Author's Note: Like usual before we start there are a few things I need to say. First, if you haven't read LBB 1-5 then I strongly suggest you read those before this book as there could be things you get lost on and, it's just nice to start at the beginning. Second, this is a fanfiction after all so I don't own the characters and things owned by Sega. This doesn't mean I don't use some of my own creations in the story. Next, this series includes a lot of changes to the Sonic mythos (another reason you should read the other books first) which includes gender-swapping a few characters and some not exactly acting the way you would expect them too. I still encourage you to check out the book and not shun it simply due to one of these reasons, like how I use a female Tails. You never know, you may enjoy the series regardless. Finally, just about every book in this series ties the events of a game from the Sonic franchise into it. This book is no exception. I bring this up because it may contain spoilers for those games so please be advised on that, even if the games are typically past the 'Don't spoiler' time frame. I also would like you to refer back to the previous point as this Book's game tie in, is one of the most disliked, including its story. I still employ you to give it a chance. Now, with all of that said, for those of you who haven't turned away, I thank you, now sit back, get comfy, and Enjoy Legend of the Blue Blur 6: The Eternal Flame.


One of the most powerful yet dangerous elements is fire. Fire can be used for such good. It can forge to items together to make them stronger than they ever were alone. Its warmth has helped many a traveler keeps from the bitter cold that surrounds them. Yet, it can also be used for great evil. One small spark can turn into a roaring inferno. It can be channeled if one is strong enough. But if they are no, it will consume everything until nothing is left behind.

Chapter 1 The White Hedgehog

Today is going to be a great day! The thought passed through the head of one white-colored hedgehog has she woke up in her bed. She stretched her arms wide to rid the sleep from them. She hopped out of bed as her eyes darted around her room. It was comfy though the place was in a bit disrepair as one could easily see the cracks and things in the walls. Though this hedgehog wasn't too concerned about it and besides, it was the best room in the entire village, just a few cushions she found in various other places and it served as a cozy little room for her.

But today wasn't the day to stay indoors. So, she quickly made her way out of her room into the Living room-kitchen hybrid. In the center was a cozy couch that she could sit on but the TV sadly didn't work. But the kitchen appliance did so she headed there. Quickly taking out a can from the cupboard before preparing her breakfast using the stove and a pot.

It wasn't long before her meal was finished as she took it out and placed it in a bowl before grabbing a spoon. She waited for it to cool, blowing on it a few times before she began to eat. It wasn't half bad, all things considering.

She finished her meal before placing the items into the sink as she rinsed them out with some water before glancing in the cabinet. Seemed that was the last can.

"Gotta scrounge up some more," She mused to herself as she headed out of her house, stepping into the streets. Well, to say it was streets was a bit much as this hedgehog actually lived in an old village on the outskirts of the Genesis Kingdom. The place was the casualty of some past war, not that she knew what it was. The Genesis Kingdom always seemed to be at war with someplace or another. At least, that's what she had been told.

Nonetheless, it made a perfectly good home for her as she glanced out towards the various buildings in disrepair. Some worse than others.

"Already looked in those," She mused to herself aloud. There wasn't anyone for her to talk to anyways. She was more a drifter preferring to stay away from others. There wasn't any reason for it, just most Mobians her age would have been drafted to the Genesis Army, it wasn't something she wanted to do. Still, it was how she grew up and so just how life was for her.

"I'll try those this time," the hedgehog said as she made her way to another set of buildings. One clearly had half the roof caved in but it didn't look stable enough. So, she made her way into the house, through a window it was. Inside she'd find herself in another bedroom but with far fewer cushions than her own. She figured she could look around more later for interesting things, but for now, she needed to restock on food, so she left that room to a hallway. Across the hall was another door, she opened it up and saw the bathroom. or what was left of one as parts of the roof had fallen into it. Obviously, no food in here so she shut the door and walked down the hall to the main area, similar to the house she had in with a half living room half Kitchen. In this case, a majority of the living room was under a pile of rubble. So, the hedgehog walked to the kitchen area, thankfully more intact as she caught one of the doors hanging loose, so she opened it up and smiled.

