Chapter 8 - Deleted Scenes


Extra Lodge Scene

Notes: Yes, I did come to the conclusion that I wrote one too many scenes for the Lodge. The scene below ultimately added nothing to the overall plot and slowed things down, which was why it was cut.


Chad was the one who ended up cooking dinner because Ben was a literal hazard in the kitchen. The majority of his studies had been focused on ruling Auradon, as they should be, whereas Chad had to fight and struggle to get the information he needed to rule Sardinia. Bottom line, one of the many hurdles his grandfather had thrown in front of Chad was food management, or lack thereof, which made Chad capable of making a meal out of almost anything. From bare bones survival to a fully-stocked royal cabin, which was what led to them eating heaping platefuls of spaghetti with garlic bread, Chad bypassing the idea of salad completely to carboload.

Later, after Ben had set the dishes to soak (because Chad sure as hell wasn't washing them), they collapsed onto the large bed in Ben's room, sated and happy.

"Where do you put it?" Ben marveled, pressing a hand against Chad's stomach. "You eat like a monster but you're like, a twig."

"Shut up, Ben," Chad grumbled half-heartedly. He didn't have the energy or inclination to explain that his meal situation kept him hungry more often than not.

"Must have a high metabolism," Ben decided, pushing up the hem of Chad's pajama shirt so he could start nuzzling against his abdomen. "Good metabolism for a good boy."

"I don't need your compliments," Chad groaned, wishing his face would stop getting all flushed.

"And yet," Ben mused. "You will have them. So…" He started mouthing kisses against Chad's stomach. "I had a thought for dessert."

"How could you even think of food at a time like this?" Chad groaned.

"Believe me, it's not just food I'm thinking of." Ben started kissing up his torso, pushing Chad's shirt up as he went until he could completely pull it off him, making Chad wonder why he'd even bothered with it in the first place.

"Insatiable," Chad muttered, but didn't fight him when Ben swooped in for a kiss. He was getting sort of used to the attention, and he knew it was a dangerous thing, that Chad was just a disposable safety net for Ben as he explored this stuff, but he couldn't help the way his heart seemed to stutter ever so slightly when Ben moaned against his mouth, taking Chad's bottom lip between his teeth and sucking.

They were both gasping for air by the time Ben pulled back, and he was reaching for something on the side table.

"No more lube," Chad groaned. They hadn't watched nearly enough movies for him to be ready for that again.

"Don't worry, it's not lube." The container Ben revealed to him was short and cylindrical, the top peeled off to reveal an intense aroma of chocolate. "It's frosting."

"What, do you have cupcakes too?" Chad asked, legitimately curious.

"Sort of." Ben scooped up a dollop of the fudgy mixture and then spread it across Chad's chest, working hard to give his nipples extra focus.

"Be-een," Chad whined, because this was- dumb. "I have literally showered twice today already."

"Don't worry." The prince grinned. "I'll take care of his one."


But then Ben was just- licking him. Licking up the frosting like this was a natural progression of things. His tongue was hot enough that it somehow rocked Chad to his core, had him pressing into that greedy mouth when he should have been protesting. It got worse when Ben settled on his nipples, nipping and sucking on them extra hard in an effort to pick up every trace of frosting.

"Ben," Chad groaned, hips shifting restlessly. "Ben, please-"

"Don't worry." Ben smeared another dollop on his stomach, taking his time licking that up too. "I'll get there."

Chad was going to go crazy. It was stupid, but it felt so good, Ben licking and sucking against his abdomen like Chad was an actual treat. He was half-coherent by the time Ben eased his pants and underwear down, only realized what was happening when he felt the first shift of cool frosting against his privates.

"Ben," Chad hissed, unable to stop himself from rutting into the attention. "You're insatiable."

"I know," Ben moaned, like he'd been waiting for it, and then he was sucking and licking at Chad all over again, pinning his hips down against the bed so he couldn't rut up into the attention.

