Inspiration from YouTuber: XxBughead 21xX - Breakeven Kagami X Adrien X Marinette

DISCLAIMER: As always I own NOTHING! Just my own wishful thinking (more of praying)!

First Author's Note: Writing this I cried. I felt her pain. . . the Second Note is at The End!

Review Responses (THANK YOU for taking the time too):

Cat's Meows:

kevinbellemore: Glad you thought so. 😊

Ecofinisher: Really? Thank you so much for that opinion. Awwww. . . I'm honored you favorite/followed this one-shot.

Friend or Foe?:

Boris Yeltsin: So did you like the story so far? I'm sorry, just cofused me. "Not bad" doesn't help me much. Love TS, than check out "Gamer Loves A Spy" it's another of mine.

Gift Granted:

Boris Yeltsin: Once again, I'm sorry "not bad" doesn't help me much. SHE'S YOUR FAVORITE?! Well that's your opinion. Out of the main 3 mine is Sam. Thank you for the author favorite/follow.

First and Last Act:

Supreme Void: He has in some episodes shown not resentment but definitely frustration at her fur hiss Kitten. Adrien always subconsciously knew she was the same girl, in contract she NEVER saw him and Cattastic Kitty Cat Noir as one. "BS ending" well sorry you didn't like it. I LOVED it! 🌸🌸 Of course it leaves desire, it's left for the reader's imagination.

All Forms of Love:

Supreme Void: Adrigami agenda, awww. . . thanks for that term. Yes I very much do. At Marinette's expense? Huh I don't see that. She's happily rightly with Luka. INSULT MY CECILIA ROSERADE ALL YOU WANT, SHE ISN'T A MARY SUE! PLEASE DON'T INSULT THUNDERING LORD'S ANGEL ORTIZ! Pardon. . .? It wasn't meant as a bait/switch I made it obvious. Not my fault many readers didn't get it. It's NOT Adrinette married at all.

Furever Together:

Supreme Void: Hey now NO need to call my puns stupid. I take pride in them, because I LOVE them. Okay yes my grammer is lacking very true. NO need to be rude about it. Yet "Terrible one-shot" if you claimed you knew before hand it be bad. . . why read let alone review it?

Run Cholé Run:

Supreme Void: Really misspelling Cholé's name happens all the time. It's NOT just my sole tiny mistake. HEY DON'T EVER INSULT MELISSA GREY! UnicornSecrets worked very hard on her girl. If you stated "normal issues" why read any of my works again WHY review waste YOUR OWN TIME? 😑 Honestly you read/reviewed both chapters here. . . Mixed signals truly. So you enjoy wasting your own time: plain/simple. Yes Cecilia goes to Adrien's school. Epelled for harming Cholé? Well normally but she and Melissa won't physically hurt the solid brat. DUH CECILIA ROSERADE/DEER HEART IS AN ANTI-HEROINE! Cringy lines/remarks how? You just lost me. Again. . . DON'T INSULT MELISSA GREY! LEAVE CECILIA'S SISTER ALONE! UnicornSecrets' worked hard on her girl. Cecilia and Cholé do have parallels I'm not denying that but not many. As to why they both can't stand one another. DON'T YOU DARE INSULT RAYMOND ROSERADE! CECILIA'S FATHER IS RESPECTED BUSINESS MAN! As for logic when did the words "Miraculous" and "logic" ever make sense together? 😕😑😑

Reluctance for Love:

Supreme Void: I have told you this in PM and now I'm doing here: you truly are hilariously patheic. You must crave my opinion of you. That's the only conclusion I can come to with you "reviewing" my Miraculous works you state are "terrible". Again with the cringy statements and poor Mary Sue OC excuse. Similar to Twilight well yes in ways. 🌸🌸 Okay fine no one forces you to read fanfics you HATE! True my grammer is lacking, being rude about everything is for not.

Red sneakers stomped and squished against the cold drenched concrete. Aimlessly she walks on hoping the rain disguises her forever falling tears. Feeling hollow inside not comprehending (nor caring) her white blazer doesn't protect her from this dreadful weather.

The darkening near thundering clouds seem to sense her mood more. As if not wanting her crying alone they shed harder against her already soaked through clothes. Blunette hair clung around her face. Blurry sharp brown eyes finally glance up from her curled in hands. Clenched in her left hand held by her right is the 1)beautiful red rose HE gave her after a random fencing lesson. A soft saddened smile places on her lips remembering her genuine suprise at the gesture and what blissful potential it held.

'6 months together and I believed we had one another. So much alike, made for each other. . .'

Grinds her teeth together as more tears fall.

'. . .I wasn't worthy of him after all. I couldn't be the target he truly desired. I will love him forever, I've just grown so tired. I knew he loved another girl. . . not suprised it was another blunette. . .

A light sob rocks her chilled shaking body. A gentle peck of her lips, towards her cherished red rose. Another round of tears fall down her soaked cheeks.

'Marinette. I knew I couldn't replace you. . . not in his eyes. I did the right thing I know I did. It doesn't decrease the heartache I feel inside.'

Having lied to her mother about a fencing lesson cancelled. She couldn't face him so soon. Just 2 weeks ago she broke up with him, his shocked and conflicted expression at her statement just hurting her more.


Kagami hugs Adrien's left arm as they walk along Canal Saint-Martin. Having lied to their parents about a re-scheduled fencing lesson. Adrien leads down to lay a kiss on Kagami's sliky blunette hair. Causing a soft pink blush to raise uncontrollably to her face.

