don't think they'll notice."

They hear laughter, and they turn to the Wave Slayer team approaching with Coach Green. Randy quickly hides his tools.

"Men, today we give those Flackville handshakers a proper thwacking!" The team cheer at his words, before they get a good look at Amy. "Ah, men, no admiring the volunteer. It's bad for the race."

Randy glares at the team for staring as Amy rolls her eyes. "Now, into the brine for your preliminary hydro zigzaggery."

They glance at each other in confusion. He sighs at them as Amy glances at her friends. "Just go warm up. Shucks away!"

"Yeah!" They cheer again and Buttermaker turns to Amy.

"Hey, hey, Amy! Maybe someday, we can go out for an ice cream?"

"Oh, uh, no thank you," She smiles nervously, waving a hand. She could practically feel Randy's glare at the back of her head, wondering what's got him this way.

"That's cool. Respect your manners," He points at her.

"Hey Buttermaker," Randy smiles nervously as the boy approaches his ski.

"Hey, hey, RC! My baby waxed to the max? Gotta get my pre-race on!" He tries to get to his jet ski, only for Randy to block his way.

"Or, right, maybe you could just chill on the dock, and, I'm just spitballing here, you could visualize your pre-race, right?" Randy asks anxiously, Howard picking at his teeth nearby.

Buttermaker just laughs. "You know my philosophy. Slay it, don't say it. Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's this?" His eyes widen at the jet ski. He pushes the boy out of the way.

"Yeah, I guess I should tell you..." Randy rubs at the back of his neck.

"My seat!" Buttermaker interrupts him, seeing his reflection in it. "I can see my face in it! Oh, tasty! You, dude, were born to buff!"

That earns a frown from Randy.

They get the ski into the water, and Buttermaker looks up at the tall boy. "What's you wanna tell me, RC?"

Amy raises a brow as she glances at her friend, expecting him to say it. "Well, I might have, um..." Buttermaker revs up the jet ski. "Taken your Slayer out and dented it, really damaged it, but hopefully not, so good luck!" He says quickly, giving a thumbs up.

"What?" The captain asks, taking off. Amy gives Randy a look.

"What? I told him. Besides, I mean, it's a tiny dent. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"The wax didn't have enough time to settle before he took off, I hope you know that," Amy tells him, turning to the boy.

The team drive past the announcer's booth. Amy's right as the wax peels off the back, and the jet ski loses control.

"Oh, whoa! Steady, girl, dude!" The jet ski spins around, hitting the sand and flying into the air. He screams as he lands on the snack bar, destroying it. Luigi pops his head out from underneath the debris.

"No more snacks, they go 'boom boom.' Ah!" He falls down back onto the ground. Coach Green walks up to Buttermaker.

"It's all good, I'm okay. Just get me a fresh ride, coach," He sits up, his eyes swirling around as he's looking in the wrong direction. "I can still win."

"Uh, Buttermaker, I'm over here," Coach Green speaks up, and the boy falls back down. "Clearly your eggs have had a sound scrambling. I'm dry docking you until further notice. Amelia, please guide the lifeguards to the medical tent."

Amy cringes at Randy as she steps forward. "NO!" The boy shouts as she helps lead them away. Coach Green turns to the others.

"While losing our best rider, moments before our biggest race is a bit of a Gulliver, fear not. I have a plan B."

"Yes, plan B?" Randy smiles at him.

"We forfeit!"

"Oh, that's wonk," He complains at the solution, the rest of the team walking away in disappointment.

"Baby, that's wonk."

"What have I done, Howard?" Randy asks his friend.

"Wrecked the Wave Slayer, ended the team's chances of winning, and Luigi's snack stand," Howard counts off. "And..." He sees Randy's annoyed look. "Hm, that was rhetorical, wasn't it?"

"Hmm? Hmm..." Randy looks around and pulls out his Ninja Nomicon. "You've gotta help me." He opens it up, shloomping into the sand. He's suddenly swimming around water in Ninja costume, seeing a large orange octopus. "Octo-world."

