AN: The time has come for a New Servant, if you read my original story of this then you'll know. I have made my own summoning ritual chant to fit with the Grand Order Story. Enjoy this Chapter.
Ch 32 Summoning
After the Christmas party, most of the Servants went back to where they were prior to the event. Some stayed to help with the cleanup of the outpost while including most of the staff before they go home to their families.
Ritsuka finished putting away the tables back to the spare room for these kinds of events. He walks back to the lobby where Hermione, Ginny, Sirius, and Remus are assisting with the cleanup. "I appreciate with helping us out cleaning the lobby," Ritsuka said to them.
"It's not a problem since you invited us it's only right to help you out," Remus said sweeping the floors.
"This was fun, I do hope we can do this another time," Hermione said folding the chairs with Ginny.
"Yeah, I really like Rider." Ginny said. "they were interesting to talk to."
"Well, since we're still on winter vacation and all," Ritsuka said. "Do you want to stay here until the vacation is over?" he offers.
"Really? We can do that?"
"Yes," Ritsuka said to them.
"Well, our parents are still on vacation." Hermione looked at Ginny.
"My brothers are at my aunt Tessie, and my parents are away visiting Charlie." Ginny lips curled up. "Sure why not." She said.
"Excellent, how about you two?" Ritsuka asked his uncles.
"I would love too, but we still need to visit your parents," Sirius said to him.
"Since you gave me that amulet, I didn't feel sick today," Remus said. "Plus your brother will have a fit if we didn't show up tomorrow for Christmas day."
"I see, I understand," Ritsuka said. "If you ever want to come here ever again just ask one of the representatives to guide you safely through the Forest." He said.
"Got it," Sirius said. "But we can stay for the night, right? This place is downright wicked." The Animagus said to his godson.
"Sirius!" Remus scolds him.
Ritsuka chuckles. "Sure," he smiles as a lady with brown hair and green eyes wearing a top hat and a white dress and a small angel floating next to her appeared next to him.
"Assassin will show you your rooms." He said as the maid bows to them.
"Greetings, I'm Assassin." She smiles. "I'm master's maid both here and Chaldea, I have already taken yours belongs to your guest rooms. Allow me to show you the way." She said.
"She's a Servant?" Hermione asked wondering who this Assassin could be.
"I am indeed mistress Hermione I had made a contract with master after the false Lostbelt when he defeated me from my original master." She smiles. "Since then I've been the head maid of master."
"Interesting, I do wonder what this Lostbelt stuff you are talking about," Remus asked. "But I can tell this is top-secret information." The werewolf said.
"Yeah, but I know you'll tell us sooner or later."' Sirius said with a big smile.
"You get that right," his friend said.
Ginny finishes folding the chairs until she realizes something. "By the way, where is Ms. Adshino? I'd didn't see her at the party last night." Ginny looked at Ritsuka.
"Ah, yes. Hishiri went back to the Association an hour before you guys came." Ritsuka said. "The Clocktower requested her to come back on an investigation in London."
"So, she returns to the Muggle world? A shame, I would like to talk to her some more." Sirius pouted as the group laugh.
After the cleanup, Charlotte showed them their rooms for the night. Ritsuka walks down the halls passing where the children Servants slept. He pries the door open to see Mashu finishing reading a story to them. "(Mashu,)" Ritsuka whispers to her.
Mashu looks at him as she places her finger on her lips. "Shhh,"
Ritsuka nodded as she went to him. "Mashu, it's almost time." He said to her.
"Right Senpai." She said following him to the basement.
Once down at the basement staff were working on the summoning ritual as the Spirit Origin graph was up and running ready to record the Saint Graph of the new Servant.
"Director everything is set." A staff member said to the master.
"Thank you, Cadenza," he said as a male staff member gave him the sword.
Mashu took position behind the console that held the Spirit Origin Graph. "Senpai we're ready to record the Saint Graph." She said.
Ritsuka walks over to a dispenser with the Saint Quartz stashed for this purpose. "Thirty Saint Quartz and all." He said as he places them around the summoning circle.
"Director, all system is a go." A staff said.
Ritsuka held his right hand as he held it out towards the circle.
Hermione woke up as she got out of bed thirsty. "I need a glass of water." She said as she walks out of her room.
As she walks down the stairs, she notices a faint blue light in the corner of her eye coming from the basement. "What's going on there?" she said to herself as she made her way to the basement to investigate what that light is.
