GKC: What's up, everyone! This is GKC here bringing you a new chapter for Magitek Suit Gundam.

KRD: And this is Kamen Rider Duelist! We've seen Bahamut in his first real action of fighting! But now we're getting to the nitty-gritty! It's time for Bahamut to unleash the Mega Flare! Mwhahahahahahahaha!

GKC: Did you forget your medication?

KRD: All… of it… 8D

GKC: Right… -_-

KRD: And now to unleash destruction!

GKC: No more caffeine for you.

KRD: I don't drink coffee. 8)

GKC: It's not just in- Oh, nevermind…

KRD: I drink espresso shots! Let's do this!


Disclaimer: Same thing.

Chapter 3: Life or Death! The Mega Flare Cannon


Sorom was now dressed in a simple black t-shirt, a pair of grey pants, and red boots that Thancred had loaned him since he hardly had any clothes. He and Yukino were looking for the seamstress aboard the ship, Tataru. Mostly to thank her for making the Gundam pilot's space suit and maybe to get a few outfits that they can wear without having to wear the same thing.

"I wonder what this Tataru is like?" Yukino pondered.

"We'll see once we meet them." Sorom said. "Alphinaud said that they should be in the lobby of the ship."

"Right." Yukino nodded, as the two continued walking. "Hey, Sorom."


"Are you… feeling okay?" Yukino asked. "You seem very tired."

"Was I?"

"Yeah… is there anything wrong?" Yukino asked. "You know you can tell me anything."

"It's nothing, Yukino." Sorom assured the Miqo'te girl. "That fight from before just exhausted me. I promise, I'm totally fine." He offered his childhood friend a bright grin to keep her spirits up.

"Well, if you say so." Yukino nodded quietly. "But if there's anything bothering you, just tell me… okay?"

"Alright." He replied with a smile. "Thanks, Yuki." He nodded while using the pet name he came up with during their childhood.

"I thought I told you not to call me that…" Yukino pouted.

"What? You liked it when we were kids."

"That was then, this is now. And I'd like to be seen as more of a woman now," She huffed.

Sorom sheepishly chuckled, "Kinda hard to see that when you act like a kid."

"Do you want me to bite you?" She hissed threateningly.

"No ma'am." He squeaked in fear.

"That's what I thought."

And so the two of them continued on their way to the lobby of the ship and after taking many lefts and rights, and possibly getting lost, they finally arrived at their destination. But… there was no one in sight, other than the usual crew member.

"Is she even here?" Sorom asked. "Uh… is there someone named Tataru here?" He called out.

"Right here."

"Huh?" Yukino said, as the teens looked around. Where did the voice come from?

"Down here."

The teens looked down and to their bewilderment, they saw a Lalafell with lilac hair. Though she wears a pink outfit such as a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of light pink pants, a pink hat, and there was even a pink belt. The only difference in color were the brown fingerless gloves and boots she wore.

"You're Tataru?" Sorom blinked in confusion.

"Yes. I'm Tataru."

"By the Twelve, she's so cute and adorable!" Yukino gushed out with eyes sparkling before picking her up and cuddling with the Lalafell.

Tataru blushed in embarrassment. "C-could you please but me down?! I like hugs as much as the next girl but there is such a thing as personal space."

"Yuki, put the poor girl down." Sorom flicked one of his friend's cat ears.

"Ow~ okay, okay." Yukino whimpered before putting the girl down.

"Thank you. And for the record, I'm 21."

"21!?" They gawked at her. How can someone so small be a 21-year old adult?!

"You two have never met a Lalafell, have you?" Tataru pondered with an innocent smile.

"Sorry," Sorom said with a chuckle while rubbing the back of his head. "Our colony only had Hyurs, Miqo'te, Au Ru, and Elezen."

"I guess that's understandable." Tataru nodded in understanding. "But yeah, what you're seeing before you is a Lalafell. Our race was originally a group of agriculturalists inhabiting the fertile islands of the south seas. But with the transmarine commerce, we found their way to Eorzea via trade routes. And don't let our size fool you either. We have incredible agility, and our legs are capable of carrying ourselves along distances over any terrain. And we're super smart!"

"But I'm guessing there aren't any Lalafell that are mobile suit pilots, huh?" Sorom pointed out.

"Nope. Even if we wanted to, our size won't really let us reach the controls. Unless there's multiple Lalafells operating each different control panel for a mobile suit."

"Sorry to hear that." The Hyur teen said.

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine. We Lalafells do what we can to support each other." Tataru assured. "So anyways, what brings you here?"

