Tapping upon the large door of Koenma's office building, Kurama stared at the ground in which he stood upon.

The doors swung open and a figure could be seen standing in the hallway. "Why hello there, Kurama."

Looking up, Kurama saw Koenma, not in his baby form but his teenage body. The pacifier was in his mouth and "Jr." written atop his forehead. He nodded. "Good to see you Koenma."

"Ready to go back to the Ningenkai?" Koenma took a step forward and his cape fluttered behind him.

Kurama paused, and his eyes averted from Koenma again. He thought of Kuronue and their short talk, and then he thought of Hiei... He thought he had decided...but...


Lying Kurama down upon the floor of his small house, Hiei stared at his body. So bloody and yet, peaceful in his calming way. The Youkai sighed, and let his back rest against the wall. He waited for Kurama to return, with the fox's head resting in his lap.

He wiped the blood from Kurama's face and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "Kurama...please come back soon..."


Muruko and Yomi flew off into the forest after nodding to each other. It was not unusual for two crows to fly side-by-side so they did not attract much attention. They cawed and when they reached a rather large clearing they landed and strutted about for a bit, flapping their wings lightly to rid them of the blood.

Now that Karasu was dead, they both could return to their normal forms. The forms in which they had been granted at birth and the ones in which their name was known.

With a shake of her crimson crested head, Muruko returned to her former self, with a sparkle of ebony light. She looked down at Yomi and blinked. "Yomi, aren't you going to transform back to...yourself?"

Over the time they had spent together in their bird form, Muruko and Yomi had learned much of each other's past and hopeful future. They had grown a bit close and now shared a relationship of respect. For they hadn't talked much as a part of the Makai but now...things were different. Yomi shook his feathered head and cocked it to a side. Using his mind he responded to Muruko's question in a soft, calm voice that was unusual for him.

"I decided to remain as this crow. For, I am able to have vision once again and embrace nature as it was when I was naught but a young child." He paused and nodded his beak with a small click. "In my former state, Yomi of the Makai, I had left quite a reputation with that name...and I want to leave it all behind. Some say that you need to live with your past instead of forgetting it...but I can't do that."

"Yomi..." Muruko stared at him in disbelief with the sacrifice he was making.

Bowing his head, he spread his wings, tail feathers spread. "I shall be keeping an eye on you, so don't worry." He tried to smile, although his crow features did not show it that well. "Farewell, Muruko."

The Makai leader watched Yomi flap away, leaving her life forever. "If only...this hadn't happened..." She smiled, small tears built up in her eye. "We might have made a nice couple..." Whispering to herself, she too departed. It was not her place to stay and she still had to tend to the Makai Tournament.


"Yes. I'm ready."

Koenma nodded and he raised a hand, causing his cape to shift. As he spoke his pacifier moved up and down in his mouth. "Well here, before you leave I wanted to give you something." Taking Kurama's hand, he placed a small wrapped packet in his open palm with a small wink. "I believe you know someone this will do well with."

Kurama nodded graciously with a smile. "Thank you for all your kind deeds, Koenma."

"Don't mention it." And with that, Koenma gave Kurama a hefty pat upon the back, which sent him down to the Ningenkai and those who loved him.

"I'll be seeing you around, later. Kurama." Koenma mumbled before turning and returning to his office. Not that he was going to do work, for once. Oh no.


As the Youko's eyelids fluttered lightly, his left hand folded into a fist as if he were holding something.

Hiei looked to Kurama's form hopefully, his eyes were bloodshot and he clenched his hands about his legs in suspenseful waiting.

Slowly, the emerald eyes could be seen and Kurama pushed himself up so his back was leaning against the wall for support. The first thing he did was look to Hiei with a smile on his face.

Although, he was quickly embraced by Hiei and this surprised him. Tears sprang from the Youkai's eyes and he muttered to Kurama. "I thought I lost you..."

This caused Kurama to pat Hiei's back reassuringly, and he promised not only to Hiei, but himself. "I would never leave you Hiei...not for anything in the world..."

"You better not, fox." Hiei's reply came confidently and in a stern but joking manner. It was the only way Hiei knew on how to show his compassion.

Kurama chuckled...and remembered the parcel in his hand. Unwrapping it, he handed it to Hiei. "I'm not sure if this will have much meaning...but it's to replace your Hiruiseki gem." He placed the crystal within Hiei's palm and used his own hand to close the Youkai's fingers around it.

Hiei looked from his closed hand in which Kurama's was over, to the Youko himself. He did not answer, for affection was not one of his strong points.


"What do you mean, you don't have it?! Where's my Silver Imperial Crystal?!" The girl slammed her palms upon Koenma's desk with a look of utter shock planted upon her face.

Koenma stared at the meatball headed girl while trying not to face fault.

"All I can say...is that it's in the hands of some fox by now..." He sweatdropped and Sailor Moon stomped out of the office waving her fist.

"Grr...I'm never giving anything for you to hold AGAIN!"

Author's Note: Haha...sorry about that last bit. I just couldn't stay all serious through the end. Well that's it for this novel. Sorry for all the cliffhangers, but thanks for staying with me until the end! Thanks to all of your support, I actually finished an entire fanfic along with its sequel in a relevant several weeks. Usually, it takes me around a couple years (write then forget then come back to later). If you would review with comments and constructive criticism, that'd be awesome. Don't worry though, I'll keep writing fics. You haven't seen the end of me! Tchao!