"So, what do you have planned for your week away from all this madness?" O.A asked Maggie as they all assembled around the conference table for their weekly staff meeting.

Maggie shrugged. "I don't know, I've been thinking about getting away from all this rainy weather and hitting the beach somewhere."

"I can suggest a nice condo in Miami if you're feeling like heading south." Stuart offered.

"Stuart, nobody wants to stay in your time share." Jubal said without looking up from his tablet.

"Well, you might not want to, but maybe Maggie here has better taste." Stuart turned to address her. "How about it?"

"Say no, it's a trap." Kristen said walking into the room, her arms full of papers and a tablet of her own. She set down her stack of papers and dropped down into her normal seat next to Jubal, and started rifling through them, obviously looking for something in particular.

"You don't even know what we're talking about." Stuart exclaimed.

"Don't need to." She stuck her tongue out at her sometimes partner.

"Oh that's mature."

"I'm thinking maybe hit up the west coast." Maggie continued the previous conversation. "You couldn't say enough good things about your trip to California, Kristen."

Jubal's hand froze over his tablet, and out the corner of his eye, he saw Kristen do the same. Simply hearing her name in conjunction with the state was enough to jump start the first stirrings of heat in his body. He's not going to lie, he's wondered over the years if she's thought of that night.

"When were you in Cali?" Emily asked, sipping her coffee.

"Um, right after college, right before I started grad school." Kristen cleared her throat nervously, "Does anyone need a printed copy of the slides?"

"Sounds like you had a good time." O.A commented with a smile.

Kristen shrugged a shoulder, "It was fine. You know, sand, water all that stuff."

"Oh no, it was more than fine." Maggie countered, "I mentioned the beach once, and she actually got stars in her eyes." Maggie told the rest of the table.

"Really?" Stuart raised an eyebrow, "Something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Maybe there was a guy?" Emily teased. "Did you hook up with a sexy surfer?"

"No, there were no surfers." Kristen denied vehemently.

Jubal hid his snort of laughter behind his hand and saw Kristen sit up ramrod straight in her chair. Technically it was the truth, he hadn't gone near a surfboard the entire month he was there. It was also good to know that he wasn't the only one who left that state with good memories.

It looked like Emily was gearing up for more teasing, but at that moment Isobel walked in to begin the meeting. He was close enough to Kristen to see her let out the breath she had been holding. He spent the rest of the meeting with a smug smile on his face.

Kristen sighed as she opened her locker, exchanging her FBI jacket for a normal one. The day had been long and she was exhausted. She was thankful that it was Friday, all she wanted to do was go home and relax with some takeout and maybe a nice glass or two of wine.

She wasn't surprised to see that the JOC was nearly deserted as she made her way to the elevator. She had stayed later than usual, wanting to run down a lead before handing it over to the next shift.

The elevator arrived and she stepped inside, thankful that it was empty. Pressing the button for the parking garage, leaning her weight against the wall, she closed her eyes and willed the elevator to go faster.

She almost stomped her feet in protest when the elevator stopped short of the parking garage, but moved over to make room for the newcomer.


Her eyes flew open to see Jubal looking at her in amazement, "What are you still doing here?" She shook her head, "Sorry, that came out rude. I'm tired and my brain to mouth filter is pretty much gone."

His chuckle sent shivers down her spine. "You're fine, I was handing over some files to the Cyber unit." He paused, "You know they keep asking if you're up for a transfer."

"And I keep telling them that I'm happy where I am."

"Good to hear." He said quietly next to her as the elevator started moving again.

There was a moment of silence then Jubal shifted close enough that she could feel the heat from his body. "About earlier, I know we've never talked about-"

"No." Kristen interrupted.


"I really can't have this conversation right now, I'm tired and might end up saying something that I can't take back." She stared resolutely ahead.

"Like?" His voice pitched lower sending a shiver down her spine.

She closed her eyes again, "Like how much I still think about that night, and how I wouldn't mind it happening again."

The elevator pinged, signalling that it reached the garage level, but neither moved. She could tell Jubal was looking at her, and if she opened her eyes, she bet he'd have his "thinking face" on.

He placed a hand on her lower back and led her to an alcove where Kristen knew there would be no cameras. "We should talk, do you want to come over?"

"Do you really think that if I came over we'd talk?"

Jubal swallowed hard, "I thought you were tired."

"I'm getting a second wind."

Just as Kristen predicted, not a lot of talking was done that night.

