Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or Harry Potter.
Four months. Four long months and shes still hasn't broken them.
Bellatrix lays on her bed wondering if she was not breaking them correctly. It angered her, was she losing her fiendish nature, no. She could still kill for amusement nothing was working though. Even after, she murdered their friend. She started to wonder was it taking command of the death eaters six months ago after her master's body was destroyed by his rival, Harry Potter. The boy was powerful she gave him that, firing off two spells silently as quick as he did was no easy task for any wizard or witch. In that fight, he was operating spell for spell with her master, it made her body warm. She even stop her battle just to watch her master and the boy-who-lived duel it out. They both were in a stalemate until her lord decided he wanted to add casualties to their duel by aiming at the muggle-born, Hermonie Granger.
He made a big mistake in that as the boy-who-live shot two spells so freakishly fast it looked like one spell. The aura that spewed off him was so potent and intoxicating if he had held it, she would instantly bow before his feet and proclaimed him as her new master. As she saw her master's body explode to dust, the boy only took a couple of steps until he collapsed to the ground. Thank merlin on their part that they had reinforcements or they wound have knelt before him if that aura was still up. Her master was powerful and has felt his aura and it was intimidating, but his rival's. There was no comparison, it would vaporize her masters. The power she felt from him never left her head, even while torturing him kinda hoping it would come out again. Bellatrix has always love dominating people who were lower of herself and her master, but she also shared a great deal of respect and warmth for those with more power than her. It got her warm inside, but the power that he possessed was so potent, intoxicating, and formidable it got her panties soaked. Her just thinking of his power at close range, seeing clear shimmering reddish-yellow power leaving his body encompassing her, commanding her to obey his every last word. Made her want to put her head between his legs and engulf him until he said stop. She didn't notice she was moaning out loud until a knock at the door disrupted her mood.
"Come in!" she yelled. A man in a dark robe with blue eyes and dark hair came in and kneeled not looking her in the eye.
"Milady, everyone is here for the meeting as you asked. He said, his voice rough and nasty as if he swallowed razors. She stood as she walked the man shaken in fear, but she walked passed him as if he didn't exist she then turned her head and spoke. "Well come on then fool," she said calmly.
She walks to the main room, coming up with ideas to break her pet and prisoner.
It was an important meeting to discuss the progress of getting her master's body back. Taking care of his death eaters was tiring she couldn't get any sleep at night and was constantly in boring meetings. Now she saw what her master had to deal with constant imbeciles and large egos, thinking their cocks were bigger and she knew they were tiny nothings. Recently finding out that he split his soul into 7 pieces. Knowing his soul was alive was something she had speculations about. Clearly, he was afraid was of death and if one couldn't put that together then they're about as stupid as youngest Weasley she murdered. Charging at her sister as if she was going to let him kill her with that sword.
'Foolish Blood traitor boy some Gryffindor he was' She had her signature grin when thought of her pet and prisoner. She drops the smile as she strode to the main room. A giant dark wooden table with twenty-plus chairs on each side and a large chair at the head of the table. The room was always dark and gloomy as if the room had never seen sunshine. As she enters the looks she gets of some death eaters is that some of jealousy, hate, content, fear, and concern. There was only one face that showed of concern, her sisters.
As she came to the head of the table and looked at the chair. She was disgusted with it, looked to...plain. She pulled her wand out and pointed it at the chair and transfigured it into a large victorian chair colored black and silver with a tint of green.
As she was about to sit into it someone foolishly spoke out of turn.
"That is the dark lord's chair, his spot." He stood and spoke almost a whisper except for the reverberation amplifying it to an echoing hiss.
Bellatrix looked at him calmly, lifted her wand quickly, and whispered.
"Avada Kedavra" The green spell wash over his body and limply slumped his body in the chair eyes show of shock, frozen. That set the mood for the meeting, no one dared to speak out of turn.
Her face showed no emotion as she sat in her throne. She smiled inwardly as she thought of it as her throne.
"Sivy, where are you at on the ingredients for the dark lord." she asked eerily calm.
"Not even a quarter of the way there, I might make a guess of eight months till I find and brew the ingredients, we had to extract the rest from potter's mind, M'lady." He said Bellatrix and snape have both looked considerably better when their lord was around. Now the looked absolutely burnt out, tossed, they had huge dark spots under their eyes.
'Bollocks, stuck with these imbeciles for eight months. I can't take this even killing and torturing won't satisfy my needs.'
