Chapter 1


It was a perfect Parisian day—the Seine sparkling with sunlight, the gentle breeze playing with her hair ribbons and cooling her flushed face. Was it the summer heat or the wonderful company that blushed her cheeks? For once, she thought it must be the temperature, because with Luka, she could maintain her composure and express herself without tripping over simple sentences.

As they strolled along the riverbank, chatting about music and friends and the latest akuma attack, Marinette felt peaceful and safe. She could be herself in his presence, and, incredibly, he seemed to like who she was, as she was. He didn't know that she was also Ladybug—no one did—but she felt secure knowing that he would have chosen Marinette over Ladybug, regardless.

This knowledge brought her both courage and sadness. She liked Luka, she really did, but her love for Adrien was so strong. The more she got to know Adrien, the more her love grew. How could she spend this time with Luka, leading him on, when her heart was already taken? It wasn't fair to this gentle soul—so patient and kind—even though he knew how she felt about his rival.

They approached a bench and sat, a comfortable but respectful distance apart, and a peaceful quiet settled over them as they admired the breathtaking view of Notre Dame Cathedral. This magnificent jewel of the Parisian landscape glistened as the late afternoon sun danced off each piece of the beautifully crafted stained glass.

Marinette sighed contentedly, stealing a glance at Luka. He turned, and his deep blue eyes smiled into hers. Her heart fluttered, and a nervous giggle escaped. Maybe this boy—could she really call her friend's older brother a boy?—made her just a bit nervous too.

Luka smiled. "Marinette?"

"Y-yes, Luka?" she breathed.

"It's really nice to spend time with you. I know how busy you are with school, helping with your parents' bakery, working on your design projects… It means a lot that you could make the time for me this afternoon."

"Y-you're welcome, Luka! It really is nice to be distracted for a while, e-especially with such great company!"

Luka smiled gently. "I really enjoy your company as well, Marinette."

She grinned at him stupidly, then turned her focus back to the scenery. "Paris is the perfect city, don't you think?"

He grinned back. "How many other cities have you visited, Marinette?"

"Not many," she admitted, "Just London a few times. I'd love to visit Milan during Fashion Week someday. And my Maman has talked for years about bringing me to visit our family in China."

"I plan on doing a lot of travelling," Luka said, "Touring with the band, or even solo. Meeting new people, seeing new places."

"That would be amazing!" Marinette agreed, but then her thoughts turned to Hawkmoth. Ladybug would never be free to travel the world, not while there was a villain intent on akumatizing her beloved city.

"What's wrong, Marinette?" asked the ever-perceptive Luka.

"Oh, n-nothing."

His frown deepened. "I don't like to see you sad."

She forced a smile. "Don't worry about me. I just have a lot on my mind."

He put a gentle hand on hers. "I know you do. Would you like to talk about it? You know that I'm always here for you."

"I know you are, Luka. You're such a great friend, and an amazing listener."

A hint of sadness crept into the ocean-blue eyes gazing into hers. "I will always be your friend, Marinette."

A little piece of her heart broke at his words. "I-I know that you want to be m-more than just friends, Luka."

"I will never push you, Marinette. I don't ever want you to feel pressured to decide. Especially because…"

Marinette's cheeks turned crimson. "Because of him," she finished.

"Have you told him?"

"N-no. I can't! Every time I try… I just c-can't!" she wailed.

"You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You are courageous and kind-hearted. You are stronger than you know, Marinette."

His words buoyed her up. This generous, empathetic friend of hers who only wanted what was best for her… how could she keep doing this to him.

"It's not fair to you, Luka."

"It's not fair to him either, Marinette."

She was startled.

"W-what do you mean?"

"He doesn't even know how you feel. He doesn't know that he has a chance. If I was in his shoes…" Luka's expression turned wistful, as his gaze dropped into the depths of the river flowing gently before them.

"If I knew that you felt like that about me, Marinette, I wouldn't hesitate."

"Oh Luka…" the tears sprang to her eyes. She hugged her sides tightly. She wanted to reach out, to comfort him, but she couldn't keep toying with him.