"We uh… actually wanted to thank you for the pilot suit you made for me." Sorom said.

"Oh, that old thing? It was collecting dust for five years. It was actually going to be made for Bahamut's designated pilot before that dreaded battle but they went missing." Tataru explained.

"Bahamut had a pilot before me?" The boy raised his brows in surprise.

"All of them did. I wasn't really with the Scions back then but Master Garlond once explained to us that the pilots for the ten Gundams were the Warriors of Light. Unfortunately, they never got a chance to pilot them because the mobile suits were lost and the Warriors of Light had vanished during the Battle of Carteneau."

"Wait, Warriors of Light?" Yukino asked. "This is the first we've heard of this. Who are they exactly?"

Sorom looked at his childhood friend, "They were a group of adventurers that traveled throughout Eorzea, fighting monsters and the Empire. They were so strong that they could even fight mobile suits on their own."

"Uh-huh. But like I said, the Warriors of Light had vanished during the Battle of Carteneau and we haven't seen them since." Tataru reminded them.

"I see."

"Well still, thank you for the suit. I'll be sure to take good care of it." Sorom said.

"I should hope so! I put a lot of care into these suits." The Lalafell said with a bit of pride.

"Don't worry. It's in good hands."


Aboard the Excellency, Captain Milus watches from the window screen on his bridge as three approaching Gration-class dreadnaughts from the XIVth Legion's space fleet come to assist their imperial brethren in the Bahamut's capture. Due to the Pious mobile suit crashing into the ship, repairs would be much longer than expected. For the time being, other than sending more mobile suits, the Excellency was not to engage in battle until further notice. Milus could only growl at the notion. The ship was called the Excellency for a reason! It was superb in every way possible, only to lose at the hands of a mere Gundam. That damning Primal demon of a Gundam!

["Sir, I have Lord Gaius van Baelsar on the line."] One of the crewmen in the intercom said.

And it seems things have gotten worse.

"Put him through…" Milus said before a holographic screen appeared in front of him showing the said man.

["Captain Milus. It has come to my attention that your recent… failure, has placed doubts in the Council whether or not you could retrieve the Bahamut."]

"I understand, milord." Milus said neutrally. "I offer no excuse."

["And you know as well as I that the Garlean Empire does not and will not tolerate any form of excuses and/or failure. We expect nothing but absolute perfection. Is that understood?"]

"Yes… milord."

["That being said, these Gration-class dreadnaughts will prove useful. Pious mobile suits will not be enough to subdue the Gundam."]

"What are you suggesting milord?"

["I'm delivering several Striker and Vanguard mobile suits to assist in this mission."] Gaius answered. ["These units are better suited to combat the Bahamut. Show me your loyalty to the Empire, Captain. I expect the next time we speak… it will be good news."]

"I swear, I will not fail you." Milus said.

["Pray that you won't."] Gaius said before the screen disappeared.

"Tch…" Milus clicked his tongue in annoyance before slamming his fist on the arm rest. Still, with these reinforcements, they can finally get their hands on that Gundam.



"Here's to our newest member, Sorom Jaeger!" Minfilia said, raising a glass as did everyone. "Cheers everyone!"

"CHEERS!" the crew said in unison, before bringing their glasses together and then drinking.

Sorom drank his beverage as he watched the members of the Scions drink, eat, and dance without a care in the world. When was the last time he enjoyed something like this? To have this sort of camaraderie?

"Hey kid, why all doom and gloom? C'mon, it's a celebration." Thancred grinned, wrapping an arm around Sorom's shoulders. "Enjoy yourself!"

"Right, I know… just… it's been a while since I've had a party."

"Well, all the more reason for you to enjoy it, yeah? C'mon, there's plenty more food and drink and it's not gonna eat and drink themselves!" He said, before pulling him along to the table where the food was. "Dig in, dig in!"

Sorom stared hungrily at the food, "Well, one little bite wouldn't hurt."

"So~ Yukino." Yda grinned. "Are you and Sorom, you know~" She teased.

"Are we what?" Yukino inquired.

"You know what I'm talking about." Yda grinned teasingly. "Are you two, oh I don't know… lovers?"


Yukino coughed when she sprayed-mist her drink. "What?! What makes you say that?!"

"Well, you're always hanging out with him. You're childhood friends. Oh, and you have this look every time you stare at him."

"W-What look?"

"The look of a maiden in love~!" Yda swooned.



"Leave her alone." Yugiri scolded the pugilist after hitting her on the head with her fist.

"Aw c'mon, you were curious too!"

The Au Ru shinobi gave Yda a small glare, "It's not any of our business."