A bubble blows in front of him and Kunoichi swims over to him. "Hey Ninj."

"Hey Kuno," He greets her back, and they both read the bubble at the same time.

"When a Ninja does wrong, he or she must own up to their mistakes."

"Wow, that is way too Nomicon-y for this freshman to figure out," Ninja couldn't help but comment. The octopus scoffs, rolling his eyes. Wrong is circled, along with own. Mistakes is underlined and Kunoichi raises a brow at him. "Still not following, but, don't worry, I mean, I'll come up with something."

They're suddenly swallowed up by the octopus, both of them screaming.

Randy opens up his eyes as Amy sits up outside of the medical tent. She shakes the sand off her hair as he runs up to the coach.

"Coach, wait. You can't forfeit!"

Amy walks up to them, wondering where he's going with this. "Of course I can," He holds up a small water gun. "I simply inform the opposing coach that his team wins."

"No, no, no, no. I mean, waxers are technically part of the team, so why can't a waxer ride in Buttermaker's place?" Randy suggests to him with a smile.

"Mr. Cunningham, you are absolutely right." Amy's eyes widen at his words. "Today, a waxer shall ride." He holds up the sunglasses. "And, by the rules of the sea, set forth by Poseidon himself, substitutes are chosen in reverse alphabetical order," He walks right past Randy, holding the sunglasses over Howard. "Weinerman! Prepare to taste the face of King Neptune," He places the sunglasses over him.

Randy scoffs at them. "Stupid rules of the sea."

Amy smirks at him. "Didn't think that would happen, did you?"

"Listen, Coach Green," Howard removes the sunglasses. "I'm more of a landlubber. And a meat lover, and a cheese lover. Perhaps my good friend, Cunningham, could lick Neptune's face for you?" He brings Randy over, who nods eagerly.

"Senor Weinerman," Luigi speaks up. "You no ride, you no get the snack bar privileges." He closes the doors with a huff. Howard pushes Randy away, putting on the sunglasses.

"Wax boy, tend to my Slayer."

Randy grumbles underneath his breath. "Wax boy...Slayer."

Buttermaker moans in despair in the med tent. "Can't...believe I blew it. Gotta win the race..."

In a porta-potty nearby, in the sewers, the rat wakes up the Sorcerer. He tries to hit the rat, but misses each time. Almost like trying to put the snooze button on an alarm clock. He sits up, smacking his lips together.

"What rouses me from my afternoon slumber? Dejection? Or maybe it's disappointment. Disheartenment, doldrums."

The rat squeaks at him. "You're right. They're all equally wonderful states of misery." He spins around a goblet, stank coming out of it. Someone leaves the porta-potty, allowing the stank to escape. It goes all the way to Buttermaker, entering his nose.

"Ah!" He sits up, twitching. "Destroy...Flackville," He slowly turns into a sea monster, shouting. Someone outside the tent peeks in, falling onto the sand when Buttermaker bursts out of the tent. "Dude," He gets into the water.

"Nothing more refreshing than a chaotic day at the lake," The Sorcerer grins, cackling.

Heidi is at the announcer booth as she's starting her webcast. "What up? It's your BF on the beach, H-dub! Coming at you live from Lake Larusso. Here's a look at the line-up. Leading off on the tube run, it's Hank Peterson! Putting his feet down in the buoys, it's Speedboat Sam Healy! Followed by Doug the Tub Jiminsky on the raging ramp. And anchoring the final sprint is our own...Howard Weinerman? Are we trying to lose this thing?"

"Done waxing your Slayer, Mr. Weinerman," Randy replies sarcastically as he walks up to the boy.

"Hey, you didn't give it the Buttermaker, did you?" Howard tilts down his glasses.

"I'll give you the Buttermaker," Randy mutters bitterly to him. A whistle is blown and Morgan walks past them.

"Slayers, to the starting line."