"Don't worry about me, Marinette." He was looking at her again, his face sad but kind. "But if you want my advice…"

She nodded.

"Tell him. He's a great guy. What's the worst that could happen? Even if he doesn't return your feelings, you know that the two of you will always be friends. And at least you'll know the truth. But you'll never know if you don't talk to him."

"I know you're right, Luka. Especially because I'm sure it hurts you to say it."

"What's right is right, Marinette. I'd rather see you happy with him than to see you keep carrying this burden."

If only that was her only burden. She covered her face with her hands. Even though Luka was the best listener in the world, there were some things that she couldn't tell him. There was a burden that she, Ladybug, had to carry alone.


On the opposite bank, she grabbed his hand. Hers was soft but calloused, from the hours of parry and riposte. Her grip was strong and sure, yet gentle. It felt… good. It made sense. Holding her hand… it didn't hold the same promise as a kiss, but it spoke volumes, none-the-less. He squeezed lightly, indicating that he didn't mind this intimacy in the least.

Kagami smiled. He knew that her smiles were a rare occurrence, even more than his. He had Nino… he had Marinette and Alya. He even had Chloé to share small moments of friendship. As hard, as isolated as his life was, he knew it was nothing compared to hers. He was so grateful that Marinette, kind and thoughtful as she was, had opened to Kagami as well.

"I'm glad that you and Marinette are getting to know each other! She's such a great friend—I knew you two would get along!"

"Yes, Marinette is a sweet girl."

"Not just sweet… she's smart, she's considerate, she's—"

The expression on her face told him that maybe Kagami would prefer not to hear him go on about another girl. She's just a friend, though.

He grinned sheepishly and changed the subject. They strolled along, hand in hand, chatting about nothing and everything. They stopped at André's ice cream cart and found a quiet spot to enjoy their treat.

"What's on your mind?"

Kagami startled. "Oh, just… thinking about the future."

Adrien sighed and looked away. "The future… I know exactly what my father has planned for the future."

"My mother, too."

"Do you ever imagine… do you ever think about what the future could be—you know—without what they want?"

"I do… but I also know that some of what they want is what I want."

Her voice was low. A feeling of… excitement suddenly fluttered in the pit of his stomach. Suddenly, her face was right there. He could see the flecks of sunlight in her brown eyes, could count the tiniest freckles on her flawless skin. He knew what she wanted… he wanted it too, but…


She flitted across his mind's eye like she did across the skyline of Paris—a vision in red, the moonlight clinging to the sheen of her hair, the flash of her blue eyes. He shook his head, trying to blot out the apparition.

He could see the hurt in Kagami's eyes, just for a moment, before the protective curtain descended. She smiled at him, pulled on his hand once again. They dropped back into the conversation as if nothing had happened, meandering slowly but inevitably back towards the school and their parents' expectations.


Holding Adrien's hand felt right. They were made for each other—both isolated from the world, both pressured to live up to that impossible standard of perfection. No one understood Adrien the way she did. They could navigate this elite world together, being strong for each other. She knew this was meant to be.

The problem was that he didn't know it. She knew he had a soft spot for his friend—her friend too, she reminded herself. Marinette—sweet, awkward Marinette—who so obviously loved Adrien. Kagami could tell, by the way Adrien spoke about her, how deeply he cared for Marinette too. Was this oblivious boy unaware of his true feelings for Marinette, just like he was unaware of how Marinette felt about him? Was he holding out on committing to Kagami because, somewhere inside, he loved someone else?

It was so frustrating. Kagami knew that Marinette was courageous and smart and kind, but for some reason she could never express herself properly around Adrien. And until Marinette told him the truth, Adrien would never make his decision. As much as Kagami wanted him to choose her, she knew he never would until Marinette revealed her true feelings.


He watched Kagami's driver pull away, smiling thoughtfully. He felt so comfortable around Kagami, like she really understood him. He could be himself, and she got it when he made those bitter comments about his father—he could tell how shocked his other friends were whenever these slipped out.