"Ehe~ I'd say otherwise~"



"Don't mind her. She just loves to tease people." Yugiri waved off Yukino.

"R-right…" The Miqo'te girl looked down with pink cheeks.

"Hmhm… it's been a long time since anyone has been this cheerful." Minfilia said to her adoptive mother as she looked on at the party.

"They have you to thank, dear daughter." F'lhaminn comments with a giggle. "Even for one so young, you shine brighter than any star in space."

"I suppose so, but… it won't be long before we have to go back into battle." Minfilia said sadly, as she looked out the window. "After all… no matter what our goals and causes are… war never changes."

The older Miqo'te woman nodded in understanding, "Yes, but we can only hope that this war ends swiftly."

"I pray that you're right."


After the party started to end, Sorom was wandering through the halls of the Revival until he came across the hangar. Looking towards said hangar was Bahamut, standing there offline for the time being, sleeping it off. If the slight vibrations that echoed in the hangar of him snoring were any indication. As he looked on, he couldn't help think back to what he said after the battle.

"Taking a life, huh?" He said under his breath. The Hyur teen looked down with a sigh, "Why did I bother coming here?"

"Kid, you alright?" Thancred asked, approaching him.


"You left a bit earlier than usual." Thancred pointed out. "Something on your mind."

"I, well…"

"C'mon, I know the look when I see someone who's bothered about something." Thancred said. "So what's up?"

"It's something Bahamut told me before I got back after the battle."

"What did he say?"

"Something about not going back once I have blood on my hands. That I'll never be the same again once I take a life,"

"Oh, so that talk huh?" Thancred said, scratching the back on his neck. "I kinda figured he'd say something like that, and gave ya some kind of lecture. Have a seat, kid."


"Just sit down and humor me. Let a war veteran tell ya a story." Thancred offered as he sat against the wall. Sorom took a seat on a small crate. "I never really told anyone this, but this is around the time I got recruited into the Scions and I did my first kill."

"Your… first kill?"

"Yeah, and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty at all."

"What happened?"

"It happened when I was around your age. I was young, naive and foolish." Thancred explained. "Garleans had attacked an Alliance base. I was just a thief trying to stay alive and wanted to run away but then… I heard a little girl crying. She was sobbing over the body of whom I assumed was her father. I spotted a Garlean soldier about to cut her down. Next thing I knew, I was standing over the man… with a bloody dagger in my hand."

"What happened to the girl?"

"She lived… managed to get her to safety." Thancred shrugged. He smirked, "In fact, you've already met her."

"Wait, I have? Who?" Sorom asked wide-eyed.

"Our very own captain, of course." The older man answered.

"What!? Captain Minfilia!?" Sorom gawked.

"Is it that surprising?" Thancred chuckled.

"I- that's- well…" Sorom tried to sputter out words, but they were failing him.

"All that aside, I'm just telling you, kid. War is a mess. You'll never be the same again when you take someone's life." Thancred said. "And it'll unfortunately get easier each time you do. It's like breathing air."

"So… it's inevitable you mean." Sorom frowned.

"Yeah. Try to resist killing all you want, but no more how vigilant you are, if you slip up for even a moment, blood will be on your hand." Thancred said, before standing up. "And another thing, what's important was not the result of your action, but rather the reason why you had to do it in the first place. Such as killing to protect those who threaten their life. As long as your reasons and intentions are pure and good, then you should have no problem."

"My reasons…"

"The reason behind your actions define who you are, not the result of your actions. If it is to protect those you care about, then you should gladly bear the mantle of a sinner. But be careful, there will be those who will try to twist your reasoning to justify their own. I've seen and heard a lot of that and my comrades paid the price because they allowed the enemy to twist their resolve."

"So I have to kill those that can't be reformed and spare those that can be?"

"That depends on how you see them, kid. Just remember why you're fighting in the first place." Thancred said before he turned around to leave. "Something to think about, is all."

"Thancred," Sorom called out, stopping the man. "Do you think I can do it?"

"I can't answer that, kid. Only you can." Thancred said, before he kept walking forward, leaving Sorom on his own, letting him think. As soon as he turned the corner…

"So you gave him the talk?" Yugiri asked as she leaned against the wall.


"You think he'll be okay?" She asked.

"It's all up to him in how he wants to fight. I just gave him a heads-up." Thancred shrugged.


The small fleet of Garlean ships had caught up to the Revival with the Excellency being forced to fly back as it still needed a few repairs but it would not stop the captain of the vessel to get his revenge on the Scions and their new demon dragon pet.

"Captain, all mobile suit teams are ready for launch on your order." A helmsman informed the man.

