Soundwave, Knockout, and Starscream were all friends in secret. They all know the personalities they show the troops and Lord Megatron are fake. Soundwave is actually a very loud and fun mech and loves music a lot, Knockout doesn't actually care about his paint job and loves to do art, and Starscream is a caring mech that loves science.

They became friends after a mission from retrieving a relic. The cave collapsed and they all had to wait until the Decepticons dug them out, so the decided to learn more about each other to pass time.

Though the one thing they all have in common, is their love for dancing. They go to human dance classes in their human forms, but they are girls- see, they have a femme and a mech human form. They use the femme form to go to the dance classes, and their quite popular there. And the mech form to go out to bars or stuff like that.

They usually go to the forest to practice their dancing in their femme form, laughing and singing along with all the music they dance too. No one suspected a thing. Though they have went into town and saw the Autobot allies, but they never let that bother them. The thing that bothered them, is the people who were there with them. They were sure it was the Autobots in humanized forms. And whenever they crossed paths, they would stare at each other.

But today was different. They were all laughing in their femme forms as they were shopping, but at the corner of their eye they saw the Autobot humans and the humanized Autobots staring at them. Knockout gasped as 'she' saw a black jacket, a bright red T-shirt, and a pair of jean shorts. She ran over and collected all of the things before she raced back to Soundwave and Starscream "we, have got, to wear these!" She squealed, not even realizing the Autobots eyes were on them. Soundwave smirked "you have a good taste, 'Knoli'"

Knoli was Knockouts fake name, they used their fakes names when their in their fake forms. Knoli was Knockouts femme name, Knido was his mechs name. Solde was Soundwaves femme name, Solad was his mechs name. And lastly, Stalee was Starscreams femme name, Stanel was his mechs name.

'Knoli' smirks "of course I do." They all saw the Autobot friend, Miko, walking up to them. They all turn to her "hello! I'm Miko!" She said with a wave. Soundwave blinked "hello. I'm Solde. These are my friends, Knoli and Stalee. Do you need anything?" Soundwave asked softly, Miko blinked "no! You just looked nice so I decided to come introduce myself since I see all of you every week." Soundwave nodded once before turning to Knoli as 'her' phone rang. Knoli answered it and put it to 'her' ear "hello~" she said in a sing-song voice before she frowned and rolled her eyes "yes, yes- we'll be there soon. Asshole.." She muttered before ending the call. She looked towards Solde and Stalee before all of them burst out laughing. Solde shaking her head "d- did you just do that?!" Solde said over her laughs. "Of course I did!" Knoli replied. Miko looked confused "what's so funny?" She asked, frowning "oh it's nothin' Knoli here just hanged up on our 'father', your gonna get in trouble~" Stalee teased before giggling into her hand.

Knoli rolled her eyes "ya, ya- let's just go pay and get out of here." They all turned to Miko and bowed their head "it was nice meeting you, darling~" Knoli says before skipping off with the cart to pay as the other two trailed behind her.

Miko walked back to her friends and the humanized Autobots "so? What was their names?" Bulkhead asked her "uhm- the one with the red hair is Knoli. The one with the brownish hair was Stalee. And the last one with the purplish hair was Solde." She said. Optimus Prime narrowed his eyes slightly "those names sound a lot like 'Soundwave' 'Knockout' and 'Starscream'" Arcee grumbled with her arms crossed. "We'll just have to keep a close watch on them." Optimus said before walking out of the store with the other trailing behind. They froze as the saw the alt mode of Knockout in the parking lot.

They turned around as the heard laughing and two girls rushing past them. It was Knoli and Stalee running towards the red car. Knoli unlocking it and getting inside the passenger seat, Stalee getting into the back. Solde just walked past them before Optimus grabbed 'her' arm and tugged her back, Solde whipped around and stared right into his eyes, narrowing her own eyes "what are you up too?" Optimus asked quietly "well, me, Knoli, and Stalee are going back home right now so if you will excuse me." Soundwave spat, ripping her arm away from Optimus and stomping over to the car and got in the drivers seat.

"Sooo- what was that all about?" Stalee asked once Solde was on the road. Her hands were under her head as her eyes were closed, legs crossed "I think those people with the Autobot friends are actually the Autobots." Solde sighed, shaking her head. "You know what you should've said?" Knoli asked. "What should I have said?" Solde asked sarcastically "you should have said 'why would you just grab me?! That is harassment. Get your hands off me!'" Solde just blinked "ya, no-" Stalee was laughing in the backseat "you would've said that Knoli." Stalee said, shaking her head "of course I would! It's basically harassment!" Knoli yelled, throwing her hands up before crossing her arms and huffing in annoyance.

Solde rolled her eyes as she drove through Jasper "I'm boreddd-" Knoli complained after a few minutes "do you want to get some Wendy's" Solde asked, raising a brow. Stalee's and Knoli's eyes lit up in excitement "YES" they screamed. This will be 'fun'.