"Score!" She said seeing a few canned goods in there. She helped herself taking them down and placing them onto the counter in front of her. Once they were there she looked up and noticed a can up on top of the cupboards.

"Hmm..." She mused to herself as she reached up but she was clearly too short to reach up above. She knew climbing wasn't an option as part of the debris had hit a side of it and it wouldn't support her weight. Only one option, she thought to herself as she raised her hand pointing it up towards the can. She concentrated before a blue aura surrounded the can. She smiled to herself as she pulled the can off the edge and let go of it with her power causing it to fall which she easily caught. She scooped up the rest of her prize before heading back to the bedroom and out the window. This should last her for a few days.

As she was on the way back, she began to hear a noise coming from another street. She knew what the sound was and it piqued her interest. Quickly, she headed back to her house and deposited the cans onto the counter, she'd put them away later. She then headed back out heading towards the source of the sound.

She had learned most of the streets by that point so she knew how to go about a little undetected if she wanted too. She preferred to know who it was that was arriving before she greeted them. Soon enough, she arrived at the sound's source and sure enough, it was a vehicle. The hedgehog decided to hang back in the side street, out of sight as she was already getting an interesting feeling about this. After all, that vehicle was a battle cruiser, used by various individuals in the Genesis Army. While they used various kinds of vehicles, the battlecruiser was usually used to do damage in the enemy lines. The pointed shape with grill allowed it to ram into other things. twin lasers on the front also allowed for firing laser bolts. This one was particularly interesting as it had a few more interesting things as she believed it could easily belong to a general. But if that was the case, what was a general doing way out here?

The hedgehog watched as the Cruiser stopped next to a pedestal of some kind. She wasn't sure what it was used for but it did look a little fancy. There was a design itched into it that the hedgehog couldn't fully make out, considering there was some debris scattered onto it. So, the white hedgehog turned her gaze back to the cruiser to see two people step out. One was a Mobian bear she guessed, with a large bristly white mustache and an eye patch. Just looking at him but the girl on ease. After all his outfit signified that he was someone important. She could easily imagine him being part of the royal guard. She chuckled at her thought. No way someone like that would be out this way. She then noticed the second Mobian to exit the cruiser. This was a purple Mobian cat wearing a purple dress of some kind and white pants. Her gloves were the typical white but with a fur of some kind at the end. Her shoes also had them as well. The hedgehog looked at the design. It made her look like a warrior yet also somehow a tad regal. Who were they?

The white hedgehog watched as the Mobian cat and Bear walked over to the pedestal from before. The hedgehog decided to get a closer look so she risked making her way over as she made to a doorway that she could hide in but still keep watch. The Mobian Cat didn't seem to catch her as instead she stepped onto the pedestal. Before taking what, the hedgehog could only describe as a fighting stance. Suddenly, fire erupted from her hands as she spun, created a fire cyclone with the fire she seemed to produce. Then, she seemed to dash forward smashing away all the debris off the pedestal.

The hedgehog's mouth dropped. It couldn't be. Only one person in the entire world could do that. Princess Blaze! But what was she doing here? What exactly was that pedestal? She had to know now as she continued to watch, as Princess Blaze stepped in front of the center area. She ignited her hand once more before waving her hand over the middle insignia. The insignia began to glow as it opened revealing a hole beneath. Then, something began to rise out of it. It was a rod of some kind with a square-shaped gem on it. This Gem glowed blue and the hedgehog was amazed. She wasn't sure what it could be. Blaze seemed to look at the gem of the rod almost hesitant to take ahold of it. But slowly she reached forward and took ahold of the gem.

That's when things started to happen as fire began to erupt out of the ground around her. The Hedgehog jumped as she saw that. Was Blaze doing that? She looked over to Blaze but it was hard to see her face. But then a bellowing yell was heard as in front of Blaze and the pole came a large goliath of a monster made entirely of fire! The white hedgehog panicked as she saw what was going on. Even Blaze may have flinched. Yet she just stood there. So was her mustachioed friend! The monster reared its hand back before coming straight down towards the Princess.