Right there in that very second an idea, a very sadistic, humiliating idea came to her mind and she had just the people to do it to. She wasn't even paying attention to the outside world because her face showed shock, amusement, and curiosity.
She didn't even hear her sister, who asked her a question. Then she looked at her sister fixed her face and shook her head to come back to the real world.
"Bella are you okay and what are you thinking about?" Her sister asked with a nervous look on her face. Bellatrix then laughed and cackled.
"I'm fine Cissy, now I need you." she looked around the room "you and you". She picked four other females who look above average beautiful. She spoke with life and energy as if the sun shined on her giving her renewal energy.
"Draco go check on my prisoner and pet, I'll come down there to speak to them and pick one of them for my entertainment." She had her signature grin on her face. Narcissa knew her sister well and can see the gears turning.
"Sivy at any point going through his mind did you come across anything that has to do with the prophecy?" She asked turning to him so quick it made some death eater jump. Snape didn't even flinch.
"No, M'lady" He said with curiosity and confusion on his face. She stood up from her throne and asked her sister to escort the other she picked to wait in her chambers and, conjure a chair and use the leather cuffs in her chest in the middle of her quarters and made the last statement of the meeting.
"EVERYONE THIS MEETING IS OVER! OUT!" She shouted at the top of her lungs and headed down to the dungeon.
Ten Minutes Earlier.
Harry and Hermione bound to a conjured pole both wrists tied to the pole. Both their backs to each other with their mind and spirit still intact, for how long they thought. They both new Hermoine was going to suffer rape eventually but, it never came in the last two months. They had their fair share of beatings, wipings, and hearing each other's screams. They always say their lines to each other when they hear the sound of footsteps.
"Harry, what do you think is next for us? What are they planning to do next?" She asked. They were given a lot of time since there last punishment.
"I don't know 'moine, it has been a month and they been giving us baths and fresh food. I'm starting to think they're fattening us so we let our guard down." He said. They were healthy if anything besides the scars they had on them. Harry's pre-existing scar on his back was now covered with new ones.
At one point Bellatrix gave a look of curiosity when they took his shirt off as they took turns wiping him. She admired his toughness he didn't shed a tear until the thirty-fourth lash. He wore them out. There were now seven lashes in the front of his body due to deep knife cuts. He had four from his neck to the end of his chest. Hermonie even had some, most were on her legs or back. Little tiny ones on her stomach from Bellatrix, they made a word that says "PET". When they were done getting beat Narcissa would come down and heal their wounds. She wash Hermoine and with the safety of tying them to a pole on the side of the shower and tying their ankles together. Harry in the same fashion but with a male healer.
"Harry remember that dance we had. Right after... Ron...Ron left I felt so empty, lost, and angry. I was angry at Ron, the world, myself, even what I am in their world. But you were there holding me dancing and laughing. I told you in the forest of dean I wanted to live there grow old, start a family, hopefully, be in the ministry." She took a deep breath before continuing."
"Harry, I've enjoyed being around you when after you and Ron save me from that troll. When you face those dementors the power I felt from you, I then knew you were always going to be the one to save the day. Our fourth year was rough, I think that's the most I've ever felt isolate between my friendship with you and Ron. It hurt so much, harry...I...I...I started having feelings for Ron so I decided to stand by him. I felt joy and wounded at the same time and in that tent of the first task, when I hugged you I felt free and warm. When you came out that maze and I saw you in pain and grief it was so...so hard to watch. Our sixth year when Ron was sogging the hell out of Lavender, I've never been so angry I had so many bad thoughts, and I asked you how do you do it when someone you like is with another person. I felt so wrong to ask you about that because...be...because harry, I think you know how much I love you, from this confession now. When Ron died, I felt my soul break but, through this situation and all the other events we went through, you always repaired me and healed me, I love you so much."
Harry didn't know what to say. He couldn't make a promise that he knew he couldn't keep. He didn't love her anymore than a sister even after all the things they been through. Deep down he knew Ginny would be waiting for him and if he said the same exact words to Hermoine in with the same tone and meaning it would be false love and hope on his part.
"Hermoine I-" before he could begin his confession it was cut short by the sound of footsteps.
They knew there was something up for sure when they heard the cackling they knew all to well they said their lines together in the nick of time as Bellatrix and Draco and three others came with them. Coming down the stairs of the dungeon she found them in there get up and looked alive.
"Well well, I hope one of you two are ready for this round of pleasure, I want to be entertained by one of you." She said in her crazed and gleeful way.