Hermione opens the door and walks inside and saw a set of stairs going down. she walks down to be surprised at the futuristic place. She saw Mashu and a couple of staff standing behind a console with strange information. "Mashu? What's going on here?" She asked the former Demi-Servant.
Mashu turns her head back to see Hermione in her pajamas staring at them. "Hermione-chan, what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I can say the same thing, what's going on here? And where's Ritsuka?" she asked.
"Assistant Director, Director Fujimaru is prepared to recite the ritual." The male staff member said.
"Ritual? What is he saying?" Hermione asked as she made her way to the console.
"We're summoning a Heroic Spirit since we have a catalyst with us this is considered a special summon," Mashu explains. "You're not even supposed to be here, this is a top-secret ritual that only Magus can know."
"I see, so the sword Ritsuka got is a catalyst? Then who will be summoned?" The Gryffindor girl asked.
"Just wait and see."
Ritsuka took in a deep breath and looked at the clock. "Two A.M, perfect."
Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let Humanity's wishes crystallized.
The Summoning circle began to glow blue as the Saint Quartz glowed as well.
Let the wishes of those who cannot be heard to be heard.
Let me be your anchor on this plane to serve those who cannot.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Throne.
His Command Spells glowed brightly as the Saint Quartz dissolve into liquid as it moves to the center.
I serve the will of the planet and the wishes of the people.
For I stand upon the boundary before the brink of destruction.
Take your form from legend, armed to fight for all that is pure.
The liquid began to form a mass above the sword as white orbs appeared as it circles around forming a ring around the mass.
From your collapse shall be our beginnings to a new path to the future.
For I embodied that is all good in the world and you shall be the defender.
The ring of light began to glow a golden hue as a myriad of colors as two more rings appeared as the mass formed a body.
To those who hear to this will and reason from Gods to Men, Heroes to Villains then answer!
My will creates your body and your body shall be the sword of justice for the innocents.
To those who hear the plea for help then heed my call! If you do respond to those who plead!
The mass took form as the rings began to merge with the Hero that Ritsuka summoned.
Come forth in the line of Duty! Guardian of the Scales!
Bright light and a surge of magical energy spread in the area they were in.
His words inspire people to follow this man. Hermione was in awe of the words just spoken. "What was that?" she asked as text appeared on the monitors.
"Summon success, Spirit Graph recorded, data secured," Mashu said as the fog dissipate
Hermione looks to see beyond the fog. There were two figures one is Ritsuka and the other is a man about his sizes. "Who is that?" Hermione asked as the fog fade.
Ritsuka blink as the fog cleared, he faced a man that looks like him but with white hair that spiral in his black untamed hair. He grabs the sword as he removes it from its scabbard and prostrates like a cane. (Insert Fate/Extella Link - Knights' Pilgrimage)
"Servant Saber, have answered your summons." The Ritsuka doppelganger said with a bright smile. "Huh, never thought you have it in you kid," The Saber said.
Ritsuka blinks at the Servant. "I'm sorry, do I know you? I just summoned you just now." He said to him.
"Um…what's happening?" Hermione asked looking at the Servant that shared the same looks as Ritsuka.
The Saber chuckles at his master's question. "Well, I shouldn't expect you too since I was an old man when we met." He said as he smiles cheekily. "I'm King Charlemagne, the King of the Franks."
"WHHAAAAA!" Hermione screamed in excitement at who this Servant is. "King Charlemagne, The King of the Franks from seven seventy-four, then became the holy emperor of Rome in eight hundred. He led a group like the Knights of the Roundtable called the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne that consist of Astolfo, Bradamante, Roland…" Hermione pace back and forth spewing information on the King of the Franks.
Charlemagne stared at the Gryffindor Girl as the staff tries to calm her down. "Studious girl isn't she?" he said. "I have to say I'm impressed that she knows a whole lot about me."
"Excuse, Charlemagne-"
"Please call me Charlie, being formal is such a pain in the butt." He jokes like a little kid.
"Right, anyway Charlie you mention that you were an old man when we met?" Ritsuka asked the Servant. "I never met anyone that fit your description."
Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Really? Come on Harry, don't you recognize your grandpa?" He grins brightly.
Hermione paused at his sentence and looked closer to Charlemagne and the mental image of Auror Captain James Potter appear in her mind as they looked similar minus the eyes. "Oh, Merlin! You look like James Potter too!"
Ritsuka eyes widen at what Hermione said as sees the resembles of him, Charles, and his father. "That means, you're Charlus Potter! My grandfather!"
"Bingo, kid!" he said cheerfully.