The Hedgehog didn't think as she just reacted, that same blue aura from before surrounding her as it rocketed her forward, easily clearing the gap between them. Neither the Mobian Bear nor Blaze had the chance to react before she tackled Blaze out of the monster's reach, just in time too!

"What the..."

Blaze seemed to snap as the hedgehog was already up and turned to face whatever that creature was but, it was gone. The fire, the giant lava golem, even the gemstone that was on the pole was missing. The hedgehog scratched her messy hair in confusion. There had just been a monster there, right?

But she had no time to think on that as suddenly, she was grabbed and slammed against a nearby wall by Blaze herself. Her forearm was held against the hedgehog's throat, being its hand was currently holding the still glowing stone from before. Blaze's other hand though was reared back engulfed in flames and ready to strike the hedgehog had any moment.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" Blaze was clearly mad as she tightened the pressure of her arm against the hedgehog's throat.

"I..I'm Silver," The hedgehog managed to get out with Blaze having her pinned down so hard, and with just her forearm, "I-I was saving you from that monster!"

Blaze didn't exactly seem to believe her as she was inches away from burning a few furs on Silver's face. But that's when the Mobian bear stepped forward.

"Your Highness," he said there was something else in his voice other than just trying to defuse the situation, "I believe she is telling the truth."

"And what makes you think that?" Blaze asked but not letting go of the white hedgehog.

"Because, I saw it," The Mobian said, "Psychonisis."

Blaze paused. A million thoughts going through her head.

"You.. must have been mistaken," Blaze returned with an almost willingness for it to be false.

"What's Psycho-"

"Shut it you," Blaze glared at Silver.

"I was not mistaken," The Mobian said, "She used Psychonisis to propel herself to tackle you away from the Solrod."

"Oh, that?" Silver said, she hadn't exactly meant to do that, but she was kind of glad it went off. She did her best to look past Blaze as she spotted a nearby rock. It was small enough and she should be able to lift it. So, she pointed her hand and concentrated before the small rock was engulfed in the blue aura and lifted it into the air. Blaze noticed it at the corner of her eye as instantly her grip on Silver and the flame extinguished

"No... it can't be..." escaped her lips as she looked at it. She didn't seem too happy about it. Silver felt the demonstration had done its job as she stopped using her power and let the rockfall back down to the ground.

Blaze just stood there a moment, lost in thought. this couldn't be right, but she met all the requirements.

"Your Highness?"

"...Don't call me that."

It came out of her lips but her mind was elsewhere.

"Are you going to continue to hold her up against the wall like that?"

Blaze seemed to scour slightly before letting her go all the way before stepping over to where the Mobian Bear stood. Her mind was searching but then looked over to Silver. Silver stepped away from the wall, glad that the situation was defused or at least, somewhat. She wasn't exactly sure what was going on.

"Uh...So, what's going on exactly?" Silver asked, "Why did you care about my powers? What was with that lava monster? Why are you even HERE, in the middle of nowhere?"

"Really?" Blaze asked incredulously, "How can you be... Yet don't know anything?"

"Be what?" Silver asked as Blaze didn't exactly clarify, anything for that matter. Yet Blaze didn't seem to answer, just crossed her arms in annoyance. The Mobian Bear only chuckled slightly.

"It's fine Your Highness," he said, "I don't believe it mentioned in any of the ancient texts that she'd need to know them."

"Didn't mention she'd be a girl either..."

The Mobian bear shrugged his shoulders.

"Be that as it may," He said, "You still have to do your royal duty."

Blaze was silent as she just couldn't look at either of them right now. She was not happy in the slightest. Silver was still left in the dark so she had to ask.

"What Royal Duty?"

The Mobian Bear could see that Blaze wasn't about to say it, so he informed Silver of it, himself.

"Yes, she is to be your bride."