I want to see the mudblood on her knees sucking my cock while a cock is up her arse, Potter should be there to watch." Draco said looking at Hermoine, licking his lips.
Bellatrix wanted cock, not a muggle-born pussy. She would have to get Potter to volunteer a deal to save her. So she could get what she wanted.
She got on all fours and crawl to Harry until her bosoms were near his face.
"Well, I was hoping to get this one, have a bit more fun wiping that sexy body of his, But I guess I'll have to join in with the men. No lube for her, I want her to feel everything. And prepare the room I want this one on a chain leash so I can make him walk on all fours and have him watch as she gets pounded into the earth, hear her scream until she loves it." She said exactly what she needed him to hear to get her plan in action. Before she got up she licked his cheek up to his ear. His expression was horror and fear with sorrow if he let that happen.
"You can save her if you can come up with a deal in thirty seconds. It's already starting." She whispered only for him to hear. He didn't know if it was false hope to see him beg and rape her anyway or if she was telling the truth, But he couldn't let them do that to her without trying. Ten-second pass and made his deal. They were about to take her out of the dungeon until he spoke up.
"W-wait, wait please...please." He pleaded. Bellatrix told them to stop with a wand movement. She looked at him with glee. He looked Bellatrix in her violet-colored eyes with his hard green eyes.
"You can have me, I'll do anything as long as you don't evolve her in any way, I'll even give you the prophecy." She was even more shocked she expected him to give up his body, mind, and soul to her and her cause and officially become her's in every idea way, but this was better it came close to her bigger plan.
"Good luck on that deal, Potter but there is no use for it, let's go." Draco said with an arrogant and smug expression, but fail to see he wasn't the one who made the calls. He felt hot knifes piercing his skin and lost his footing and tumbled down the stairs. He let out a blood-curdling scream of pain and it stopped.
Bellatrix had her wand on him and did not take it off him until he apologized to her.
"I'm sorry, My lady. Please." He apologized and begged for no more.
"How do you expect me to get it from you Potter, last I checked there was a big accident in the department of mysteries, so please explain.?" she asked probably already knows the answer.
"Dumbledore told me after we left the ministry of magic, I can lower my shields or give you the memory via pensive, but give me your word first," He said never taking his eyes of Bellatrix. She gave him an evil grin and nodded.
"You and I are going to have so much pleasure, Harry Potter. Ooooh, I can't wait. Take him to my chambers and get him ready." She said. Realizing he took the bait, but in reality, she knew he was going to give something up. She took the memory and placed in a flask. They rebounded Harmonie and stunned harry and dragged him out of the dungeon. As they left it was just Bellatrix and Hermonie.
"Be glad I have a plan my mudblood pet, not many would give up that information to keep their friends alive. I see you love him. That's good. I'll break him to where he'll want nothing but me. And when I'm done corrupting him, you'll be his bitch and he'll take you anyway, anytime, and anywhere he wants. So you'll still have him just won't be yours." Bellatrix said as she marched up the stairs turning around grinning evilly and cackling.
Hermonie just cried and cried.
Harry awoke from being stunned. Notice that he was in Bellatrix's chambers. He also notices he has been bound to a chair both wrists to the arms of the chair and the ankles to the legs. He realized they were leather and could feel wards on them. He didn't even try to use force to get out of them, he just waited. He also realizes he had no shirt on but, to his relief, he had his pants on. Bellatrix came out of the door, most likely the adjoined room. Then he notice she was in a laced robe that shows her laced bra and panties, along with a corset, all black. She swayed her hips when she walks over to the chair across from him.
"Hello! Harry, do you mind if I call you Harry?". She said calmly. Harry didn't expect this tone, already suspected a Curcio. He didn't answer her question. He stared at her with malice and hatred, but also confusion.
"I'll take that as a yes. I want to make something clear here, Harry. I want nothing more than you. I'm still going to torture you, but not the way you think. Harry, if you do exactly as I say then the mudblood will actually get out of that dungeon." She talked to him so reasonably calm it was like a totally new person. The way she says his name, also sent a tingle throughout his body. If doing what she said no matter what, gives Hermoine a chance then he'll cooperate.
"Fine." He said his eyes looking down.
"I have a lot of questions Harry and I want you to answer them." He nodded.
"First how did you get those scars on your back, not the one I and my imbecile eaters inflicted on you, and also have you kissed anyone? She asked with her best expression of a calming smile.
He didn't want to answer none of them but scared of what would happen to his friend if he didn't.
