A mother is a sensitive topic. The word mother is perceived differently by different people. Like in one's eyes they could be a role model, another could see their mom as a person that watches over them for a period of their life. There is no solid definition for a mother that can watch over her children like they were once a part of her. They don't need to be the same flesh and blood for a mother to claim her children that she deems as one of her own.

For Marinette, she once had a mother that would care for her, watch over her, and protect her. She always did love her as her little cub. If Marinette ever got hurt, you'll be damned if her parents never watched over her. They of course loved her as she loved them. But all things can't always stay the same thing. For a little change in life could destroy the love the three once had.

This was the case for Marrinette Dupain-Cheng. She was bullied by her peers. They didn't believe in her anymore. She thought that her parents still believed in her, trust her. But her hope shattered as they too soon believed the lies that came out of the mouth of Lila.

Lila was the reason everyone around her lost their trust in her. They believed the lies that spat out of her mouth like a never-ending story book that never ended.

As time passed, the responsibility of being the guardian of the miraculouses was on her shoulders. She watched as almost everyone she trusted to have a miraculous walk away for some lies that had no truth to them.

Even as Ladybug, her partner was still her friend and foe on the battlefield. Even if it means that the two will eventually part ways. They both know the cost of showing their identities to eachother. Even during their fight against Hawkmoth.

As the fight went on, Ladybug had eventually gotten hold of the butterfly miraculous. To reveal Gabriel Agreste. Chat was just staring wide eyed at him.

"Father?," said Chat as he approached him. He was surprised that was for sure, but for all these years Chat had fought alongside his partner. He would have never guessed that the one and only Hawkmoth was his father. His Father!

"Son… is that you?," replied Gabriel as he stared wide eyed at his son. Sure Mr. Agreste was a terrible father, but that didn't mean he cared for him.

Once he started to become Hawkmoth he would never have guessed that he fought his own son. He had never wanted to get him involved in his… afairs.

"Sorry to break this up, but… Gabriel Agreste you have misused the miraculous for your own selfish gain. So as the guardian of the miraculouses, I hereby curse you to never wield a miraculous again. Nor would you be allowed to talk about a miraculous ever again unless you have permission from the guardian," stated marinette. Then a mark appeared on his chest. Showing that the curse is in effect. She then turned to her partner.

"Chat I know that we have been partners for 5 years, but I think it is time that you give back the cat miraculous," Before Chat can protest. "Just hear me out… okay?," continued Mari.

"I… am going on a journey to find myself and to rid this world of most of its destructive nature. My kwami has felt a shift in the world… I am sure that your kwami too felt the unbalanced world shifted. So please may I have the cat miraculous so that I can put this world back on course?," pleaded Ladybug as she firmly stood her ground staring at Chat. Waiting for his answer.

He agreed that it would be safer for her to have both miraculouses on her, but on the condition that they contact eachother at least every few months. She agreed on those terms and handed the cat miraculous. She muttered a small thank you as she soon found the peacock miraculous and headed to her home.

It was still dark when she arrived at her balcony, she saw her room. Making way to enter her room.

"Tikki spots off," said Marinette as she handed off a cookie to her kwami. She then started to pack lightly for her trip around the world. She didn't know how long the trip would be. So she only packed her essentials, along with a few pieces of clothing, her sketchbook, and the miraculous box. She looked at her bag. Confirming the contents of it. She then started to write a letter addressed to her parents.

Once she finished the letter. She placed it next to her computer along with her phone. As she was only taking her business phone with her. And she knew that nobody was going to track the phone she is bringing. Once satisfied.

She put on the horse miraculous. Once put on, Kaalki appeared. She greeted the guardian kindly.

"Kaalki, Full Gallope!," Her outfit then changed to that of an equestrian. The outfit was very formal and comfortable to move in. And she was glad that she wasn't wearing those hard hats.

A/N: I am not going to explain what she looks like, I can never remember what the character looks like when the author explains the outfit

She then created a portal that led to a random place. She then proceeded to grab her bag along with one last look at her room before entering the portal to never be seen again for years to come.