The Crow Demon sat on the throne as he dwelled in the Manor that was his family's ancestral home that laid on top of a Mountain. A distinguished line that had existed for thousands of years. In his hand he held a goblet filled with wine.
Across from him in the other side of the room was a Female Demon, with the Attributes of a Rabbit possessing white ears and a small fluffy tail sticking out of her pants she wore. She had long blue hair and violet eyes and was shown playing a Harp for his entertainment as music filled the chamber her fingers skillfully moving across the strings. Having been given to him as a concubine she was skilled in both music and dance and he treated her well as she was the only one allowed in private with him.
By his throne was his sword which had the hilt of a skull on it as the double edged blade he could whip out of its sheath in under a moment's notice and behead someone with it with a mere twitch of his hand.
On his right hand he wore on his index finger was a ring and on it a red Crest. The Crest of Fire which he possessed and wielded having claimed it and enhanced his great power but even without it he was a formidable foe that none would dare take lightly.
As the ruler of this part of Demon Realm, Sasuke knew that none in his domain would dare challenge him. But of course there was always fools who thought themselves having a chance to kill him and he would more than remind them of the power he possessed before he ended their lives.
As he listened on to the music played by the female and prepared to take a drink there was suddenly a noise which made him narrow his eyes. His guards knew better than to make noise when making their rounds and disrupt him.
A crashing sound was heard as the doorway was blown open the solid metal doors knocked back off their hinges, the Rabbit Demon stopped her playing taken aback by the unexpected event.
Sasuke stared on through the dust as he heard footsteps as someone was boldly coming inside.
He looked on and saw a Demon, with the attributes and features of a Fox enter the room. Possessing three tails behind him. Arond his neck he wore a makeshift necklace and on it Sasuke noticed was a Crest as well, one that which was glowing green. The Crest he wore on his ring began to glow as well sensing it.
"What business do you have in my domain Fox?" Sasuke asked nonchalantly at his boldness. The fact that he would so brazenly enter, he was a fool for not knowing who he was dealing with.
The Fox Demon said nothing as he stepped forward as he showed him no respect or fear as he strode towards him stopping until he was ten feet away from him. "That," He said raising a finger and pointing at The Crest on Sasuke's finger. "That is my business Crow." Naruto answered him.
Sasuke tossed his goblet aside the contents spilling out as he stood up straight. "You are not the first to come seeking my Crest and had their head removed from their body and hang on my walls, just yesterday I killed some weak demon fool who's name I didn't bother to learn before he tried attacking me and was cut to pieces. May I ask what your name is?"
"Naruto and I know who you are Sasuke. As you see I already have laid claim to The Crest of Air and I shall add your Crest of Fire once I rip it off your finger." Naruto said to him. "I'm aiming to become The Ultimate Demon and I need all six Crests in order to do so, so hand it over."
Sasuke narrowed his eyes before shifting his head slighty and nodded at the Female in the room. The Rabbit Demon stood up and walked out of the room being allowed to exit.
"Heh, so a fool like yourself believes you can obtain all Six and rule?" Sasuke asked with a smirk before standing up his black wings spreading out. "I know the tales and myths of what would happen should all six come into possession of one. Its a lofty goal you are seeking. I myself contemplated over gathering all Six myself, and I believe its time I see if I am the one who's capable of ruling this entire realm." He told Naruto as he picked up his Sword. "Your Crest of Air shall be the perfect stepping stone on my path to becoming all powerful." He stated as he activated The Crest of Fire and his sword became engulfed in flames.
Naruto snarled at him showing his fangs as his eyes turned red as a gust of wind blew inside the room. "Then take it if you can!" He said as they prepared to do battle
The Fox and Crow Demons looked on at one another as Dark Clouds gathered around the area. The wind began to pick up as their hair blew neither taking their eyes off of the other.
"You look surprised to see me Naruto." Sasuke said to him speaking at last
"Yes I am, because whenever I kill someone, normally they stay dead." Naruto told him.
Sasuke looked on at him scowling not liking being reminded of his loss to him.
"I was dead, if for briefly but I have thanks to someone who restored me to life so that I may have my Revenge against you. Shortly after my...unexpected loss to you and you had left stealing the Crest of Fire I was resurrected. He healed my wounds bringing me back from the brink of Death as my time has not yet come certainly not at the hands of you. Someone whom you know very well, Orochimaru."
"Orochimaru?" Naruto spat out that name like it was poison on his lips. "So you've gone and have reduced yourself to working for him. And I thought you had some pride."
Sasuke's eyes narrowed dangerously at him. "Don't you dare insult me. I do not work for or swear any loyalty to him, I merely have a debt I have to repay which I shall once I bring your head detached from your body to him. As well as that broken piece of The Crest of Fire which is originally mine. I don't care anymore about becoming The Ultimate Demon, all that matters now to me is killing you." He said taking note of the Fragment that Naruto wore. "This time the outcome will be much different." He said and flapping his wings hovered up in the air.
Naruto growled at him and his hands were held out as his claws were shown as both A Class Demons prepared for battle.