It was torture, watching Ben go to town on him. Being so… reverent, so excited, smearing chocolate against his lips and careful to get every last trace whether it killed Chad or not, until he was left very aroused and covered in the drying spit of the prince of Auradon.

"Want some?" Ben asked, panting against his hip.

"I'm not licking that off of you," Chad snapped, even though he really wanted to, wanted to know what Ben tasted like, wondered if he would taste nearly as good.

"Not like that," Ben huffed, and then he was climbing up the bed, offering Chad a small scoop of frosting from his fingers.

And. Well. Ben had gotten him in the mood now.

Despite knowing better, Chad took those fingers into his mouth, licking away the chocolate and sucking on them carefully, trying to clean off every last hint of frosting. Ben seemed content to curl his fingers into Chad's mouth, though eventually he started pumping them in and out, coaxing Chad to take him deeper.

Chad almost bit those fingers the moment he felt Ben's other hand settle between his legs, a messy moan spilling around the slick digits.

"Just like that," Ben pressed, urging his hips faster. "Your mouth feels so good, baby. I love filling you up." Chad shuddered. "Love the feel of your lips wrapped around me-"

"Stupid," Chad moaned around his fingers, even though his mouth insisted on continuing his sucks because it felt so- good. Weird, but good.

"Fuck, no it's not," Ben whispered. "I'm gonna make this good for you. Are you gonna come for me? Are you ready to come?"

Chad nodded eagerly, because he could only last so much longer. He groaned when he felt Ben's bare interest pressed against his own once more, the prince pumping them together in a vicious rhythm that had Chad crooning.

"Just like this," Ben whispered. "We're gonna do it just like this. So sweet. So lovely. Chad. Chad. Chad."

Ben lost it first, but Chad followed not long after, sucking hard on Ben's fingers because he was just a freak, he guessed, feeling unapologetic at the obvious loss of composure when they'd already done this several times today. It was Ben's fault, really. Ben was voracious. The rest of them were just along for the ride, which in this case, included Chad's needy body.

"So good," Ben moaned, flopping onto the bed beside him. "…think another shower might be in order, though."

"I'm going to run out of hair products at this rate," Chad grumbled, because that was expected of him.

Ben was kind enough to make a sympathetic noise. "You can just borrow mine."

Which was exactly what Chad needed, to smell just like Ben.

Ugh. This boy.

"Come on," Ben pressed a quick kiss to Chad's lips before dragging his clothes the rest of the way off, tugging him towards the bathroom. "You can test them out now, see if you like them."

"I probably won't," Chad sniffed, even though that was a bold-faced lie.

"Then we'll keep washing until you do," Ben said with the biggest wink ever. And that was it, Chad surrendered. Then and there, he was done.


Chapter 4 – Original Shopping Breakdown

Notes: So originally I had a different breakdown planned for Chad, though it never really sat well with me. Likely because Ben swooped in and saved the day, which was sweet, but like, I preferred the version where Ben more or less orchestrated Chad saving his own day better, which was the shopping breakdown was ultimately changed.


The price tag made Chad's stomach drop to his feet, because he knew even with the entirety of the emergency funds he had stashed away in various places on his person, he didn't have enough to cover even a fourth of the grapple gun's cost. Unlike most princes, Chad didn't have access to any recreational funds with his card, and if his grandfather saw that he'd purchased this, well, he wouldn't think it was for another prince, and even if he did, he certainly wouldn't let Chad go to the party. He'd probably make the blond come home altogether, cutting Chad's vacation with Ben short and Chad didn't- he couldn't do that, didn't want that because as obnoxious as Ben could be he was also sort of nice, and Queen Belle and Mrs. Potts were kind and he had access to a constant food source and a nice bed-

"Hey," Ben greeted with a small wave, a petite sales associate hovering behind him. "I found someone-"

"I um- I decided against it," Chad declared, offering the short woman a polite nod. "Sorry. Thank you for your time, though."

