Ooo, look! I posted!!!

Well, here is chapter 8!


Chapter 8: A Proposition and a Gesture

It was a week into the year, and James was enjoying every second of it. He was walking alone on the grounds, thinking to himself. He did this often, when he had much on his mind. It gave him a perfect opportunity to sort through his thoughts.

Most of his thoughts, one may have guessed, began and ended with Lily Evans. Ahh, Lily. He could hardly contain the feelings he felt for one flower so rare. For she was rare, in his eyes. She was a very kind-hearted person, though somewhat shy and removed. She didn't have that many friends, but the ones she did have were as faithful as friendship could go. She was very smart, but very humble. And she had no idea how beautiful she was …

This got James on a different Lily thought track altogether. Not watching where he was going, James headed in the direction of the Forbidden Forest. As his thoughts went to Lily's silky red hair, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. He looked around, startled, and saw a jet of red light before he blacked out…


James slowly blinked his eyes open, and took in his surroundings. He was deep in the heart of the Forbidden Forest, he was sure. 'But how did he get there?' he wondered.

"James Potter, we meet at last," a sinister voice hissed in his ear.

James turned around instinctively and came face to face with his captor. He called out in horror and edged back to the end of the clearing.

The man was tall and lean with dark hair, like James's own. He seemed to James to be about ten years his senior. He would have seemed a normal man, except for one haunting aspect-his eyes. This man's eyes were very abnormal, and gave his face a ghastly appearance. His eyes were narrow and tall, like a serpent's, and deep crimson.

"W-what do you want?" James stammered, scrambling to his feet. "Who are you?" he asked, gaining some courage.

The mystery man stepped closer to James, and began. "You know very well who I am, by name if not by face. Wizards and witches alike shudder at the sound of my name alone, and yet here you stand. I," he took another step closer, "am Lord Voldemort."

James's first instinct was to run, and run for all he was worth. But running didn't appear to be an option, so he stayed put for the moment, trying desperately to remain calm.

"As for what I want, and I do get what I want, I have a, shall I say, proposition? A deal, I f you will."

James's breaths became shortened. He knew he could never deal with Voldemort. His thoughts raced and stopped on Lily. Lily had been orphaned by a death eater, most likely on Voldemort's orders. James's father had faced the same fate. His courage increased, and he continued to listen.

"You see, James, I am in need of some new blood. I have been told by some," he paused, "that you are a very talented young man. You know, I was also Head Boy, when I was here. You could be great, Potter, like me." James looked at him blankly. "Don't you see, fool boy? I'm offering you a chance to join me, to assist me in my quest for power. I can increase your strength, James, think of it! You could be twice as powerful as you are now, all if you join me!"

James breathed deeply, but his mind had already been made up from the start. "Never!" he said, loudly and defiantly. After what you did to me, to my father, and then Lily! You-" but James stopped. He clamped a hand over his mouth and realized his mistake.

Voldemort laughed quietly, and began circling James. He flicked his wand, and James became stiff as a board. He could move nothing below his neck. "Ah, yes. Lily. Such a lovely girl, that one." He radiated pure evil.

"Stay away from her!" James shouted. "I swear, if you lay one finger on her-" but Voldemort flicked his wand again, and James was gagged.

"Oh, we've met. She was offered a deal much like this one, but seemed almost as firm in her answer as you appear to be. She was punished. You know the extent of my chastising. I'll give you a chance, Mister Potter. I'll come back in a month or two, and I expect an answer. Until then," he said, and then everything went dark.


James woke up at the edge of the Hogwarts grounds. He groaned. His head was pounding, and it took James a few moments to figure out where he was. All that had just happened flooded back to him, and he groaned again. "Voldemort," he breathed.

He slowly rose to his feet and dusted off his robes. He couldn't ell anyone about this, not even Lily. Lily … He and Lily had been spending quite a bit of time together lately. They sat with each other in all of their common classes and while they weren't following their lessons, they were talking non-stop. They talked about themselves, their families, politics, books, music; anything that came to mind. He could tell her anything, right? James thought for a second. No, he couldn't tell her his problems. Problems only make a person seem weak; it's better to toss them under a rug and deal with them later.

