The walk to Priderock was painful for Dalia given her current paw situation. Although the pain was starting to fade, as they continued to walk, it became alarmingly evident that something was wrong with that paw of hers. Kion either didn't notice the limp in her walk, or paid no mind to it, and continued escorting her to Priderock. Along the way, they met with the rest of the Lion Guard. After briefly explaining the situation and instructing them to continue dawn patrol without him, Kion brought her to his father, the King.

And that brings us to the present, Dalia and Kion currently standing in front of King Simba and Queen Nala. She notices that Simba resembles his son quite a bit with his auburn-red hair. His fur is a brownish-gold, duller than Kion's coat, and his underbelly, muzzle, and paws are a creamy-tan. Broad-shouldered and lean-muscled, the King is very well capable of being intimidating. However, something about him tells Dalia that he's a fair and just ruler.

Queen Nala reminds Dalia a lot of her own mother, with her dark tawny coat and a paler muzzle and underbelly. The only significant difference between her mother and Nala is the eye color. Her mother's eyes had a unique blend between green and gray, similar to Dalia's.

"Kion." Simba looks to his son, quirking an eyebrow. "Who's this?"

Simba gives their guest a once-over, and Dalia suddenly feels very self-conscious. Looking over her messed fur, embarrassment pricks her cheeks and runs up the length of her spine. After her hunt, her pale fur is a mess, mussed by the wind and dirt-stained after her tumble down the hill. Not to mention her paw, which she fears may be sprained. Today's been awful so far, and it's only just begun.

"I found her hunting in the Pridelands this morning," Kion answers, "She says she's a nomadic lioness who would like to stay in the Pridelands temporarily."

Simba nods in understanding. "I see."

"Your Majesties." Dalia bows her head quickly out of respect. "My name is Dalia, and I'm a traveler. Or, as he put it, a nomad."

"A traveler?" Nala echoes.

The lioness tips her head into a nod. "A traveler," she affirms. "I was just passing through the Pridelands and would like to stay here temporarily." Simba quirks a brow, the silent gesture signaling for an elaboration. "I mean, I was just passing through in the beginning. As I was doing so, I noticed the Lion Guard protecting those who would otherwise be incapable. I would like to stay here, at least for a little while, before I go on my way. "

Out of the corner of her eye, she spots the ends of Kion's lips turn upwards into a smile before he quickly resumes a normal expression. "I see," Simba says again. The King looks to his Queen, and she gives a silent nod. "Well, you can certainly stay in the Pridelands, —"

Kion is the first to protest. "But Dad, how do we know she's not a—"

"Kion," Simba silences, glaring at his son. His son quiets, but not without a sigh. The King redirects his attention to Dalia. "As I was saying, you can certainly stay here in the Pridelands. I'll have my daughter give you a tour."

Nala gives a nod of agreement. "I think it'll be beneficial for you to know where everything is around here. " Nala glances down at Dalia's injured paw. "It's the least we can do, especially with your paw and all."

This takes Dalia by surprise, something that doesn't happen very often. "Huh?"

"I noticed you limping," she explains, glancing down at it once more. She redirects her gaze to Kion, who doesn't seem thrilled at all with her staying here. "Kion, take her to Rafiki, will you?"

Kion nods briefly, eyes trained on Dalia. The lioness manages a polite smile, stifling the frustrated groan that threatened to spill. "Thank you, your Majesties. I'm looking forward to the tour," she says. She can feel the blood roaring in her ears and her right eye starting to wince.

"Good," Simba says, looking back towards the entrance of Priderock. As if on cue, another lioness steps out. She looks about Dalia's age, perhaps a little older, and resembles the both of her parents with her pale golden-orange fur. Her amber-brown eyes resemble Kion's a good deal, and the thin-dark brows that rest above them are raised in Dalia's direction. "This is my daughter, Kiara."

Kiara steps in place between her father and mother, Kion on the other side of his mother. "Hello," Kiara greets cordially. As she stands amongst the rest of her family, the sense of regality that each of them carries themselves with is indisputable. The stark difference between the Royal Family and Dalia is undeniable. The young lioness has never felt as out-of-place than she does now.

"Kiara, this is our guest, Dalia." Simba turns to his daughter before gesturing to Dalia. "I would like you to give her a tour of the Pridelands." Kiara nods her agreement, offering Dalia a small smile as she does so. "After you've visited Rafiki, of course."


