Bethany was having a meeting with Colt Bronco. "I got a confession out of Barley's girlfriend," Bethany said. "She admitted to helping him three out of four of the murders."

"And I just got the license plate back from the DMV," Colt said. "I think we have enough for an arrest."

"Then let's go," Bethany said. "You get your squad together and I will get Barley's location."

"You know, you'd make a great cop," Colt said.

"I think I will just stick with being a private investigator," Bethany said. "It's more my speed."

They then go their separate ways.

Barley was researching his next targets. He looked up at a picture of his family. It was of him, Ian, and Laurel when Ian was a few months old. It was the earliest photo he had of Ian. It was also the earliest photo he had without his dad. He wishes he could go back in time to before this all began. Now it was just him and his mom.

He then heard police sirens outside. At first, he thought it was just Colt coming home. That's when Colt and his squad kicked down the door and handcuffed Barley. "You are under arrest for suspicion of murder," Officer Bore said. "You have a right to remain silent. What you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you."

Laurel entered the room. "You lied to me," she cried. "You said you didn't kill anyone, but you did."

"I only did it so I can avenge Ian and Bethany," he said. He was hauled off into a police car. Bethany walked up to her as the police cars drove off. Laurel then got a good look at the birthmark.

"My son has the same birthmark," Laurel said.

"Interesting," Bethany said. "Did you ever have a daughter?"

"Yes, but she died when she was a baby," Laurel said. It then dawned on them what this could mean, but they didn't know what to say. "Do you want to get a coffee?"

"Sure," Bethany said. They then walked off.