"What?" Ben blinked. "But you said-"

"We should go," Chad said, and then in a true display of his panic, he grabbed Ben's wrist, dragging him from the store while the taller prince spouted muted protests.

Chad didn't stop until they were safely down the street, until the shame had burned from his cheeks even though he knew the sting of his inadequacies would last for a long time. If he was a good prince, he'd get to have friends and money to buy them presents with. But he wasn't a good prince, he was just- Chad. And he had to make do with that.

"What's wrong?" Ben looped in front of him, making Chad halt in his tracks. "I thought you liked the grapple gun."

"I changed my mind," Chad muttered, sullenly. He was out of ideas and the shops were going to start closing soon and Chad still didn't have a present. "I sat back and though what that said about me as a person-"

"So it wasn't the price?" Ben pressed, because he was just- impossible. "Because if that's the case-"

"No," Chad urged, hating the way his pulse spiked and Ben's gaze widened and just- him, in general. He squeezed his eyes shut, and tried to come back to himself. "No, that's not it. I think you were right about the book. I'll just get him that-"

"Chad." Ben reached out and gripped his hands, which was a form of contact they didn't normally do in public but he was so- stubborn. "It's okay if you don't have the money, I'll just get it-"

"No." Chad didn't know why the prospect was so horrible, because Ben was a nice guy. He was just doing what nice guys did and buying their hopeless friends presents. It wasn't like Chad hadn't earned it in some way, with all the 'practice' they'd been putting in, but somehow that made it worse. Because the practice was to get Chad knowledge and this was just- straight up prostitution because Chad was poor, just like his mother had been. "No, I'll just- it's fine."

"…Chad." Ben's voice was terribly quiet, because Chad must be- he was tearing up, the dumb shit that he was, getting worked up over something so stupid. A hand wrapped around his wrist, and Chad found himself being dragged into a secluded garden ally, Ben weaving them through a few different nooks until they settled in a private alcove blocked off by trees. When they were relatively safe, Ben dragged Chad into a hug that the blond didn't bother fighting, because he was growing to like hugs even if he didn't deserve them. "…do you- do you get an allowance?"

"Sure," Chad mumbled. All royals did. He had to earn his, of course, put work in for it, and if Chad wasn't going to perfectly follow his grandfather's rules then he could earn his keep by help scrubbing the castle from top to bottom. At this point, Chad knew more about silver polish and cleaning solutions and laundry than any prince should rightfully get to know. "But um…" There was no point in guarding his pride, so he gave up, handing Ben his wallet while keeping his head ducked. "That's all I managed to save up over the last ten years."

He tried not to hold his breath as Ben thumbed through his wallet, knowing it was a rough accumulation of about three hundred dollars in small bills.

"…Oh, wow," Ben said eventually, because he had to say something even if he didn't seem to know what. "You um… must have bought a lot of books."

"I haven't spent any of it," Chad sniffed, rubbing discreetly at his cheeks. "I was saving it for an emergency." He supposed this constituted as a social emergency.

Ben's body tensed for one horrible moment, and then he seemed to remember that Chad was cradled against him before he relaxed again.

"Okay," he said eventually, handing Chad his wallet back. "Okay, here's what's going to happen."

"Ben-" Chad began to protest, because he knew that tone of voice.

"I'm going back to that store and buying a grapple gun," Ben declared. "Now, I don't need a grapple gun, but I am going to buy it and then it will either sit in its box for a very long time in the back corner of my closet or you could give it to Aziz, so it could be put to use and appreciated and not be neglected for all of time."

"Ben," Chad tried again. "You don't have to-"

"I'm doing this," Ben said, in his most stubborn voice. "This is happening, and then we're going to a café and getting hot chocolate and croissants and ruining our dinner and then we're going home to take a bath, okay? That's what we're doing. Those are the things we are going to do."

For lack of anything else to do, Chad rolled his eyes. "…you are impossible."

