So Guys, this will be the last chapter, I hope you´ve enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. See you in my next story `Fallen Warrior`

Cara suddenly felt a sting in her stomach and looked up to Ahsoka, who kind of felt the same. Both sensed, that something wasn't right. "I'll try to call him." Cara said nervously, grabbing the communicator. "Din? Din, do you copy?" she asked but almost guessed there will be no answer. She tried again. Din, do you copy? Are you alright? " Caras voice was getting anxious. No answer.

" Cara, wait… " Ahsoka said and tried to sense the kids feelings. She startled." Oh no… " the Jedi whispered. But before Cara was able to say something they heared some babbling through the communicator, it sounded anxiously." It's the kid!" Cara noticed. Through all babbling they clearly heard the word 'Mando'." Okay, I'll go look after him. I don't care if he's contagious." the shock trooper said but Ahsoka stopped her."I'm coming with you, but let's take the helmets." she said. Both left the house and ran down to the Razor Crest.

"Din? Are you okay?" Cara asked as she almost sled inside the ship. Then she saw him, lying on the floor with the kid beside him, who desperately tried to wake him up. Cara rushed at him, turning him on his back. "Din, can you hear me? " she asked, taking his hand and felt his pulse on his wrist. His hand felt cold and his skin was incredibly pale."Kid, can you show me what happened?" the former shock trooper asked and looked at the little one.

Although she didn't expect to learn anything from him, he started to grasp his tummy. Cara didn't understand at first, but the Kid repeatedly rubbed his stomach and pointed to Din. "Did he have stomach pain!?" Cara asked confused and turned to Ahsoka. "Hmm…" the jedi mumbled and sat down beside the kid.

"Can you show me, what has happened? " she asked and took the little green hands into hers. The Kid focused, trying to show Ahsoka, what had happened. The jedi made a stern face. "Seems he had to throw up multiple times. He´s really in a bad condition. And since he didn´t drink or eat the whole time, he´s been here now, I guess he´s dehydrated and his body is running out of nutrition.." Ahsoka concluded, after she had seen a few of the Child's memories. "We need to take care of him, he just can't do it all alone. He might be a tough warrior, but he's still a human being." Cara replied and bend over her unconscious friend.

She put her hand on his not not even to feel Din´s dangerously high pulse, but also he still had a high fever. "We need to get lower his fever first before his brain melts.." Cara mumbled to herself. Suddenly she got up and lifted Din up. "What are you doing?" the jedi asked her wondering. "I take care of his fever, I need to cool him down. Ahsoka, I need you to check the remaining medical supply on board, maybe there is something we can use." Cara said stern and started dragging Din outside.

"I won't leave you to your fate, you idiot. Even if I'll get infected, I can't leave you like that…" she mumbled, trying to blink away some tears. Actually, she was mad at herself, letting him deal with the sickness all alone, altough she knew his stubbornness. Slowly she dragged him across the beach to the sea, at least it had stopped raining. When they reached the water, she laid him into the shallow water, keeping him in her arm, so his head was out of the water. Soft waves of cold water embraced his body. "This will cool you down at least" the former shock trooper said and held him close. After a few minutes, she felt his temperature was getting lower.

"Okay, I think it's time to go back." Cara said and dragged him back into the Razor Crest. "What did you do, he´s soaking wet?" Ahsoka asked, still puzzled. "That was the only way to bring his temperature down and it worked." Cara replied and laid her friend down on the floor. She watched the Child grabbing the blanket and walking towards them. Carefully he tried to cover his foster father. Cara smiled, because his efforts were so heartwarming. "Wait a moment, Kid, we need to get rid of his wet clothes now, before he starts freezing, what I've not intended to." the former shock trooper explained and began undressing him down to his pants and of course his helmet stayed on.

"Cara, I've found a nutrition infusion, maybe this could balance his dehydration with a little fluid at least." she heard Ahsoka calling from Din´s bunk. "Guess it'll have to work, we don't have anything else." Cara said and reached after the infusion, Ahsoka offered her. She tried to get the needle into Din´s veins and after a few attempts, she succeeded.

