A/N: As always, I own nothing... (Except Sheila. She's mine.) All characters are over the age of consent where the events take place.
Thanks to PotionChemist for her beta work. If you're not reading her stuff, I recommend it!
FFN would not allow me to format this correctly, so I apologise. I have it posted on AO3 (same username) if you would rather read it there.
Summer 1994
"You must be Charlie, I'm Hermione."
"And what makes you think I'm Charlie? Is it the tan skin, rugged good looks, or my large muscles?"
"Process of elimination, really. I already know the rest of the family and I met Bill outside. But please, continue telling me how much you love yourself."
"Cheeky little witch. You one of Ginny's friends, then?"
"Don't you know, Charlie?" Fred called.
"That's Ickle Ronniekins' girlfriend," George added.
"I am a girl and Ron's friend, but not his girlfriend," Hermione snipped.
"Then why are you staying at the Burrow?" Charlie asked. "A guy only brings a girl home if they're dating."
"I'm here because we're friends. And since your mum doesn't want to go to the World Cup, your parents invited me." She turned to glare at the twins. "And, while I find these two annoying, I'm friends with Ginny and Percy, too."
"You actually admit…" Fred said.
"…To being friends with Percy the Prat?" George finished, speaking in tandem as only the twins could.
"The fact that he would rather study than prank people doesn't make him a prat," Hermione told them.
"You're right…" George started.
"…Being Percy makes him a prat," Fred said.
"You study all the time…"
"…And you're not a prat, just a sexy little swot."
"Oh hell," Charlie said. "You have all the men here in love with you, don't you?"
"What?" Hermione asked, nonplussed.
"Better stay away from Dad, he might be the next one to fall under your spell."
"Dad already likes her," Fred interrupted.
"Yeah, she's Muggleborn," George added. "He's always talking to her about Muggle stuff…"
"…Asking her to 'come see his shed'."
"That is foul," Hermione said, trying to hold back the bile at the thought of Arthur Weasley having a crush on her.
"Teasing you is going to be so much fun," Charlie whispered in her ear before leaving the sitting room and heading for the kitchen.
Autumn 1994
"Come on, 'Mione," Ron pleaded.
"I'll come with you if you promise to never call me that vile name again," Hermione told him.
"Fine," he agreed with a pout.
Hermione followed Ron out into the Hogwarts grounds. She should be back in the castle helping Harry prepare for his first task, but they had been working so hard and she needed a little break from Summoning Charms.
They made their way past Hagrid's cabin and around the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest before they reached a large enclosure. It looked exactly like Harry had described it, except the four dragons were sleeping. Since she'd helped Hagrid with Norbert the first week of his life, she had been around a dragon before, but these were breathtaking.
Their scales all seemed to shimmer in the late autumn sunlight. Little puffs of smoke curled from each of their nostrils, adding a haziness to the air. Seeing that each of the dragons were curled around a nest of eggs, she hoped that the handlers were keeping a close eye on them and not letting Hagrid anywhere near them.
"Ron! Hermione!"
Turning, she saw Charlie waving at them and making his way towards the fence.
"Hiya, Charlie," Ron called as Hermione waved.
"What do you think?" Charlie asked, gesturing to the sleeping beasts.
"Can I take a walk around?" Ron asked instead of answering.
"Sure, just don't get too close, and listen to anything the handlers say."
Ron gave a nod to show he had listened, then started walking towards the red dragon. Hermione thought it was a Chinese Fireball, but wasn't positive.
"They're gorgeous, Charlie," Hermione said, not hiding the awe she felt. "Do you normally work with these?"
"Sure do. The reserve in Romania has about a hundred dragons."
"What do you do there? What's a normal day like?"
Hermione had never met anyone in the magical world that had a job outside of shopkeepers, Mr Weasley, and the Professors. She was fascinated by the kinds of things one could do after leaving Hogwarts. She had no desire to be a dragon tamer, but still wanted to learn everything she could.
"A normal day, which is rare, I help clean and feed the sick dragons. Make sure they eat their meds—"
"How?" she cut him off.
"Inject one of the goats with all their potions before putting it in their cage."
"Doesn't that harm the goats?"
"The potions would kill the goat within an hour or so, but the dragons never let them live more than a few minutes once they're inside the cage."
He went through some of the less glamorous parts of the job, like collecting and packaging dragon dung to sell to farmers and magical schools. The fertilizer sales were very profitable and helped cover a lot of the operating costs for the reserve. They also sold the skin, and other magically useful parts of dying dragons. Twice a year, they allowed wandmakers to come in and collect heartstrings—a dangerous yet painless process.
