Crossover: Inuyasha/My Hero Academia
Pairing: Kagome/Dabi
Summary/Idea: She only wanted to help him get out of the cold, not end up with a roommate who acted like a cat and came and went as he pleased. He seemed to think she adopted him as hers by the way he was acting...but Kagome was having a hard time saying no to him when he looked at her with his piercing eyes and charming smirk.
Chapter One
Kagome Higurashi, age twenty two, could only stare as the young man huddled in front of the well. His clothes were tattered, the scent of smoke and dust mingingling in the small space. He was crouched on the balls of his feet, ready to bolt at any given second. His body shivering as he held a small blue flame in front of his chest to stave off the frigid cold.
It cast an eerie light around the small confines of the well house. Making his patch work of skin and piercings stand out more, painting him in a villainous light, as well as the feverish flush on his cheeks.
Yet it was his sharp azure eyes that gave her pause, they were cold guarded and calculating. They also had the glare of a cornered and injured animal.
Whatever this man had been through, whatever had brought him to hiding in the well house of a run down shrine, it had not been nice.
And it was not her place to ask.
Or judge.
Instead she would do what her mama would have done, had she still been alive.
Giving a small welcoming smile, her hands still clasped around the broom she had been using to sweep the shrine she spoke. Her voice light and welcoming.
"Hello, can I help you?" Her smile didn't waver as he gave a dark glare a huff leaving his mouth, made visible due to the cold of the room, despite the flickering flame in the palm of his hand.
"Tch. Go away." His voice was low and gravely, yet in it she could hear his fatigue and mistrust. She didn't take any offense, he semi reminded her of her old friend Bakaugo, at least from what she had seen so far.
"Mm, I can't do that. I'm the shrine keeper, but don't worry I won't ask you to leave. In fact I was just wondering if you wanted to come inside? Get out of the cold and maybe have a cup of tea?" Her words were soothing and in all honestly she felt like she was trying to gain the trust of a stray made her smile and fight back a laugh.
She could feel his gaze running over her from, head to toe, looking and searching for something. Instead of getting upset she merely stood taller, gazing down at him from the top of the stairs.
She had nothing to hide.
No ulterior motive.
She just wanted to help.
That's all she had ever wanted and while her dream of being a pro hero had gone up in smoke, along with her family, she would never stop wanting to help.
It was engraved into her very being and while many thought it was naive of her she didn't care. Nothing and no one would stop her from helping anyone in need. No matter their age, sex, or vocation.
She had and would continue to help everyone who came to her shrine seeking it.
And everything in between.
It didn't matter to her, they were all people.
They all had value.
It was probably why this young man had shown up, word had gotten around about her and her...mission? Way of life? Whatever it was people knew she was here and she would help anyone who came by. Much to the annoyance of the police and pro heroes. They didn't like the idea that she was opening her home to criminals and the like instead of turning them away or turning them in.
...she was not a hero, they had no sway over her. She was an operating shrine and it was her religious freedom and beliefs that made it so they could not stop her from helping all that came to her doorstep. To do so would be infringing on her rights as a citizen of Japan, it was a media shit storm they did not want. Thus she had been left to her own devices.
It was a double edge sword, her shrine had lost all government funding and now survived on the sales of charms and the like as well as donations from the public. It was a sneaky tactic to try to get her to shut her doors to those who had fallen off the path of the light. It only served to steel her determination.
They had no idea how stubborn she could be. They wanted her to fail but she wasn't going too. She would keep her doors open until her last breath.
"Why would you want to help me?" His voice was low, wavering a bit. His fever was no doubt getting worse.
Sighing, she tilted her head lightly at him, "Why wouldn't I?" Answering a question with a question, she knew it was a dirty tactic but she had to keep him talking. If he passed out there was no way she would be able to get drag his large form into the main house.
Her quirk was one that focused on healing and barriers.
"Most normal people would look at me and run...or call for heroes or the cops..." He spoke eyes still looking her over, his body was still tense and Kagome could tell if she said or did the wrong thing he would built and knew that with how he was he may not survive on the street. The streets were harsh, and if a hero found him he may not make it...or he would be injured. She had met a lot of heroes who judged by appearance...and the man definitely had a villain look to him.
"That is true...but i believe no person is good or evil.." She paused, blue eyes darkening as she spoke, "There are people who are labeled wrongly. I don't think society has the right to put those labels one someone unless they know all the facts."
Giving a low chuckle the male unsteadily got to his feet, wavering a bit as he got balanced. "You truly are an odd miko." The light teasing in his voice made her grin as she set the broom on the wall and moved down the stairs to offer him her help.
Sliding under his left arm she helped him get up the stairs, shooting him a cheeky grin as he huffed. "You're not the first one to say that to me and I very much doubt you will be."
Yuki Note: Hope you all enjoyed this!
Kage note: Read and review!