Not only shocked—some of his friends were genuinely hurt every time they were reminded of how isolated he was. Imagine if Marinette—sweet, kind-hearted Marinette—had overheard that bleak comment about his future. He could just picture her expression… her emotions were so easy to read every time he broke the news that he couldn't go out, couldn't attend, couldn't participate. She was such a great friend who sincerely cared for him. He was lucky to have her in his life.

But Kagami—strong, confident and beautiful as she was—he was so grateful to have her too. He knew she wanted more than just friendship. He just wished he could truly reciprocate, relinquishing the unrequited love he had for Ladybug.

If only Kagami was Ladybug. They had so many characteristics in common: strength, courage, determination, incredible intelligence. But twice now—three times, really, counting Heros' Day—he and Ladybug had fought off an akumatized Kagami. They had even fought alongside her as Ryuko, the dragon superhero.

No, his Lady was not Kagami. As strong as his feelings for Kagami were, they were nothing in comparison to the immensity, the depth of his love for Ladybug. There were as many differences between the two as there were similarities. Her gentleness, the light-hearted banter to ease stressful situations, the stubbornness that surfaced when she was convinced of what was right… no, Ladybug was definitely a very different kind of girl.

But Adrien was hurting Kagami because of Chat Noir's love for Ladybug. It was not fair to her. He knew that Ladybug loved someone else, which was why she couldn't return his love. He had told Kagami the same thing: that he loved someone else who didn't return his feelings. Yet Kagami persisted. And she was beginning to break through.

Could he put aside his love for his Lady? Could he let her go? If only he could, Adrien knew that he could be happy with Kagami.


She jumped when her phone rang. Alya?

No. It was Kagami.

"Oh no," she breathed, then clicked to accept the call.

"H-hi Kagami!" she squeaked.

"Marinette. How are you?"

"I-I'm fine. How are you?"

"We need to talk, Marinette. Can you meet me tomorrow after fencing practice? It ends at 4:30."

"O-Ok, Kagami. See you then!"

As she hung up the phone, Marinette started to panic.

"Oh Tikki!" she moaned to the tiny red kwami peeking out of her purse.

"It's OK, Marinette!" Tikki responded in her sweet voice. "You and Kagami are friends, remember?"

"I know! But she's dating Adrien—Adrien! He'll be there tomorrow too!" She buried her face in her hands. "I wonder if he's going to be tagging along with us—it's so hard to see them together!"

"Don't worry, Marinette! Remember: Ladybug faces every challenge with courage!"

"You're right, Tikki. But when I'm just Marinette, I get so scared around both of them!"

"You don't even know what Kagami wants to talk about. I'm sure it will be fine!"

"I hope so, Tikki!"


"Adrien, I'm meeting up with a friend after fencing practice today. I'll make my own way home."

He looked at her curiously, but he nodded. They had an intense spar, and she barely got in her touché. With her adrenaline pumping, she grinned as they bowed to each other, and headed off to the changerooms.

When she came out, he was still there, leaning against the wall, chatting with a beet-red Marinette. He turned to her and smiled.

"So, this is the mysterious date you're standing me up for!"

"Marinette and I are friends too," she reminded Adrien.

"As I knew you would be! You are both so special. I'm so glad that you get along so well."

Marinette's crimson face turned anxiously towards her.

"A-are you ready to go, Kagami?"

Kagami quickly pecked Adrien's cheek, causing him to flush, and nodded. "Let's take a walk."

She could feel Adrien's curious eyes on them as they headed out of the school doors. That boy is as curious as a cat, she mused.

Next to her, Marinette's face had returned to its natural hue, but she was still fidgeting with her purse.

"Relax, Marinette. I'm not going to bite you."

Marinette took a shaky breath and laughed nervously. "I'm sorry—I know you're not! I just get so flustered sometimes."

"Especially around Adrien."

Marinette jumped. "W-what do you mean?"

"I know how you feel about him. Everyone knows how you feel about him. Except for him, of course."

Marinette stared at her, her mouth moving, but no words came out.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually."


"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you off."

"B-but aren't you and Adrien dating?"