"You always look radiant in red, but look pretty in pink too."

A smile nearly splits her face. She giggles smacking his shoulder.

"Charming. Thank you Adrien."

He nods with a smile. Emerald green eyes look on ahead of them, giving off a far away look. Sharp brown eyes discreetly glance up at his poorly hidden expression. Kagami stops suddenly in their resumed walk. Adrien turns to fully face her, quickly wiping away any sad expression, tilts his head slightly to left in question.

"What's going on Adrien? You seem melancholy."

She states as he fails to answer her first question. She receives the same conflicted look in his eyes as she did before 2) those wasps attacked them.

"Kagami. . ." Adrien trails off looking forward to the canal. A deep breath he smiles cheerfully. "I'm sorry it's nothing. Sorry I worried you." He attempts to get them walking again. Her left hand grips his right arm firmly. Green meets brown, she sighs. . . tiredly.

"Adrien I love you." She states strongly brown eyes looking determined into his green ones. "You have been wonderful. I don't want this relationship if you're not happy with me."

Adrien gives her a guilty look. "6 months with you Kagami were amazing. I could relax, have fun and finally talk to someone whom understood my difficulties. . ." Adrien trails off looking like a kicked kitten. 3) Kagami gently sooo very sslloowwllyy raises her hands from his torso to around his neck.

She freezes in place brown meets green once again. She nods her head waiting for his answer. Wishful thinking he wants to kiss her, but Kagami's no idiot. "Kagami I'm sorry."

That's all the answer she needs. A frown plays on her lips. A nod of her head, she removes herself from Adrien. Two steps backwards she bows to him. "I'm sorry too. Thank you for everything Adrien."

She gives him a sad smile. Before she has a chance to step away he grabs her left shoulder stopping her. She turns towards him.

"Kagami please, we are still friends and fencing partners right?"

His emerald green eyes beg for an answer. Kagami leans up with a heavy heart. She grips his chin lays a kiss on both his cheeks.

"That's a double yes Adrien. Of course we will always be friends. I can't see my life without you in it." Kagami's smiles up at him, tho quickly turns away hoping to not shed tears in front of him.

Adrien hugs her tightly against his body. Both their eyes closed. "Same here. Thank you Kagami." His voice filled with nothing but sincerity and gratitude. He releases her slowly, kisses her forehead. He smiles, nose cutely twitching like a cat as her blunette left side bangs tickle him. She gives a weak smile at his silliness.

She removes herself from him. Nodding to one another again, Kagami turns to walk away. "See you in two weeks for another match." He says smiling brightly at her. Kagami nods her head over her shoulder. As she departs from Adrien, she wonders if the pain will go away.

Unknown to her, Adrien was watching all around her for akumas. 'If Hawkmoth goes after Kagami. . . I don't care how long I look. I will find and end him.' Adrien vows as he quietly watches Kagami leave Canal Saint-Martin.


She shakes her head quickly, trying to refocus. Carefully placing the pressed rose back in her white blazer pocket. Kagami hugs herself as the rain now seems to grow along with added thunder.

'Adrien. . . what I am I supposed to do, when the best parts of my life were being with you? I'm strong, know I'm alive but without you. This hallow feeling, I'm barely breathing.'

Kagami feels her cell phone vibrate in her other white blazer pocket. But it suddenly stops before she can answer it. Looking ahead she sees bright lights on from across the street. Her brown eyes widen in her pain not realizing she nearly past 'Flower Power' on her walk.

Quickly crossing the street (some to zero cars) Kagami at the see through glass double doors. Cecilia's back is turned to the door. Right hand on her hip Kagami can tell she's annoyed. A small smile plays on her lips. Before she can push on the florist shop doors her cell phone rings again. Picking it up a grin plays on her lips now.

"My little Kokoro, turn around." Kagami laughs as Cecilia does just that towards the door. Her confused expression morphs into a thrilled grin. She walks quickly towarss the doors waving at Kagami as she does.

"Kagami-sama. . ." The Roserade heir practically shouts to the Tsurugi fencing champ (at least in Cecilia's pale pink eyes) now noticing her appearance she hugs her tightly. "What in pink were you doing in the evil weather?! You know big brother was worried when you didn't show up for fencing today. What's going on Kagami-sama?"

The younger shorter strawberry-blonde demands of the blunette.

"Cecilia. . . my little Kokoro I'm fine. Perhaps maybe sick later. I just needed to clear my head." She hugs Cecilia gently. "Time heals all wounds. To the heart it's no different." She whispers. Cecilia rips Kagami's arms away from her. (Shocking Kagami badly)

Pale pink eyes glare into sharp brown ones. . .



The suffix 'sama' loosely means: Lord/Lady for male/female

Kokoro loosely means: heart; mind; mentality; emotions; feelings. In this case: Cherry Blossoms of the Heart 🌸🌸🌸🌸


1) Frozer - Season 3 (My one-shot "Selfish Heart Broken" is a 'What If' of this episode)!

2) Miracle Queen - Season 3

3) Heart Hunter - Season 3

Second Author's Note: Breakeven By: The Script seriously a heart squeezing and pulling song for Adrigami over. Honestly creator, co-director, producer and writer Thomas Astruc just makes us all suffer no matter the ship you LOVE. . . any of the stupid Love Square (MARICHAT) OR ADRIGAMI and Lukanette!