Part One

Rated Mature. I own nothing of Naruto!


"No. I refuse to let you go."

"Naruto, you can't refuse, I'm leaving and that's final."

"But Sakura you'll be alone in a new place without me there to keep you company, please think about this." Naruto was begging me again, he knew the time would come I told him days ago that I was moving. Why he chose not to believe me is beyond me.

"Naruto, I can't stay. Ok. I can't stay here, it's too hard." I feel like my heart is in a vice-grip, the pain in my chest hasn't lessened.

I knew Naruto was concerned for my well-being, I have never been completely on my own but that is fixing to change because I'm moving – I'm moving to a new place with a new job, a new distraction.

"Please understand, Naruto." He's practically my little brother, I didn't want to leave him but it's time for us to be adults about this whole situation.

"I'll come with you, you're new job is giving you an apartment, right? I'll be your roommate." I smiled sadly, that would be nice but unfortunately, for him, he's forgetting about Hinata.

"As nice as that sounds I think you're forgetting about someone, goofball." I flicked him in the forehead; "Forgetting someone?" He muttered, I rolled my eyes at his cluelessness. "OH! Damn." I laughed at him as he put two and two together.

"Hinata would be pretty upset with me if I took her precious Naruto away." I teased, as I folded my clothes and placed them into a cardboard box.

Naruto was sitting at the edge of my bed, his face softened. "She'd understand." His blue eyes damn near burned a hole in my soul.

I released a breath, "I know." Looking away because I might actually break and take him.

"He's a mess you know, without you. When he found out that you really are leaving he destroyed the whole apartment."

I gripped the sides of the cardboard box to steady myself.

"The front office called, I had to go calm him down before the Police got involved – Sakura – he was, it was..." He shook his head. "I can only describe it as pain, he was in pain so much. It was sad to watch-"

"No more." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Please, I don't want to hear how he's suffering."

I took a deep breath through my nose. "He caused this, he should be in pain, and he should be hurt because I've been numb since I walked in on them."

I taped the box closed, "Let him suffer." I said aloud, mostly to myself, I needed to hear it with my own ears or I'd sympathize with him, and he doesn't deserve it. He deserves to suffer all alone in that apartment.

"Sakura, you don't mean-"

"Yes." I narrowed my eyes at my best friend. "Yes, Naruto I do. You can't keep protecting him, we are grown now, he ruined everything, he needs to held accountable."

I clutched the front of my blouse. "I'm the one that lost everything, I lost my fiancé and I lost my best friend all at once. In the blink of an eye, my life changed and I had no part in it. You know how infuriating that is?"

I knew Naruto was disappointed in his best friend for all the trouble he caused, but he also needed to understand that there are somethings that can't be forgiven, no matter how 'sorry' the individual is.

"I don't, Hinata would never-"

"And you better not either, Hinata is the best thing that happened to you. You hurt her and I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for a month."

His goofy grin spread across his face, lighting up his blue eyes. "I wouldn't dare."

"Good." I said, pleased with myself.

Naruto left after that and I continued to pack up my small bedroom, living with your parents has it's ups and downs like I don't have a ton to move but privacy is nonexist here. I was content with my decision; I need a change, a new routine because I've been stuck in this rut for too long.

My parents are out for the night, that means it's date night with a cup of noodles, a bottle of wine, and all the Michael Myers I could find in the DVD case. I'm three glasses in, and the stupid girl, of course, falls flat on her face when I hear knocking on the front door. It's after ten and my parents have their own key, the movie choice may have led me to be more paranoid than usual, well that and the wine rushing through my bloodstream.

The knocking turned into banging, that was enough to frighten me so I grabbed the pepper spray that my father insisted I buy and swung open the front door so fast, aiming my weapon in the face of the intruder.

"Sakura! It's me!"

I clutched at my heart. "Jesus, Sasuke! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked once my heart slowed down.

"Can we talk?" My brain is screaming, 'no, no don't do it Sakura.' While my heart is so conflicted, it drops in my stomach. "Sasuke, I can't. Go home." I went to close the door on him, but his hand shoots out and pushes the door open more.

"I'm begging you, Sakura, please. Ten minutes." I unconsciously bit my bottom lip, he does look like shit, his hair looks as if he was pulling the life out of it, and those dark eyes almost look red either from tears or from lack of sleep, I'll bet on the latter, Sasuke Uchiha doesn't cry.

"I don't have nothing to say to you." I try to close the door again but he doesn't budge.

"Then listen, I'll leave after I promise, if you want me too."