"Yeah," Ben sighed, giving Chad one last squeeze before he started pulling the blond back out of the garden. "I'm the impossible one."

And since he clearly couldn't be referring to Chad, the blond elected to ignore him, following after the whirlwind of energy that was one Benjamin Florian, man on a mission and totally impossible to deter.

Chad clung to his annoyance even if deep down he was grateful, because Ben was- he did this for Chad, likely because he was pathetic, but still, it was nice.

And Chad liked holding onto nice things.


Random Party Aside

Notes: This was a transition that ultimately got cut when I merged the dancing scene with Audrey getting Ben's coat. It is just a short aside, but Chad was so snarky I thought it'd be fun to share.


Now Chad had to figure out how to socialize at a party without using the crutch of Tourney. Ugh. He did not want that to be his entire night. Just because he'd memorized all the stats from the college and pro league did not mean he actually wanted to review that shit with people who cared about it. That sounded miserable.


Alternate Duke Confrontation

Notes: This was take one of the ending. It was intended to follow Ben and Chad getting caught kissing in the hallway or something, which was entirely more benign than the pictures that got leaked. Obviously, you can see which ending I preferred, though this was a solid option to help me learn which direction I wanted to go in.


Chad knew it wasn't the end of the world, it just sort of felt like it was, sitting in front of the king's desk like a naughty schoolchild while they waited for his grandfather to arrive. Queen Belle had tried to assure them everything was okay, that they just wanted to talk, but it was never 'talking' with his grandfather, it was listening and then disciplining and then retreating to the comfort of his room to lick his wounds in silence. He tried to picture all the ways this conversation could go, what his grandfather could choose to do as a result of it.

Obviously, Chad had messed up his wonderful grand plan to get him in the King's favor (probably thought Chad did it on purpose too), so a punishment was in order. Chad would definitely be stuck at some kind of camp for the rest of the summer, somewhere far out of the way, like a survivalist camp that forbade all electronics. He'd threatened to send Chad to one before but he'd always been too young, but if anyone could pull some strings, it was the former king of Sardinia, who didn't mind allowing the staff to apply extra discipline to Chad should he step out of line.

Ben had tried to catch his attention a few times but Chad didn't have anything to say to him. He'd known this idea was stupid from the start; he was the one who gave in. The fact that Ben was sort of hopeless didn't seem like such a great excuse now, nor did his relentless nature. Grandfather wasn't going to believe that Ben of all people was chasing Chad. Not when they were supposed to be strapping young boys doing manly, regal things that definitely didn't involve kissing one another at any given time.

Fuck, Chad was dead. He was going to die and his last meal was going to be gummy worms – there was no justice in the world.

By the time Mrs. Potts was showing Chad's grandfather into the room, Chad had managed to coax himself into a numb state of mild detachment, which was likely for the best. Reacting to his grandfather rarely went well for him, since most of his go-to responses were negative, and his positive responses were abhorred. So.

"Duke Francis," the Queen greeted with a kind smile, the way one parent may politely console the other. "I appreciate you coming, though I guarantee this matter isn't nearly as severe as I may have led you to believe on the phone."

"On the contrary, your majesty," Chad's grandfather rumbled, choosing to remain standing to further assert his authority over Chad. "Decorum dictates that it was quite severe. I do beg your patience towards Chadwick's grievous error; he is a foolish boy, prone to silly indulgences."

That was probably the nicest way the Duke had ever called Chad a waste of time. He sort of marveled at it.

Queen Belle – bless her – seemed to be at a bit of a loss. "There's nothing to forgive, your grace. Ben and Chad are young and curious. There's nothing wrong with exploring new territory with you friend."

"I doubt it was anything so innocent." Of course he did, the Duke was the worst. "I'm afraid tempting dalliances run in the family, your majesty. I'm sure Prince Benjamin would not have been tempted had Chadwick not thrown himself at him."

Ah yes, when all else failed, call Chad's mom a whore. Classic grandfather.