"The Durselys, my relatives, did that. They treated me like you almost do. I was nothing more, than a freak. My uncle would beat me for almost anything, lock me in a cupboard if I didn't do my chores, and followed up with starvation and more belt buckles to the back. I was deformed a bit until I got to Hogwarts and they fix me up. Dudley my whale of a cousin trip on his fat arse, I laugh, and then he pushed me down kick me so hard he broke my rib. They thought I had done something to him to provoke him to kick me, and didn't even send me to the hospital, so it grew incorrectly. I still remember when they beat me every hour for my birthdays and those were my birthday presents. I even saved one of them from those damn dementors. They never showed an ounce of love to me I didn't even know my name until elementary school, though it was freak for the longest of time. If there where a group of people I could kill and not feel an ounce of guilt it's yours and them." He felt tears he didn't even notice string down his cheek. Then he felt a hand on his shoulders and another slid down his chest. Finally, Bellatrix circled till she was faced him and sat down in his lap her leg straddled him. She grabbed his chin and raised his head and when their eyes met it shocked him to his core.
Her violet eyes show understanding and familiarity. Her hands feeling his body up and down. Harry took a deep breath as her hand went down to his abs and back up to his face. He didn't want to accept her touch, but her touch was something his body felt needed. She then started to grind her body upon his.
"You and I Harry, are very similar, put in situations most don't understand or can't fathom. I was sixteen when I married man you killed that day. He knew I was stronger than him, so he convinced my mother to put a compulsion charm, a slave bond contract. Surrendering my freedom and magic to him, becoming nothing more than an obedient slave. Look at me, Harry."
She continued to grind harder against him, she grabbed his chin lifted it slightly up to see her looking slightly down on him. They were so close each of their noses was inches away. Her breath smelled rotten do to the teeth but her touch was like fire, he could feel the wetness from the inside of her legs on his hardened member. She grinned hugely from that. Harry then took acknowledge of the fact she was a beauty to behold. Her lip red and full, her aristocratic features made her a goddess, her eyes match all her features well, the violet eyes made everything on her face enhanced. She then picked up the pace of her grinding causing Harry's body to buck a little, she then nibbled on his neck along with grinding against his rock hard cock caused him to stiffen and moan out loud. His breathing started to pick up and he shut his eyes. She then moved to his ear and continuously grind on him with more rhythm. The curves of her body were too much for his mind before she was extremely thin the last time he saw her. She had filled out a lot more, the corset did so many things to her already hourglass figure. Her breathing was now picking up, moaning, and groaning against his covered cock but continued her story.
Her voice was like a goddesses whisper, sultry, divine, and hungry.
"So when our wedding night came, he attacked me told to get on my knees and suck his cock. He was disgusting and tiny. Oh, you're more man than him by tenfold, your cock is bigger than his by six lengths. Fuck, your power obliterated him and freed me briefly. He then threw me on the bed called me his bitch, and shoved his tiny cock in me when he saw he couldn't please me, he decides to call his friends. Grabbed me by my hair and told me to please them, they raped me, defiled me, and there was nothing I could do. You've killed most of them, and I'm glad Lucius met his end at your hands. He beat me because I could not give him an heir. So I took the mark and was subjected to more rape until I was the dark lords most loyal and trusted. During my fourteen years in Azkaban, I realize I was free, but no longer felt the light anymore and embrace the darkness. But I was still displeased and unsatisfied, even being the dark lord best. When you destroyed him, I felt the power you sent out and it is what I been looking for and now that I have you, I want you. I want you to pound me, fight me, please me, dominate me.
She grabbed him by the cheeks and told him to open his eyes when he did, he saw a woman who was broken and stayed broken through situations she couldn't control. He wasn't going to make it out of this without letting go. And if he could harness this power to change the world of his kind by giving into her then he would, he was sorry to everyone, Albus, Ron, Tonks, Hermonie, Remus, his parents, and Sirius. He Let go.
Bellatrix shook violently as she orgasmed hard leaving the chair Harry was bound to soaked. She kissed him with hot lust and also noted he was a great kisser. She withdrew and snapped her fingers and seven women came out of the adjoining room. She walked behind him and massaged his shoulders.
"Sorry, Potter I want that man cock of your but I have my plans. And my plan is to share, So please us. Let's drain him." She said to the women. The was nothing he could do. Only accept what was going to happen.
