Hello, folks. This Is a new story in the Adventures Of Captain Hurricane universe though it's non-canon. This time, Giganta will be the main character of this story and probably will be a 3 or 4-parter depending on how the story goes from here. I took a break from Fanfiction for a couple of weeks after writing chapters for the main Captain Hurricane canon. Yeah. Watching Stargirl on DC Universe streaming service and Justice League animated series was a blast. But I'm back this time as I show my favorite DC supervillainess Giganta some love. Anyway, I do not own DCSG for DC Comics and WB does. Let's get It.

=====Chapter 1: Sidelined======

In the office of Principal Chapin, Doris was standing before the principal and the girls' basketball coach Lindbergh. The ginger looked like she wasn't interested to say the least. In fact, she frowned voicing her frustrations as she first spoke to her coach.
"How can you make me inactive against Keystone High? I'm ready to school those wimps! C'mon, Coach! You gotta let me in the roster! What gives?!", Doris wondered in frustration as Principal Chapin with authority explained Doris's predicament.
"Miss Zel, you should know by now that you must maintain your grades to at least a C to participate in athletic functions and apparently you are failing at Physics and World History at nearly a D at 60! Not only that but you skipping classes is contributing to this dilemma.", the principal said sternly as Doris rolled her eyes at the principal and coach.
"Oh come on! I'm no freakin' nerd! At least I got an A in PE! That's saying something. Just let me back on the active roster, Coach! There's no way the Principal's serious, right?", Doris's plea was refused as Coach Lindbergh tried to reason with the ginger jock firmly.

"I'm afraid Principal Chapin's right, Doris. Although you are one of my best players on the team, academics is the most important part of school. And I got note from your Physics and World History teachers of your grades slipping at 60 for both Of them. I gotta abide the rules of the school. If you do not maintain a certain grade above a C then you will be inactive automatically while On academic probation until you improve drastically on your grades.", the coach said to her best player as Chapin chimed in.
"Correct. As of today, you are now under academic probation until you make effort to increase at least a C average on both your classes. Until that is accomplished, you will not be allowed to attend practice nor be on the active roster.", Doris glared at the Principal after learning of her punishment depriving her of athletic functions. She had an angry anime vein on her face as she ranted.
"Oh that's bull! I can't be on the Inactive list at a time like this! Not when we have tougher schools to clobber like Metropolis Magnet or Central City Monte something! C'mon, Coach! Help me out!", Doris begged as the coach shook her head.
"I'm afraid not, Doris. Those are the rules. You may not agree with them but you gotta obey them. You still have time to improve before the season is over. All you need to do is to buckle down On your academics and be sure you stay on It before and after you are out of probation. And remember, I'll be notified as usual by your teachers. And if you don't improve your grades, you will be off the squad.", Lindbergh said as Doris went from anger to fear at the possibility of being off the team.
"W-What?!You must be joking!"
"No. We're not joking, Doris. If we find out you are slacking off during academic probation, you will be off the team. So you best put in the work and show us you deserve to be on the active roster. And another thing, skipping classes will NOT be tolerated. You'll also be terminated off the team if you skip school. Be lucky you are still on the team because I could've kicked you out straight out the gate but I will be fair to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Do you understand?", the coach said as Doris bit her lip in nervousness knowing that Chapin and Lindberg were right. She sighed nodding admitting defeat and accepted her punishment.

========After School=====

Outside, Hunter and friends were glaring at Lobo for pulling the fire alarm as Billy was high fiving the Zarnian teen for what he did. However, Diana wasn't having it for she gave Lobo and Billy a piece of her mind.
"What in Zeus's name were you thinking, Lobo?! This is one Of many times you pulled the fire alarm! And Billy, this isn't funny! Because of that, we had to wait for you two to get out of detention! What do you have to say for yourselves for this act of immaturity?", Diana scolded as Lobo scoffs.
"KEH! Lighten up, princess! That Physics teacher bored me to death and it's not my fault the pretty boy Adonis which Is his real name thought he'd challenged the Main Bro!", Lobo said as Billy smirked.
"Yep. You showed him, Lobe! Adonis thinks he's hot stuff! Hunter, you missed a great fight at lunch. It was awesome.", Billy said as Hunter rolled his eyes.
"Seriously? How can you two be smiling like it's no big deal and your folks are gonna ground you if they find Out? And for the record, I didn't miss It. I left.", Hunter said as Lobo and Billy goofily grinned. Kara sighed and voiced her concerns.
"So Jess's busy in the botany and agriculture club, Zee's working on a drama project with Ollie and Babs is working at Burrito Bucket. Now what do we do?", Kara whined as Tatsu had an idea.
"Why don't we study for the Physics test coming up on Friday? We could've reviewed the unit but somebody over there had too much fun with the fire alarms.", Tatsu chided narrowing her eyes at Lobo and Billy who groaned. Casey looked at Hunter who was glancing at a grumbling Doris by herself as the copycat expert asked the air hero something.
"Hunter, what's wrong? You're gazing in the other direction. You're not still mad at Lobo and Billy pulling the fire alarm, are you?", Casey asked in concern as Karen joined in.
"Yeah. You seem to worry about Doris all day for some reason. What's up?", Karen asked as Kara smirked.

