AN: I apologize for not uploading for at least a week, my power was off at the house that prevented me from writing stories.
AN: I know that some of you want an explanation of the Grand Orders, Remnants, and Lostbelts but bear with me a bit longer I have planned something near the third task.
Ch 41 The Truth
Gray unleased the lance of King Arthur as the holy weapon hurls to the Hydra's heart. The golden light pierces the chest of the Hydra as it went through the body causing the cracks to exacerbate. The whole statue froze into place before crumbling away into the Great Lake.
The wizards closed their eyes at the bright light of the lance. After the light fades, they open their eyes to see Rhongomyniad revert to its original state as Add.
"That…lance…how?" Dumbledore said as he looks at Gray as she held the birdcage where Add was in.
"Great job, Gray," Ritsuka said feeling lightheaded before he faints.
"SENPAI!" Mashu cried out as she went to his side. Nightingale quickly checks his physique with her stethoscope and hand over his forehead, she gritted her teeth.
"He has a fever, I must treat him right away." The Berserker said as she looks at Drake. "Captain, take us back to the platform." She orders the Rider.
"Aye," she responded as she turns the ship around.
The wizards are bewildered at the whole battle that they can't process anything until they heard the ship docking on the platform. Soon many wizards wanted to meet the one who wields the sacred lance as they piled up on the plank.
Castor, Pollux, and Meltryllis went down to the plank and push back the wizards with ease making room for Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, Reines, and Moriarty to get back on the Golden Hind.
"Might I suggest that you get master inside, he looks awful." The Crime Lord suggested to them.
Nightingale carried Ritsuka in a bridal position. "Saber, Rider I need you to help me with master." She said to Astolfo and Mordred.
"Sure thing," The Paladin said as he follows the nurse back inside.
"Man, I warned him that he collapses if he supplied Gray with his magical energy," Mordred said as she followed them inside.
Mashu looks at them as Mordred closes the door. "Um…Mashu," the assistant director looked at Ginny as the Order gathers behind her. "We need an explanation." She said.
Mashu nodded. "I know,"
Dumbledore walks up first. "First thing first, Medusa or Gorgon from what you call her."
"Yes, G-"
"Just how is it she's here!? She was killed by a hero by cutting her head off!" Remus exclaims.
"How was she that huge!?" Moody asked.
"If you would calm yourselves first then Ms. Kyierlight will tell you," Holmes said.
Mashu smiles at the detective. "Gorgon is a Servant under a contract with Senpai along with her sisters and her other selves."
"What do you mean other-selves and what this contract about?" James asked.
"Gorgon is a Servant a-"
"What's being a Servant has to do with any of this?" Fudge asked as Ushiwaka glared at him to be quiet.
"Mashu-sama, may I explain?" Benkei asked the former Demi-Servant.
"Oh, yes Lancer-san." She said to the monk.
"Allow me to explain what a Servant is." He said as they listen closely to him. "A Servant is a Hero, Villain, Divine Spirit, Gods, or a figment of myths and history that made a contract with the world to protect humanity and the world." He explained. "This includes Gorgon,"
"So villains can be Servants!?" Charles exclaims knowing that his brother was evil.
"Yes that's what I just said, but Servants just tools for a master to use. But there are some cases that a Servant can act independently without a master but they're a bit weaker depending on the situation." Benkei said.
"So you're all from history and myths?" Tonks asked as the wizards look around the Servants that are present. "And what's this about gods and Divine Spirits? No one can summon them."
"Wrong, for a God or Divine Spirit in order to manifest into a Servant they have to either use a vessel or lose a portion of their Divinity such as the twin Sabers. There are some cases that a Servant that does not have a Divine origin needs a vessel such as Waver and Reines." Benkei motions to the Dioscuri, Reines, and Waver.
They all look at Waver as he looks away avoiding their eyes. "I see, so what does Ritsuka have to do with this? What's his role?" Sirius asked.
"It's obvious that he is our master, he summoned us to aid him in the preservation of humanity." He said.
"Preservation of Humanity? Why would he do something like that?" Lily asked to wonder what made him do something like that.
"I won't go into details seeing that it's the Director of Chaldea's to tell you and knowing him he'll give a show worthwhile." He said remembering him always making a spectacle of some kind.
"Alright, so what is Chaldea anyways?" Ron asked.
"Yeah, from."
"The sound,"
"Of it,"
"Chaldea sounds,"
"Fun and,"
The twins asked the monk. Benkei sighs as Reines steps forward to step in for the Lancer. "The Chaldea Security Organization is an organization that is where our operation of preserving humanity takes place, and where most Servants are summoned." The Rider said.
"What's the connection of this Mage's Association with Chaldea? The name keeps coming up in conversations." Kingsley asked her.
"I can't go into details but the Mage's Association where Magus gather to learn Magecraft." She said. "Since the founder of Chaldea was a part of the Association, they funded the organization, our staff are either from the Association or just someone who's looking for a job."
"Now your next question?" she asked.