Milus narrowed his eyes, "Launch them immediately. We'll crush the Scions and capture the Bahamut today."

"Yes, sir." The helmsman said, before pressing a button on the intercom. "All hands to Level 2 Battle stations! I repeat, all hands to Level 2 Battle stations! Launch the Striker and Vanguard teams immediately."

Milus glared out into space, "You won't escape the Empire this time."



"Captain, I'm picking up multiple signals! Garlean mobile suits inbound! They're Strikers and Vanguards!" The helmsman shouted urgently.

"What are the numbers?" Minfilia questioned.

"Estimated numbers are in the dozens. Far too many for our own mobile suits."

"Looks like they're aren't playing around. They want their hands on the Bahamut. I'm heading out." Thancred frowned, before floating away from the bridge.

"Wait for me!" Yda shouted, going after him.

"I'll go as well." Yugiri nodded.

Alisaie frowned at her place as the combat operator. She wanted to help as well but her twin and her captain would never allow it.

"Alisaie, is something wrong?" Alphinaud asked, getting her attention.

"No, it's nothing." Alisaie replied as she typed on her keyboard.


["All hands, Level 1 battle stations. I repeat, all hands Level 1 battle stations."]

"Damn…" Sorom cursed.

"Looks like they're ready for Round 3."Bahamut said from the watch. "You sure you're up for this?"

"We have no choice," Sorom told his partner. "We'll have to fight them eventually. No sense dilly-dallying around the issue."

"Alright. Your call. Just remember-"

"I know. I don't need to be reminded…" Sorom said before he went over to the hangar bay and to the locker room to get his pilot suit on. As he ran down the hallway, he passed by a Lalafell that he hadn't seen before.

He is a Plainsfolk Lalafell of short and stout stature with fair skin, short blond hair, blue eyes and pointed ears. He usually wears a dark robe with white trimmings and bright yellow gauntlets, black and yellow gaskins, and black boots with coeurl-skin trimmings. He wears a black belt with pockets and a canteen, an aetheric contraption on his chest, and a monocle on his right eye. As a member of the Circle of Knowing, he bears a dark tattoo on his neck.

"Oh, pardon me, I-" The Lalafell paused when he took in the boy's features. "Ah, you are young Master Sorom, yes?"

The crimson-eyed teen blinked in surprise, "Uh, yes? Excuse me, but… who are you?"

"Ah, where are my manners," The small thaumaturge gave a fake cough to clear his throat before he greeted the Gundam pilot with a bow. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Papalymo Totolymo, a member of the Circle of Knowing and the resident scientist aboard our faithful vessel."

"Scientist, huh? Okay, sorry, I'm kinda in a hurry and-"

"Oh, I understand. You have a job to do. However, I would like to ask you for one favor." Papalymo informed the boy.

Sorom tilted his head, "A favor?" He repeated.

"Please look after Yda. That girl is as headstrong as a behemoth." Papalymo answered.

The young man nodded in understanding, "Don't worry, it won't just be me out there looking out for her."

The Lalafell smiled, "That's all I can ask for. And do be careful, this could be our biggest battle to date."

"I don't have to worry. I'm piloting one of the legendary Gundams." Sorom boasted with a small hint of pride. The boy gave Papalymo a brief salute and took off for the locker room. Once he made his way to his locker and got changed into his pilot suit, with his helmet on, he immediately went into the hangar, floating towards the Bahamut Gundam. Entering the cockpit, Sorom flipped on a few switches while buckling himself in his seat as the computer came online.

["Hey kid, you just about ready?"] Thancred asked.

"Yeah. Just gotta make final checks."

["Alright. They're not gonna be sending out Pious mobile suits anymore. They're packing with Strikers and Vanguards this time around."]

"Meaning what?"

["Meaning our enemies are getting serious."] Yugiri said, coming on screen. ["Those mobile suits are specifically tailored to capture enemy mobile suits. In this case, they want Bahamut. And trust me when I say that their record of capturing enemy mobile suits are second to none. Do not under any circumstances underestimate them. Got it?"]

"Understood," The boy replied as he lowered the visor on his helmet. Another face appeared on his screen, this time it was Alisaie.

["We'll be equipping you with a spare shield from a Paladin equipment pack just so you have some extra defense. Try not to lose it."] The Elezen girl informed him.

"Roger that, Alisaie."

["Alright then. Thancred Waters, Gladiator, heading out!"] Thancred's mobile suit was launched out into space.

["Loading Ninja next."] Alisaie announced.

Yugiri's Ninja stepped up next and after doing final checks, she was ready for launch.