Dalia's eyes are shut tight, and she wills the hot tears beneath her lids not to spill out. Rafiki turned out to be a monkey — more specifically, a mandrill — and a very eccentric monkey at that. The moment she met the Royal Mjuzi, or whatever they call him, he immediately struck her as odd. Perhaps it's the crazy glint in his eyes and the unexpectedly sharp points of his teeth. Or maybe it's the way his unruly white fur spikes around his head and dips down below his chin. Regardless, there certainly is something strange about the Royal Mjuzi.

The mandrill is currently prodding her heel, each prod sending jolts up her paw and cries from her mouth.

"Sorry," Kion apologizes, eyebrows knitted together. "If I had known about your paw, I wouldn't have let you walk to Priderock." Though he doesn't exactly trust the nomad yet, he certainly didn't intend for her to get hurt.

The lioness opens her eyes, just so she can look at him. He's standing by the vine-covered entrance of The Lion Guard's Lair, the sun seeping through the vines making patterns on his golden fur. "Don't sweat it— OW!" she breaks into another cry when Rafiki prods her heel particularly hard.

Rafiki seems to pay no mind to her cries and continues on. "Just as I feared," he murmurs to himself vaguely.

Dalia groans impatiently. "What?"

The Royal Mjuzi doesn't answer, instead of turning his back on her and calling out for his apprentice. "Makini!"

Makini's head pops out from around the corner, her olive-green eyes sparkling with excitement. It's a trait both mentor and apprentice share: being easily excitable. She's much smaller than her older mentor but just as clever. Medium brown fur stylishly frames her face, contrasting with the gray fur that covers the majority of her body. "Yes, Rafiki?" she trills, her voice squeaky.

"Simple sprain on this one," Rafiki states, eyes focused on her paw and not his apprentice.

Makini nods with understanding. "Ah, I see."

"What?" Dalia repeats, her brows raised in annoyance.

Rafiki hums knowingly but, again, doesn't answer her question. Rather, he takes fistfuls of vines and leaves, wrapping her paw tightly with a thick wad of green. Dalia bites the inside of her cheek to keep from squealing, and her claws slide out, the silvery-gray tapping against the ground beneath her.

When the mandrill is finished, he brushes his hands against each other and takes a step back to admire his work. His fingers stroke the white fur on his chin, and Makini observes the cast with admiration as well. Kion mouths another "sorry" from the other side of the space.

"Try not to exert yourself too much," Makini puts in. "Walking around should be okay, but maybe have someone else hunt for you."

Rafiki nods. "My apprentice is correct." His fingers reach up to stroke the white fur on his chin before he turns around and starts walking towards the opening of the lair. Over his shoulder, he says, "Come back in a week or so, and your sprain should be healed."

Dalia is startled. "A week? No hunting?"

"Correctamundo!" Makini cheers. "Sounds fun, right?" she asks, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

The lioness grimaces. "Extremely."

Just as she's about to leave, and hopefully return to her and Imba's hideout, a rustling of the vines covering the lair echoes throughout the cave. Looking over, Dalia remembers the tour Kiara's supposed to give her. "Look's like you've got a visitor," Makini hums.

The princess shuffles with her paws. "Hi," Kiara greets awkwardly.

"Hey," Dalia replies flatly, completely unenthusiastic.

She gestures with her head towards the exit. "Why don't we start your tour," she offers before backpedaling and gazing down at her now bandaged paw. "If you paw's okay, that is."

Dalia gingerly places her paw on the ground and finds that it no longer aches. She supposes that whatever Makini and Rafiki did help. "It seems to be fine."

Makini nods as well. "Yup, she should be good to go. Just don't run on it." Her smile brightens. "Have fun!"

Kion clears his throat, reminding Dalia of his presence. "I'll be starting patrol with the Guard," he says. He passes Kiara as he makes his way towards the exit. "Have fun," he echoes Makini's words.

As soon as Kion leaves the cave, Kiara redirects her attention back to the nomad. She gestures to the exit with her paw, "Shall we?"

"And here's Big Springs," Kiara announces, presenting the glistening pool of water. She continues to drone on about Big Springs and the inhabitants, but Dalia not really paying much attention. Several hippos dot the blue water, their purple-grey backs sticking out from the water. From the surface, Dalia can spot several fish swimming about.

Dalia's pleasantly surprised to see the bandages on her paw are still holding up. Makini was correct after-all. It really does only hurt when she puts too much pressure on it or runs. Looking up to the sky and noticing the noonday sun, she wonders how long this tour will last. The three lionesses who are serving as guides are helpful and all, but she really would rather head back to her and Imba's corner of the woods.

Yes, three lionesses. She turns her head towards the side and spots the two lionesses flanking either side of Kiara: Tiifu and Zuri.

