The room was pitch black. Sophie, Keefe, Fits, Biana, Dex, and a few other people were brought into a little room, hands tied behind their backs. "Welcome everyone!" A female voice boomed from somewhere in the room. Murmurs of who are you?' And 'why did you bring us here?' Echos throughout the room. The lights turned on silencing them all. Their bonds had been taking off and they where sitting in a tiny reading nook with no doors. Keefe kicked back in his chair "Foster, I could get used to this." Sophie rolled her eyes. "Now, I've gathered you all here for a very important reason" the female voice started again. She stepped out of the shadows, she was a tall skinny girl with curly blonde hair and golden eyes. She was very pretty that she might as well be an elf but the only problem was that she was wearing human clothes, not the classic elvin tunic and pants or dress. "I am Melody, and I have brought you all here to read this" she held up a big heavy book. "Hey! Why are me and Sophie on that book cover?" Dex asked confused. "Well this is YOUR book" she explained as if he should already know this. Still confused he asked "wait... I get a book all about me" his eyes brightened. "Well I hate to burst your bubble bot not exactly..." she explained. "The main character is Sophie and you guys are all in it through about the third book and then it's really just Sophie Keefe and Fits." Dex's face fell. "Go figure, Fosters always showing off" Keefe said with his famous smirk. Sophie blushed. "Anyways I brought you guys here so you all read the book, every day I will read a few chapters to you, then at night I will lead you to the back where you will all sleep. "I call bunking with Foster!!" Keefe yelled throwing his arms over Sophie. "Actually boys and girls will be separate, sorry Keefe" "awww man" "on the bright side Keefe I did bring those elf cookies you like" Melody said as Keefe a face brightened and said "WHERE. ARE. MY. COOKIES.???!!" He ran around the room looking for them and when he finally found them he took one and shoved it in his mouth. Everyone laughed. "What they are the best food I'll ever eat monster what Foster says about mallowmelt" Keefe mUmbled with the cookie still in his mouth. "Now get settled in your seats, and no trading them for a reason, let's begin!"