In a certain place of Tokyo there was a school, this school is well known for a bad reputation since it is where most of the very worst delinquents of the entire capital were concentrated. There wasn't a single good thing to say about this school since the place truly was close to being what people would say is a cesspool of society would be like.
This is what it was known for, but as Judge X looked at the school in front of him and the picture in his hand the two could hardly be seen as the same thing.
In the picture the gates were rusty old structures that were bent as people clearly beat them too many times, but now the gates were brand new and made of good wood that was glossy and smooth to the touch. The walls in the picture were covered in graffiti and the windows were broken, but now they were perfectly pristine and in good condition.
There was even a small garden in the front and the students were actually coming to class in great number instead of what Judge X expected considering the information he was given about the school.
The information he was given was, in truth, mostly about the candidate for the tournament but that was beside the point. There was little actual information about the kid, just some rumors he was attracting attention on the underground for a while now for some things he has been doing, but even then the information that Judge X was given was small at best.
Entering the school he ended up attracting attention. With how he had large spiky hair and wore round glasses that fully covered his eyes while he wears the typical black suit he could hardly be inconspicuous in such a school.
Entering the place he was about to go search for the target when someone went and loomed over him.
"What are someone dressing like you doing here, huh? Dressed in such a stupid-ass clothes like that, are you looking for trouble?" The one in front of him said, Judge X looked at him and did not react to him yelling out at him, almost spitting in his face as he spoke in such a rude manner to someone who, in all honesty, could probably kill him with a flick of his fingers.
"I am looking for someone, his name is Shirou Emiya."
As soon as Judge X said this the entire place turned quiet. The students that were simply passing by turned to him with fury in their eyes at how he just went ahead and spoke that name as if it was any other one.
"You asshole, are you trying to buy fight in out school by calling out the name of the boss in such a fashion? I will beat you up for that, fatass." The delinquent in front of him said and was about to attack when someone moved and stopped his punch before it could connect.
"Tanaka, don't go acting out so rudely like that. Boss taught us better than that." The student that stopped him said and Tanaka, the one that was about to throw the punch, stopped his attack.
"... Sorry, blood raised in my head when I heard someone calling out our boss without any sign of respect." Tanaka said and the one that stopped him sighed.
"I get that, but we have to do better if we are to truly become boss' subordinate in the future." The other one said and Tanaka sighed.
"I know." Tanaka then turned to Judge X and spoke. "If you want to meet the boss come with me. We will see if he is busy, but if he is then you better now go acting out or we will all kick you out." Tanaka said and Judge X looked around with more attention, actually taking out the measuring equipment he had on him to measure the strength of the people around him.
They were all around 7 to 10 with the strongest being the one to stop Tanaka being a 12.
This is surprising considering that this school must have at least about 500 students and they all are decent fighters. They may all be weak, but if they keep training under the right tutelage they would become a force to be reckoned with.
Moving with Tanaka he noticed that Tanaka had a power level of 10, which is in itself surprising, but the deference he has towards Shirou is something else.
They moved through the school where Judge X saw the students actually in class and studying, even if they didn't show much interest in it.
Noticing the looks Judge X was giving Tanaka smirked.
"Surprised that we are now what you expected?" He said and Judge X nodded.
"In all honesty yes, I had heard how this was a school where mostly delinquents lived at but to see it now I would not believe it so."
"Heh, that is all because of the boss. He showed us a better way and helped most of us out in straightening ourselves." Tanaka said, the note of pride and respect on his voice could not be missed. "Many people in this school owe boss quite a lot, so don't try anything funny."
As he said this they entered what looked like the back of the school where one of the students was currently sitting on a chair and in front of him was a clearly broken AC unit.
Tanaka was about to speak when Shirou gave a sign to wait for a bit as he continued his work. After about a minute he turned to Tanaka and Judge X, seeing them both he spoke.
"Sorry, I was almost done with this old thing and I wanted to finish to patch it up. Tanaka, if possible could you add this to the list of materials the school must obtain to replace the pieces that are necessary?" Shirou asked as he gave Tanaka a list to which the young man actually saluted before leaving. Shirou just shook his head in exasperation, he never wanted people to put him in a pedestal like that but they did anyway.
Shirou then stood up and looked at the person he sensed the moment he entered this school. In all honesty Shirou was shocked that he sensed it, the sense of mystical energy.
It has been 17 years since he died and reincarnated in this new world, he could not quite remember how he died but when he got conscious he was in an orphanage as a kid without a home or parents to speak off. From what he heard from the nuns in the orphanage he was found near the local dumpster site, he could only suppose that it is the curse of being him that he can't possibly have parents properly.
Well, not that it weighed so much on him as he ended up being adopted at the age of 11 by a Yakuza family and he actually fit in rather well with many thinking he should become the next head of the family since the big boss had no other kids besides a grandson who had no desire in following the family's footsteps in any way.
Shirou also dealt with many other matters over the years with him participating in some kendo tournaments where he always won and in archery competitions where he also always won. But it was in magecraft he was the happiest about since he quickly noticed how this world was saturated with magic energy and had no influence of Gaia whatsoever, almost as if they were still in the age of the Gods. For other magi this place would be paradise and even Shirou noticed some changes to his own Noble Phantasms, it was hard to explain and Shirou was yet unsure what those changes mean. If he was more of a researcher like Rin or Luvia he would surely focus entirely in this.
However, he never bothered with doing that. He only cared that his projection and other magics worked because regardless of the world he is at, Shirou Emiya will always be himself and no one could ever cause him of being more than a third-rate magus. Heck, he didn't even bother to investigate why his body was so unlike those of the others around him, for
His desire to do good remained the same and that is why he decided to enter in this school, he did so to try and help those delinquents in turning their lives around. He had plenty of troubles and more than a few times had to be a bit more violent than he would have liked (images of him hospitalizing several of the more extreme students for a few weeks could be seen in the past year) as well as dealing with
As he heard Judge X explain his reason for coming and about the tournament where they guaranty any wish he may wish Shirou was dubious. He was not sure if something that was looking similar to the Holy Grail war would possibly be a good option, but as he thought more deeply he accepted the invitation.
"Good, and just to know, what is it that you desire?" Judge X asked him and Shirou smiled at him.
"To be a hero of justice."
What you all think? This is more of a UBW Shirou, the HOW he died doesn't matter only that he now is in the world of God of Highschool. The changes in his Noble Phantasms will be explained later and they will mean a LOT of change for him as times goes on. He will likely be able to equal most of the late bosses when the time comes, just you wait.
Anyway, leave a review and tell me what you think of the idea if at all possible. Thanks, bye.