"Not exactly," Kagami sighed. "I'd like us to be, but there's something holding him back. And I think it's you."

"M-me? B-but you and Adrien are so good together!" Kagami could tell that it pained Marinette to say this, but that she believed it.

"I certainly think so. We understand each other so well. Our families and our lives are very similar, and we have so many other things in common."

"S-so what's the problem?"

"The problem is that Adrien is hesitating. I want him to choose me, but more than anything, I just want him to choose. I need you to tell him how you feel."


"I don't want to be with someone who is thinking about someone else. I want him to know how you feel, so that if he chooses me, I'll know for sure that he's making a fully-informed choice."

Marinette looked down. "Someone else said a similar thing to me recently."

Kagami had a brief vision of a certain blue-haired musician and nodded. "If you don't listen to me, you should at least listen to Luka."

Marinette startled. "H-how did you—"

"You aren't the only obvious one. Can you promise me that you'll at least think about it?"

"Yes, I will, Kagami. I-I understand how hard this must be for you. I'll try to be brave, like you are."

Unexpected by both, Kagami pulled Marinette into a hug. "Be brave like you are. At least I know that if Adrien chooses you, you are worthy of him."

Marinette hugged her friend tightly. "That means so much, especially from you."


The curiosity really was killing the cat. What could Kagami and Marinette be talking about, he wondered for the hundredth time.

"Stop pacing around, unless you're going to get me some cheese!" whined a small, nasal voice from his shirt pocket.

"Plagg, you just had dinner!"

"Just watching you wear a hole in the carpet is making me hungry!"

Chuckling to himself, Adrien pulled out a small piece of camembert, which quickly disappeared into the little black kwami's mouth. Satisfied lip-smacks emanated from the depths of the pocket.

"I wonder what Kagami and Marinette are talking about?" he said aloud.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"What's obvious?"

"They're talking about a certain blond-haired model they both know."

"You think they're talking about me?"

"Of course they are!"

Adrien started pacing again in silence. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. There was a message from Marinette, asking if they could meet up later.

"Nathalie and the Gorilla will never let me out, Plagg. But it sounds like Marinette really needs to talk to me. Maybe Chat Noir can help me sneak out."

"But it's been such a long day…"

"You've been alternating between napping and snacking all day—a bit of fresh air will do both of us some good."

That settled, Adrien grinned happily as he texted Marinette his response.


"Sure, I'll meet you in the park at 20:30. See you by the fountain!" She kept staring at the screen, but the words stayed put. Adrien really was going to meet up with her.

"Oh Tikki!" she wailed, "What am I going to say to him?"

"Just be yourself, Marinette! Tell him the truth! Luka and Kagami both know how brave you can be, and they don't even know that you're Ladybug!"

Marinette pictured Kagami's face: confident, beautiful and strong, but with that pinch of hurt in her eyes. She envisioned Luka's cool gaze, so full of kindness but marred by sadness. She understood now, more than she ever had before, that she just had to tell Adrien the truth. She wasn't just letting herself down by keeping her feelings locked away: she was keeping two very dear friends from their own happiness. For them, if not for herself, she knew that she could be—had to be—brave.


"Claws in."

There she was, sitting by the fountain. As he approached, he realized that he had never seen Marinette look so petrified. Flustered, yes. Embarrassed, yes. Now, she looked positively terrified, but there was a fire of determination in her eyes. Seeing that determination, an unnamed emotion made his stomach flip. In that moment, she looked just like Ladybug.



"W-what's up, Marinette?" For once, he was the one stuttering. Marinette seemed to take heart from his confusion.

"Adrien, I need to tell you something. Something I should have told you a long time ago."

She wasn't looking at him. She played with the strap of her purse and bit her lip.

He sat down on the edge of the fountain, next to her. Sometimes, being this close to him would cause her to jump, but this time she seemed to be rooted to the spot in terror—or was it something else?

"Go ahead, Marinette," he tried to be as gentle as possible.

"Adrien. Y-you know how much I value our f-friendship," she started tentatively, but then her voice strengthened. "That's partly why I haven't been able to say this before, but that's not the only reason. I've been so afraid of losing you."