"Maybe he has a crush on her. That's not surprising.", she said as Hunter blushed with Diana chastising her.
"Kara! That's not necessary! Anyway, tell us what's troubling you with Doris, Hunter.", Diana said wanting to know what's up. Hunter then turned to his friends explaining the situation.
"It was during lunchtime and I spotted Doris leaving out of the principal's office with a scared expression on her face. It's not like her at all.", Hunter said as Freddie chimed in.
"Come to think of it, Doris didn't pose any threat to Garth let alone mess with Karen nor skipped any classes. Is it me or is Doris turning over a new leaf?", Freddie wondered as Kara had sarcasm.
"If that's the case, the world would end after Batman laughs.", Kara said as Billy raised an eyebrow.
"That doesn't make any sense.", Billy said as Hunter nodded.

"Freddie and Kara might be right. Something's not right and we'll get to the bottom of it. You guys stay here. I'll go talk to her.", Hunter said as Diana raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sure? She might lash out at you. You might need some backup.", Diana said in concern but Hunter shook his head.
"Not yet. You guys stay here and observe. I'll call one Of you if Doris decides to pound me. I'll be back.", Hunter said walking in the direction of Doris sitting on the bench. Billy gulped watching one of his best friends go to the large ginger.
"He's dead. I'll text Zee or Jess to construct a casket just In case.", Billy tried to text Zee but Diana deadpanned.
"Don't even think about it."

Doris had a look of anxiety as she thought of what her coach and Principal Chapin had said to her. She didn't say a word as she puts her hands on her face. She was torn about her love of sports getting taken away in the form of not being on the active list on the basketball team as her outlet. She gulped and uncharacteristically whimpered.
"This can't be happening! If I don't get my grades up soon, I'm royally screwed!", Doris said choking a sob as she was unaware that Hunter was approaching her.
"Stupid Chapin and his rules! And how dare Coach Lindbergh side with that dweeb? I gotta figure out a way before the Losers at Keystone High cream us! Oh crap! What am I doing? I'm totally off the team for sure!", Doris said sobbing as Hunter had a concern look.
"Hey, Doris. You're crying. Are you okay?", Hunter said in concern as Doris still sobbing looked up at Hunter with her eyes all puffy and glaring at him switching her mood from sad to mad.
"I'm not crying, you nerd! I got allergies. It's pollen season.", Doris lied as Hunter deadpanned.
"Doris, you were crying about something. You haven't been yourself today."
"Why do you care? It's none of your business! Nothing's wrong!", Doris snapped as Hunter was unfazed. He sat beside her and wanted answers.
"Look, Doris. You came out of Mr. Chapin's office distraught. Normally when you come out of there, you don't give a buck. I'm sure you have a good reason why.", Hunter said as Doris rolled her eyes annoyed with his persistent.
"Wanna bet? I'm on academic probation thanks to that dweeb Chapin and Coach Lindbergh.", Doris spat as Hunter gasped.
"Lindbergh was in the office? That's not good."