He walked slowly up to the castle, completely exhausted. But when he reached his bed, sleep was slow to come; all due to a haunting pair of livid red eyes …


The days rolled by, and soon September, and then October came to a close. The leaves on the trees were a bright array of color, and each one looked millimeters from falling off. The Marauders were in their dormitory, getting ready for their first class of the day: Transfiguration.

"You sure you're up to coming, Moony? I could tell McGonagall you're sick, she'd let you off easily," James offered, looking at Remus in concern.

"I'll do, mate. Last night was a bit rougher than usual, but I can't afford to miss more than one day of classes."

"Come on, Rem! A perfect opportunity to miss class, and you drive right by! No wonder you're a prefect!" Sirius said teasingly.

Remus threw a pillow over at Sirius. "Sod off, Padfoot. Just because I want to pass my N.E.W.T.'s, it doesn't give you the right to pick fun at me," Remus said, trying very hard to sound serious.

"Hey, James," Peter began. "I've been meaning to ask you … What's with you and Evans? Our little blanket charade must have done wonders …"

Now it was James's turn to throw the pillow. "Lily and I are … friends."

Sirius snorted. "Rather close friends, I take it. Right, James? I mean, you hardly ever see you two apart, when you're in the same room at least. So? Has she kissed you?"

James blushed. "Why do you automatically assume she would be doing the kissing? Why couldn't I kiss her? Is that too unfathomable for you?

"Yes," Sirius said bluntly, causing Remus and Peter to laugh. "What?" he asked innocently. "We all know James is a complete ninny around girls,"

James wanted this discussion over soon, so he chose to divulge his secret then, instead of prolonging the inevitable. "Alright, she did kiss me. Twice."

Remus laughed out loud, and Sirius punched the air, "Congratulations, James!" he yelled. Sirius turned to Peter. "Can you believe our little James has finally received his first kiss? Even you beat him to it!"

"Oh, shut up, the three of you. We'll be late for Transfiguration," James grumbled. They headed out the door, and on down to breakfast.


Delia, Lily, and the Marauders had just finished their breakfast, and were getting ready to head to Transfiguration, when someone tapped Lily lightly on the shoulder. She turned to see who it was, and almost turned right back around. It was Joshua Davies.

"Lily, could I have a word with you? Please, it'll only be a moment," he pleaded.

"Er … I suppose so …" Lily answered, her voice far from solid. She turned to James, and raised one eyebrow. He understood. Wait.

The rest of the group continued on to Transfiguration, but James stayed put. Lily and Davies walked off a bit, and James watched every move. At first, Lily seemed confused, then a bit shocked as Davies talked. She answered, and Davies suddenly became very angry. Lily's eyes widened a bit, in fright, and James was ready to move in any second. There was no need, however, for Davies stormed off in frustration, leaving Lily standing alone.

James rushed to her side in an instant. "Are you alright?" he asked, much more urgently than needed.

"Yes, I'm fine …" she said, looking at James confusedly.

"Well then, what was that all about? You looked scared half to death!"

Lily paused for a moment, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Joshua … asked me to go with him to Hogsmeade tomorrow. I … I told him I was already going with you, and he just exploded!" she said slowly. "I don't have a clue as to why he was so upset. Oh, but don't worry about it, it's nothing, really," she told James, seeing the evident anger in his eyes.

They began walking to Transfiguration, eager to reach the classroom before the bell sounded. The halls were dark and musty, and the classroom sounded almost inviting. At first, they walked in silence, but James soon pierced the stillness with a question. "Can I ask you something?"

"Er, sure," Lily told him.

"Why did you break up with Davies?"

She was silent for a while. Lily took a deep breath, and began to explain. "Joshua and I, well, our personalities didn't mix together all too well. He hated my personality, and, well, kissing, to him, just wasn't far enough. He tried … I mean he wanted … something else. I told him I didn't want to … to be with him anymore, and he went completely mental. He … he hurt me, James. He hurt me, physically, and I broke up with him."

James was silent. They walked for a bit, and finally he spoke up. "Lily, I'm sorry for bringing this up," James began.

