Peter Parker was in his class waiting for their teacher Mr Roger Harrington and Principal Morita to come and tell them about their big field trip, they were told that it was a big surprise. "Hey Parker, maybe it will be to Stark Industries and we can see all about your supposed internship!" Flash shouted laughing at Peter's direction while he sighed and talked to Ned.

Peter was hoping that it wouldn't be at Stark Industries considering how embarrassing it would be. He gave up on trying to convince anyone else of the Stark internship and focused on being Spider-Man, his class and other stuff. While working with Tony he had also met someone special who was more out of his league than Liz was and they had been secretly dating to the public, plus meeting up with Steve Rogers whenever he was in disguise in New York.

Then came in Mr Harrington and Principal Morita who looked super secret, "Settle down class, we have the permission slips and important information that you will all need to know for this big field trip a week on Thursday and I will let Principal Morita explain to you all." Mr Harrington told them letting Principal Morita take over.

"As you know the African nation of Wakanda has opened up its borders and shared their impressive technology and advances to the world. Right here in New York they have been setting up the Wakandan Embassy and I am honoured to tell you that this class in our own school has been selected to be the first to get to tour the Embassy. We will all get the chance to learn secrets about the history of Wakanda that had been hidden from the outside world for centuries." Principal Morita told them and the class bursted out with excitement but Peter just had his mouth open wide in horror and shock.

This was worse than them going to Stark Industries! He would have to give Shuri's brother King T'Challa a message begging him to make sure the field trip doesn't draw any attention to him and to make sure Shuri doesn't learn about it. She wouldn't be happy about it but he would die of embarrassment from whatever Shuri does. He had the King's private number he was warned to only use when absolutely necessary by T'Challa himself, the overprotective older brother was way worse when he is the king of his own country.

"Settle down class now I know this is really exciting but the Wakandan Embassy will be legally Wakandan soil and they are quite strict on their tradition and I hope you will all remember that you will be representing not only yourselves and the school but our country as well. I have copies of a detailed list of strict rules and I hope there are no stunts like unexplained disappearances." Mr Harrington said as everyone laughed at Peter's direction.

Peter groaned as Flash's laughter was the loudest but Principal Morita spoke over saying "and I hope you will all be on your best behaviour, no insulting nicknames Mr Thompson." The laughs were even louder as Flash humphed in his seat.

After the class was done and everyone was given their permission slips and list of rules, Peter went to the bathroom and quickly messaged T'Challa using the private number with it going to voice mail:

"Hi your highness, I know you said to only use this for emergencies but I found out my class will be doing a tour to the Wakandan Embassy on a field trip when it opens up. Can I please ask that you make sure Shuri doesn't know about it and make sure that no one there who might have seen me before or know me as your sister's boyfriend not draw any attention to me? Thank you..."

T'Challa got the message after being done on the meeting and he knew that my random miracle that Mr Peter Parker's class got the field trip and was contemplating wherever to make some 'special arrangements' for the field trip. The message just made up his mind.

He messaged up a holographic message to W'Kabi in the yet to be open Embassy, due to his years of service for Wakanda himself and his council gave some leniency to W'Kabi in his punishment for siding with Erik Stevens as he began to declare war on all of the outside world. He would be assigned to the Wakandan Embassy as the Ambassador for Wakanda.

"My King." W'Kabi greeted him though the tenseness were there though there was a part of both of them that really wanted to try and attempt to mend their broken friendship. "I have been making sure that things are on track to open up the Wakandan Embassy as planned, is there anything that you need me for?" W'Kabi asked and T'Challa nodded.

"You know the American from Queens, New York that Shuri decided to pursue a relationship with?" T'Challa asked and W'Kabi raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Well it seemed that whether an act of Bast or not, when the Embassy opens up it will be his school class who will be there for the first trip. I know you will have your duties but do you think you will be able to make the time to conduct the tour yourself? I do realise I am asking you to be a tour guide to a bunch of children in another country but do you think you can please consider this a favour from an old friend?" T'Challa asked and W'Kabi gave a slight smirk as if he knew where T'Challa was getting at.

"For my king and my friend, I beleive that I can arrange things to make it so. Can I please ask if there is anything in particular that you want me to include in the scheduled? Or anything you want me to go over or bring up in the lectures I will be conducting for these young minds?" W'Kabi asked and T'Challa grinned.

Some might say this was too immature and petty for both a monarch and defender of his country but he didn't care...