Tiifu's pelt color is similar to Dalia's, except just a bit lighter. A strange, yet endearing, tuft of fur sticks up from her head and towards the sky. Three small pink freckles dot either side of her face, giving her a friendly look. She's sweet — annoyingly so, but sweet nonetheless. Green eyes, just like Makini's, light up with excitement at Kiara's announcement.

Zuri, on the other paw, is the polar opposite. Her tawny-orange fur shines from her extensive grooming of it, a stark contrast from the mussed fur Dalia's sporting. Like Tiifu, Zuri also has a small tuft sticking out from her head. Her eyes are a very distinctive blue with a small, pale spot beneath each eye. In the short time Dalia's known the lioness, she's noticed that Zuri's gaze is nearly always half-lidded and her brows perpetually raised in a bored expression.

Apparently, the pair make up Kiara's friend group, and they insisted on tagging along in the tour. Their presence has been nothing but tiring for the nomad. All she wants to do is retreat to her and Imba's hideout in Hakuna Matata Falls and take a nap.

"... and Makuu and his float come by every once in a while when the fish population gets too high," Kiara continues in her rambling of knowledge only a princess would know.

"Fascinating," Dalia feigns interest, tail-tip twitching with boredom. Usually, information like this would perk her interest given her inherently curious nature. But today hasn't been the best for Dalia, and she's running on little sleep and an empty stomach.

Just as the princess is about to continue on her tour, Zuri yawns from beside Kiara before starting towards the water. "I'm thirsty," she declares.

Tiifu decides to follow suit. "Yeah, same," she adds.

Kiara turns to Dalia. "I think we can take a quick water break."

Dalia agrees to the break after feeling how dry her mouth is. When was the last time she had a drink of water? Was it this morning? Or was it yesterday morning? She'd have to watch out for that in the future. Her mother always used to stress the importance of staying hydrated, especially in the dry season.

The nomad approaches the glistening pool of water and involuntarily takes a step back. Shaking her head, she gingerly approaches the water's edge, deliberately not looking into its deep abyss. Over the years of being acquainted with it, Dalia has decided that water is a beautiful, yet terrifying thing. It's capable of having a calm aura, while also being capable of wreaking havoc.

Powerful enough to suppress the raging fires of the forest, yet gentle enough to bring back life into dry and barren lands. Mercifully giving life and mercilessly snatching it away. A symbol of destruction and creation at the same time. It's an enigma, contradictory in every regard. Dalia learned the sinister side of her depths the hard way, the memory of being swept away in the surges of dark water serving as a painful reminder of the dangerous nature of water.

She doesn't remember too much of the event — which she's grateful for — but remembers enough to be wary.

Dalia dips her head down and starts lapping at the water's edge, the cool water soothing her dry throat. Looking across the lake, she spots the Lion Guard on the other side — the entire gang — moving along in their patrol. She lifts her head up and glances at them.

Kion's in the lead, Bunga right by his side, Ono flying directly above them, Fuli on the other side, and Beshte bringing up the rear. Kion says something to Ono, and the bird immediately takes flight and scans the area. While he's in the air, the yellow-furred cheetah's emerald eyes find Dalia's and recognition flicker through them.

Fuli turned to Kion, saying something to him and then gesturing to Dalia. Though Dalia can't quite hear them, it doesn't take a genius to fill in the blanks. Kion meets her gaze and gives a polite nod of acknowledgment before returning to his patrol. The prince then said something to the effect of, 'let's go,' and the group takes their leave, Ono guiding them.

Seeing Ono reminds Dalia of her own winged-companion, and she wonders if Imba's looking for her now. She feels a pang of guilt. Imba's probably worried after she realized that Dalia hadn't returned to their little hide-out as promised.

Suddenly, she hears a splash of water followed by a high-pitched squeal. Looking up, she realizes that at some point, Tiifu decided to jump into the water. Tiifu's fur is soaked with water as fish surround her body. Kiara laughs before deciding to join in on the fun.

Dalia starts to inch away from the water after Kiara enters the pool. "C'mon, Zuri, the water's great," Kiara calls out to the tawny lioness before looking over to the nomad. The princess starts to go deeper into the water, eventually having to tread it. "You too, Dalia."

Dalia quickly shakes her head. "No thanks."

A smile spreads across her muzzle as Zuri decides to join her friends. She backs up and gives herself a running start as she speeds towards the water and prepares to jump in. As she does so, a mischievous thought crosses her mind. At the last minute, she decides to push Dalia into the water as well. It'd be harmless fun, Zuri thought. Unaware of the lioness' fear, Zuri shoves Dalia in along with her.