"You're damn right it's not! I'm on the inactive list until I get my grades in Physics and World History to C average! And if I don't in a couple weeks, I'm off the team! Are you happy now?", Doris resumed her sobbing as Hunter realized that report cards are coming in a couple weeks towards the end Of February as he watched Doris cry her eyes out. The air hero had an idea after Tatsu mentioned about studying for a Physics test. He then got the ginger's attention.
"Doris, there is a way you can get Out of probation.", Hunter said as Doris had a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.
"What are you talking about? I have two weeks before the report card is released. What can you possibly do to help me? Please tell me because I want to know. I—", Doris went into her theatrics that would make Ollie proud as Hunter deadpanned while he pulled out the basketball schedule out Of his ring while the ginger giant obliviously ranted. After she was done, Doris looked at Hunter wanting an answer.
"Now that you're done trying to practice for a role in Zee and Ollie's future projects in the drama club, I got a plan to help you get Out of probation but you gotta do exactly as I say. No more. No Less.", Hunter said in a serious tone as he continued.
"My friends and I are heading to the local library for a study session for Physics. The test is On Friday and it counts a majority of your grade. If you at Least make an B or more, you can bump it to a C and the test on World History is next week. So, we have at least two weeks and according to your basketball calendar, Metropolis Magnet is on the week after we get our report cards. It's possible to do It especially the make up homework the teachers put up for us. But you gotta Put in the work in order to do it.", Hunter said as Doris groaned.
"I'm not that good in those subjects, dweeb. And studying with those nerds you Hang around with, that's a disaster waiting to happen."

"Yeah and getting Kicked off the team isn't? This is an Opportunity to get your athletic privilege back. I'm sure my friends wouldn't mind at all. Now come on and follow me if you want to make it out of a slump.", Hunter said as Doris sighed in defeat as Hunter holds her by the hand making the ginger blush.

"WHAT? Are you serious, Hunter? Why are we letting Doris in our study group?", Kara whined as Hunter frowned as Doris snarls at the blonde.
"Shut it, blondie. Or I'll trashcan you!"
"Girls, stop! I'm sure Hunter has an explanation for this.", Diana said as everyone wanted Hunter to explain everything.

"Look, guys. I Know it's unexpected but hear me out. Doris is on academic probation and worst of all, her spot on the girls' basketball team is in danger.", Hunter said as some of the group gasped.
"So? Keystone High isn't a big deal. Doris can still play ball.", Kara said but Diana shook her head.
"No. If you're on academic probation, you cannot participate in any athletic function outside of PE if you're a student athlete. I'm the head cheerleader of the school and that also applies to cheerleading as well."

"Exactly. And another thing, Metropolis Magnet is the week after we get our report cards.", Hunter said as the group grew in shock.
"You mean Metropolis Magnet as in the school that always clobbers North Star High and this school every year in most sports?", Billy whimpered as Hunter nodded.
"Yeah. And from what I've heard, Doris is among the best athletes this school has. And if she doesn't get her grades up until then, she'll have to kiss the team goodbye.", Hunter said as Doris glared.

"Yeah. So you dweebs better get use to me in your little troupe for the time being. I Just want to get back to schooling every school in the region!", Doris said as Hunter sighed.
"Let's all just get in the truck and head to the library. Our journey begins now.", Hunter said as the group went to the air Hero's vehicle with Doris thinking about her difficult task to get out of her slump.

=====The Library======

"I don't get these formulas and atoms crap. How does It work again?", Doris groaned frustrated with the study guide as Diana tried to encourage the ginger.
"Fret not, Doris. You won't be alone in this. All we have to do is the time divided by speed and so on. Now let's practice these examples on your study sheet.", Diana had Doris look at the various formulas to figure out working on the speed problems. After Doris was done putting her best into it, Hunter and Diana checked out the problems as Doris rolled her eyes.

"Well? How did I do?", the giantess said impatiently as Diana frowned at two problems. Hunter shared the Amazon's feelings as he shook his head.
"Umm. I'm afraid some of the formulas you answered are wrong. You might want to redo them.", Diana said as Doris raised her eyebrow.
"But I've did the Kilometer formulas right. Or did I?", Doris wondered as Hunter shook his head.
"Not really. You gotta multiply your mph speed by half and after you do that, add 4 to it.", Hunter said as Kara groaned.
"Simplify it for us, please? My brain just farted between you and Di.", Kara whined as Doris huffed.
"I agree with Blondie over there. Break it down to me, will you?", the ginger said exasperated as Diana nodded.
"Okay. First, the first problem is to translate 100 mph to km/h. Input 100 on your calculator like so.", Diana said as Hunter raised his eyebrows.
"Uh, Di? We made a slight error. The formula is really multiplying by 1.5 to convert mph to km/h. Sorry about that, Doris.", Hunter said with a sheepish grin as Lobo smirked.