Dumbledore steps up along with Moody and Remus. "That lance,"
"What about it? It's just a weapon," James said as Charles and Ron nodded.
"Merlin's beard, James you don't understand! That is Rhongomyniad the Lance that held the powers of the gods, a weapon from divine spirits!" Tonks said to her captain.
"And?" Charles questioned.
"Charles, didn't you listen from History of Magic? We cover that topic for a day when learning about Merlin!" Hermione exclaims.
Charles looks up. "I must have been asleep."
"Yeah, same here. That class is so boring to listen to." Ron added.
Daphne, Luna, and Draco look at them with a disapproving look on their faces. "Such a disappointment," Daphne said as Charles sneers at her.
"Shut up, snake!" he retorted back at her.
"Yeah, yeah," she waves at him uncaring for his insults.
Moody looks at Charles. "Charles my boy, that lance is one that holds great power to anyone who it deems worthy of using it. It was the Lance of King Arthur."
Charles, James, and Ron froze at the name that Dumbledore has spoken. "King Arthur…the King of Britannia? The one that Merlin served under? YOU MEAN THAT LANCE WAS KING ARTHUR'S WEAPON!" Charles exclaims looks at Gray as she covers her face.
"H-How? I thought he wields the Holy Sword Excalibur?" James asked.
"James, King Arthur has many weapons in his arsenal," Dumbledore said. "His sword Excalibur, his daggers Carnwennan, his scabbard Avalon, and his lance…Rhongomyniad."
"So how did she get that lance?" Charles asked.
"Yeah, how can a girl get her hands on it?" Ron asked as well.
"That's a good question, tell me Ms. Archisorte how did…um," Dumbledore tries to remember her name. "Ah! Gray, how did she get that Lance. Only the King's bloodline can wield such a feat."
Reines looks at Waver as he sighs. "My apprentice was from a village that aims to revive King Arthur into her body, but the Clock Tower prevented that and with some negotiations, I became her mentor. Her village has somehow imbued the King's essence that allows her to use Rhongomyniad make her a descendant through unnatural means." He said as Gray looks away.
"So what? She the new King Arthur?" Fudge asked.
"I-I never wanted to be a king, but my village treated me as one," Gray mutters. "At Chaldea, no one treats me as such even master, so I use this power I have to help him and Chaldea." She said confidently.
They remain silent at Gray's sad explanation feeling the sorrow she has. "So what about that cube thing? What is it?" Hermione asked.
"Add is seal created by Morgan le Fay after the King's death, it is a way to preserve the mysteries or magic from being expelled," Mashu said.
"Why is that? Why would the evil witch seal the power?" Ginny asked.
"Yes, it sounds propositus to hear that Morgana le Fay will do such a thing when the opportunity is in her grasps to rule Britain," Moody said.
"The Lance will not work for anyone who's not pure of heart even if it's a relative of the King, besides if she has not sealed the power of the Lance it will extinguish causing both sides of the world to fall apart." Waver said
"I see…" Dumbledore said having a complete understanding of the purpose of 'Add'
"The thing I don't get is what is with the personality of that cube?" Fred asked.
"Yeah what with that?" George asked.
"Hey, don't ask those kinds of questions kid!" the cube said jumping around in his cage.
"Add," Gray warns him on not being rude.
Waver sighs at how much information they are giving them. "We've gone this far, why not finish it," Holmes said puffing a smoke.
"If you say so, " Waver said. "Add's personality is based on a Knight of the Roundtable, he was model after Sir Kay's personality."
"As in the Sir Kay! The brother of King Arthur?" Lily asked. "So that's the personality of Sir Kay?"
"Respect me," Add said to them as Gray shook the cage making him screams.
"If that's indeed Rhongomyniad then I suggest the Ministry should take possession of it." Fudge said as the wizards look at him in shock.
"Why?" Salieri asked him.
"It's a national treasure of Britain and must be kept in a safe place and the ministry is the safest place." Fudge said puffing out his chest acting all proud.
"If you want to get it, then you have to go through us," Ushiwakamaru said drawing her blade as Benkei summons his lance.
"I agree," he said. "That weapon is not to be used by people who have no relations to the King of Knights and must not be used unless if it's a dire circumstance." Benkei eyed the Minister.
Fudge steps back in fear as they all stare at him. "Now, now there's no need to be hostile after the battle we just had," Dumbledore said.
"I agree if we engage now master's condition will get worse," Holmes said as everyone lowers their weapons. "I suggest we should bring him back to the Outpost,"
"That's logical." Waver seconded that.
Drake moved the Golden Hind to the pier so that they can bring their master back to the Outpost. Mordred steps out of the Captain's caring an unconscious Ritsuka on her back and Nightingale following the Saber making sure she won't drop him
The Servants and the wizards were about to get off the ship when. "Ms. Kyirelight, may I take some of your time," Dumbledore asked Mashu. "And your associates as well." He motions to Waver and Holmes.
