Here we go hope you all enjoy

Once I got in the ground safe and sound I moved east not finding much of anything but a moose in this overgrown and obviously abandoned city. Well at least this place is littered with burnt scrap and other such trash but hey they say one man's trash is another man's treasure.

"Ahh, peace, and quiet right Vetito?" I asked while enjoying the walkthrough. Wait I don't even know what city this is. Odd now that I think about it, I don't even recognize the general area but that line of thinking was shattered when Vetito responded.

"I have spent many years awake in the vault so I'm glad for the change." She replied, reminding me of what my poor book went through.

"Thanks for waiting Vetito." I thanked my book who has stayed with me through thick and thin. Though my most wicked days with my most wicked of ways.

"I will always follow you, master, you know that." replied the book as we continued our journey in silence for a while. Every once in a while I will spot some small machine walking in the distance or some strange circular aircraft flying above my head. I swear I thought I saw a few of them wavering at me which I returned. After continuing down my path for sometime I finally found my way out of the city.

To say that I'm tired is an understatement. Well now that the two of us are out of the city and at the edge of some forests, now would be a good time to camp for the night since the sun is starting to fall out of sight. I look around and found a tree with thick crating a nice shaded area. Normally I would prefer sleeping indoors but there's no telling how stable some of those buildings are. Then Just as the thought crossed my mind the roof of a small convenience store behind me just collapsed in on itself.

So I plane my survival pack on the ground, unlatch the sleeping bag and roll it out. I slip in in my bed for the night and I attempt to relax. The weather out here is cool but not cold with light cloud cover. The night air is fresh and calming. Then in the far distance, I could hear an explosion which is actually what one wants to hear just before going to sleep. My head shot up and I did one last look around and found no amendment threat.

With a stressful sigh, I laid back down, only to realize I really need to take a leak. So I got back up and walked to a tree all the while Vetito is floating around the area looking for anything she might consider a threat. So once I started to take a piss I heard a rustling in the bushes right near me. I quickly stopped and telepathically commanded Vetito to come to me.

Once she did I conjured my longsword Foe Breaker and command it to be ready to strike the bush at a moment's notice. I quickly picked up a stick and poked the bush. Nothing happened, yet I still feel a though something's off.

'ClANCK I heard from behind me. When I turned around I saw that Vetito erected a glowing red shield of magic keeping a woman with pale skin wearing what seems to be desert survival gear. From the force of that punch I'd say she is most certainly not human.

Well, first things first let's see if I can't calm the situation down or at least confuse my unwanted visitor."Uh hello, fellow android and as a soldier of YoRHa I command you to stand down," I say on the off chance she did now know who or what I was. I'm sure there is no way in hell this will ever work but it may confuse her long enough for Foe Breaker to get her from behind.

Shen then stood in attention and saluted me with a grin. "Yes sir I just need your personality number and unit type." She demanded and I knew right then she's just messing with me.

Just after she stopped speaking and while I was about to enact my plan I heard a twig break behind me so I quickly sent Foe Breaker to slam into them using blunt force as not to kill me, two guests. Well at least not until I know what they want.

'THUNK' "OUCH!" said the newly discovered interloper. The android in front of me sighed

"Damn it 5O get your shit together or I'll take your split the bounty." She said to her partner in crime.

"Bounty?" I asked as I have a bad feeling about this. She then took a step back and pulled a small device from one of her pocketz.

"Yep sorry human but YoRHa has put a six billion G bounty on your safe delivery. Now Normally I would just go about my experiments but six billion is a shit load of money and I can have a lot of fun with that." As she was speaking I quickly called out to my other weapons and shields but for some reason, they did not appear to me.

A bright flash and loud bang blinded me as the concussive grenade shattered Vetito's shield, knocking me off my feet. When I realized what happened I sent Foe Breaker after her to hopefully keep her busy.

"DAMN IT JACKASS!" Yelled 5O who obviously disproves of this androids love for explosives.

Damn this hurts, I can only see bright spots and now my body is going to feel like hell once my adrenaline wears off. Well, I hate to do this but they attacked and I did give them a chance to leat at first so it looks like I'm out of options

"VETITO EVIL SONG FINAL VERSE!" I yelled as I'm trying to stand. As soon as I yelled the words Vettito who has hopeful at least partly recovered for the explosion started to sing the cruel, twisted spell. Those unprotected from this spell shale suffer an agonizing death. As she begins the song, red trails of magic begin to encircle the area. I was hoping to never use this spell again but hey I'm low on options. A wave of relief washes over me as I know this will all be over in a second as I listen for their cries of agony.