Ben, the fool, puffed up. "Chad didn't throw himself at me, I asked him. And what do you mean about it 'running in the family'?"

"I'm sure you thought that," Chad's grandfather said, masterfully ignoring the second question. "But Chadwick is excellent at getting what he wants." No he wasn't. "He likely planted the idea-"

"Duke Francis," Queen Belle finally cutting in, using the full extent of her regal authority. "No crimes have been committed here. Chad has caused no disservice against my son and from the sounds of it, Ben was the instigator."

"I was," Ben promised solemnly, not that the Duke would ever believe him.

"Be that as it may, I think it best that I take Chadwick home now," the Duke said, shocking everyone but Chad who had already packed his bags before the meeting had started. They were waiting in the entry hall with Cogsworth's assistant. "Thank you for extending your hospitality, your majesty, and a thousand pardons for Chadwick's impertinence. I promise it won't be a problem in the future."

"Wait." Ben moved to stand. "You can't just go-"

"Thank you, your majesty." Chad managed to keep his voice calm through practice. "I'm very grateful for the generosity you've shown me, and I'm sorry for my loathsome behavior. It won't happen again."

"Loathsome?" Ben echoed as Chad got to his feet. "All we did was kiss, that's not a crime-"

"It is if you do not know your place in the world," Chad's grandfather snapped, his hand tightening against the top of his cane. "Chadwick knows there are things beyond his limits, and to aspire for them despite his pedigree is disgraceful. And while this might seem like a harmless dalliance, it was intended for something greater."

"It wasn't," Chad said calmly. "I promise, grandfather-"

The resounding slap seemed to reverberate through the room, Chad's head turned to the side with the force of his grandfather's backhand. It stung, but fortunately he was wearing gloves today instead of his rings, which would have made it hurt far more.

"Do not talk back to me, Chadwick," the Duke growled.

Chad managed a nod, only keeping his hands against his sides through sheer force of will. "Yes, grandfather."

Distantly, he registered motion by his side – Queen Belle hovering right next to him. "I think you should go."

Yes, of course.

Chad nodded, moving to follow his grandfather only to be stopped by the Queen's hand on his arm, holding him in place.

"I meant Duke Francis, sweetheart," she murmured quietly. "You'll stay here."

But- his grandfather just said-

"You can't keep him," the Duke hissed. "He needs to return to Sardinia for future training."

"He'll return to Sardinia when his father comes to retrieve him," the Queen explained calmly. "And in the meantime, my guards will escort you out."

The Duke puffed up. "You would bother my son-?"

"Chad's father?" the Queen clarified. "Yes, I would. Guards," she called to the two armed gentlemen waiting by the door. "Please escort Duke Francis to the Inspector's office."

"This is preposterous." The Duke didn't fight the two as they grabbed a hold of his arm, but his face was still claimed with fury. "Who are you to dictate how I discipline this blight upon my family?"

"The law dictates what you can and cannot do," Ben's mom said calmly. "You're the one who broke it. Take him away."

The Duke didn't get another word in before he was escorted from the room, Chad staring blankly after him because… what?

"Why'd you do that?" Chad asked, staring at the door with a renewed sense of loss. "You'll only make him angrier."

"Chad, honey." He felt the queen wrap and arm around his shoulders, Ben hovering in front of him anxiously, not sure what to do. "You're not going to see your grandfather for a long time now."

"But he'll still have power." No matter where they put him. "He'll have power and now it will be harder to intercept his- bullshit proposals and I can't- I can't keep my dad safe if I don't know where his manipulations will come from I-" Belatedly, he realized he was shaking, the world seeming to shrink in on him. "I don't- he didn't even hit me that hard, why would you- over that?"

"Sit down," the queen ordered gently, and Chad did just that, felt himself guided into his chair by the other two, Queen Belle tilting him forward so he could breathe easier. "You're going to be okay. Your father's going to be okay. We'll make sure he can't hurt you."