"But my favourite part," he told her, "is watching the eggs hatch. The newborn dragons are adorable."
"I thought the Norwegian Ridgeback was kind of ugly."
"Well, there are exceptions to every rule. Ridgies are skinny when they're born. Some of them are born fat, round things."
"Maybe you can send me a picture next time one is born?" Hermione asked.
"I'd be happy to."
Spring 1995
Now that you are dating Harry and an international Quidditch star, I hope you still want to see something as mundane as a baby dragon. On the off chance that you haven't lost all your brain cells while snogging, I have included a picture of our newest Antipodean Opaleye, Sheila.
The picture doesn't do her colour justice. Her scales sparkle brighter than diamonds in the sun, and her eyes are like two rainbows. As you can see, she is a chubby little thing. Sheila has tried to fly a few times, but her wings aren't strong enough to get her fat arse off the ground yet. But it's funny to watch her try. Don't worry, give her three weeks and she'll be flying like a pro.
P.S. Half a twist of the wrist anticlockwise at your stomach, and say "Atocium" to prevent pregnancy.
I am not dating Harry— he's like a brother and that's gross. I went on one date with Viktor Krum, and we have studied in the library. That cow Rita Skeeter is making up lies about me like she did about Harry.
Sheila is adorable. I wish I could see her in person before she grows up and loses her baby fat. In the Muggle world, children are given dragon plushies that look similar. I wonder if someone from your reserve has a side business.
Maybe you can send me a picture of Sheila in flight once she's able to?
P.S. Thanks for the spell. I taught it to Ginny and she said it "will come in handy."
I can't believe you taught that to Ginny. She is way too young to even think about boys, let alone have a need for that spell. You better tell her that I will kick her arse if I find out she has been acting like… well, like Bill or I acted at Hogwarts. Little sisters have to wait until marriage for that kind of stuff. It's the law.
As you'll see from the picture, Sheila has started flying. She is still beautiful, but I miss her pudginess. She caught her first wild boar today and brought it to me to show off before eating it. I kept the tusks to make into quills.
The plushies you mentioned were first created by the Reserve owner's grandfather many years ago. He, like me, found the babies to be sweet and thought children around the world would think so, too. He sells them in the magical world as well, but those actually fly around. When I was four, I had a Welsh Green plushie, Mr Fire, that I loved.
Are you prepared for your end of year exams? I received seven OWLs and NEWTs if you want my help.
Summer 1995
Bill just left. He stopped by to stay for a few days on his way home from Egypt. In light of what happened at the end of the Tournament, he has quit his job as a curse breaker and has returned to England to work a desk job at Gringotts. I know he didn't want to, but he wanted to be in England to keep the family safe. I do as well, but Dumbledore has requested I stay here as an international correspondent.
I was almost eight when the last war ended, and I remember the fear well. The day my uncles were killed is still the worst day I can ever remember, and I know Bill feels the same way. Sorry this letter isn't as upbeat as my previous ones. I'm scared for my whole family, scared for you.
Please tell me you're being safe. I know you three have done crazy things before. Please don't do them now. You mean too much to me, to my family, to have something happen to you.
Being Muggleborn and under seventeen, I know you won't be able to protect your parents. I have asked Bill to contact you and set up protective wards at your house and their work.
Be safe,
Bill just got done setting all the protective charms around my house and my parents' office. I can't thank you enough for asking him; I was worried and unsure of how to protect them while I'm at Hogwarts. You're a lifesaver.
Dumbledore has asked me to go and stay with your family in a few days. He says I'll be with them for the rest of the summer. Any chance you'll make your way up to London this year?
I can't promise that I won't protect Harry if something happens, but I promise not to go looking for trouble. The problem is that trouble seems to follow wherever Harry, your brother, and I go.
I hope that we'll still be able to write as the war escalates. You are a very bright spot in this darkness.
P.S. Thanks for teaching me the Bubble-Head Charm. Flitwick let me demonstrate it, and a few other NEWT level charms, for extra credit on my final exam. I scored 132 points!
132 points? I guess the twins were right, you are a swot. I got great marks, but never bothered with extra credit. Bill was always the one focused on his grades. I was more concerned with girls and Quidditch, and only made sure my marks were high enough that Mum wouldn't send a Howler.