However that relief turners into dread one I heard one of them tell out "SORRY YOUR BOOKS GOING TO HAVE TO SPEAK UP WE CAN'T HEAR IT!." The nonce manages to get to my feet. I find two living androids, one battling Foe Breaker and the other one charging right for me.

"HOW!" I managed to get out before 5O tackled me to the ground knocking the wind out of me. She quickly continued to restrain me until Vetito stopped the song and blasted my assailant with a red mana bolt knocking her off me.

Once she's off me I once again manage to get up as I try to regain my breath. Damn, she's a lot heavier then she looks. I might have broken a rib but I can't think about that now. I quickly concentrated in a vain attempt to call to my weapons. Damn it their somehow scrambling my connection to my creations, stopping me for issuing them commands

I must end this and fast. I look down to my golden ring. I got one trump card left but if I use it I guarantee my position will be distinguished to everyone searching for me. Well, I don't have much of a choice, this is going to suck.

I concentrate on my ring and chant the words of power "Voco super hostibus meis et potestatem Iovem ut rursus adveniat''Then I lift my left arm in the air just as my attackers were getting ready to strike at me again. A bolt of lightning flashed in the sky and struck my ring. As soon as the lightning touched my ring I slammed it on the ground causing bolts of lighting to randomly strike several times all around me.

Poor 5O took a direct hit while the other android somehow evaded them only to get blasted by Vetito sending her into a tree that was previously set ablaze via lightning. Istratened mack up while gasping for breath. I was worn out, to begin with, and using that ring can take a lot out of me unless properly prepared. I looked over to 5O to find he simply groning but still alive somehow. I know I'm not pulling any power or at least not a noticeable amount of power from the gods but damn. What the hell are these androids made of? She took a bolt of lightning and is still functioning. Well, at least they're both incapacitated for now or at least I hope so.

I dismiss Foe Breaker and push forward as fast as I can manage which unfortunately at this moment is basically a fast walk. "DAMN IT, SHIT DAMN IT TO HELL, FUCK!" I grunt as I'm pushing myself as hard as I can looking for something to hid in or something. I will admit I'm desperate right now, almost desperate enough to pray to the watchers once again. That thought is both apeling and terrifying for it's something I truly desire yet know full well the price I will pay. Many give up praying for they feel there prays are not answered or even heard but I fear mine will. No, my prayers will be heard, and with that rests lies a price I can't allow myself to pay again.

I keep moving until I see a large figure of a machine that seems to have long since died. From the looks of it, the dead machine has been here for quite some time.

"There Vetito there's just enough room to slip into its hand. We can hide there." I said pointing to the arm of the machine. So we made our way thought the space between the robots...I wanna say fingers.

With my last bit of energy, I put in a little of my magic into the machine, forcing it to close it's hand so I can hopefully not be seen. Now darkness consumes my vision as I'm fading out from exhaustion.

Earlier that day in the YoRHa bunker Commander White is pissed, to say the least. The units she sent to procure the human have failed. Worst yet the human was captured by machines. This is is a near worst-case scenario. There only saving grace is that we can confirm thanks to satellite imagery that the human is still alive but it seems the machines are trying to cover his tracks.

"Despret times call for desperate measures." She said to herself while lookover the operator units serving in the bunker from her command post.

ANNOUNCE THE PRESENCE OF THE HUMAN AND PLACE A BOUNTY. HE IS TO BE TAKEN ALIVE, UNHARMED IF POSSIBLE AND SET THE BOUNTY TO SIX BILLION G!" She commanded the operators who all gasped at her command. Normally she would be reluctant to announce such information but at this point the more boots on the ground looking the better.

She knew once she announced the human any android who hears of it would search day and night for the man but the reward will most certainly further invigorate those who are less fanatical about their cause.

'Then there's this underground vault underneath the library this human is sworn to protect.' she thought to herself and pondered it a moment. Our database has a large record of human knowledge but the vault might be worth exploring. If this vault is the reason the human will not come to the bunker then I see only one course of action. We will scan it for any unknow information to add to the database then destroy the facility.

The Commander pulled out a small vial of clear liquid. She suppressed a small grin as she stared at it. 'Soon YoRHa will have the human and moral will be boosted to highs never seen before and perhaps with his DNA we will resurrect the human race.' She thought to herself extremely pleased with the notion. But first things first, capture the human and everything else will fall into place.

So what do you think? I might just make Chapters longer but I just like making shorter chapters. It makes reviewing easier so I will give it some thought.