"I heard that.", Hunter whispered to Lobo as the Zarnian sheepishly grinned. Doris rolled her eyes as she punched in the first number given by Diana.
"Okay. So now what do I do next?", the ginger said as Hunter helped her with the next step.
"Now hit the times button on the calculator and then hit 1.5. After that will you get your answer.", Hunter said as Doris did as she was told. After that, Doris had a bit of satisfaction as she inputted her answer.
"Now that's so much better. 150 is the speed for km/h. Just remember the formula when the question calls for that on the test.", Hunter noted as Doris deadpanned.
"Yeah-yeah, Egghead. I just want to get back to dominating basketball again.", Doris whined as Karen went Over to assure the ginger.
"Doris, focus on the physics test coming up. You got a couple days until it starts. Don't falter on us now.", Karen pleaded as Doris groaned in annoyance. Billy expressed his sympathy as he tried to cheer up the ginger Jock.

"I know how you feel, Doris. I got grounded for two weeks for pulling the fire alarm with Lobo. It sucks since I can't play on the Switch for that time."

"Billy, that's not the same as Doris's situation. It's your fault and Lobo's for doing that.", Casey noted as Freddie agreed.
"Why aren't you on my side, huh?", Billy whined as Tatsu sighed.
"If you're going to complain about it, then you shouldn't have done that to begin with.", Tatsu chided as Billy groaned as Doris huffed at the wizard hero. Hunter shook his head at his friend's antics as he helps the ginger with her homework.
"Ignore him. Anywway, let's just go over the topics you have trouble with."
"Whatever, you nerd. What about the G-force or whatever it's called?", Doris pointed to the mentioned terminology as Hunter beamed.
"Glad you asked, Doris. The G-force or Gravitational forces is a unit of acceleration and it's related to speed. It's like the perception of weight when pushing speed past it's limits.", Hunter noted as Kara yawned.
"Geek alert."

"Kara, shush. Anyway, there are levels to G-forces depending on the acceleration pushed past certain boundaries from G1 and beyond. Fighter jets and rockets are prime examples of this to take advantage of this.", the air hero said as Doris and Kara almost went to sleep as Diana cleared her throat.
"Doris and Kara, there's no time for taking naps."
"Can't help it, Di. You nerds take too long with explaining stuff. I'm more of the take action type of person."

"Yeah. What Blondie just said.", Kara and Doris respectively said as Hunter and Diana glanced at each other.
"We got a long way to go.", they said in unison before the librarian shushed them making the two teens blush in embarrassment. They then spoke in low tone as the group kept studying with Doris getting the help she needed to pass Physics.

===Sometime later=====

After Zee picked the rest of the group up, it was Hunter and Doris riding in the former's truck as he drove into the neighborhood with the ginger blushing. The radio was silent for a moment as Hunter spoke to the ginger.
"Hey, Doris."