Of course, I want him to leave, I want him to leave right now but I'm desperate to hear what he say, I hate this weak feeling that he makes me feel when he's around.

He follows me inside the house and notices what I was watching. "You're probably the only girl that watches scary movies for fun."

At one time, that comment would have sent my heart soaring but now I feel used, I feel like every other girl out there that has been cheated on by a man that claimed, I was the 'only one.'

"Talk Uchiha." Probably should have rethought my outfit, I've got fuzzy neon green socks on my feet, yellow shorts and purple shirt that hangs off one shoulder, sporting my white bra strap. He's just looking back at me, his eyes follow from my face down to my toes- I wrap my arms around myself.

"Earth to Sasuke, talk I don't have all night." Please, speak so you can leave.

"I didn't think I'd get this far, I thought you'd slam the door in my face." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, that does sound nice but I should have sprayed you with the pepper spray and then I would have slammed the door in your face while you rolled around on my welcome mat."

He chuckled lightly. "I miss you, Sakura. I miss this, you threatening my life – I miss everything."

"I don't know what you want me to say, Sasuke. I'm moving tomorrow in fact, it's too late for all this." I motioned with hands. "All the pain you put me through, I can't…" I felt the tears burn my eyes, I didn't want to think of that memory, I've been trying to block it out for weeks.

"I wish I could take it all away, it was a mistake. I made a mistake; I never meant to hurt you Sakura." His usual stone cold expression has changed, he looks desperate and sad. When he reaches for my hand, I flinch back; his touch is going to kill me.

He frowns at my action; he lets his hand drop back his side. "Please Sakura; forgive me this one time please. I swear I'll never put you through this again."

It's everything that I want hear, but then it's everything that I dread, my heart will cave if he doesn't stop talking.

"It was nothing, she meant nothing – I fucked up but it won't happen again, I swear on my life. Just please don't go, don't leave me here. We can start over, we can start slow I'll do whatever you want. Please don't go."

That's it, I break.

I've been holding in these feelings since that day, I haven't broke down I've been standing strong with a brave face but I'm weak in the inside, he make me weak.

"Sasuke…" My lip trembles, I can't contain the sob that rocks through my body. "Please stop talking."

"I'm sorry Sakura, I'm so sorry." He approaches me with caution, all I can do is stand there stiff as a board because any slack in my limbs may cause my knees to buckle.

As he holds me I can't stop the ugly sobs that are released, his soothing words ease this ache in my chest and I realize in this moment I don't want him to let me go. One arm is tight around my waist pressing me firmly against him; my face rests in the crook of his neck as his other hand is buried in my hair.

"Shhh… I mean it Sakura, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He chants in my ear repeatedly. "I missed you so much, please don't leave me." He squeezes me tighter.

My sobs have stopped and all that's left are the tears that pour down my cheeks, he releases me but soon gathers my face into his hands, he's wiping away the evidence of pain that he caused as if it never happened. Black meets green, he's crying too – never in all my years have I witnessed Sasuke Uchiha cry, not even when his parents passed, not even when he was left alone after Itachi left for College- never.

"Forgive me." His presses his lips against the corner of my mouth, he watches for my reaction before he descends on my mouth again, actually making that contact. It is soft and fleeting, he whispers. "Stay." Against my lips, my eyes are shut tight because I can't bear to look at him, I can't bear to tell him – no.

So I don't respond, I don't speak as he kisses me more thoroughly, my body starts to betray me as he licks my bottom lip, he doesn't miss the chance to explore my mouth with his tongue.

"Sakura." He growls as he nibbles on my bottom lip and I whimper against him, my body has a mind of it's own, my hands are fisted in his dark hair as he runs his hands down my back, giving my ass a squeeze before his hoisting me up and like a magnet my legs lock around his waist as he carries me to my bedroom.

By the time we make it to the bedroom, I'm squirming against him as he mercilessly attacks my throat with his teeth, then his tongue soothes the burn he leaves behind.

He places me on my bed and makes fast of my clothes; soon I'm left in cotton panties and my bra as he climbs on top of my body – right between my thighs, he finds that tender spot on my throat that drives me crazy and I lift my hips looking for fiction. My breathing picks up, and my hands are under his shirt clawing at his back as he leaves that delicious spot and trails down the valley of my breasts. He unclasps my bra from the front, and I'm too far gone to be embarrassed as he stares openly at my chest.

He groans as he takes my nipple into his warm mouth, and I arch against him as his hand fondles the other. "Don't leave." He whispers, before switching to other- my hands pull at his hair as he sucks and bites.

"Sasuke." I moan. "More."

"Tell me what you want Sakura."

