I do not own this.

Annabeth POV

It has been a couple of months since my parents died and I moved in with the Avengers. I am pretty sure that Peter is reporting back to them and I have established myself as the quiet genius. I still defeat everyone in all of the different sports. As I walk to PE I am glad that Percy and I get to go to college in New Rome together.

When I got changed in PE every girl looked at me and asked where I got all of my scars and how they had not realized them all year long. When they said that I got a shock because the mist normally covered my scars. I decided to be more careful today and keep my sword with me.

We were doing a basic fitness test until a Cyclops barged in. When everyone saw it and started running around, I knew in that moment that the mist was gone. Having no other choice unless someone got hurt, I yelled in my vetern demigod voice.

"Everyone calmly evacuate." As I yelled that I ignored the looks that they were giving me, jogged to my bag and got my drakon bone sword out. When the cyclops saw it he made to leave but he couldn't because I was there. As I was swiping my sword at him I said,

"Wrong school."

Ignoring the looks the rest of the school was giving me I walked over to Peter and wrote a note for him to give to my Aunt and told everyone to go home and stay indoors. Then I whistled for Porkipi and flew to camp.

Peter POV

I sprinted to the alley and changed into my spiderman outfit. Then I swung to Avengers tower. When I got there people were on high alert Thor was busting his head into a wall asking how this could have happened, the others were trying to figure out what the heck was going on. As I ran in they looked at me I said,

"I have news and a note for Natasha." They looked at me and motioned for me to continue. "I was in PE and about halfway through a monster with one eye came in, everyone started running around like idiots until a voice ordered everyone to calmly evacuate. This voice was something no one had ever heard; it sounded like a general ordering their troops, it left no room for argument." I stopped to take a breath then I continued.

"The women who said that jogged over to their backpack and pulled out a sword that looked like it was made out of bone. When the monster saw that it blanched and made to leave but the woman was already there and she whispered wrong school before she swung her sword through it and it blasted into golden dust. She told everyone to go home and stay there. Then she whistled for a horse with wings that she rode out."

"Why are you telling us this? And where is my niece?" Natasha asked

"That's the thing, the woman, was Annabeth. She gave me this to give you. Another thing is that one of my friends told me that Annabeth had lots of scar on her back and everywhere else, they had never seen them even though some of them were years old."

"Can you read the note?" Steve asked.

"Dear Natasha,

If Peter gave this to you that means that something has happened with my other life. Go into my room and in a box that I brought from home open it and say Άνοιξε. The weapons in there are the only ones that can kill the monsters that mortals can get. I am only trusting you with them because I have no other choice. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I will be late to dinner and miss curfew.


"We should go check out the weapons." Tony said

"I don't need to, my hammer will kill them." Thor said, he looked more agitated than usual.

When we got there and opened the secret compartment the box folded out and there was a variety of things from a quiver full of arrows to a full blown sword and an assortment of daggers. We stocked up and Steve grabbed a shield that was in there. The metals were either gold or bronze, but something had me thinking that these were not normal gold or bronze.

Annabeth's POV

As I flew to camp I was trying to get over my shock, the mist was gone. When I got to camp Chiron saw my face and he asked,

"Child, what's wrong?"

"The mist is down."