His door had barely closed before they were reaching for each other. Her coat was hastily discarded as Jubal lifted her into his arms and sat her on the table that was placed right by the entryway.

He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her like he's wanted to ever since she started working in the JOC. He kissed her for all the times he's been frustrated by having her so close, yet so far out of reach. For all the times he's had to bite his lip when she mentioned dating someone else. For all the sleepless night's he's spent going over the pros and cons of coming clean to her about his feelings.

Kristen pulled back from the kiss and started undoing the buttons on his shirt, "Off, off, off." She chanted.

Jubal laughed as he obliged, "So bossy."

"You like it when I'm bossy." Kristen grinned at him pushing his shirt off his shoulders, then grabbing for his undershirt, "Why are you wearing another shirt underneath?" She complained. He lifted his arms to make it easier for her to take it off.

He fought the urge to fidget as she sat back and looked at him. Clad in just his pants now, he was starting to feel a little self conscious. He knows he's not as trim as he was 7 years ago, knows that there's quite a bit more grey in his hair, and he's going soft around his middle. Meanwhile Kristen was still in her prime, and worked out with O.A, who is known for taking off his shirt at any given minute.

He's about to make some sort of joke when she wraps her legs around his middle, and runs her fingers up his chest, bringing them to rest on the nape of his neck. She pulls him close to her and for a moment rests her forehead against his, "I didn't think I'd ever get to do this again." Her voice is quiet.

"Me neither." His hands make quick work of undoing the buttons on her shirt. Unlike him, she wore nothing beneath but a dark green bra, and while he could admit was very nice, it had to go.

His hands circled her waist and moved up her back to where the clasp was located. He kept his eyes on her as he undid it and slid the straps down her shoulders. Dipping his head, he kissed a trail down her neck until he reached her chest. Kristen removed her bra, tossing it somewhere over his shoulder.

Her sighs and moans were music to his ears as he licked, sucked, and caressed her breasts, but he wanted more. He straightened up and covered his mouth with hers, cutting off her disappointed groan. He placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her once more, moving towards the back of his apartment to his bedroom.

He needed more room to work with.

As soon as Jubal set her down on his bed, Kristen wasted no time in shedding the rest of her clothes. Screw looking desperate, they were both long past that point. It looked like Jubal had the same thought because he stripped as fast as she did.

She knew he was feeling a bit self conscious earlier when he'd taken off his undershirt, was probably mentally comparing himself to how he looked 7 years ago, or even worse, to someone like O.A who seemed to live in the gym. She would never deny that O.A was handsome, but he did nothing for her.

She rose up to her knees and motioned for Jubal to join her on the bed. When he was within reach she pushed and prodded him to lie flat on his back and promptly straddled his form.

"Last chance to back out." She rocked her hips against his teasingly.

Jubal gripped her hips, "If you stop now, you will see a grown man cry."

She somehow managed to laugh while leaning down to kiss him, and position herself at the right angle to slide him inside her. His moan was lost inside her mouth as she clenched down around him.

Breaking the kiss she sat up and gasped as he went even deeper. She braced her hands on his chest and began a slow rhythm, giving herself time to adjust to him inside her. She'd all but given up on dating, telling her family and friends that her workload was too much to sustain a relationship. But the truth of it was, she simply didn't want anyone as much as she wanted the man who was currently lying beneath her at the moment.

She wanted to keep the pace slow, she truly did, wanted to savor the feeling of finally having him back in her bed, but she was quickly getting swept away in the moment. Jubal put his hands to work, one tweaking her nipple while the other moved down to where they were joined. It only took a minute or so of him playing with her before she came with a loud cry.

Kristen was still trembling when the world tilted on its axis and she found herself looking up at Jubal. He threw her leg over his shoulder, planted an arm by her head, and thrust into her with single minded determination. Kristen moaned loudly, uncaring if he had neighbors who could hear her. She ran her nails down his back, loving the way his back muscles shifted as he drove into her. Jubal leaned down to capture her lips with his as he came with her name falling from his lips. She swallowed his groan as his hips jerked into hers, filling her in a way none else had over the years.

He captured her lips with his, swallowing her moan of disappointment as he withdrew slowly. They laid there on his bed in a sweaty heap, both still trying to get their breath back and wrap their heads around what just took place.

"So, good talk." Jubal gasped out.

Kristen pressed her face into a pillow that smelled like him to muffle her giggles. Later there would be a serious talk about what this meant for them, and how to make it work, but for right now, she just wanted to sleep. She would need her rest for the upcoming weekend.

They had a lot of lost time to make up for.