Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Jurassic World and The Good Dinosaur, only the story. Jurassic World belongs to Universal and The Good Dinosaur to Disney. I apologize for any errors in reference and/or was not in correct reference to something.
A/N: This is just a little something fun that I wanted to do. In this little fanfic, Rexy and Butch are a little older and portraying Simba and Nala respectively. Blue and Cera will remain the same.
Rexy x Butch: Reunion and Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Rexy – Simba
Butch – Nala
Blue – Timon
Cera – Pumbaa
It was late in the afternoon in the Great Valley and all seemed quiet within its vast forest. Blue the blue streaked gray Velociraptor and Cera the yellow Triceratops were taking a walk through a section close to the edge of the valley. They had thought about asking their Tyrannosaurus Rex friend Rexy to come and join them, but figured that she still might be upset and that it would be best if they left her alone for the time being. So for now the two friends were just walking through the prehistoric jungle. They were singing with Cera providing the beat while Blue took on dealing out the lyrics. As they walked with Blue in front of Cera, the former started to sing the 'Tyrannosaur Sleeps Tonight'…
Cera: A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh
A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh
Blue had a smile on her face as started to sing…
Blue: In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The Tyrannosaur sleeps tonight.
A blue beetle came flying through the forest and landed between Blue and Cera. The raptor didn't even notice it as they continued to sing…
Cera: A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh
A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh
Blue: In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The Tyrannosaur sleeps tonight.
Cera looked ahead of her and saw the blue beetle as it walked off into the forest. Now mesmerized by the bug, Cera stopped providing the beat and followed after it. When she couldn't hear the beat from her friend anymore, Blue yelled back to Cera, "I can't hear ya, girlfriend! Back me up!"
Blue: A-wiiiiii
She did a small shake of her body as she finished it up…
Blue: A-Pumbaa-bum-baa-weh
It was then that she still didn't hear her friend and took a deep breath. Looking back, she found that she was alone and called out, "Cera?" Becoming a little worried, Blue looks about and calls out, "Cera?"
But Cera was no longer within range of hearing her friend as her mind was focused on one thing. Cera continued to follow the beetle from closely behind it and was slightly humming as she followed it. She gasped when it opened its wings and took off. The blue beetle landed on a fallen log not too far from her. Cera smiled in delight before slinking up to the log. But she had to quickly hide behind a tree when the bug turned around when it sensed danger. She licked her lips when the beetle turned around and started to climb over the log. Cera crawled closer and tried to jump over the log but fell short. She started to climb over when the sound of a snapping twig made her freeze. Cera looked back and called out, "Blue?"
But all Cera could see were a few trees, and a wide open plain of tall grass. The Triceratops shrugged when she didn't see anything and grunted as she climbed over the log. She tumbled as she came onto the other side. The blue beetle walked along the log as Cera raised her head right beside it with a wide grin. But before she could try and eat the bug, it sensed danger once again and opened its wings before taking off. That was when Cera saw something big in the tall grass.
From the build of the creature, it looked to be a Tyrannosaur, so Cera thought that it was Rexy playing a joke on her. But when she got a closer look, she noticed that this one was male, had different looking scars on his face and his teeth jutted out unlike her friend's did. But what really unsettled Cera was the growling coming from the male Tyrannosaur and the look of hunger in his eyes. Cera's eyes widened and she screamed at the top of her lungs. This caused the Tyrannosaur to charge at her with a roar.
Cera quickly scooted back before turning tail and ran for her life. The Tyrannosaur stomped on the log and shattered it under his foot as he chased after the Triceratops. Cera was running as fast as her legs would carry her, but the male Tyrannosaur wasn't too far behind as he gave a small roar. Cera ran through the jungle, over some rocks and around a few trees, but the predator was able to chase after her as they ran. He let loose a growl as he started to gain on the yellow Triceratops. Elsewhere, Blue jumped on a rock and she could hear the sounds of the chase as she looked and called out, "Cera?"
Cera ran towards a large tree and run up the huge roots. However, the male Tyrannosaur chased after her onto the root too. Cera jumped out of the way when the Tyrannosaur lunged forward to take a bite out of her. But then she jumped again when he tried to pounce on her from behind. She moved out of the way once again when he lunged again and he ended up crashing his head into the root. The male Tyrannosaur stood up, shook his head and growled before chasing after the fleeing Triceratops again. Blue searched for her friend and shouted as she ran through the forest, "Cera! Cera!"