"But you can't guarantee that." Chad felt frustrated tears building at the corners of his eyes. "I've dealt with him hating me all my life; you don't think I could have lasted a few years?" And now everything he'd worked for, his whole system- he'd have to start over. All of his grandfather's workers would scatter to the wind, reinvent themselves in other kingdoms, become someone else's potential problem. "Fuck. Fuck."

"Chad." Ben's fingers were in his hair, tracing calming circles. "Chad, have you… have you been fighting with your grandfather all this time? Has he- has he hit you before?"

"Of course he's hit me before," Chad snapped. "He hates me, I already said that. He hated my mom and now he hates me and he hates me even more because my dad refused to remarry and give him a 'suitable heir' so he's stuck with me but I refuse to work with him because he's crazy!" Chad's chest was heaving by the time he was done with it, tears pouring down his cheeks because he didn't know what to do. "And now I'm probably going to live here for the rest of my life because my father's never going to fucking come for me. He hates me because I look like her but I'm not her."

He sobbed, cradling his face in his hands, not caring if the other two would watch him. His persona didn't matter anymore, none of it mattered anymore. Years of work, gone.

The queen was hugging him- actually, she and Ben both were, muttering nonsense and rubbing small circles and overall being too kind for the world.

"If that's what it comes down to then you can stay forever," she murmured. "You'll be part of our family, Chad, and you'll never be alone again."

"Even though I'm a whore?" Chad had to admit it because if he didn't he'd be exactly what the Duke said he was, a greedy opportunist reaching for more than they should have. "I'd- I'd never even done anything like that before Ben but I-" Chad sobbed. "I like it a lot. I guess he knew. I know my mom wasn't a slut but I guess I am-"

"No, baby," the queen hushed him, Ben swallowing down a noise of distress. "There's nothing wrong for liking what you do with Ben. That's natural. It doesn't make you a whore, it makes you human. It's great that you two trust each other enough to be together like that."

"I'm sorry, Chad," Ben whispered. "I didn't realize how I was twisting you up inside. I just- I liked making you feel good, and having you close to me." He burrowed his head against Chad's shoulder. "If anyone's greedy, it's me. Wanting to hog you all to myself."

"Why?" Chad croaked, because that was the thing that was really bothering him. "Why, Ben? What the hell do I even have to offer?"

"What?" Ben laughed. "Because you're brilliant. You pretend to look at books for their pictures but snap at me if I try to take like, the heaviest, dust-covered tomb away from you. You're clever and you're strong and resourceful and I think you actually hate Tourney and it's adorable when you get all cranky about it and you're- you're practical and I love that about you, and I hate the way everyone thinks you're dumb because I'm pretty sure you could give Doug a run for his money if you wanted to, and you make a room better just by entering it, and you make absolutely zero effort to be nice to me because you think we shouldn't be friends but you're also somehow one of the most thoughtful people I know and- Chad," he laughed. "Why wouldn't I like you?"

"You're so dumb," Chad gasped, falling into his hold. "You're too nice and too dopey and you're stupidly tall and you smile at- everything, and you have this need to be outside and you try to make things fun- you're just- trying to be a kid before you have to be a king and you-" He squeezed his eyes shut. "You're nice to me even though my grandfather pretty much warned every other royal off of me if he didn't like them." It made it so hard to have friends. "He won't even let me talk to Jane. She's- her mom saved my mom and I can't talk to her. Ben-" Chad felt himself shaking. "I want to be your friend- your anything so badly but I'm afraid the moment I commit to it it'll be taken away."

"It won't be," the Queen murmured. "It's going to be okay, Chad. Maybe not right now, maybe not tomorrow, but it's going to be okay. And no matter what happens, you don't have to do this alone anymore, alright?"

Chad could only cry harder, let himself be cuddled between the two most generous, brilliant people he knew and hope they were right.

And despite the fact that he was a sobbing mess, they didn't leave him right there. So that was a good start.



And that was all she wrote :)

Until next time