Now that the line was set up, she wrapped him into the blanket. "So I guess, that s all we can do for him now. I hope it'll work. By the way, did you notice, his injuries are almost cured?" Cara asked Ahsoka and looked at the child, who smiled back at her. "Good, boy! He'd never survived the virus, with that horrible injuries he´d had." the shock trooper guessed. "Probably.." Ahsoka confirmed.

A few hours later, the mandalorian finally woke up. "What… happened?" he groaned with hoarse voice. "You nearly died because of you stubbornness and your son kind of saved your life by healing your wounds. And you won´t get rid of us until you are cured." Cara said reproachfully and bend over him. "But I´m contageous, I might kill you all." Din said a little louder and tried to sit up, but Cara pushed him down again. "I won´t just sit and watch you killing yourself, you can't handle this alone, Din!" she said stricly. He didn't answer, slowly he turned his head to his side were the Kid was standing right beside him.

"Hey little one, I'm sorry you had to see all this. And thank you for caring for me, my child." Din whispered and fondled his big ears. The Kid, walked at him and snuggled on his shoulder. ´You´re welcome, dad. At least you are okay now..´ he heard in his mind. "I am, thanks to you, you literally saved my life." the mandalorian whispered and caressed the little ones head.

Cara looked at the nutrition infusion bag, it was half empty. "Are you feeling better?" she asked. "Yes, a little bit. Guess i´ll take some time to get rid of this virus." Din said and looked at her friend. "Guess it´s best we keep this treatment up. But we´ll stay with you." the former shock trooper said and crossed her arms over her chest. "Thank you." Din simply replied and rested his head on the pillow, Ahsoka had provided.

A few days later, Din felt way better. He was able to eat again, which was essential for him to heal. Day after day he regained his health and strength again. In the meantime, Ahsoka was teaching the Child a few basic skills about his powers. The former jedi really had become a true friend for Cara, Din and the Child. With daily lessons the little one improved himself significant. "It was destined to meet you, Ahsoka. I can´t thank you enough for what you did to help us." Din said, while he watched the both force sensitives.

"You owe me nothing. I´m sure, I know you well enough now, to say, you would have done the same for me." she said, while she was meditating with the Kid. Din nodded and left the Crest to let them finish their training. Slowly he walked towards the shore, he passed the place, where he had tried to rescue himself from the crash. There was still his blood splatters on the sand. With a quiet sigh he looked at his damaged ship. Din knew, it would take a lot of time to get it fixed, but it was not impossible. Cara and Ahsoka constantly were searching for parts, which they could use for repairing.

It was a slow process, but actually Din enjoyed their time out. He knew, he wasn´t fully healed yet, but he gradually was getting better. In thoughts, he sat down and watched the waves. After a while, he suddenly startled because he felt a tiny hand on his side. "Hey, there. Did you finish your lesson today?" Din asked and placed the Kid on his lap and wrapped his arms around him, because it was a little cold. The Child snuggled on his arm and cooed pleased.

"Wait, I think, I have to redeem a promise I've made.." he muttered and looked at the little green one, who just looked puzzled back at him. Din took a look around and took a deep breath. "Okay, I promised you to let you see my face, when I'm cured. What a perfect time to do it now?" he said softly and put his hands on the sides of his helmet. The Child watched him with anticipation. Slowly the mandalorian removed his mask and looked at the kids eyes.

He lifted the little guy up and the Kid put his three fingered hands on his cheeks. Never before, he saw the little one smiling this wide. "Yeah, that's me. Thats your father's face." Din said and smiled back at him. At first he doubted his decision, but know, it felt like a heavy weight went off his heart. The Child leaned his forehead against his and closed his eyes. `I love you, dad` he heard in his mind. "I love you too, son." Din mumbled and placed a kiss on the Kids cheek.

They stayed there on the beach watching the rough sea until the sun went down. No one else was there, just a kid and his father….