"L-losing me? Marinette, after everything we've been through… you are such a good friend! Nothing you could say would ruin that!"

"Except maybe... this. Adrien, I-I have tried to tell you so many times, but I have never had the courage. But I know now that I need to find the courage. Kagami and Luka—"

The kitten inside him couldn't resist: "Ah ha—am I going to find out about your mystery date with Kagami? And was Luka there too?"

"Please Adrien—please let me finish," she begged. She was shaking now. From fear? From adrenaline? He nodded.

"Adrien, ever since that day… when you gave me your umbrella…"

He recalled the happy feeling, the lightening of his shoulders and joy in his heart, when he had first realized that he had a real friend. He nodded again, to encourage her.

"I have been in… love. With you."

At first, the words didn't register. In love? With him? Marinette?!


He wasn't saying anything. Oh God, why didn't he say something? Was it really that surprising? Could he really not know? Everyone else seemed to know. Luka. Kagami. Alya, of course. Even Chloé. Everyone knew. But not Adrien himself?

The look on his face was tortured. What was he thinking?


"M-Marinette—did you just tell me that you… l-love me?"

"Yes, I did." Finally.

"B-but all those times… you said I was… just a friend," the green eyes begged her to confirm.

"I couldn't… I couldn't find the courage to tell you. I was so nervous, so embarrassed. But I talked to Luka. And to Kagami. They told me I needed to tell you."

"K-Kagami wanted you to tell me that you… l-love me?"

"Yes," she didn't know if she should explain further. He continued to stare, unseeing and totally lost for words. She forced herself to continue. "Kagami thinks that your feelings for m-me are keeping you from committing to her. She wanted me to tell you, so that you would be able to make up your mind, once and for all. I realized that not telling you was hurting others—not just myself. I couldn't be that s-selfish."


Understanding flooded his heart. Dear, sweet Marinette! She didn't want to ruin their friendship, but she didn't want to hurt Kagami. Her courage came from her concern over her friend! Friends, he corrected himself, remembering the expression he had witnessed on Luka's face whenever Marinette was around.

A wave gratitude washed over him, as it finally dawned on him why Marinette was often so clumsy and flustered around him. Although she seemed more and more comfortable around him lately, she occasionally would still lose her cool if he ran into her unexpectedly. This kind, generous, creative, wonderful girl could turn into a muddle around him. What depth of courage she had, in confessing her true feelings to him!

Suddenly, the wave peaked, and came crashing down. Marinette loved him! Knowing how good and pure she was, it would break her heart, probably more than it would Kagami's, for him to tell her his truth.


He forced himself to bring his gaze to her face, reading and finally understanding all of the emotions displayed there.

"Marinette. Thank you so much for telling me. I know you must have summoned a lot of courage to tell me this."

How could he tell her? What words could he use to explain, without hurting this sweet girl, so special to him?

"Marinette, you have been so brave to be so vulnerable with me. I owe it to you to be brave myself. To be vulnerable."


Her pulse quickened at his words. Adrien wanted to be vulnerable, too? He had something to tell her, too? By the painful expression on his face—the face she knew and loved so well—the flutter of hope was impaled by a jab of dread. Oh no.

"Marinette. You mean so much to me. You are the kindest, most considerate person I know. Always thinking of others. Your friendship is a ray of sunshine in my life."

Friendship? Oh NO!

"It wouldn't be fair for me not to be honest with you, since you've been so honest with me."

The dreadful words kept coming.

"Marinette, I… I am in love. With… someone else."

The words burst into her heart, engulfing it in flames of despair. She had prepared herself for them, oh yes, but somewhere, in the back of her mind, of her heart, that infinitesimal ray of hope would not be extinguished. Until now.

As the tears gathered in her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to reign them in, she whispered, "Kagami?" so quietly that he could barely hear her.

"No, n-not Kagami."

"Then, who? Please, Adrien… please."


Oh God, the utter anguish and hopelessness of her voice. It cut him to the core. Could he dare tell her? He had to.