"No, it's fine. I'm glad you know," she said simply, and smiled just as they walked into the Transfiguration classroom.


Potions, the last class of the day, was coming to a close.

"Alright, Mr. Lupin?" Professor Adamar asked as Remus brought his vile of Pepperup Potion to the desk at the front. Professor Adamar was a very tall, very kind witch of the mere age of thirty-two. She had short blonde hair cut around her face, giving her a motherly look. And boy, did she fit it. She was always looking out for her students.

"I'm well enough, thank you Professor," Remus said cheerfully, and regained his seat. They had just spent the class brewing Pepperup Potions to stock the Hospital Wing for the upcoming Cold Season.

"Before I excuse you, we have the matter of homework to settle," Adamar began, standing up. A few groans sounded, but Adamar didn't seem to mind. She was quite lax with flaring attitudes, it seemed. "I want you to enjoy your weekend, and as there is a Hogsmeade trip scheduled for tomorrow, I shall be a bit easier on you today. I want you all to find me five potions used for healing purposes, and a short one-paragraph summary of each. You may go," she finished, and the students began gathering their belongings. Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs alike exited the Potions classroom, all headed for their respective common rooms.

"Oy! Sirius!" James called up the staircase. "Quidditch practice tonight, remember?"

"How could I forget? You remind the every bloomin' half hour!" Sirius grumbled back, from the top of the staircase.

"Remind Cauthon and Dashwood, if you see them," he yelled ever the quidditch enthusiast.

"Will do, mate," Sirius said, as James caught up to him. "Hey, you're missing something, aren't you?"

"Er … I don't think so …" James began, reaching to his glasses to make sure that they were in place.

"Hmm …" Sirius said, looking James over. "Oh!" His eyes suddenly snapped to attention. "Where's Lily?"

"Very funny," James laughed, realizing the joke. "She hurried to the common room, saying something about finishing homework before … well she didn't really say what before, so I have no idea, really."

"Doesn't she eat?" Sirius asked, again joking.

"Oh, she will, whether she wants to or not," James said, all too seriously. Sirius looked confused for a moment, but just brushed it off.

James and Sirius reached the portrait hole and said the password. They walked in, and James immediately performed his routine scan of the area. Sure enough, there she was under a pile of homework, settled in her favorite armchair. James decided to leave Lily alone a little while longer while he deposited his bag in his dormitory. After he and Sirius returned to the common room, he motioned Sirius to go on. "We'll meet you in there," James said, grinning slightly.

Sirius winked. "Oh, I see. Well then, don't get lost along the way. Quidditch practice, remember?" And with that, he was gone.

James walked up behind Lily's chair, and watched her. He decided she looked very cute when she concentrated, her brow furrowed and her hair pulled back. Her eyes held an intensity of their own. After a few minutes, James cleared his throat.

Lily turned around, and instantly smiled. "Sorry, I got a little caught up in my work, I didn't notice you there," she said, looking up at him.

James smiled in return, and pulled Lily to her feet. "Come on, you can finish this later. May I have the honor of escorting you to dinner?" he said, bowing deeply, and kissed her hand lightly.

She giggled. "If you put it that way, kind sir, I'd be honored if you joined me for dinner!" she said, curtseying slightly.

James's eyes were full of laughter as they made their way to the Great Hall, talking all the while.


"Students," Dumbledore said, rising during dinner. "I have an announcement to make." The Hall fell silent. "Due to recent events, this holiday season will be very special here at Hogwarts. For the past month, our prefects have been planning an event that shall take place on Christmas Eve. Those returning home for the Christmas holiday will sadly be left out. This year, we will be holding a Christmas Ball." He paused for a few excited whispers to die down. "As this is such late notice, there will be an extra Hogsmeade visit between Halloween and Christmas, to allow time to purchase any necessary items. Everyone will be invited to attend; however, there will be an inter-house party held for first to third year students. I hope to see this ball play out smoothly. That will be all," he finished, and sat down.

There was an excited buzz now filling the Great Hall. This Christmas Ball was rather unexpected, and everyone seemed to be very pleased with the idea.

