Hello, this is a crossover between The Vampire Diaries and Percy Jackson. You don't have to had watch the Vampire diaries to understand what's going on, but if your reading this you probably should watch the show. Also, this story takes place after the fifth book of PJO and season 3 of the vampire diaries.
NOTE - Annabeth won't be the only demigod making a appearance in mystic falls .
"So," Percy asked as he played with the warm sand he was sitting on. "Are you gonna go?"
My father invited me to go live with them for the school year. Yet, there's a twist. Apparently Helen decided she wanted to move away from California so they're staying with a family friend in Virginia till they can get their own place.
I shrugged aimlessly, still unsure of what I'm gonna do. "I mean, I want to spend time with my dad but I really really hate my evil stepmother."
Percy threw his head back and laughed at me. I looked into his eyes, a glint of happiness was plastered across his face. Happiness, thats one thing I haven't seen on his face in forever.
"Stop laughing at me," I groaned, effortlessly throwing a punch at his shoulder.
He dramatically grabbed his shoulder and yelped. He pouted at me, showing me his baby seal eyes.
Good thing I'm immune to them now." Stop being a baby mr.invincible."
"Never," he said, pulling himself up and off of the sand. He then put a hand down, expecting me to take it.
All I did was stare at him then started smirking. I grabbed his hand and flipped him onto the ground.
He scoffed and turned his head to make eye contact with me. "That hurt."
"Oh be quiet, let's go eat. It's my last day at camp."
"So you are going?"
I sighed deeply, breathing in the smell of camp. Which sounds weird but it weirdly smells like heaven. "I guess so. Now get up and let's go eat, I'm starving."
I sat down next to Malcom, who only turned and smirked knowingly at me. "So, you and Percy dating yet?"
I snorted and rolled my eyes, I kept my head down to hide my oncoming blush. I knew if any of my siblings saw me blush, they'd make fun of me for days. I picked at my meal before looking up at him. "No, we're not dating."
He laughed and looked over at the Poseidon table where Percy sat. He was too busy shoving what looks like blue pancakes in his mouth to notice were staring at him.
"He does realize it's dinner right?" Malcom laughed.
I shrugged. "He's different."
"He sure is," he sighed, looking back at his food. He shoved a piece of lettuce in his mouth and tried to talk.
"Ew gross," I moaned. "Please don't open your mouth when your chewing."
Malcom snorted and swallowed. "Sorry. I was trying to ask if your still going to Virginia?"
"Yeah, I am. I have a bad feeling about it though," I said shivering.
"Well, good luck baby sis. I'm gonna go talk to Katie about the tomato's," Malcom said as he walked out to find Katie Gardner.
I stood up, avoiding all the stares Aphrodite cabin gave me.
Everyone knows Percy and I kissed on his birthday, it's like everyones expecting us to admit our undying love or something dramatic.
I told myself that I'm done making the first moves. It's Percys turn now.
"Hey, Chiron," I said as I walked into the big house.
He smiled at me. "Good your here! I was just about to call for you."
"Do you need something?"
"No," he sighed, he looked slightly nervous but more worried.
"Are you okay?" I asked, my eyebrows scrunching into a worried look.
He chuckled. "Of course I am. I just wanted to warn you. Mystic Falls, that's the place your gonna be living for the next 8 months?"
I nodded slowly. "Yup, why?"
"Just be careful, if you find yourself in any trouble please come back to camp immediately."
I couldn't help but laugh at Chirons warning. "I'm a big girl now, i think I'll be fine." Just to make him happy, I gave him a reassuring smile.
Quickly I left the big house to go pack, i was leaving in the morning.
I get that this chapter is short, I'll make the next ones longer like 3000 words. I know that not many people read crossovers between these two books/tv shows but I just couldn't help but write about them meeting. I feel it would be so funny. I feel like Annabeth would really get along with Stefan, but not so much Damon. If you spent the time to read this Author note, thank you and let me know if you like the story. Also please give me suggestions on what ships I should use. I was definitely thinking Percabeth but maybe throw in some Annabeth a male vampire diaries character.