AN: So I'm back at it with the H2o writing. Its been a while since I wrote my last fics and to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever get back to them again. My writing has changed a bit since then I think, and I just don't know where I'd start in rewriting them. So I'm starting a whole new idea that is inspired by a couple of stories I read recently. If you want to check them out they're called "For the love of" by tylergoldeyes and "Lewis McCartney and the terrible horrible no good very bad week" by AlmightyCamelot and MemePosse17 which is on AO3. I've written the first few chapters already so I can keep a weekly update schedule. Hopefully I won't fall behind on writing and you guys can enjoy more of the story quicker but I can be prone to writers block unfortunately.

Well hope you enjoy this Lewis!centric fic. I'm looking forward to writing more of his sassy sarcastic quips ; ) See ya in a week! Please leave a review if you can, can't wait to hear all your feedback!


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. How did he not notice it sooner? He was supposed to be the smart scientific guy, not a dimwit who overlooks something as glaringly simple as a time difference on a program; a program that had so far been as useful as a fishing line with no hook attached. Rikki was right. He was an idiot that got totally ripped off. Lewis only hoped that he could make up for his stupidity by getting to the girls before trouble hit them. It was only a matter of time until the full moon would be directly over Mako, and who knew what would happen to the girls being in the moon pool again at that time. History has proven that magic always produced the unexpected - the good, the bad and the weird.

Lewis always feared the bad. He couldn't stand the thought of losing the girl that was his entire world due to sheer ignorance. He wouldn't let that happen. He couldn't.

"Hang in there, Cleo. I'm coming," he chanted to himself, saltwater and wind whipping against his face as he zoomed across the inky ocean.

The full moon hung over him ominously like a ticking clock as he approached closer to Mako shore. He shut the engine off as soon as his boat hit sand and dragged his tinny up the shore until it was firmly beached.

With nothing but a sense of urgency, he ran at full speed through the forest, twigs and branches flicking up on his legs and face in quick painful jabs but he paid them no mind, too focused on getting to the cave entry in time. He paused for breath when he could no longer push forward, head bowing down between his knees. It's times like these where he's reminded once again that he should've joined a gym. This mermaid stuff was tiring business.

Once his breath was caught he started off again, reaching the rocks and waterfall in what must've been the most painfully slow minutes he'd ever experienced. He scrambled down on the slippery rocks and jumped to his feet as soon as he landed on the sand. Making a mad dash, he ran off quickly toward the moon pool entry.

"Cleo! Are you in here?" His voice echoed as he emerged around the corner. He halted suddenly at the sight of the girls in the moon pool, his eyes widening as he noticed their entrancement at the partially revealed moon at the top of volcano and the bubbling water surrounding them. That was not a good sign...

"Guys-" he started to call out but faltered as soon as their heads snapped in his immediate direction, "-um...uh, glad I found you here, but it might a good idea to leave. Like now."

"We are not leaving, Lewis."

"You have to leave, Lewis."

"We told you, we don't need your help."

Lewis shook his head frantically, feeling slightly perturbed by their monotonous voices.

"No, I'm not leaving you guys. Come on. Be reasonable! The full moon is nearly over the moon pool and who knows what effect that will have on you guys! We have to leave!" He pleaded, stepping forward and hand reaching out toward them. This, he soon realised, was a grave mistake.

All of sudden Cleo's arm shot out aggressively in his direction, commanding a huge gust of wind that literally knocked him off his feet and snatched out his torch from his hands. He watched incredulously as it flew up into the air and disappeared out of the volcano.

"What is going on?!" He cried, the wind picking up more and more, swirling all around him.

"You can't take us," Emma spoke measuredly, full of calm certainty. Her arm as well as Rikki's lifted up in tandem and posed to strike.

Lewis gulped in sudden fear at the power building up in the cave. This wasn't good. Not good at all.

A strike of energy burst right next to him, the electricity zinging up the hairs of his neck and back, causing him to stumble to the side. His heart pounded in his ears, the wind now roaring against his head.

"Did you do that..." he eyed them warily, the wind was starting to get too much to bear at this point,"...what is going on?!" he cried.

A quick glance up told him that the moon had almost nearly reached its peak. He was too late. There was no stopping them now. This was all his fault. If only he'd arrive sooner...if only he hadn't missed that stupid time difference...

All girls moved their arms in synchronisation slowly toward their intended target. Lewis stood back up on his feet trying fight the wind but to no use. It was too strong.

His feet lifted from the ground, the sudden weightlessness dropping like a stone to his stomach.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled at them out of pure desperation. He was utterly helpless. With nothing near to grasp and no one willing to help, he was quickly thrown up metres into the air right above the moon pool.

"Put me down!" At this moment there was nothing he could do but watch as the moon centred right above him, pulling up strange golden droplets out from the water below him and up towards the sky. Despite being scared beyond all belief he couldn't help but be awed as he observed this strange phenomenon for the first time. The droplets felt cool and tingly as they hit his skin on their way up to the moon. The sensation sent a sudden shiver up his spine and a brief foreboding thought sparked in his mind. This wouldn't...surely not...

He didn't have too much time to ponder more on that thought before he was suddenly flung out of the volcano opening and out towards the eye of a brewing storm. He couldn't tell whether he was flying or falling but the sensation wasn't quite one that he wanted to get used to. Time felt like it had slowed down and yet at the same time everything moved too fast to compute anything properly.

It wasn't too long before he hit ground and darkness over took him. Tomorrow would be a painful day, in more ways than Lewis would ever expect.