"So, Peter," Sirius began, eager for conversation. "Any idea on who you'll take to the ball?"

Peter jumped, causing Sirius to laugh. He was caught completely off guard. "I haven't even had time to think about it! We do have two more months," he said, unsure of himself.

"Yes, yes, but by then all the good ones will be taken," Sirius said as he reached for a second slice of carrot cake.

Delia snorted. "Good ones? I don't quite get the drift."

Sirius grinned, welcoming the chance to get her riled up. "Yes, good ones. You know, decent looking girls. Preferably one with long hair, and even longer legs, if you  know what I mean," Sirius said, winking.

"Sirius," Remus warned, but it was too late. She had already risen to her feet.

"You, you, you egotistical, self-centered wanker! Don't you care about a girl's personality? You don't even give a toad's croak what a girl's like, do you? Just so long as you have fun looking at her!" She poured her goblet of pumpkin juice on Sirius's lap. "Let that wake you up to personality, Sirius!" she said, and she stalked off in a huff.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Sirius burst into fits of laughter.

"I can't believe you, Sirius!" Lily said, trying to keep from laughing herself. "You know how she is!"

"Of course he does!" Peter said between bits of laughter. "Why do you think he said that? You don't think he's really like that, do you?"

"Er … no …" Lily said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Honestly, Sirius, it's not that funny," Remus said as Sirius gasped for more air. "You really got her angry. I'm surprised she didn't' deck you, as well."

"Quidditch practice!" James suddenly yelled. Lily laughed at the randomness of his statement. "I forgot! Sirius, help me round everyone up, and we'll head to the pitch." He jumped up from his seat, and Lily did the same. James looked puzzled. "Er, Lily? Where're you going?"

"With you," she said casually, leading the way. James's jaw dropped.

"B-but you hate quidditch!"

"No, I hate flying. And besides, I could use a little company," she said, smirking. James briefly thought back to that night, nearly two months ago, when he had uttered those same words. How long ago it seemed! Yet she had kissed him, and her taste still lingered on his lips. He smiled unconsciously, and they walked out to the quidditch pitch.


"Excellent practice, everyone! Jones, work on coming out of that dive some more, you're this close to having it!" James said, indicating a very small space between his thumb and forefinger. "See you all next week!"

Everyone headed for the changing room. James felt that practice had been a huge success. The two new chasers, Michael Cauthon and Daphne Moorman, were superb, and caught on to the team style quick enough. Sirius and Ian Dashwood were the beaters, and they beat like their lives depended on it. Henry Jones was their light and speedy seeker, and Vivian Grey was the ever-efficient keeper. Their team was stacked in their favor this year, and everyone knew it.

After he changed, James flew up into the stands to meet Lily. Her cheeks were flushed form the cold. He hovered in the air next to her. "Care for a ride down?" he offered.

"I don't know, James …' Lily began uneasily.

"Come on, you can sit in front of me. I won't let you go," he told her, looking her pointedly in the eyes.

"Okay," she agreed, rising to her feet. "But only if you promise not to let me fall."

James took Lily's hand and helped her on the front of his broom. He put an arm firmly around her waist, but she was still a bit tense. She looked down and yelped, losing her balance. She was shaking, and her breaths were becoming uneven. James's grip was firm, however, and he steadied her. "Relax, Lily. Don't look down. Close your eyes, and breathe slowly." He talked to her a while more, and she calmed down considerably, leaning into his chest.

James's hold on Lily's waist did not relax until his feet touched the ground. Lily made to get up, but James stopped her. "Wait. Let's stay here," he said. "What happened?"

Lily's voice was shaky, and she turned slightly to face him. "I don't know, I … I looked down, and we were so high  ... I got that feeling, that … that falling sensation, and I sort of froze, I guess. I'm sorry," she finished, embarrassed.

James sighed. "No, I'm sorry. It's my fault. If I hadn't have dropped you-" he started, but Lily cut him off.

"James, forget it. Let's just go inside."

He silently agreed, and they began walking to the castle. Somewhere along the way, James took Lily's hand. Lily would remember this simple gesture for years to come.


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