The first woman of dark grey robes and dark brown hair, beautiful features, and tall. She got on her knees and tangled with his belt. Bellatrix told him to lift himself and he did, he found his legs and groin open to cold air with his around pants a pile around his ankles. Everyone except Bellatrix and Harry made a loud audible gasp as they looked at his half-erect length. When he looked at the woman who was in between his legs her eyes show of shock, lust, and hunger. Bellatrix with a huge grin licked her lips and saw the women she chosen looked at the man bound to the chair as if they saw juicy meat. Her sister Narcissa looked at the boy with more than just hunger, she wanted to devour him.
The woman grabbed his member softly. Harry's body shuddered to the warm hand. She started pumping him at a good pace and with Bellatrix massaging his body his mind was working double to stay sane.
She now had a fully hard cock of ten inches in her face. As she licks his length from the base, Harry lets out a groan showing he was sensitive. She gave him a couple more licks until she tried to engulf his length. She could only get half of his length in his mouth, Harry gasped as she put her mouth around him. She uses both hands and mouth to please his, she is twisting and pumping with her hands as she slurping his length her tongue swirling around the head of his member. Harry has heard from his friends what a blowjob is but, never experience it. He knew anymore and he was gonna explode, the feeling of her tongue looping around his length was just an unimaginable feeling. His moans and groans started to break to the surface and before he could warn the woman, he exploded releasing four hot strands all on her lips. She licked it all up and pump him a little bit more for extra. Harry was about to go into a nice vacant sleep, but Bellatrix grabbed and full of a hand full of her raven-colored hair and yanked his head upward to see her face.
"Sorry, Potter but can't sleep just yet you still got seven more all hungry for that cock of yours. Cissy go get the potion I told you to brew, we have to keep our plaything awake." As Narcissa came back to Bellatrix with the potion in hand, it was an orange-yellow color.
"This will keep you awake and will refill them lustrous balls of yours. You will please all of us." She then looked up to the rest of the women and told them whoever can make him come the most will have a second shot at him. She forced his mouth open and poured the liquid in his mouth. The taste of it was strange. Immediately he felt more energized and far from tired. The next five women got a high off of his seed. They couldn't fit all of his length in their mouths, so they pumped him with long strokes. Hair couldn't keep his mind and body under control it felt like a tsunami of pleasure and pain from the sensitivity. He did not like this humiliation and idea of being rape but, the was nothing he could do not only was he full strapped to a chair, but he was a hormonal teenage boy with none of this experience. His body would shiver and buckle to any touch at this point.
Narcissa was up now and was in a moment of confused yearning walking to the boy-who-lived. She wanted his cock but also realized she about to rape the young man who murdered her husband. Though that wasn't the thing that had her confuse it was the fact he was the same age as her son. She was going on eighteen years not being touched by her husband. Not only that but after she found out that he participated in raping her sister she didn't want him to even look at her. Secretly deep down she was glad Harry killed Lucius. He only used her as a trophy wife and defiled her sister, if she had known that earlier. She was so eager to finally have Harry moan under her control and wanted her name on his mind, hear her name come moan out of his mouth. She wanted to see him shake and usher his soul out of his body. After all, she was now free from Lucius and could do anything she wanted. So now she wanted to see Harry Potter squirm and violently convulse as she was about to show him the true feeling of a painful but pleasureful release.
She now had a wide confident, seductive grin on her face as she looked down on the drop-dead gorgeous young man. He once had the look of a malnourished, pitiful scrawny boy. No More, his rough but cute features did so much now for his facial features. He looked so lean and desirable. His defined eight pack showing was something no girl or woman can resist. The eyes seem to glow bright emerald almost demanding and enticing.
When she got on her knees and was face to face with his still harden member she grabbed a hold of his member to get his attention, which it did violently. She began to stroke from the top to the base smoothly and passionately.
"W-wait plea-" Harry was about to beg franticly to her to give him a minute but his mouth was covered by Bellatrix's right hand. Which was wet and warm due to her vigorously fingering her wet sex. Narcissa was even more pleased to see him beg for her to take it easy on him. She had no absolute intention of making this a subtle experience.
"Shush now, Potter. Cissy leave him shaking and whimpering, and please do save some for me." Her voice had a calm sultry sound with a hit of mischievousness. Harry's response was muffled under Bellatrix's hand.
"I intend to, and I may get carried away sister dear, but I'll try." She said while she stared at Harry, his eyes show a look of worry. Harry's eyes widen in cloudy pleasure as she slowly engulfs his cock almost down to the base, gagging and choking on his thick ten-inch member. And slowly coming off of it, her eyes never living him.