'What is it, you egghead? Can't you see I'm thinking about something?", Doris said in annoyance as Hunter deadpanned.
"I see. Anyway, I'm glad you decided to come with us to study Physics.", Hunter said as Doris snorted.
"Yeah whatever. I'm only doing this stupid academics crap so I can get back on the active roster before the game with Metropolis Magnet. And what's with all the smirking? Don't make me pound you, nerd!", Doris threatened but Hunter wasn't as fazed as the other students In Metropolis High that the ginger terrorizes.
"Nothing. It's just like you to say that. Anyway, the others are going to be busy with other things. Di's going to cheerleading practice, Kara's helping Jess out in the botany club, Tatsu is doing fencing and the Others are either busy or grounded in Billy and Lobo's case.", Hunter noted as Doris raised an eyebrow.
"So what would you do aside from your dweeby routines I wouldn't dare be a part of? I bet it's with those girls you pal around with.", Doris smirked as Hunter rolled his eyes.
"Very funny. Anyway, II forgot to tell you this but my folks said it was okay for you to come over to my house tomorrow. Should've told you that at the library.", Hunter sheepishly grinned not taking his eyes off the road. Doris narrowed her eyes looking dumbfounded at the air Hero's actions.
"What the hell? What for? It's not like we're dating or anything. In fact, I gag if I had to date you.", Doris said as Hunter sweat dropped.
"Why am I not surprised? And no it's not that. We're gonna study some more. Just that it's not going to be at your place.", Hunter noted as Doris glared with an anime vein.
"That doesn't make sense, you nerd! My house is perfect for studying!"
"No it's not."
"It Is so!
"No it isn't!"
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!
"Then tell me why then, you idiot!"
"Isn't it obvious, Meathead? You have major distractions in your room since I came over to do a lab project as partners. You have weights and sports equipment lying around. And I stubbed my toe on them to add salt to the wound. At least my house doesn't have any distractions like that.", Hunter noted as Doris rolled her eyes scoffing at the air hero.
"KEH! You got to be Kidding, dweeb! And who are you calling Meathead, Eggman?!", Doris spat as Hunter shook his head.
"Very funny. Why not say that I am the walrus while you're at it?", Hunter noted as Doris grew bored as she shook her head at the radio turned off.
"This is boring. Where's some music when you need it?", Doris said as she turned the knob to some hard rock with Hunter swatting her hand off the radio before turning It to Ludacris's Move.
"What the hell was that for, you twerp?!
"Rule #1 in my truck, never touch a black man's radio. That's one of the cardinal sins to do.", Hunter said as Doris smirked.
"Yeah whatever. Anyway, we're almost at my nerdy parents' house. Can't wait to rest or something.", Doris said as Hunter was in view of the Zels' residence and pulled into the driveway. Once the truck was in park and turned off, both teens got out of the vehicle with Doris blushing deep down as Hunter held her arm with his. As soon as the duo came to the door, Hunter reminded Doris something.
"Doris, remember what I said for tomorrow right? I'm picking you up afterschool so we can study. But in the meantime, you can study some more if you want to tonight.", Hunter said as Hunter looked at her face in a color of a tomato.
"Doris, are you Okay? You look like you ate a thousand double chili burritos. Let's see if your forehead's warm.", Hunter said as he tried to have his hand near Doris's forehead with the ginger yelping swatting the air hero's hand away.
"YIPE! That smarts! So much for checking if you're sick or something."

"Like hell I am, you twerp! Do that again and I'll slug you!", Doris threatened with her fist right In Hunter's face only for the air hero to gently move it away from his face.
"Easy, tigress. Just checking.", Hunter said as Doris blushed in embarrassment mentally cursing at herself for that outburst she did. Hunter looked at Doris for a moment as his inner conscience made a comedic reaction.
"CHAAAA! That Doris chick is frigging thick as hell! She may be thicker than Diana for all we know! You know you like her as much as Diana and Karen. Ha!", Inner Hunter said as Doris waved her hand to get his attention. She then swatted him in the face making him yelp.
"Ow! What was that for?!"

"You spaced out or something. Thought you'd left to another planet for a second there."
"Oh yeah. I guess I went on a daze craze I guess.", Hunter chuckled as Doris did something that kind of shocked him. She looked around first to make sure no one else was spying before kissing Hunter on the cheek as he was speechless.
"D-Doris? W-What just happened?"

"Just said thanks in a different way that's all."

"Oh. Uh, okay.", Hunter said as Doris went from calm to a glare as she puts her fist again near his face.
"If you tell anyone about this, my fists will do the talking. Got it?", Doris warned as Hunter nodded.
"Yeah sure. Whatever. Anyway, I gotta go before dinner hits. See you tomorrow.", Hunter said as Doris opened the door waving to the air Hero as he went to his truck. Once he pulled out of the driveway, Doris went inside the House locking the door behind her. There she was greeted by her parents mainly Mrs. Zel with a smile on her face.
"Oh hi there, Sweetums. How did school go?"

"Dull as usual, Mom. I got put on the inactive list on the team.", Doris said as Mrs. Zel nodded.
"It's going to be all right, Doris. Just keep up the good work in school.", Mrs. Zel said as Mr. Zel smiled with something to tell the ginger jock.
"I forgot to tell you, Doris. Hunter's parents called us today. They said Hunter's picking you up tomorrow to be at his house. Isn't that nice of them?", he said oblivious to his daughter's annoyed expression.
"Yeah, Dad. I heard already from that nerd that dropped me off here. Oh how fun that's gonna be.", Doris said in sarcasm as Mrs. Zel beamed.
"Oh that's wonderful. Sweetums. Hunter's a nice and thoughtful boy. Anyway, dinner's ready. You're just In time.", the scientist said as Doris's mood was slightly better at the mention of food.
"After being with Hunter and those dweebs, I'm starving.", Doris said as the scientists chuckled as the three went into the kitchen for dinner.