Sasuke made the first move as he batted his wings and flew straight at him like a bullet. Naruto saw him coming and dodged it turning over to the side as he avoided him. Sasuke turned around and flew at him and Naruto charged at him as the two collided against one another. The force of the impact against each other was heard as they slammed off each other as their battle began.
Sasuke flapped his wings and flew up and then dove at Naruto increasing his speed as he lunged at him, Naruto dodged the attack but didn't have time to counter as Sasuke attacked again and then again. In the air Sasuke had the advantage and both knew it as he darted at him to and fro as he attacked from a different direction each time. Naruto skillfully dodged the attacks knowing that Sasuke was testing him as neither was fighting seriously as they gauged each other's strength.
The Crow Demon flew up into the sky and then dive bombed him flying right at him. Naruto channeled The Fragment's power and threw a fireball at him which collided with him and exploded on contact
When Sasuke was revealed from the dust and smoke, no damage was shown on him as he barreled down at him. Naruto avoided his attack and they began darting and running next to one another their movements a blur.
The two were side by side face to face as they went each glaring at the other. Neither taking their eyes off the other as they moved like lightning. Sasuke reached towards his sheath and pulled out his sword and slashed at Naruto who dodged the attack and responded with his fist being covered in fire and throwing a punch that would've taken Sasuke's head right off if he hadn't avoided it.
Sasuke expertly swung the sword, the Crow Demon attacking and swinging it at Naruto who dodged and evaded it, the two Demons battling one another each fighting now with intent to kill. The Fox Demon avoided the swings and attacks of Sasuke's blade as he swung at him.
Naruto caught the blade stopping the attack just inches away from his head. Bringing his foot up he kicked Sasuke in the chest knocking him backwards, then Naruto went on the attack forcing Sasuke on the defensive as he lunged at him and attacked.
Like his namesake, Naruto got on all fours and began to run like a Fox as his tail began to glow and Sasuke saw dozens of him all around, running to and fro darting everywhere.
They then attacked, despite being illusions their attacks were physical and would hurt him and if he dared to stand in one place would be overwhelmed, Sasuke dodged and evaded the attacks of them.
He flew up into the air out of their reach and his sword began to become engulfed in his power as it glowed ominously. With a dark grin he then threw it onto the ground. The sword then let loose a powerful burst and consumed all of the Naruto's destroying them one by one as it let loose with his power. A giant hole in the ground appeared from where he had thrown it as the crater was formed by the power he had used
Sasuke retrieved his sword when his ears picked up a sound and turning saw Naruto standing on a tree branch. Naruto leapt from the tree attacking him as he dove at him his claws ready to tear off his head. Sasuke sidestepped him in the nick of time putting himself behind Naruto who was surprised at how fast he was not having a way to defend himself.
Sasuke brought his sword and lunged with it right at his back aiming to skewer him.
The blade went right through his clothes and flesh penetrating the skin and body as he was impaled. Naruto cried out in agony as the sword stabbed and pierced through his spine into his heart sticking out through him. Sasuke pulled out his sword as Naruto's body fell to the ground dead a pool of blood surrounding around him. Sasuke sneered down looking down at the corpse only to turn around and his fist slammed right into Naruto's face punching him who had been preparing to attack him from behind. Naruto the actually real one staggered backwards as he caught his footing and leapt out of the way of Sasuke's swing which would've taken his head off.
"You thought I had forgotten that trick you pulled?" Sasuke taunted him as he used that illusion tactic in their first match and Sasuke wasn't going to full for it again. Naruto snarled in response and channeling his power an aura surrounded him.
Naruto opened his mouth wide and let loose with a giant blue fireball, the attack went right at Sasuke who despite his belief in his power knew better than to try and defend against it and got out of the way. The Fireball burned everything in its path destroying the fields and trees as it went on.
Sasuke looked on at the destruction that had been done by it, it may have been able to kill him if he had taken that blow head on.
"Now you see my power?" Naruto said to him.
"Hmph," Sasuke responded not intimidated.
"And now I'll show you even more. Something I didn't use in our first battle." Naruto said and suddenly slashed with his claws. The Crow Demon felt a cut on his person and looked down and saw that there was a slash on his shirt at what Naruto just did, attacking so fast he created a razor wind just by using his claws cutting through the fabric.
Naruto began slashing and making cutting motions with his claws on his hands, moving so fast he sent numerous razor wind attacks at Sasuke who brought his sword and blocked and deflected the attacks forced on the defensive once more as Naruto let loose with a barrage of them at him. Sasuke swung and deflected the attacks as like a Kamaitachi Demon he attacked. A cut appeared on Sasuke's face as one slipped by and a mark of blood was shown as blood was spilled as the sickle like attacks come at him relentlessly as Naruto showed no signs of slowing down or letting up. The Crow Demon's wings flapped and he took off into the sky granting him more movement in the air. Sasuke hovered in the air and his wings began to glow and he let loose from them several feathers that transformed into piercing spikes that rained down upon Naruto forcing him to retreat. Sasuke let loose with another attack as he assaulted him relentlessly.
"Die!" He shouted as they rained down upon Naruto. Naruto activated The Crest Fragment he wore and a shield of fire appeared around him stopping and destroying Sasuke's attack.