["Yugiri Mistwalker, Ninja, going forth!"] Yugiri said as her mobile suit rocketed out as well.

The Pugilist was the next to step forward before stepping onto the pad. ["Yda Hext, Pugilist, I'm going in!"] She said, before her mobile suit launched out.

The Bahamut was loaded onto the catapult next, the clamps locked down onto the feet as it prepared for launch. Sorom took a few calming breaths as he firmly gripped his controls.

["Good luck, Sorom. We're counting on you."] Alisaie assured the older teen.

"No pressure…" He mumbled under his breath before he got the green light to launch. "Sorom Jaeger, Bahamut Gundam, taking off!" He jerked slightly in his seat as the catapult launched him straight out into the sea of stars.

["Target in sight."] One Striker pilot said. ["Bahamut Gundam in sight."]

The lead machine for the Garlean mobile suits quickly ordered, ["Keep the other enemy machines separate from it! Use numbers against them! All units, proceed with the machine! Capture the Bahamut!"]

["Yes sir!"] They said, before separating away.

"Thancred, they're separating." Yugiri said.

"Dammit, bastards want to separate us from the kid," Thancred said. "Everyone stay close with him!"

"Not a problem for me!" Yda responded as she flew by the Gundam's starboard side.

"I'll protect him with my life." Yugiri flew by Sorom's port side.

"Guys, what are you-"

["They're using the number's game."] Yugiri said on his intercom. ["Stay close with us."]

"Uh, right." Sorom replied.

["Separate those mobile suits from the Bahamut!"] The leader ordered. ["Delta Team, prepare the Grapplers!"]

["Yes, sir!"]

["The rest of you, split off and attack their ship! We'll draw them away from each other one way or another!"]

["Yes sir!"] With that, the rest of the teams split up and head towards the Revival.

"Dammit, they're going for the Revival!" Yda cursed.

"Thancred to the Revival, take evasive action! I repeat, take evasive action!" Thancred shouted.

On the bridge of the Revival, Minfilia cursed under her breath, "Even if we did, these are mobile suits. Our ship is simply too big to maneuver around. We need assistance immediately, Thancred!"

"Dammit…" Thancred growled. "Alright, I'm on my way!" He said. "Yda, Yugiri, keep Sorom safe! I'm gonna help the Revival!" He said before shooting towards the ship. Before anyone could react, a mechanical rope with a grappling hook suddenly wrapped around one of the Bahamut's left wrist, which had its shield mounted on the forearm.

"Hey, hands off!" Bahamut snapped, trying to pry it off.

The grappling hook came from one of the Garlean MS units, an IMPR-X05 Vanguard. A much more advanced version of the Pious with weaponry suited for close quarters combat and mid-range combat. The singular pink monoeye it possessed stared menacingly at the Gundam.

"Let go of me!" Sorom yelled as he aimed his beam rifle at the enemy to take it down before a dagger slashed out, already cutting the line. His saviour turned out to be Yugiri's Ninja as it brought out both of its twin daggers. "Miss Yugiri?"

["Don't worry, I got you."]

"Hold still, you bastards!" Yda shouted, as she tried to kick one of the Vanguards but they dodged her kick. "Ughhh, get back here!"

"Leave them alone!" Sorom shouted as he pulled out his Aether Beam Rifle and fired round after round, but they managed to dodge them.

["Sorom, you have to calm down. Getting angry won't give you a clear shot."] Yugiri warned the boy. ["We can handle this. Go back to the Revival."]

Sorom grimaced, feeling ashamed that he would have to leave his comrades to fight his battles for him. "Please don't die…" He told the two women before pushing the thrusters to their limit as he took off in the direction he saw the Garleans come from.

What the Scions didn't know was that they were playing right into the enemy's hands…


Thancred grimaced as he blocked the heat axe of a Vanguard then kicked it back. "Seven hells, give me a break…" He said under his breath. His warning alarms rang when a missile was seen incoming towards his mobile suit, seeing that they were heat seeking missiles, "Shit!" He cursed before he had to dodge them by flying left and right and even deploying chaff to avoid them altogether. He looked towards his left and noticed an IMPR-X010 Striker, a space-type model that had superior specs to both the Pious and the Vanguard. Though it had more armor than either machine, it was also the most efficient in long-to-mid range combat.

["Thancred, you need to get out of there! There's far too many for you to handle!"] Alisaie warned the Scion Ace.