"I… I have never told anyone before. But I think you need to hear."

The tears trickled down her face, each tiny droplet dripping like acid onto his conscience. He longed to comfort her, but how—he was only making it worse. He had to keep going.

"It's… it's hard to explain. I don't even really kn-know her—no one does—but my feelings for her are so strong."


The despair. The defeat in that one word.

"It's… Ladybug."

~Chat Noir~

He had to follow her! The gasp of pain that Marinette had let out, like she had been stabbed, followed by her rapid retreat towards the darkened bakery. He needed to know that she would be OK. He had to comfort her, but how could he… he was the reason, the source of her pain.

The transformation was complete before he even realized that he'd come to a decision. In seconds, he was there, on her balcony. Pacing. Mind racing. Again.

He arrived even before she did. He could hear her gasping an excuse to her parents as she fled up the stairs. He was afraid that she wouldn't come outside, that she would retreat to her bed and never come out again. His dear, sweet friend—what he wouldn't give to reciprocate her feelings, so that she would never feel this pain again. This pain that he knew only too well.

He heard the creak of the trapdoor. He turned towards her, but she didn't see him with the tears blurring her vision. She collapsed onto the chaise, great, heaving sobs wracking her petite frame.

Before he even knew what he was doing, she was in his arms.

"Ch-chat!" she gasped.

"Marinette! I saw you running from the park, and I could tell you were upset."

"Y-you saw? Oh no! Wh-what about A-Adrien?" his name on her soft pink lips was full of anguish.

"Adrien? Oh…" how could he answer this? "I didn't see Adrien."

"P-please, Chat. Can you go check on h-him? I left him without any ex-expla… nation."

In her pain, in her utter brokenness, she was still thinking of him. How could he do this to her?

"Marinette, I think you need me more than Adrien does."

A thought—a horrible thought. Hawkmoth could not take advantage of this situation. He would not let Marinette get akumatized. He would protect her. His night vision, his feline hearing went on high alert.

Chat Noir pulled her onto his lap, gently placing her head against his shoulder, all the while scanning, listening for the treacherous flap darkened wings. The sobs continued for what felt like agonizing hours to Chat. He stroked her hair ever-so gently. Slowly, the heaving of her shoulders subsided. Her breathing evened.

"You don't have to tell me. But you can."

"Oh Chat," the whisper dripped with sorrow. "I can't… I can't tell anyone. No one would understand. N-not even L-Luka."

Her voice ached of loneliness, hopelessness. Suddenly, he felt her stop, stiffening with realization.

"M-maybe the only one who would really understand is… y-you."

He stiffened too. Had he ever told Marinette how he felt about Ladybug?


He felt her relax against him once more. "I hope you h-have some time… y-you don't mind?"

"No, Princess. I will stay as long as you need me"

It was perhaps even more painful than the first time, to hear his precious Marinette, knowing that Adrien did not return her feelings, retelling her heartache. His heart was pierced by every word, learning that she had sent him the unsigned valentine card, that she had knit his favourite scarf, not even acknowledging it because she didn't want to ruin his elation over his father's supposed thoughtfulness. Each of the selfless, loving acts that Marinette had poured out for Adrien. How could he have been so blind? Why—WHY—couldn't he return her love, even after countless rejections from Ladybug?

"A-and then tonight… Tonight, I finally t-told him, Chat. And he d-doesn't sh-share my f-feelings." The sobs came back. Heavier this time. He rocked her gently back and forth, holding him close to his chest. He just wanted to protect her from all of this hurt, but he couldn't. It was his fault. He was the source of her pain. But damned if he would let Hawkmoth get to her.

She quieted again. "Th-the worst part is wh-why."

"What do you mean?"

"H-he loves someone else. B-but n-not just anyone else. Of a-all p-people. H-he loves… Ladybug."

"Ladybug? I don't… why is that worse?"

She pushed herself off of his chest, so that she could look directly at him. Her beautiful blue-bell eyes were lined with tears, their depths echoing the desolation in her voice.

Staring straight at him, she whispered, "Spots on."