"Time to be a hero," Howard walks off to his jet ski, Randy grunting. Amy runs up to him, holding out a soda can.

"Hey. Here," She gives it to him.

"Thanks," He mutters as he takes it. She inspects his face.

"You doing okay, Randy?" The boy turns red as she looks at him right in the eye. "You look a little it the heat?"

"Uh, ah, in a sense," He stammers, taking a sip of his drink. Amy glances at Howard, nodding knowingly.

"Ah. You wanted to ride today, huh?"

"Stupid rules," He grumbles, causing her to giggle slightly. She opens up her own soda can. "Hey, where'd you get this, anyway? Isn't the snack bar still destroyed?"

"Well, one thing I like is that the volunteers get drinks whenever they want from the cooler Green has," She replies, taking a sip.

"I should've been a volunteer instead," Randy mutters and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Stop being grumpy. Think about it, if you hadn't decided to do that joy ride, Howard wouldn't even be out there."

Howard jumps onto the ski, but falls into the water instead. He doesn't notice Buttermaker swimming by. The audience cheers as the race begins. Howard bumps into the dock slightly while trying to start his water ski. He flips around a bit before driving off.

"On your mark, get set, slay," Morgan announces from her megaphone. The two members take off, going down a slide. Then they jump over the water, doing some tricks for the crowd. Buttermaker suddenly appears in front of the two from the water.

"Destroy, dude!" Both of them scream, and Amy does a spit take, wiping her mouth.

"Buttermaker?!" They both exclaim in shock.

"I, uh, gotta go hide," Amy points to her right, running off to go get her bag.

"Looks like the Ninja's getting wet," Randy runs over to the destroyed stand, transforming behind it. He jumps onto the sand, Luigi lifting his head up in confusion. Amy dives into the bushes nearby, transforming there.

Buttermaker swims after the two members. Ninja runs into view as Kunoichi appears from the other side. Buttermaker rises out of the water.

"Ninja amphibious kick!" The two kick him in the face from opposite sides, landing on the track.

"Thanks, Ninja and Kunoichi!" A team member calls out.

"Kuno!" Ninja smiles at the sight of her. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"Really?" She sighs a bit, pinching her nose before Buttermaker smacks them across the face. Hank gives the team baton to Sam. The second member of the opposite team gets their baton. Ninja screams as he and Kunoichi are falling. He lands on the buoys before landing in the water. Kunoichi lands on a buoy, crouching as she winces.

"Ooh. That looked like it really hurt."

Ninja rises out of the water. "It did...Kuno, watch out!"

She turns around, Buttermaker pushing into the buoy she's standing on. She wobbles and lands in the water. Ninja pops out of the water, jumping past Buttermaker. He jumps onto the buoys as Kunoichi lifts her head out nearby.

"Ninja!" She holds out her hand. Ninja snatches her hand with the scarf, lifting her out of the water. He jumps forward and catches her in his arms, landing on top of a buoy. "Thanks..."

"What's up?" Howard is driving past his opponent, not really knowing what he's doing. "Is this intimidating you? 'Cause I totally know what I'm doing here."

The two players drive past the Ninjas as Buttermaker jumps out of the water again with a roar. The two jump again.

"Ninja double hook!" He throws his hooks at the back of the skis. "Hang on, Kuno!"

"Like I have a choice!" She calls out, hugging his waist. He grins widely behind his mask, trying not to blush. Buttermaker chomps at the air as the two jet skis soar over the ramp. As they're about to land on the water, Buttermaker reappears underneath them.


"Ninja expanding baton," Ninja lets go of the hooks, pulling out his baton. It extends and he puts it in Buttermaker's mouth. In the process, he pushes them into the water. Kunoichi lets go of Ninja upon impact, swimming up towards them. They have a brief fight before he captures Ninja with his hand. "Ninja double expanding baton," He extends the baton so that he frees himself.

The two players drive past Howard. "Hmm. That's cool. You get a head start. I like to keep things interesting anyway."