A frantic Cera broke through a few bushes and saw a large root that stood up in a tall arch. Thinking that she would fit, Cera made a dive for it. Blue came running up to that exact root and shouted, "Cera!"
She was scared out of her skin when Cera tried to come through the root, only to get stuck. Cera became truly scared as she frantically tried to pull herself through, but she wouldn't go through. Blue looked to the scared, yellow Triceratops and asked, "Cera, what's going on?"
"HE'S GONNA EAT ME!" Cera shouted in Blue's face and the wind made the Raptor stumble back a little. Blue hopped up on her friend's back and the tree root and looked with a, "Huh?"
That's when she saw the charging Tyrannosaur breaking through the foliage right towards them. Blue became immediately terrified as she shouted, "Whoa!" Then jumping down to Cera's back end she started pushing while Cera pulled. When the Triceratops wouldn't budge, Blue ranted, "Jeez, why do I always have to save your…"
She looked behind her, pressed up against her friend's backside and screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw how close the Tyrannosaur had come. The male Tyrannosaur opened his jaws wide with a growl as he came closer. But while Blue thought that this was the end, a large shadow passed over her and Cera. Even the attacking Tyrannosaur came sliding to a stop and looked in surprise to the arrival of Rexy. But his surprise quickly turned into anger when she charged at him and used her head to knock him onto his back. Rexy tried to come at him, but the attacking Tyrannosaur was able to keep her head back with both back feet and they glared at each other while baring their teeth. Then with a good shove of his back legs, the male Tyrannosaur pushed her away. Rexy was able to keep herself from falling while the male picked himself back up.
Blue hopped back onto the root and turned back to the fight while Cera kept trying and failing to pull herself out. Rexy and the male were currently circling each other while growling. The male leapt at her, but Rexy moved out of the way and headbutted him in the side with her head. He tumbled across the ground and stopped on his side. Rexy ran up to him but gritted her teeth when he lashed one of his legs out and kicked her in the jaw. As the male stood up again, Rexy charged at him again and knocked him into a tree. The tree's trunk broke underneath them and fell with a loud crash. Rexy jumped out of the way when he tried to bite at her again, but she wasn't expecting him to turn a full circle and swat her in the face with his tail. Watching from the sidelines, Blue reached down and patted Cera's back as she reassured, "Don't worry, girl. I'm here for you." She looked a little worried as she added, "It's gonna be okay."
Though still scared, Cera tried to look over the root, but couldn't given her position. Standing up on the root, Blue jumped in the air while making punching motions and shouted to Rexy, "Get him! Bite his head!"
Both Rexy and the male had their bodies pressed up against each other while trying to push each other over. The male scratched at Rexy's side while she moved out of the way. Blue jumped in fright when the two Tyrannosaurs ran at each other and skulls clashed together with a loud crack. Rexy was able to scratch at his snout before the two twisted around each other while trying to clamp their jaws on the other. Blue kept jumping up and down as she shouted, "Go for the jugular! The jugular! Get him!"
The male was able to land a few scratches on her head. But Rexy retaliated by using her head to push him back. Blue stopped jumping up and down, dropped down on all fours, turned to Cera and lightly nudged her nose horn as she said with a smug grin, "See, I told you that she'd come in handy."
The Raptor turned to watch the fight again. Rexy had backed up a good distance from the male Tyrannosaur and he prepared himself for whatever move he made. Rexy came running up to him with a growl and used her shoulder to knock him onto his back. But when the male's back touched the ground, Rexy could feel him planting his back feet against her belly and kicked up. The two Tyrannosaurs flipped through the air with the male coming out on top. Rexy gritted her teeth when she hit the dirt and came back up a little. But the male placed a foot on her chest and slammed her back to the ground with a loud thump. Rexy looked up to the male Tyrannosaur standing over her in surprise. The male Tyrannosaur growled while panting from the fight. He prepared himself in case the female underneath made a move. But Rexy was no longer in a battling mood as she looked him in the eye. Rexy remembered when a Tyrannosaur cub once, or twice, did that same move and she said, "Butch?"
This caused the males features to soften in shock and he quickly backed off of her. Rexy rolled onto her belly before standing up and turning to him. Butch sat down on the log that fell during the fight. A smile grew on her face as she stepped closer to him and asks, "Is it really you?"
"Who are ya?" Butch asks, looking really confused. Rexy's smile didn't falter as she revealed, "It's me. Rexy."