It seems to go in slow motion. Dalia lets out a scream as she nears the surface of the water, her limbs flailing in the air. Her eyes widen and her muscles tense as her imminent fate approaches. She hears a splash followed by a giggle from Zuri. This part of the pool is deeper than it looked, and flashbacks of strong stormy currents flood her mind as she crashes through the pool.

"I can't swim!" is the last thing Dalia manages to get out before her voice gets drowned out.

Author's Note:

Last chapter, I did mention Dalia's fear of water in the Author's Note, and I'll get more in detail about how it started in the later chapters. Also, we've met Tiifu and Zuri (and Kiara for that matter). In my other LG fanfic, I remember depicting the pair as a lot brattier and more sinister than they actually are. I went a bit OOC on that one.

This time, I wanted to make sure that I was depicting their characters fairly.

What do ya'll think about this chapter? I was kinda iffy about the last scene where Dalia gets pushed in. I'd love to hear any criticism/suggestions/reviews that ya'll have. If you have more detailed questions/suggestions feel free to PM me.

Also, sorry for the late update. This chapter took quite a bit of time to write, and I've been under the weather recently. Thankfully, I'm definitely a lot better now.

Now time for questions and reviews!


Hu-3rd: Thank you for all the support! And I agree with you regarding The Healer. Just read your last update on your LG fanfic, and I'll truly love it.

Guest: Something unfortunate did happen to Dalia in her home up north, and I will be delving into that in the future chapters. I don't want to give too much away now, so stay tuned for future chapters.

lainabellio: Thanks for all the love! I'll be getting into Dalia's backstory in the coming chapters.

Jzak98: Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying this story.

CyberChick135: Hey, Cyber! Always love seeing your reviews. I'm super glad you're enjoying it so far. Also, I'm always glad to support you.

TheBlackPanther: Thank you for all your suggestions! I always love looking at reader suggestions. Unfortunately, I already have Dalia's backstory all planned out and it doesn't really involve an attach from an outside force, but rather a betrayal from someone close to her. No promises or anything, but I may add a black panther as a side character somewhere along the line. I'll definitely try it out and see if it flows with the story. If you have any further suggestions, feel free to leave them in the reviews or create an account, and PM me. Your suggestion seemed super interesting and I loved reading it. On a side note, an LG fanfiction centered around a black panther OC would be totally awesome (I'd definitely read it).

Shane Hedin: You're welcome, I really liked your suggestion of Isabela Merced — her voice seemed to fit with my OC. Also, I wouldn't judge you for being passionate about voice actors either way. Especially considering I do LG fanfiction for fun. I'm glad you've found something you're passionate about. As for your comment regarding Cyber, I know that most people asking for updates aren't intentionally trying to be rude, so no hard feelings :). If you're having issues commenting, consider creating an account and PMing with any questions.

HERMOINE: I agree; I think it'd be most realistic for them to be apprehensive of each other, considering the recent events of the Pridelands. Thanks for all the love, I'm glad you're enjoying reading this fic.

emilia: Yes, Kion and Dalia weren't exactly friendly upon their first meet. It was difficult for me to create a balance of Kion being apprehensive while still acting like a gentleman. Or, I guess gentlelion. Yes, I agree, the previous chapter was on the shorter side, unfortunately. I had tried to make it longer but found that it didn't really flow right. I'll try to make the chapters longer in the future. Thanks for the feedback.

Sam Knight: Yes, I will still keep Rani's character in this story. Granted, she won't play as significant of a role as she does in the original show, but she'll still be there. I may or may not have an OC for her mate (haven't decided yet.) If you have any suggestions for OCs I'd love to hear them. And you're welcome, feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

TheLittleMermaid: Well, it's not that they don't like each other — they're just both cautious of each other (Kion being cautious of her because of the Rise of Scar, and Dalia being cautious of him because, well, she always has her guard up.) Over time, they'll eventually both start letting their guard's down. I don't want to give too much away, but I can say that there'll definitely be an interaction between the two of them next chapter. Thanks for supporting the story; if you have any other questions feel free to leave them in the reviews or PM me.

blueiris101: I'm glad you're enjoying this story. So I'm not planning on having Dalia become a member of the Lion Guard simply because it doesn't really work with the story I'm aiming for. I think I already mentioned this previously, but I want this story to be centered around her summoning the strength and inner courage to stop running away from her giants and to face them head-on. If I make her a member of the Guard, I feel like it'd take away from that message and muddle it up. I think I may have over-explained, but I hope I answered your question.

Alrighty, ya'll — that's it for now.

Stay tuned for next time,