"Mashu," Ushiwakamaru turns to the former Demi-Servant.
Mashu gave a warm smile to the military commander. "It's fine Rider-san, go on ahead without us."
The Rider inclines her head as she followed the Servants back to the Outpost.
Mashu, Waver, and Holmes turns to the old wizard and his followers. "What do you want to discuss with us Dumbledore-san?" she asked the leader of the Order of the Phoenix.
"Ms. Kyirelight, I will be blunt about this," Dumbledore said. " I want to extend our temporary alliance to a permanent basis."
Mashu looks at the two Servants who were suspicious of him before answering. "Why's that?" she asked.
"Well, think about it; we would be able to help each other out with the resources that both of us have." He explains. "You have Servants who aren't accustomed to our times and the order is quite familiar with the times. Together we can accomplish Ha-Ritsuka's goal to preserve humanity." Dumbledore said hoping that if they agree he can use Ritsuka's influence to control his Servants to defeat the Dark Lord and use them for the Greater Good.
"We refuse," Mashu said bluntly.
"What-"Charles was held back from Lily signifying that Dumbledore can handle this.
"Why's that Ms. Kyirelight? Think about the good we can do." Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye as he looks at the violet haired girl.
Mashu shook her head. "Dumbledore-san, as the Assistant Director and temporary head of Chaldea I have to think about the crucial documents and the research we have spent years accumulating and safeguarding for years from the public and anyone who will misuse them," she said with a stern look in her eyes.
"But Ms. Kyirelight, why should you have to burden the responsibility that Har-Ritsuka has given you? Why don't we help you-"
"Mr. Dumbledore, the research and documents we have can lead anyone who is not experienced with it to a dark path." Waver said.
"The Chaldea Security Organization's purpose is to persevere humanity's future, the things we witness, and the technology we have developed will not be given out easily," Holmes said. "Only those who are committed to protecting the world will have access to them, you and your Order haven't proven that."
"But we have defeated the Dark Lord countless times, that should mean something!" James said.
"The Headmaster also defeated Grindelwald when he was young," Tonks said. "That should count as protecting the world?"
"That does, but it's not a threat to Humanity," Holmes said.
"What do you mean by that?" Kingsley asked.
"Whether you like or not wizards and mundane are consider as human therefore you are all a part of Humanity." Waver said. "You sir, have indeed defeated a man that could threaten mundanes of Britain but not the world."
"But it-"
"I believe that's enough of our time Mr. Dumbledore," Holmes said. "We need to ensure our master is well, Rider takes them back to the platform." He asked the explorer.
The three got off the Golden Hind as Mashu turns around to face them. "We wish you a good day, Dumbledore-san," Mashu said as they left Drake brought them back to the platform where the Servants and wizards switch places.
The Golden Hind soon disappears along with the Servants leaving bewilder wizards at the sight of the ship disappearing.
"What are we going to do with them, headmaster?" James asked him.
Dumbledore look at the Auror captain and sighs. "We wait until Severus comes back; he might have the location of the Mage's Association so we can try convincing them to join us." He said.
"Yes, let's do that." Fudge said with confidence that they might see reason.
Brittan Outpost January 23, 2024, 10:35 PM
Ritsuka felt like shit. He was cold and hot at the same time. Ritsuka tried to get up but felt too weak to do that. He opens his eyes to see that he was in his room on his bed. 'How did I get here? Wasn't I competing in the Second Task?' he thought as he looks at the side of his bed.
He saw that Mashu was sitting on a chair with her hands together as her head leans on them. "Mashu?" he said groggily.
Mashu looks at her boyfriend with tears coming down from her eyes. "Senpai, you're alright," Mashu said about to hug him when Nightingale holds her down in her chair.
"Ms. Mashu, I highly recommend that you should keep your distance from master for he has come down with the common cold." The Nurse said. "I don't want it to spread."
"Listen to the nurse, Mashu," Charlie said leaning on the door. "You don't want Ritsuka to worry about you when you get his cold, don't you?" he asked the former Demi-Servant.
Mashu sat back down. "No," she said.
Ritsuka smiles weakly. "I'm alright, Mashu just don't worry about me that much." He said as a thought came across his mind. "I have to ask, did Draco and the others got off safely?" he said worried for his new friends.
"Yes, they have returned to Hogwarts after we arrived on the pier," Mashu said. "They wished you a quick recovery."
"I see," Ritsuka said coughing to the other side.
Nightingale replaced the towel on his head with a fresh one. "Master, due to you summoning Gorgon to your side and three Noble Phantasms that Gorgon, Salieri, and Gray used I predict your recovery will take at least a week and a half." She said as Ritsuka threw back his head on his pillow.
"Great, bed rest." He said.
"Ritsuka, don't think you going to do some work while in bed." The King of the Franks said. "Mashu has ensure me that she'll handle it. She has informed the Preservers about your condition and one of them is coming here to take over."
Ritsuka look at Mashu. "Who?"
AN: How do you like it? Leave a Review.