Enjoy and Review! I love hearing comments and feedback. Thank you!

The group entered the kitchen and gathered their food for lunch. Both Hunks were nice enough to cook food for a majority of the people present, though Zarkon, Haggar, Lotor, and their followers refused to accept the food. In fact, Haggar and Zarkon were continuing to plan to gain an advantage thanks to seeing the events of the future. They knew they were taking a big risk as these memories could end up being erased, but since they wanted to win this war and complete taking over the universe they were willing to take that risk.

After everyone finished gathering their food, they proceeded to return to the theater and continued to watch the events to come.

I have made my decision, and I apologize for not posting in a while for this fanfic. Thank you for everyone who reviewed and commented and for those that tried to help me decide what to do. I decided to have the characters summarize what happened and then have the others react to the story they are told and can see in their heads, similar to coralie14's work (If you like Percy Jackson I'd recommend reading their fanfics).