"I got this! They're just being a pain in the ass!" Thancred said as he blocked a Vanguard's axe then kicked it away. He tried to go in for a sword thrust to pierce the enemy mobile suit's cockpit. But the enemy mobile suit saw this and used the axe to swing upwards, parrying not only the sword, but leaving him wide open for a direct attack. "Gh!"


Three rounds of beams were shot, destroying the Vanguard's axe, arm, and head, exploding on contact. Thancred was surprised when he saw the Bahamut coming towards him. "Kid!"

"You look like you could use some help!" Bahamut said.

"You okay, Thancred?" Sorom asked.

"I'll be fine. Though I think a few years of my life were shaved off from the near death experience." Thancred admitted with a chuckle.

"Don't worry, I got your back." Sorom said. "Just tell me where the enemy is."

"If we can take down their ships, we might be able to send them back. Unfortunately, we can't afford to diminish even one unit from our forces. There's only four of us right now." Thancred explained.

["I might be able to help with that!"] Alisaie informed the team.


["No. Alisaie, you're not going out there!"] Alphinaud denied.

["We have no other option, Alphinaud! Our forces are short as is. They need assistance!"] Alisaie countered. ["Someone else can take my place as combat operator."]

["Permission granted."] Minfilia said.

["Captain!"] Alphinaud protested.

["There's no time Alphinaud. We need all the help we could get. Alisaide, suit up."]

["Thank you, Captain."] Alisaie responded.

"Uh, what just happened?" Sorom pondered.

["Getting backup. Just hold out until she comes out."] Thancred said.

"Easier said than done. But okay." Sorom said before the two mobile suits flew off to deal with any remaining enemies trying to harm the Revival.


"Hyaa!" Yda cried out as she punched a Vanguard square in the face. The knuckle dusters her mobile suit was equipped with dealing serious damage to the Garlean machine's main camera. "That's another one for me!" She then felt a grappling hook wrapped around her Pugilist's right wrist. "What the- hey! I'm not into bondage thank you very much!"

Three kunai were thrown by Yugiri's Ninja, striking the Vanguard that had held her comrade in the face, chest, and left arm. ["You let your guard down, again."] Yugiri scolded the young woman.

"I had him!"

["Sure you did…"] Yugiri deadpanned.

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

["Just what it sounds like."] Yugiri said before flying off to incapacitate more Garlean mobile suits.

"Yugiri, dooooooh, why do you have to be such a meanie!?" Yda pouted before flying after her.


["Alisaie, are you sure you're up for this?"] Minfilia asked on the intercom.

The Elezen girl sat in the cockpit of her mobile suit while dressed in a red pilot suit. She was running a few check-ups to make sure everything was in order, "Pretty sure. I mean, this will be my first battle but I've run enough simulation missions to understand the logistics and the basics."

["Just remember, there's no shame in retreating if you can't handle it."]

"Understood, Minfilia." Alisaie replied as she lowered the visor on her own helmet. The mobile suit she was in was the EAS-031 Red Mage. Like the Job Class, it specialized in fencing and magical attacks. Alisaie's version of the Red Mage was no different but it was tailored in her colors. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the controls, "Alisaie Leveilleur, Red Mage, heading out!" She said, before the catapult launched her out of the ship. The mobile suit flew in the direction of Thancred and Sorom, hoping to assist them against the Garleans.

"Have some of this!" Sorom shouted as he swung his Beam Saber at a Vanguard but the latter easily dodged. A grappling hook tried to wrap around one of Bahamut's wrist, but he was able to deflect it with his shield. Another hook attempted to restrain the Gundam from another direction but was met with the same result. "Dammit, there's no end to them!"

"Just keep fighting! We have to hold them off until help gets here!" Thancred told the boy.

"I'm here!" Alisaie shouted as her Red Mage came flying towards them with her rapier and stabbed one of the Vanguards in the chest before backing off and it exploded.

"Alisaie!" Thancred gasped.

["Sorry I took so long. You guys okay?"]

"Yeah, for the most part." Sorom answered. "I'm more worried about you. You're not gonna hear the end of it from your brother."

["Believe me, I know."] Alisaie groaned. ["Well, shall we deal with this rabble?"]

Thancred chuckled, "By all means, ladies' first." The Scion Ace offered.

["Gladly."] Alisaie smirked before she went for a Striker.

"Boy, I think it's time we used it."

"Huh? Use what?"

"My ultimate move." Bahamut said as the holographic screen appeared in front of Sorom, showing him a specific weapon schematic.

"Mega Flare Energy Cannon?"

"However, my energy levels are about half as much as they were before. If we want to end this battle, we need to get close to the Garlean fleet that sent out these peons."