"She gonna eat you alive," Bellatrix said.
Narcissa continued to gag on his member, bobbing her head up and down on his mostly covered length. As she came up the slurping suction had Harry's body convulse violently his eyes rolling to the back of his head, which gave her so much enjoyment. That was not the end of his torture as she then spit the gathered up silva on his member lubricating it, and proceeds to jerk his cock with a twist with at a fast steady rhythm. Harry's body wanted to rise up from the chair. His hip tried to retreat from Narcissa's reach in which was inevitable because of the leather bounds that seem to tighten as he tried to resist.
"Don't run Harry, I have so much more I want to do to you." She said mocking a hurt expression. Bellatrix lifted her head off of his mouth, as loud throaty groans came from him. Sounded of pleasure and both pain. Only making her putting her mouth back on his member along with the twisting hand pumping and bobbing of her head in sync with his moans. It made her and all the other women soak, getting off on the fact that they all made the now most powerful wizard moan like a bitch right in front of them. Bellatrix took this opportunity to see how far gone he was in her sister's hands and mouth.
"So, Potter do you love my sister's lovely skills she does on your cock," She asked. All Harry could do was nod. Narcissa went deeper with her strokes and more harder with her suction
"Ahhhhh Fuck!" he groaned. He couldn't help it, his fist was clenched and holding on to the arm of the chair he was strap to.
"I think she wants to hear her name come from your mouth, moaning as she controls your soul, making you her property." She stated to him. Her sister then lowered till she had all of his member in her mouth and bobbed back and fouth gaging in the process of stroking him.
"AHHH, NARCISSSSAAA-AAA-AAA-AAAA!" He came violently, his body convulsing and breathing shallow. He let out loud groans and moans and as Narcissa Malfoy gulped down six to ten strands of his delicious, succulent, potent cum down her throat and the rest on her lips. Harry felt his thick liquid leave his member in powerful spurts, and it felt like some magic came out of him. And fell into a magical sleep.
His body was still convulsing just less harsh. Bellatrix slapped him lightly on the cheek. He was out cold." Everyone out, except you cissy." As everyone left Narcissa felt she was in heaven. His cum gave her this rush of power almost like a high. She started to lick it up from around her limps and use her fingers to lick off some she could get. She moaned and leaned against the bed as she started coming down off the high. Bellatrix looked at her sister with a pissed off face, that made her sister come back to the real world.
"Really Cissy just had to enjoy him and suck the living magic out of him all for yourself. Didn't I tell you to leave some for me? Cunt." Bellatrix pouted angrily. She wanted to know how his cock tasted.
"I'm sorry Bella, it was just so good, he tasted like something godly. The power in his body is something unheard of, he truly is the most powerful Wizard right I've ever seen and probably ever taste." Cissy Stated sincerely.
"So, Whats he taste like anyway?" Narcissa stiffened and a red hue came upon her.
"Hot chocolate," She said not audible.
"What?" Bellatrix asked.
"Hot chocolate," She said a little bit louder but still inaudible.
"Cissy speak up!" She barked at her sister.
"HOT CHOCOLATE, ALRIGHT!" She screams. She was now a shade of red even the Weasley boy from the dead would be jealous. Not from anger but from embarrassment. Bellatrix just giggled and laugh, as she wiped the tears away, she a the flask off the table.
"Since this is your mess, wash him up and use these to bound him to my bed. I have to check this memory and find out if there is something in the prophecy, about bringing the dark lord back. She said heading to the door. Her tone was serious.
In reality, she had no intention to bring the dark lord back, She wanted to turn him into the next dark lord. As she went to the potions room she ran into Draco.
"Sorry, my lady." He bowed
"Draco, I want to know how many love interest the Potter boy had." She asked urgently. Draco seemed caught off guard but answered anyway.
" Besides, Cho Chang and that youngest Weasley whore, and maybe mudblood granger I would say thats it." He answers truthfully.
She nodded and went about her way. As she went to the potions room she went to the pensive they got from when their lord stayed she pushed the memory in with her wand. She placed her self within the memory. When she came out she was shocked to the core at what the prophecy stated she didn't listen to what meaningful conversation the boy and his headmaster were have just wanted the prophecy. And the words that brought a plan she formulated were mind-boggling.
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...
'And the dark lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.' She felt this power on that day she knew that was the power the prophecy mention. Her problem was the power was love, and she filled her heart and mind with darkness. Then it hit her.
She was going to make Harry Potter love her and become her next master.