Maybe I'll throw a little Kitty redemption arch in here too. Guess you'll just have to see;)

• • •

Calendar sales were going great. By halfway through lunch they already knew they had enough money for a bus to regionals. Not even Becky getting a little too handsy could bring down the mood.

Blaine had been waiting for Sebastian to show up the whole time, but miraculously, by the time the bell rang signaling that fifth period was about to start, Sebastian was still nowhere to be found.

Blaine told the rest of glee club to go on to their classes and let him clean up, since his next class was English and he already had 100% in it. However, when everyone had left and he was alone in the choir room, he came to regret that decision.

"Hope you didn't sell out. I would have been here sooner but I didn't really feel like getting tackled by trouty mouth," Sebastian said.

When Blaine turned around to glare at the other boy he saw Sebastian looking around the choir room with a judgemental look on his face.

"This is where the Nude Erections practice? God, no wonder you all suck. Except you of course," Sebastian continued, receiving a glare from Blaine in return.

"Just buy a stupid calendar and go to whatever AP class you have next," Blaine said while going to the box of leftover calendars and pulling one out for Sebastian.

"Oh, I'm definitely buying a calendar, but that's not the only thing I'm doing," Sebastian said with a huge smirk on his face.

Blaine turned around somewhat warily, wondering what else Sebastian could be up to. However, what he didn't expect to see when he turned around was Sebastian holding up a jersey with "Smythe" and the number 8 on the back.

"Tonight is my first game of the season, and you're wearing my jersey," Sebastian answered Blaine's unspoken question.

"I'm… What? Sebastian, football players are supposed to give their jersey to a girl on game day, not another guy," Blaine said, still recovering from shock.

"Well yes, but that's because football is a traditionally heteronormative sport which surpresses gay culture in favour of testosterone-fueled straight guys. But screw that," Sebastian said in explanation while walking towards Blaine. "I'm gay, and I'm giving my jersey to a guy."

Blaine was speechless. Luckily, he was saved from responding immediately when the choir door opened and in strutted one Kitty Wilde.

"Hey Midget Cyclops, did I leave my sweater in here at…" she trailed off when she finally took in the scene in front of her. "What's going on here?"

"I was just trying to give Blaine my jersey to wear to the game tonight, but I think the straights have him brainwashed," Sebastian answered.

"I've never seen a guy give another guy his jersey before, but then again you guys are the only two gays in this school, so I say first time for everything. Rules still apply Pirate, girls aren't allowed to turn down a guy's jersey, and neither are you," Kitty said while smirking conspiratorially at Sebastian.

"I knew I never should have let you two meet. Fine! I'll wear your stupid jersey. Just buy a goddamn calendar and get back to class. Here's your sweater Kitty," Blaine said while tossing the girl a white knit cardigan and snatching Sebastian's jersey from him.

"Here's a twenty, keep the change," Sebastian gave Blaine the money and took the calendar before sauntering out of the choir room with a smile on his face. Not even a smirk, just a happy, giddy smile.

"Why the heck did you do that? You know how the glee club is going to react if they see me in his jersey tonight!" Blaine practically yelled.

"Don't worry about it. I have my reasons," Kitty said with her signature smirk on her face. And with that, she left Blaine standing alone in the choir room, wondering what the hell she meant by that.