"Seven hells…" Sorom cursed. "How am I supposed to find them? Pretty sure you don't exactly have a long-range scanner on you."

"Which is why we're going to find them, genius."

"Smart ass…" He grumbled. "Fine, at least this way, we'll attract the most attention." With a groan, he gunned the thrusters and immediately flew off.

"Hey kid, where are you going!?" Thancred shouted.

"I'm going to end this fight! One way or another!"

"Kid wait- dammit, get out of my way!" Thancred shouted, being interrupted by a Striker who shot missiles, only for him to dodge.

["Sir, the Bahamut is heading towards us!"] One Garlean pilot shouted.

["Stop it, immediately! The rest of you, destroy these Scion fools! They will all pay for interfering in the affairs of the Empire."] The Garlean mobile suit team leader ordered.

"Alright Bahamut, tell me how to fire this thing!" Sorom said.

"That… I do not know."

"What!? You don't know how to fire your own weapon!?"

"I was a bloody dragon before I was imprisoned in this shell! Cut me some slack!"

"You literally just told me to come out here by myself! And you don't even know the one thing I needed to bloody hear!?"

"I don't need any back sass from you, boy!"Bahamut snapped.

"You know what!? Screw you! I'll fire it myself!" Sorom said before he started typing randomly hoping to find the button or lever that will open up the Mega Flare Energy Cannon.

"Hey, what are you doing!? Stop, that tickles!" Bahamut cried out as the Gundam was moving erratically.

"Come on, one of these has to be the right-" Sorom suddenly blanched when two grappling hooks snagged his Gundam's arms. "Oh crud…"

["We got him! Go for the legs! Hurry! We can't hold him much longer!"]

"No, no, no!" Sorom cried out as he struggled to pull the cables off of him until two more snagged on Bahamut's legs. The Garlean mobile suits kept a firm grip on their grappling hooks, preventing the Gundam from moving. "Let's try the thrusters!"

["Shock him, now!"] One of the Garleans ordered. Suddenly, electric currents pulsed around the cables and directly into the dragon-like mobile suit, delivering several thousand volts of electricity to both the suit and the pilot.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" The crimson-eyed Hyur cried out in agony.

"You lousy Garleans… you think a shock like this will stop me!?" Bahamut shouted in defiance.

"It's stopping… me… you… dumb lizard…" Sorom said through gritted teeth. He then looked over to a button and he tried to reach over to it. "Get… OFF!" He shouted, slamming the button with his fist. All of a sudden, the Aether within Bahamut's body glowed before it burst from the cracks of his body frame, causing the Vanguards to involuntarily let go.

["By the Emperor…?!"] One of the Garleans exclaimed in shock.

["The pilot should've been fried to a crisp!"] Another cried out.

"Alright you Garlean bastards… you pissed me off big time!" Sorom growled. "I'm gonna make you wish you never messed with me!" What the boy didn't know was that his crimson eyes had melded into a pair of yellow reptilian orbs. His right hand grasped the control throttle then flipped a switch on the back, revealing a button with an image of a dragon's head. "Mega Flare Energy Cannon, activate!" He shouted, pressing the button.

[Mega Flare Energy Cannon, released]

The dragon head on the Gundam's torso opened its mouth, revealing a crystalline red sphere that began to pulse with energy.

["What the bloody hells is that?!"] One of the Garleans pondered.

["Shoot it! Shoot it now!"]

"Boy, it's now or never! You have to shoot them down!"

"Mega Flare Cannon! FIRRRRRRRRRRE!" Sorom roared while pulling the trigger that connected to the energy cannon.

The eyes of the Gundam flared as it spreads its arms, allowing the sphere in the dragon's mouth to unleash a powerful laser beam of bluish-white energy to consume not only the Garlean mobile suits that surrounded him but it kept going and going until it reached the warships that had been following the Scions.

"Sir! High energy beam heading towards us!" One Garlean helmsman shouted.

"What?!" A Garlean captain exclaimed.

"It's coming in at high speed! Your orders!"

"Shields up! Activate the barriers!"

"15 seconds to optimum levels!" The helmsman said as he was typing furiously.

"Hurry we don't have much time!"

"10 seconds!"

"The high energy beam is coming in faster than expected!" Another helmsman shouted. "300 meters! 200! 100! 50!"

"Shields are up and barriers active! Brace for impact!"

The energy from the Mega Flare impacts against the barriers of the Garlean ship and the shield seems to be steadily holding… until a crack appears. Slowly but surely the cracks began to spread until the beam shattered the barrier. The crewman could only scream in horror as the blast disintegrated their ship, going through the entire ship from stern to bow like a skewer and exploded.