"Underwater ninja punch!" They both punch him in the face together.

Doug rides up to Howard. "Don't worry, Jiminsky, I'll win this one for the TEAM!" Just as he grabbed the baton, Buttermaker comes into view, diving towards both of them. Doug screams as he dives into the water, Howard driving up ahead.

The Ninjas tackle him, spinning around and Kunoichi points at his nose. "Ninja, look. That must be what we have to get rid of. It's the only thing on him."

"Dude, your nose is all stanky..." Ninja comments and he pushes the two off him. Kunoichi grabs her hair to wrap it around him so that he could finish the job. "Ninja nose bow." He wraps the scarf around the nose. He pulls and the sunscreen slips off. Buttermaker turns back to normal as he dives into the water.

The Sorcerer, expecting a victory, cackles. But then stank washes all over him, much to his dismay.

The Ninja pulls Buttermaker out of the water. "Buttermaker, you okay?"

"Let me tell you, getting rid of your stank was a challenge..." Kunoichi wipes off her forehead.

"Ninj, Kuno, how's the race going? I-Are we winning?" He asks them instead of answering the question.

"What? You were a honking monster! By the way, I'm the only one who can call Kunoichi that," Ninja points at him defensively. "Why do you care about the race?"

"A conversation for a later time on the nickname," Kunoichi waves it off. "But it's a matter of teamwork."

"I let my dudes down," Buttermaker looks up ahead as Howard is crashing into the course repeatedly. "Never should've crashed and gotten hurt. It's all my fault!"

Kunoichi coughs awkwardly, since she knows who did it. Buttermaker shouldn't really blame himself for something Randy did...

Ninja gasps, seeing the doodles. When a ninja does wrong, he must own up to his mistakes.

Then he looks up ahead at Howard failing miserably. "What if it wasn't all your fault?" Kunoichi raises a brow at him curiously. "What if it was none your fault?"

"What?" Buttermaker asks in confusion.

"What if, and this is just a ninja theory here, okay? No need to read into it," He glances at his partner. "But what if one of the waxers took your Slayer on a joyride and accidentally damaged it?"

"That's...oddly specific," Kunoichi blinks at him. But he did say not to read into it, so she'll let it go. She just finds it weird that he described a situation exactly how it happened earlier today.

"Dude, I'd slay that little waxer where the zinc don't go," Buttermaker punches his fists together and Kunoichi cringes at this.

"Okay, all right. Now, that makes sense. But what if he was really, really sorry?"

"Guess I'd just flick him in the ear," Buttermaker points to his ear.

"Deal," Ninja places a hand on his shoulder.


"Let's get you back in that race!" Ninja turns around. "Ninja scarf grapple!" He throws it at the end of the announcer booth. He grabs Buttermaker as Kunoichi spins her scarf, putting it over Ninja's scarf.

"Hang on tight!" She advises the captain as they fly upwards.


They swing over to Howard. "Hang on, Howard!" They switch Buttermaker with Howard, and the captain grabs the red baton.

"Back in the race, dudes!" He drives off to catch up.

"I was like this close to winning," Howard states as the three are dangling.

"No, you weren't," The two Ninjas say in unison.

"Well, now we'll never know, will we?"

"No, we'll know. We'll totally know," Ninja comments and Kunoichi giggles a bit.

"Howard, we saw you. Trust us, you wouldn't have gotten far."

Buttermaker gets back into the race, the two players speeding towards the finish line. He leans forward, winning the race as his nose reached the line first.

"Norrisville wins it by a nose!" Heidi cheers from the booth. "Whoo! And my brother, Howard 'Fart Power' Weinerman, had nothing to do with it. Big shocker there."

The winning team takes a group photo, cheering.

"We did it!"


Kunoichi grabs the two boys, leaping all the way across to the buoys. They gasp at her in shock that she could jump that big of a distance. Then she jumps on the buoys before she flips, all of them landing on the sand.