=====Doris's Bedroom======

Doris was talking to her friend Leslie Willis while she did some homework and studied for Physics on her computer. Leslie spoke to the ginger jock wondering what went on.
"Doris, how come you weren't in the neighborhood smashing mailboxes and egging Chapin's house? You missed a Lot today.", Leslie said enthusiastically as Doris sighed in annoyance.
"I had to study for a stupid Physics test and more crap to deal with.", Doris noted as Leslie gasped.

"What? Why? It's not like you to study and be Interested in class. What's going On?"
"Coach Lindbergh put me on the Inactive list while I'm on academic probation thanks to that stupid Chapin! If I don't get my grades up after two weeks, I'm off the team! And Metropolis Magnet is Our toughest opponent yet!", Doris explained as Leslie felt bad for the ginger but broke the silence and smirked.
"I see. And I heard from Selina that your Prince Charming took you to the Library to get you out Of the slump you're in right now. And also egging Mr. Chapin's home was payback in a since for what he did to you.", Leslie noted as Doris blushed at the mention of Hunter hence the Prince Charming moniker.
"Leslie, what the Hell?! That twerp's not my Prince Charming! What gave you that idea?!"

"Oh come on, Doris. You're blushing like a tomato every time we mention him or when we're around him and his friends. Hell, you even have a heart shaped picture frame of Hunter you carry around in secret. Yeah. The whole group of Pam's knows It.", Leslie smirked laughing at Doris who growled while doing her make-up homework from Physics. She then rolled her eyes not wasting any energy on the DJ.
"Oh shut it, Les. It's already bad enough I'm forced to go to his house tomorrow to study for the damn test."
"Oooho!", Leslie grinned as Doris waved Off the potential assumption.
"Les, don't get any ideas! He and I aren't like that! Besides, I wouldn't date him if we were the last on Earth!", Doris said as Leslie kept the grin plastered on her face as she continued on her assumptions.
"I bet you want to make out with him and make Diana and Beecher jealous. Hell, if you don't then I will.", Leslie teased as Doris glared hearing about the electric girl going after Hunter.
"Don't you even dare! He's mine! Er, I mean you can have him for all I care!", Doris blurted as Leslie laughed herself silly at her friend's Outburst. Doris rolled her eyes at the DJ's antics as she groaned in annoyance.
"I'm sorry, Doris. It's so hilarious seeing you react like that. But seriously, I hope you get back on the active list so we could clobber Metropolis Magnet and their snooty attitude toward us.", Leslie said as Doris nodded agreeing with her friend.
"Yeah. Hopefully the coach won't kick me Out after this is Over with. Anyway, I gotta get some sleep. See ya tomorrow, Les."

"You too, Meathead. Good Luck tomorrow with your man.", Leslie giggled as Doris facepalmed and waves her bye before Leslie signs off of FaceTime. Once Doris shuts off her MacBook, she glanced at a Ivytown University pennant on her wall and a poster of the university's women's basketball team raising the trophy after winning the Women's March Madness tournament with the caption, "2019 Champions, Home of the Huskies!". Doris then took out her heart shaped frame of Hunter and sighed Lovingly at it.
"I kissed the guy of my dreams. But I can kiss better than that. Can't let Beecher or that Diana hog him all to themselves. Time to not make a fool of myself at his house tomorrow. Hee-hee-hee!", Doris giggled as Mrs. Zel called her from down the hall.
"Sweetums, it's time for bed."
"Not now, you nerd! Can't you see that I'm fantasizing about me and that Hunter nerd?!"
"That's nice, honey. Now it's time for bed. You'll see him again tomorrow.", Mrs. Zel said as Doris grumbled climbing into her bed with her special football with the autograph of Tom Brady inscribed on it. Doris sighed smiling at the heart shaped frame before putting it on her nightstand after Kissing it going right to sleep.

That's Part 1 of this story, folks. This will be either a 3 or 4-parter of this fic and it's non-canon to the Adventures of Captain Hurricane and the Superhero Girls though it's in the same universe. I got Giganta acting as a tsundere just like she does in the main canon of the other fanfic. And the radio scene with Hunter and Doris is a reference to Rush Hour where Carter chastises Lee for messing with his radio. XD! Anyway, don't forget to drop a review, fav and follow. As always, LilMancub out and I'll see y'all in the next One.