The Bahamut's body crackled with electricity from the output of the Mega Flare Energy Cannon. Sorom was panting heavily as he was trying to get his senses back from what just happened. Bahamut more or less slumped its body while floating. "Ahhhh… damn, I'm all tuckered out… boy, you alright…?"

Sorom didn't say anything… until… "…hate this…"


"I hate this war… I hate it for all that it is…" Sorom uttered softly. His hands shook as he removed them from the controls. "I hate the Garleans… I hate the bloodshed… I hate the Primals…" His eyes started to burn with tears. "Are you happy now?"


"I asked, if you're happy!?" He shouted. "Is this what you wanted to show me!? Is this what it means to kill!? IS THIS WHAT IT MEANS TO TRULY LIVE!?"

"…" Bahamut remained silent, as he didn't have an answer for that. All he knew was that his pilot now had blood on his hands. And those stains… will never go away…


Gaius looked out the window of his quarters. His vision seeing nothing but the artificial sky of the colony his Legion had made as their base. He was expecting a report from the small fleet he sent to capture the Bahamut but had yet to hear back from them.

"Hmmm…" Gaius hummed to himself, before a pair of doors opened up, revealing a messenger. "Sir, I have a report. The Vanguard and Striker teams along with one of our Gration-class ships have been destroyed by the Bahamut."

"Is that right?"

"Yes sir." He nodded. "Shall we have your Legion deployed?"

"Yes, it's time I correct these recent failures with my own hands. Send the message out to my officers, we're hunting down a dragon." Gaius ordered.

"Yes my lord, will there be anything else?"

"No, leave me."

The messenger bowed once more, before turning around to leave through the same doors he entered through.

Gaius continued to stare out into the colony. His eyes see nothing but chaos and disorder from the savages of Eorzea. He followed the Emperor to unite all lands under the Garlean banner through conquest. He bears a "might makes right" philosophy, believing it the duty of the strong to shepherd the weak and the ignorant from their weakness or heresy by strength of arms. But now those ideals are being tested, and he couldn't but wonder… is this really the right thing to do?


The remaining Garlean mobile suits had fled in retreat, giving the Scion pilots a much needed breather from the battle. Yugiri and Yda managed to find the disabled Bahamut then brought it back aboard the Revival where it rested safely in a mobile suit berth. The chest of the Bahamut opened up, and Sorom immediately floated out of the cockpit.

"Sorom!" Yukino gasped as he floated over to him. "Are you alright!?"

"Yukino…" Sorom whispered. "Can you… carry me back to our room…?"


"Please…?" He begged softly.

"Um, sure…" The snowy-haired Miqo'te replied. Taking one of his arms over her shoulders, the Miqo'te girl helped Sorom out of the hangar.

"Is… he okay?" Alisaide asked.

"He did his first kills…" Thancred sighed, as he approached them. "I did give him a heads-up though."

"Can't believe those jerks had to fry my body…" Bahamut groaned as the Gundam's eyes lit up and turned its head. "I'll be numb for a while before I can feel my joints…"

"You don't exactly care if your pilot is possibly traumatized, do you?" Yda pondered dryly.

"I do have feelings too, just so you know." Bahamut growled. "It's as Thancred said, like him, I gave him a warning when it comes to taking the lives of others."

"He's still a boy." Yugiri scolded.

"And this is war. In battle, everyone's an equal on the battlefield. All of you should know that." Bahamut said, "No matter what you do, no matter what you fight for, no matter who you kill, in the end… someone dies. And war never changes."

"And do you feel proud that he's killed?"

"What do you think?" Bahamut retorted, before he decided to shut down for the moment, leaving them to think for themselves.

KRD: And that's the end of the chapter!

GKC: We've unveiled Bahamut's ultimate weapon but in doing so, Sorom was traumatized by the lives he's taken. Will he be able to bounce back!?

KRD: Find out, on the next exciting episode of-

GKC: Don't you say it!

KRD: I was gonna say "Magitek Suit Gundam". Relax…

GKC: Sorry, you had me going there for a bit. Let's move on to the preview.


Yukino: Sorom, please… don't push them away… we're all here for you.

Sorom: I'm never piloting that damn machine ever again.

Gaius: Cripple the Scions. That mobile suit will be ours for the Glory of Garlemald.

Minfilia: Sorom, you have to fight them! Please, I'm begging you! We need you!

Next Time: The Black Wolf's Assault

Gaius: This is Gaius… Mission Accomplished.

KRD: And that's all from us! See ya on the next chapter!

GKC: And remember to review and comment! Peace out, everybody!