I have not written in a very very long time! But I love BELLA/PAUL pairings and I thought I would give it a try! Let me know what you think?

DISCLAIMER: I do not own twilight.

Chapter 1

As I ran through the rain up the steps banging on a door I knew from my childhood. The red paint was faded and chipping away, kinda like me, I thought to myself bitterly, the door swung open and a passive Jacob Black stares at me.

"Jake.. Please talk to me." I whispered patheticly, rain drops dripping down my chip. I tried to hold my shivers in as I tightly held myself together. His eyes dark and unnerving, he crossed his arms a frown graced his face as his brow came together.

"I told you Bella, we can't be friends anymore. It's best if you leave." He state's his voice cold and distant. I felt the sting of his words as my wall crumbled and tears formed but I sucked in a breath, not trusting my voice I nodded my head and my eyes dropped to the ground as I turned to leave. I was giving up, my determination of making Jake talk to me gone.

The walk to my truck was agonizingly slow, I felt the burn of his gaze but I couldn't look because I knew I would break the very wall I had effectively built over the past few weeks and there was no way I could give Jacob Black the satisfaction. Slipping into my truck, I wipe my face free of the damp hair. I hit my steering wheel in anger. I feel the anger shooting through my veins like fire. I look up as Jake closed the door with a slam, I can see figures in the distance behind Jakes house. It was 3, I knew them before I saw them. My blood boiled even more, I snapped, jumping out of my truck I ran at them full force.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO JACOB" I ran screaming at them, the rain holting as if by my command. They all tensed, a mask of fury was on the shortest, his mouth twisted up in a snarl.

"What did he tell you...leechlover" he growled out, sounding almost animalistic, it sent shivers down my spine. My anger boiled over, at the name he called me, it was so obvious to me he knew what the Cullens are. My body reacted as if on its own, I was up in his face my eyes wild with anger and slapped him as hard as I could. The sting that crawled up my hand and into my wrist didn't hurt as much as the shock on his face, it was as if I he felt it deep in his soul. He was growling, and huffing

"Paul calm down...Bella back away" Sam said with authority coating his tone. I stumbled back, startled with myself and fell on my ass. Just as clothing started to ripped and right before my eyes, his body shimmered and he shifted into a huge sliver wolf. Growling and baring his teeth to me, I felt like I should be scared. Looking into the eyes of this humongous sliver wolf I felt nothing but calm. His dark eyes scanning my body noticing something in the distance but I didn't care. My focus was this sliver wolf,his deminor changed, his growl took a protective turn as he jumped behind me to challenge whatever was coming toward us.

The trance I was in was broken and I shot up and turned to look just as Jake exploded midair into a huge russet wolf.

"BELLA" he roared, his voice getting stuck in the wind as his human form faded away. I felt myself shriek loudly, worried for the sliver wolf, like if harm came to him it would hurt my soul. I felt a warm, heavy hand come down on my shoulder, trying to move me away from the potential danger.

"Well wolfs out of the bag." The man snickered. Sam, the only one I knew, looked up his face tired and eyes heavy.

"Jared take her to Emily's." He sighed, his lips sinking into a deep frown. I suppose Jared, nodded and pulled me with him his warm hand on the small part of my back.

"A-are they going to be okay?" I asked my voice quivering as the wind whipped my hair around. Jared looked down at me laughed as he nodded his head.

"No need to worry about them Bella, we heal fast anyway." He said chuckling as he took the keys from me, ushering me into the passager seat. He was in the drivers seat inhumanly fast, I felt the shock all over my body, I hoped it wasn't visible.

Okay so vampires yes. Why wouldn't werewolves exist?? I thought to myself, swallowing the lump that had been Permently stuck for months.

The truck breaks squeak to a stop as we pulled up to a small but homey house, Jared jumped out swiftly moving to my side and opened the door.

"Don't stare at Emily, it bugs Sam." He whispered to me rushed as we made our way into the house. My eyebrow raise, I breathe out a breath as I saw her. She was beautiful but scarred. The scars on her face looked angry but old. She smiled at me brightly, a tray of muffins in hand,

"Hey Jared, muffin?...you must be Bella?" She said her eyes shinning with an unnerving kindness. I felt Jared elbow me, as he stoved a blueberry muffin in his mouth mumbling a thanks.

"Y-yes, Emily..it's nice to meet you." I said blushing as stepped in. Taking in my surroundings, the house was bigger on the inside than it looked. Everything looked like it had its own place, it smelled like fresh baked muffins and cookies. It smelled like home. I sighed, feeling comfortable and at peace for once in the past few months.

I sat at the kitchen table while Emily finished up her baking, Jared was chomping away on muffins. Lost in thought, a red mug cup had made its way into my hands, I looked up meeting Emily's beautiful smile.

"Hot tea? It'll help calm the nerves." She gestured to my leg jingling, I nodded smiling nervously as I sipped the tea.

Loud foot steps pounded up the steps and into the house, the three men were laughing and shaking off whatever had just happened. Jake smiled at me warmly, giving me a pat on the shoulder and grabbed a muffin. I felt his eyes on me, I didn't even know his name, but I looked up at him biting my lip nervously. His eyes were cold and distant, his lips turned into a scowl.

"I'm sorry I hit you..." I looked at him trying to figure out his name, feeling the embarrassment of my actions make my face flush.

"Nothing I'm not used to leechlover..". He sneered as he barked out a laugh. I felt the shock again, plain as day on my face, something about him make me react the way I do. I felt that hot anger again, it was burning my body, I felt as if steam should be rolling out of my ears. Everyone stilled, waiting to see how our interaction with each other would play out.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I huffed, standing up from my chair. I was face to chest with him, he was glaring down at me, shimmering again, as I glared back.

"Because that's what the...Cullens are right? Life.sucking.leeches." He grounded out the words slowly as if I was stupid. Sam and Jake had made a turn to move closer, as if trying to protect me from this unnamed man. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, he couldn't, but I had hurt him. I sucked in a breath, my thoughts going back to the legends Jake had told me when I was looking for answers almost two years ago. Of course they were all true. My anger at him faded but new anger was replaced, I was angry at the Cullens.

The way they left so easily as if I was nothing, I really felt like a pet to them, maybe in all honesty I was? Maybe I was a distraction? They finally got bored of the human and vanished. The hole in my chest deepend, the ache was deep in my bones. I felt the familiar grey cloud of numbness fill my mind, I felt no emotions, my wall had come crashing down again.

"Cat got your tongue little Swan?" He growled out clenching his teeth, his body language was angry and offensive but his eyes...they held dark deep understanding and concern. Jake was at my side in record time, glaring at unnamed man and wrapping his warm arms around me. I felt a little comfort, my wall slowly being rebuilt, but these arms weren't the ones I wanted. I felt an uneasy queezines and embarrassment at the fact that I wanted his arms.

"Geez, Paul. There's no need to be an ass." Jake grounded out his words through clenched teeth. Breaking free from Jake, I felt trapped, like a caged animal. I grabbed my keys from the table and rushed to walk out the door.

My foot caught the rug that was bunched up in the floor, I braved myself for the fall, squeezing my eyes tight. It never came, warm arms wrapped around my waist, arms that felt right, as if thinking the same thing they tighten. My breath caught in my throat, I opened my eyes to find the dark intense eyes of...Paul.

Next chapter in Paul's POV? So we can take a look into his angry mind and see what he thinks of Bella?