"Then this special summon is-"
"Yup, since my original Spirit Origin is somehow split it was hard to manifest on my own." He said. "And once you got my sword in your possession, I was able to manifest with a little help from your grandpa allowing me to possess his body."
"Making you a Pseudo-Servant." Ritsuka finished.
"You're on the mark kiddo." He gave him another smile.
Mashu walks up to them. "Hello Charlie-san, I'm Mashu Kyrielight Senpai's assistant." She inclines her head.
"Ah, you're also dating my grandson am I right, little lady?" Charlie asked as Mashu blushed to give a small nodded.
"Welp, the Potters do have some taste in women." He said as he looks at her. "And you are perfect for my favorite grandson."
Hermione took a deep breath before speaking with them. "You're alright, Hermione?" The male staff member asked.
"Yes, thank you, Phil." She smiles before heading over to them.
"I take it you calmed down?" Ritsuka asked.
"Yes, just…I was just shocked and excited to meet the Charlemagne." She looks at the Saber. "It's an honor to meet you, King Charlemagne. My name is Hermione Granger."
"Nice to meet you, Granger-chan." He winks at her making the girl blush. "Now then, I understand the situation that was given to me prior to my summons. Now then master let's do some introductions again." He said as he kneels on his knees.
"I am Saber, true name King Charlemagne our contract is sealed, your fate and my fate are intertwin. Looking forward to working with you." He smirks at him.
Ritsuka felt weird from his grandfather calling him master. "Hey Charlie, mind if you don't call me master? It's weird for me when you address me like that."
Charlie jumps up and sighs in relief. "Thank the grail, I also felt weird calling you master." He smiles.
"You can call me Ritsuka if you like."
"I think I should, yeah thanks Ritsuka!" He smiles. "And you can call me gramps or Charlie in return."
"Will do,"
Malfoy Mansion
"Crucio!" Voldemort cast the Cruiatus Curse at the insane woman as she screams in agony. "You failed me, Bella!"
"M-Master…P-please," Bellatrix begs as the Dark Lord cast the same curse at her. "I-I know who-AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!"
"Silence! I'm fully aware of who that man is!" Voldemort said. "Avenger showed me the whole thing!"
"Yes, it's disappointing that we lost our big hitter in our lord's Demonic Army." Avenger sighs secretly enjoying the pain that harlot is receiving.
Peter looked terrified as he held onto his master as he cast the same curse all over again to his most devoted follower. "Avenger! Contact the Bulgarian Minister, tell him I need more Demonic Beast by next week!" He ordered the Servant.
Avenger smiles. "Are you planning another attack on the school?" she asked.
Voldemort smirks. "Of course Avenger, I need a beast that could swim in water that will be undefeatable that not even that hero will stop." He said lips curling into a sinister smile.
"As you wish," Avenger said as she smiles that her plan is coming along nicely. She saw something from the corner of the hall and walk to investigate.
Lucius walks away from the hall. "I must warn Ritsuka," he said walking to his room.
Avenger eyed the Magus and smirks. "Well, Well, it seems that we have a traitor in our ranks," Avenger said. "This is going to be fun." Her lips curled up as she heard the harlot's screams once more.
Hogwarts Dumbledore's office
Dumbledore was struggling to cast a powerful spell with his wand as it refuses to obey him. "Damnit, I already lost control." He said as he put the wand back in a secure place. Suddenly he felt a strong magically energy from the Forbidden Forest.
"What was the-"
"Headmaster!" Severus barge in his office looking exhausted.
Dumbledore look at the Potion Master. "Severus my boy, what is it that made you frantic?"
"It's the Dark Lord, he is gaining more of those things for his army." He huffed.
Dumbledore's eyes widen. "You mean those creatures that were supposed to attack during the Yule Ball?" he said shocked at the news.
"Yes, and the reason why they took so long to attack is that Harry Potter intercepted them with his Servants and was able to defeat them," he said.
Dumbledore grips his hand into a fist. "We must not let Harry interfere anymore, he's changing things as we speak."
"What things?"
"Most of the students are supporting that boy, he spared Dolores and the Aurors and many respect him for that." He said not liking the changes one bit.
"Then what should we do? We can't exactly confront him; we don't know where he lives!" Severus said.
"Then we must track him and his Servant's every move. If we're lucky then we might be able to find his base." Dumbledore said to the Slytherin Head.
"Very well, I will see what I can do," he said as he left the office.
Dumbledore looked at the window feeling stress about the whole thing. "I got this feeling that things are going to be worse than it already is." He said to himself.
AN: How do you like it? Leave a Review.