Chapter One

A day like any other day. Boring, dull, lifeless. Until he walks in. Anakin Skywalker. The most beautiful man I've ever seen. Also known as the Chosen One. Or the Hero with no Fear. Not that it matters. Anakin's never going to see me as more than just a friend. His mentor. His master. Nothing more. It's not very fair. I'm desperately in love with him and he doesn't seem to notice.

I'm also falling down a path that neither Padmé Amidala-who happens to be our best friend-nor Anakin can follow. And whenever he's around, I feel safe, as if the darkness consuming me is no longer in control of my life. Yet, at the same time, I have a hard time breathing. It's like he's the water to my fire. However, I need the closeness, as I'm afraid that the Dark Side is going to kill me.

That night, Anakin walks into my room and says, "Okay, Obi-Wan. I can sense your anxiety and it's keeping me up. Is something wrong?"

I just flip over onto my back and say nothing. He doesn't deserve a near Fallen Jedi as a lover. Not now, not ever. He deserves better "Obi? Are you okay?" I bristle at the sound of my nickname. He hasn't used that one in a long time.

I flip onto my right side so that I'm facing him. He's sitting on the edge of my bed. His bright blue eyes-that normally hold happiness- are filled with concern. His normally so tidy-yet messy-brown hair is bedraggled.

Sighing, I sit up. "No, Ani. I'm not okay. I think I'm Falling."

Anakin's look of shock tells me that he won't believe me. When he sees the dead-serious look on my face, he squeaks, "How do you know?"

I just shake my head and place my hand against his metal one. "I know because I'm constantly having trouble releasing my feelings to the Force."

Anakin mutters, "This is a lot to take in. Is there anything else you need to tell me?" I squeeze his mechanical arm, just to be sure that I'm finally spilling my guts out to the man I'm truly in love with.

I hesitate, then nod. "Do you want to tell me in a different way?" he asks. Again, I nod. He motions me to go on.

I stand up and say, "I think it'd be best if I…well, just tell you what I feel." Anakin gives me a disbelieving look. I've promised to tell him my true feelings. And that time is now.

"I love you, Ani." I finally burst. A huge dead weight on my chest finally lifts.

Anakin blurts, "You're in love with me?!" Ashamedly, I nod. I sigh and finally decide to just give up on him. He's not going to do anything.

"It's fine if you don't like me in that sense." I say sadly. I guess I'm just going to become a Sith.

"Obi-Wan, why didn't you tell me earlier?" He asks. I explain that I was just too scared that he would reject me and push me further down the path to the Dark Side. I also explain that when he's around, it keeps the darkness in me at bay.

"And…without you by my side, I feel like the darkness that's eating away at my insides is going to kill me. Ani, I need you now more than ever." I say, desperately needing him to understand how much I need him by my side at all times. "This may very well be the last time I see you if I do turn to the Dark Side, Anakin."

And before I realize it, Anakin pulls me straight into a kiss. I'm shocked at first, but he's my only escape from the rage that consumes my whole life. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck as he tangles his fingers into my hair. We pull away and Anakin pulls me into a hug and mumbles, "I love you, Obi-Wan. I just didn't know how to tell you."

I ask him, "What about all that time you were with Padmé?" Jealousy swells in my throat like bile forcing its way up. I push the jealousy away.

Anakin laughs and shakes his head. "All that time I was getting advice from her on how to confess to you without being straightforward. I never had a crush on her."

"Oh, Ani." I sigh, shaking my head fondly, "What'm I going to do with you?" Anakin just shrugs. I place my hand on top of his head and gently stroke his head.

"We should go to bed. It's pretty late." And with that, Anakin and I fall asleep.