"Not before you!" Naruto shouted and threw a fireball at him that Sasuke dodged but he quickly realized that it was a diversion as Naruto had taken that opportunity to scale and jump across the trees and attack him in the air.
Naruto leapt at him slamming him into midair and he began punching and kicking him
The two Demons attacked each other in midair, throwing kicks and punches at one another, countering and blocking each's own attacks as they fought. Neither letting up as they fought. Sasuke's leg shot out and kicked him in the chest knocking Naruto and slamming him into a tree. Naruto saw Sasuke coming at him with his sword preparing to cleave him in two. The Jian Sword just missed Naruto and sliced through the tree behind him as though it was grass, splitting it in two.
Naruto hit the ground landing on his feet and Sasuke landed as well
Sasuke's left arm began to charge as the cawing of a thousand birds all at once was heard as sparks and lightning emitted off of his arm. Naruto brought his hand up and a ball of demon energy began to form in the palm of his hand that became bigger with each passing second. Each with murderous intentions in their eyes as they prepared to attack. The cawing echoed around before Sasuke charged and let loose with the attack aiming to skewer him with it. Naruto threw the ball at him in response
The two attacks slammed into each other each pouring their strength into it. At a standstill as the attacks atteempted to overwhelm the other. One moment Sasuke's blast had the advantage, the next Naruto's did as it went back and forth. After several moments the attacks dispersed cancelling each other out as neither was able to overpower the other.
The two stopped as they seized each other up preparing to attack again. Each had wounds and blows on their body but neither was backing down. Being evenly matched with neither having the advantage.
"This has been a fight indeed fit for a Demon." Sasuke said a smile forming on his face, his blood was racing from the battle. "It appears you are strong enough on your own, I can see why you managed to be the first to obtain all Six Crests." He told Naruto, the highest compliment that he would give him. "But in the end you will die by my hand." He said to Naruto.
"This has been entertaining, but its gone on long enough." A voice unexpectedly said speaking up from behind Sasuke.
Naruto looked past Sasuke and saw a group of demons standing there.
The first was a Spider Demon with multiple arms and eyes with long pincers sticking out of his mouth who was perched on the shoulder of the second was a large Crocodile man with a long maw and an orange mohawk with cruel beady eyes. The third were twins who appeared like Ogres with red brown skin and jagged teeth carrying around the belt they wore several skulls on it.
The fourth was the sole female of the group and she had the features of a Tiger and a Human. With striped markings covering over her face possessing long red hair and a tail with horns sticking out of the side of her head.
The fifth member their gender could not be made out as their face was covered by wrappings and bandages covering over them with multiple ofudas on where the eye slots should be. Until the others who wore similar grey and black clothing with a bow around them, they had on a long sleeved red shirt with gloves and green vest with gold trim and black pants and black sandals as only their feet was the only amount of skin was shown.
The last member was clad in a brown cloak and a hood which covered up his face and appeared to be the leader of them as he stood front and center of the group
"What are you lot doing here?" Sasuke said demanding to know why they had come. "I do not need your help."
"Sasuke." The hooded figure said to him and reaching up pulled back his hood revealing a silver haired figure wearing glasses, what was most noticable about him was that he had four horns sticking out of his head and mutated scales covering his skin. "Lord Orochimaru requests your presence." The figure said. From his cloak he wore a grey snake slithered out of it and into another sleeve.
"Damn it! I have far more important things to deal with than answering his calls Kabuto, such as killing him." Sasuke said in anger and the figure's glasses shimmed dangerously.
"You'd be wise to not disobey," The figure said in a faux pleasant tone of voice. "You owe him your life after all. Without him you'd be dead and buried under the rubble of your ancestral home." He told him with a smile on his face. "Come with us, now." He said and the threat was clear in his voice.
Sasuke snarled in anger but did not disobey. "Another time Fox." Sasuke promised to Naruto and flapping his wings flew up into the air and departed heading South.
Naruto watched him go and looked on at the group who were there. The leader of the group brought a hand up to his chin as if contemplating whether to attack him or not. "How interesting, to imagine that you're still alive. You've been a great asset to Lord Orochimaru, without him he'd never be the ruler of Demon Realm." He said with a mocking smile on his face
"Yeah, I'm still alive and while you're at it, send a message from me to this so called Ultimate Demon the bastard proclaims himself to be." Naruto warned him. "Tell him that I'm still alive and that as long as I draw breath he will never know a moment's peace. That I will reclaim the Crests from him and will flay the flesh off of his bones inch by inch before I kill him."
The figure let out a laugh in amusement. "I'll be sure to give him your message Fox Demon. I look forward to our next encounter. Provided you don't die before then." Kabuto said and turned and departed.
Naruto watched them go seeing them leave as they disappeared from sight.
Sasuke was still alive and Orochimaru had gathered forces to hunt him down and kill him it appeared. He had been marked he realized, their would be many coming for his head now. Demons from all over would want to kill him whether to make themselves famous, curry favor with Orochimaru or steal the Fragment of Fire he had.
And yet despite it all, a smile formed on his face at all he would be facing now.
He welcomed the Challenge presented before him.