"Thanks, Kuno," Ninja fist bumps her. "And, I thought we made it clear that only I call you that."

"He didn't know," Kunoichi rolls her eyes in amusement. "Is it really that big of a deal?"

"Yes," Ninja pouts at her, crossing his arms. "We're a team, that nickname was cemented by me!"

"Relax, we both knew that," She shakes her head. Honestly, he was being a little too protective over this.

"Yeah, but it'll always be my nickname for you," He grabs her hand, causing her to look up at him. Her eyes widen as Howard looks between them, smirking. "It's...special."

She blushes behind the mask, letting go of his hand. She clears her throat. "See you later."

She disappears into a cloud of pink smoke.

"What was that all about?" Howard asks Ninja once she's gone.

"Uhh..." Ninja had no idea how to answer that, rubbing his neck.

"Oh, we are so talking about this later," He points up at his friend.

Howard looks up from waxing a jet ski, looking up at Randy as he approaches. "So, how'd Buttermaker take it when you fessed up?"

"It's all good," Randy's hand hovers near his right ear, which is pulsing and red. "Actually kind of stings, but on a deeper, more emotional level, I feel a sense of-"

"Hi Randy, Howard."

The boys look up to see Amy arriving, holding a bag of ice. She winces as she looks over Randy's ear. "Ooh. Randy, I overheard Buttermaker talking about how he flicked you in the ear, but man...I didn't think it'd be that bad."

"I-It's fine, Ames," He smiles weakly at her. "But thanks for your sympathy."

"Here," She holds out the ice to him. "I got it from the medic tent as soon as I could. That way it'll hurt less."

He holds it in his hands with a small smile. "T-Thanks. That was...really cool of you."

"Well, I wouldn't leave a friend in pain," She chuckles lightly, brushing a bang away from her ear. "Even if you did deserve it a little bit. I did tell you that you should've stayed away from his Slayer."

"Hey!" Randy exclaims in slight defense. "I thought you were my friend!"

"I am, I am," She giggles, waving a hand. The two both smile at each other before a growling sound ruins the moment. Howard looks down at his stomach. And then Amy's stomach growls and she hugs her stomach in embarrassment.

"You know what would make this more interesting?" Howard asks the two. "Some buffalo knuckles. You in?"

"Definitely. I haven't eaten all day," Amy smiles sheepishly.

" go ahead," Randy takes the rag from Howard, confusing them. "I got waxing to do."

"Are you sure? I could bring you some back," Amy questions him.

"I'm sure, Ames. And thank you again for the ice."

"Oh, well, have fun with that," Howard walks off and she smiles at the boy, waving as she follows after the obese boy. Randy hums as he starts waxing. When he gets to the handlebar, he accidentally revs it up. He gasps, dropping the rag. The jet ski goes flying off the dock, a few crashes being heard. Amy freezes as her eyes widen.

"What?" Randy asks in disbelief. "Ah, no! That's enough for today." Some of the planks from the dock are floating in the water. A few jet skis are broken, one of them driving off onto the lake. "That's enough for today. Howard, Ames, wait up! Everything is fine here, nothing is broken!"

Amy sighs with a half-lidded smile, shaking her head slowly. "Randy," She murmurs knowingly to herself as she can deduce what happened. And she didn't even have to look or turn around...

"Seriously, though, are you sure everything is okay?" Randy calls out before joining her side. "I mean, I know you said you were, there something Howard and I need to know?"

She bites her lip. The one thing she wants to do is tell them, but she couldn't...any other person, like Randy himself, would've said something. But Amy just couldn't do it...not until she was ready, and now was not that time. What kind of friend was she being to them if she's always lying...?

The brunette squeezes her eyes shut, taking a deep breath. "N-no."

"Well, if you're really sure," Randy shrugs at her slowly. "Just remember, you can always talk to me."

"I appreciate that. Your friendship means a lot to me, Ran," She smiles a bit and he returns it.

"You two coming or what?" Howard calls out and they roll their eyes, running after him.