I'll continue to write to you, but I'll make sure to leave any sensitive information out of my letters in case the owls are intercepted. While you're at school, I'll ask them to deliver your letters in the evenings so people aren't questioning why you're getting mail.
Autumn 1995
We're all safely back at Hogwarts, but it feels different now. We have a horrible Defence 'Professor' (hopefully my sarcasm reads in print). She won't allow us to use magic or even learn defensive spells… All we're allowed to do is copy the chapters onto parchment.
Harry is frustrated and I don't know how to help him. He's short tempered all the time. I don't blame him. Most of the school thinks he's a lying, attention-seeking sociopath. I wish I knew how to help him. On top of the feelings of isolation, he's also frustrated because he knows Voldemort is back, but there is nothing he can do. He can't even learn to defend himself properly!
Sorry my letter is a bit depressing. It matches my mood. Can you send me any pictures to cheer me up?
Hoping you are well,
I have included a new picture of me and Sheila. As you can see, she is growing rapidly. By the summer, she will be fully grown and ready to be released into the wild. I'll be taking her to her natural habitat in New Zealand. If your parents will allow it, I would love it if you came to Romania or New Zealand and met her. I read her all your letters.
I can understand some of Harry's frustration. I feel similar here. While I love my dragons and don't want to leave them, I feel I would be of much more use if I was back in England. The truth is I don't have a lot of contact with people outside of the Reserve.
Have you and Harry thought about having your own defence tutoring sessions? I know you helped him before the Triwizard tasks. Maybe the three of you, Ginny, and the twins could find a place to practice on your own? At least that way you won't feel as if the whole year is wasted.
Thinking of you,
The picture of you and Sheila is beautiful. Also, does your mother know about that tattoo on your right shoulder? I imagine she hates that more than she hates Bill's long hair. Personally, I think it suits you.
I'll have to talk to my parents about coming to visit this summer. I'm not sure if they have a holiday planned for us or not. I would love to see where you work and meet Sheila. Give her an extra snout rub for me tonight.
Your idea about the private defence class was brilliant. I've talked to Harry. He seems a little unsure, but I know he'll want to do it in the end. He's so good at Defence and is a natural leader.
It's been a year since the last time we saw each other. Makes me sad we're not closer. I could use a hug.
Missing you,
Spring 1996
Sorry it's been so long since I have written. Between our Defence lessons—which include a lot more people than just myself, Harry, and your siblings—and trying to keep Harry out of trouble, time seems to just slip away from me.
Not to mention prepping for OWLs. Everyone (but mostly Ron) says I'm crazy, but I started revising in January. Six months may sound like a long time, but the tests cover five years of education. I have been following the study guides from the professors, but they don't seem to cover as much as I think they should so I'm revising other things as well.
Thank you for writing to my parents about my visiting you this summer. I'm not sure if they responded, but they have agreed to let me go! I'm so excited to (finally!) meet Sheila and to see you again. Your letters have been the only thing keeping me going some days.
I did hear from your parents after I wrote them. They were very nice and told me that as long as I kept you safe, you were free to visit. Your dad also asked for a few pictures of the Reserve and the dragons we keep here. I sent him a couple and he wrote back saying he was jealous Muggles weren't allowed to visit.
They said you could stay for up to two weeks. What would you think about coming with me when I take Sheila to New Zealand? It will be an adventure, and she told me her feelings will be hurt if you say no. Also, can you send something with your scent on it? I promise I'm not being creepy! It will help Sheila recognise you when you get here. It doesn't have to be big… just a scarf or something you've worn.
I'm sure you're revising for no reason. You're going to pass all your OWLs with flying colours. They won't come until after you've left here, so hopefully you'll be able to focus on the dragons and not be too worried about your results.
Let me know if the second week in July works for your visit.
Missing my sexy swot,
The second week of July is perfect. That gives me time to spend with my parents before I head to the Burrow. Your mum invited me to stay starting a couple of days before Harry's birthday. She said Dumbledore will most likely let Harry leave his horrible relatives by that time.
Hopefully this jumper is enough for Sheila. I ripped it as I was standing up to retrieve your letter from your owl. I was going to bin it, so that worked out. I hope the shrinking charm held on it so the owl wasn't stuck flying it all the way to Romania.
OWLs start next week, which means I'll see you in a few weeks. I'm really looking forward to seeing you and any new tattoos you've been hiding.
See you soon,
A/N #2: This is fully written and I will be updating it soon. Let me know what you thought! Interact with me on Tumblr (Tridogmom)