His fingers flirt with the hem of my panties, "Touch me." I lick my lips. "Please." He's sliding my cotton panties down my legs.

Everything after is a blur of stars bursting behind my closed eyes, he takes his time - caressing me, tasting me - it's too much for me to bear and when the coil snaps, I can't hold back the moan that escapes my lips.

"Good girl." His voice is husky with want, I almost lose myself again. He hooks my leg high around his hips before he's kissing me hard, teeth and tongue is all I can concentrate on before I feel the sweet burn of him sliding home. I didn't even hear him undress.

"MMM.." I swear my toes curl as he pulls out and thrusts back in the with snap of his hips.

"Fuck, Sakura."

He sets a pace as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, my hands caress his back as he tortures me with his slowed movements, trying to make this last - last as long as possible. "Stay with me." He whispers in my ear and I chose not to focus on his wants but on my own.

"Faster, Sasuke." I groan. I'm almost there again, the intense feeling in my belly is building - he leans back on his heels and grabs my legs, placing them over each shoulder- he holds my hips, as he thrusts into me harder and faster than before. His hold is going to bruise me, but I'm not worried about that at the moment.

I arch off the bed because he feels so much deeper now, the heat is pooling in my belly and I feel like I might explode - "Shit." Sasuke growls, his thumb rubs small circles on my bundle of nerves, "Cum Sakura." I can tell by the strain in his voice that he's close, I finally open my eyes to a very vulnerable Sasuke - his hair is a mess, his eyes are screwed shut in pleasure and the sounds he makes are so fucking sexy that I'm even impressed with myself. I can get him so worked up that he loses himself along with me.

One more snap of his hips, my eyes fall shut. "Ahh Sasuke." As my orgasm courses through me, his thrusts start to become erratic before he groans with his own release - he slams himself so deep inside me I can feel his essence warm my insides. He falls on top of me, we don't speak nor move for what feels like an entirety - I'm thinking of something to say, anything to say because I can't believe my own actions I can't believe that I fell for him all over again!

I attempt to get up but he holds me still, this wasn't supposed to happen I feel disgusted with myself. "Let me go, Sasuke." The annoyance is evident in my voice and he frowns, "What's wrong?" He asks me as I reach over and quickly dress myself as he sits there watching me, I get from the bed and chunk his jeans at his face, which he catches with ninja reflexes I don't let him see myself pout I wanted them to smack him in the face. He needs to make himself decent - he looks confused but pulls his jeans on.

"You need to go now." I open my bedroom door, hoping he'll follow me out, but he doesn't he just stands there in the middle of my bedroom - looking out of place.

"Sakura.. what? I thought.."

"You thought what?" I snap. "You thought that just because we slept together that all was forgiven?"

His eyes widen, and I laugh but it's humorless because he actually thought that I forgave him that easily, that my pain didn't run so deep - all I needed was a good fuck to come to my senses, he was sadly mistaken.

"But than, why... would you let me, if you didn't- I don't understand." He runs a hand through his hair, "I don't understand Sakura, what do you want from me!" He raises his voice, aw there's the Uchiha we all know and love - well, not at the moment.

"I want nothing from you, you're the one that came here for something that I'm not willing to give." I snapped back.

"So what just happened... was for what? A final fuck good-bye."

Jesus, I slept with my cheater boyfriend - so stupid! "Leave Sasuke, please." I'm waiting by the bedroom door as he sighs and walks passed me, we make our way through my home before I open the front door for him but he doesn't leave.

"Sasuke... I've had enough, please." I motion toward the exit, I'm exhausted; emotionally and physically.

"Sakura." His dark eyes are almost hidden behind his long hair. "I love you." I frown at his words, he's never told me that before - his I love you's are not that simple, he's never spoken that way to me. "I love you so much. I love how you can be so feisty but than you become the sweetest women I've ever known. I love how you never leave me behind, you're always there. You've become the most important person in my life, the only person that shines so brightly in my eyes. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you." As he finishes, I'm a bawling mess and I only have one question for him.

"Did you love me when you were with her?"

"I never stopped..." He shook his head. "It was a mistake Sakura, we were fighting - I was so angry and drunk it doesn't make it right but I will never do anything like that again, I'll never hurt you again."

I sniffed. "Ok." I got my answer, there was no need to wonder anymore.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" He sounded so hopefully.

I sighed, "I can't forget Sasuke, and I don't think I can forgive you either because if you loved me and you did that. What wouldn't you do?"

"Sakura, please..."


My voice was strong but I was holding out because as soon as the front clicked shut and he was gone, I sobbed on the living room floor until my parents found me there.