Ch4: I can't wait no more

Ginny Weasley was clearly and audibly struggling, she didn't know why she had agreed to go on a trip with two not-able-to-keep-their-hands-to-each-other couples but obviously, she didn't have any other option, either it was going on a trip with Ron, Hermione, Cho and Harry - who was clearly the main problem of her mind nowadays - or help Mum and Lily planning the wedding of her brother Percy. Out of which the latter usually meant everybody gushing over this and that item which will and will not look good in the wedding, and she clearly didn't want to do that, so here she was packing her stuff in a bag to go on a trip with two couples, which was certainly not going to be exciting.

Grabbing her wand from the nearby table, Ginny waved it and - huff! - all the stuff was safely packed in her bag, putting the said bag over her shoulder Ginny trampled down the stairs only to be greeted with the sight of her brother and best friend in a very tight embrace, snogging on the couch. "Oi you two! are you gonna stop or do I need to hex you to keep your hands to each other?"

"Don't be a spoilsport, Gin." Ron pouted and then grabbed his bag which was haphazardly thrown into the corner of the room so that they could enjoy their heated moment. And Hermione being the ever so intelligent one out of the rest grabbed her bag and went outside shouting over her shoulder for both of them to come quick or she will leave without the two of them. Ginny grunted after swearing, moving outside to see a certain raven-haired boy - or man - standing alone with his girlfriend missing. As if on cue, Hermione noticed the same thing and instead of just standing there and staring - which Ginny was doing due to her rather inept fantasies these days - she asked him nonchalantly, "Harry, where is Cho?"

Harry who was staring directly over Hermione's shoulders towards Ginny was caught off-guarded by this question, and he blinked once, twice before his hand went back to his neck scratching it softly. " and I...we broke up." Harry took a deep breath and then grimaced remembering how the break up went with a teacup flying over his head with an angry Cho stomping out of his flat. And Hermione was acting as if she was completely oblivious to why Harry broke up with his girlfriend and asked him the reason, which earned her a death glare from Harry. But Harry was being a tad bit intelligent these days and so in the pretense of lightning up the mood said it didn't matter and now everything was fine.

Currently, tucked into a muggle car with Ginny just by his side and her thigh constantly brushing over his as she talked to Hermione on her other side, Harry was not being able to think or talk properly, so he just stared out the window. The car in which they were riding was of Hermione's dad who was driving it to ensure that they reached their destination safely when Harry had advised that they just apparate Hermione had objected saying that she wanted it to be something which could stay in their memory forever and also that their destination was a muggle place so apparating would be difficult while arriving. So, they were going to go to the said destination by a car only to apparate home after their trip.

Harry was too busy in his thoughts until he realized that the car had stopped and they have reached their destination. He got out of the car, grabbed his bag and moved forward towards the muggle hotel, Ginny in tow as Ron and Hermione were already entering the hotel. Once, everybody had reached their respective rooms and had freshened up - except Ron and Hermione who had taken a single room instead of double which displayed a very distasteful picture of them in Harry and Ginny's mind . After, they met in the hotel lobby, wearing fairly comfortable clothes, all of them had decided to first explore all the muggle stuff available near their hotel and then hit the club to grab a pint or two.


Sometime earlier when someone would have told her that she would have this much fun at the trip, she would have had the urge to puke on their faces but now here she was, having the time of her life with Harry as Ron and Hermione had gone off somewhere probably to snog. They were riding a rented motorcycle and enjoying the view of the amazing city Hermione had brought them to, while occasionally stopping to linger a moment or two on a certain sight. Right now, Harry had stopped the motorcycle in front of an ice cream parlor - this man definitely knows her taste - and had gone inside, only to return with a cone of chocolate ice cream, passing it to her while passing shivers while their hands made brief contact.

"Thought you could do with some ice cream." Harry grinned staring intently at her while she moved her head towards the ice cream and then back to Harry, not caring once as she threw her arms around him, destroying the said ice cream as it pressed between both of their chests. Harry was caught off-guard at first but then put an arm around her waist as she encircled his neck.

Ginny chuckled after pulling back from him when suddenly she burst into peals of laughter. Harry was staring at her completely at loss to what to say - Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her and she is going mental? - until he realized what she was laughing at, looking down towards her tank top completely covered with chocolate goo all over it, so he thought it would be the same on his one but was surprised to find it covered by crumbs of a cone with a chocolate puddle all over it and then he burst out laughing too. Now, the two of them were laughing like two idiots in the middle of the street. But soon, they realized that it was time to go join Ron and Hermione and the local club. So, they quickly returned to the hotel and changed their chocolate clothes into something clean and went towards the club.

The club was filled with sounds and laughter and dancing and singing all around, everybody in complete oblivion to the rest of the world. They moved towards the bar to find Ron and Hermione with beer bottles in front of them. "You're late", Ron informed them as they sat down ordering a bottle of beer each. But no one was paying attention to him as their ordered drinks were placed in front of them and they fell into the conversation state as always until a blonde-haired bloke came and sat down next to Ginny while she was talking to Hermione about something and other. The bloke gently tapped Ginny on the shoulder, waiting for her to turn around when she did he whispered something in her ear gesturing towards the dance floor but Ginny just shook her head. Harry who was staring intently at the bloke moved towards Ginny and without breaking eye contact with the bloke, asked her to dance.

Ron and Hermione were currently staring at him as if he had gone all bonkers but didn't say anything as Ginny smiled, stood up and walked towards the dance floor, Harry's fingers intertwined with hers as they moved. Once, they were on the dance floor with Ginny's hands encircling around his neck while his were around her waist, Harry asked her, "What was that person saying?"

"Nothing, you know all those kind of blokes saying that he would very much like to have a dance with me and will buy me some more beer."

Harry was staring at the bloke who was now dancing with another girl in the corner of the dance floor, he was staring at the bloke with so much determination that he didn't notice someone was calling him until that person nearly shouted in his ear.


He turned around to be greeted with the sight, he most certainly didn't want to see, there beside Ginny was standing his girlfriend - oops! sorry his ex-girlfriend - Cho. Harry just grumbled in response, clearly not excited about the way this is going to turn out. But of course, Cho was not going to give up so she grabbed him by his arm, sweeping his feet away and leaving Ginny alone on the dance floor with her eyes creating a hole on the back of his head. Cho led them towards a corner of the club and started the conversation immediately which Harry was not listening to at all as he was staring back at Ginny who was now dancing with an unknown bloke. He only heard two to three words which sounded like sorry and let's start over as he was staring at Ginny as the bloke's hands were roaming currently over her small back, Harry had enough and so he stomped off towards the dance floor leaving Cho alone as she rattled on about starting over.

He reached the dance floor and moved towards Ginny as the bloke's hands were freely roaming down her spine. Just as Harry reached them, he grabbed Ginny by her arm and swung her on the spot.

Harry didn't know if it was the alcohol affecting him or it was just the jealousy he was feeling but without thinking for even a second, Harry pulled her close to his chest and kissed her. And it was like fireworks had exploded and it was all rainbows and unicorns. In his words, it was perfect, kissing Ginny Weasley.