"Rexy?" Butch asks as he looks at her closely. Rexy nodded to confirm this. Butch's eyes grew wide and took a deep breath as he was overcome with joy. Then both he and Rexy shouted in excitement, "Whoa!"
The two best friends rushed forward and lightly butted heads, tried to push the other back in a friendly before they separated and circled each other to get a good look to see how much the other had changed over time. Rexy looked to him and asked, "How did you…"
"How did ya…" He asked back. Blue's face and arms fell from the lack of action, plus at the fact that Rexy was being nice to the attacking Tyrannosaur. Rexy shook her head while saying, "Wow!"
"Where did you come from?" Butch asks, wanting to know where she had been for so long. Rexy then said, "This gr… It's so great to see you!"
Blue jumped off the root unto Cera's back and then onto the ground as she questioned while walking over, "Hey, what's going on here?"
"What are you doing here?" Rexy asks Butch. But this confused Butch as she then reverses the question, "What do you mean, 'What am I doing here?' What are you doing here?"
They continued talking while Blue moved between the two Tyrannosaurs. Looking between them, the Raptor then shouted at the top of her lungs, "HEY! WHAT'S GOIN' ON HERE?!"
Both Tyrannosaurs looked down to the Raptor and Rexy leaned down a little as she introduced with a smile, "Blue, this is Butch. He's my best friend."
Butch smiled to this while Blue placed her hands on her hips and questions, "Friend?!"
"Yeah." Rexy said. Then turning to their stuck friend he shouts, "Hey, Cera come on over here?"
Said Triceratops had finally pulled herself out when Rexy had called her and turned back with a, "Huh?"
"Butch, this is Cera." Rexy introduced as Cera came over. Then she said, "Cera, Butch."
Getting over her fear while making a new friend, Cera bowed on one leg while saying, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too." Butch said with a nod of her head. Lost in the introductions, Blue started to say, "How do you…" Then blinking as she quickly remembered and then waving her arms back and forth she said, "Whoa, whoa!"
All three bigger dinosaurs looked to the Raptor as she made a T with her clawed hands while saying, "Time out!" Then pinching the bridge of her snout she said, "Let me get this straight."
Pointing to Butch she said, "You know him." Rexy and Cera looked to him before Blue pointed to Rexy, "He knows you." They look to her and then Blue points to Cera, "But he wants to eat her." The two Tyrannosaurs looked to the Triceratops as the Raptor then calmly asked, "And everybody's okay with this?" She suddenly jumped up into the air and screamed, "DID I MISS SOMETHING?!"
"Relax, Blue." Rexy told her when she lowered her head. The blue streaked Raptor glanced to her before Rexy's attention was taken by Butch and raised her head, "Wait till everyone finds out you were all this time." Butch's smile fell as he added, "And your father, what will he think?"
His words brought back memories of the last time she had heard those words. Then trying to ease things she said, "He doesn't have to know." Then she shook her head as she added, "Nobody has to know."
"Well, course they do." Butch said as his smile returned. He knew that everyone back home would be glad to know that she wasn't, "Everyone thinks that you're dead."
"They do?" Rexy asks as she arches a brow. His face fell as he nodded, "Yeah. Spines told us about the stampede."
"He did?" Rexy asks as she glanced away. She wondered what her uncle as said. She looked to Butch and asks, "What else did he tell you?"
"What else matters? You're alive." Butch said, really glad that he was. But then another thought crossed his mind and his face lit up as he said, "And that means…" Rexy became surprised as he said, "You're the Queen."
"Queen?" Blue asked before she blew a raspberry. Moving between them she said, "Mister," She leaned against Rexy's foot while Butch lowered his head as she said, "have you got your Tyrannosaurs crossed."
"Queen?" Cera asks in wonder as stepped closer to Rexy. Rexy became surprised as the Triceratops dropped down to her knees and crawled over to her as she said, "Your Majesty! I gravel at your feet." Then moving closer to one of Rexy's back feet she nosily kissed one of her toes.
"Stop it!" Rexy said in annoyance while moving back. Blue walked over to Cera as she said, "It's not gravel, it's grovel." Then pushing against her friend's snout she said with a slight laugh, "And don't! She's not the king." Then looking to Rexy she asked, "Are ya?"
"No!" Rexy quickly said. This shocked Butch as he says, "Rexy?"
"No, I'm not the queen." Rexy says as she looks to him. She stood up, and walked past them as he said, "Maybe I was gonna be, but that was a long time ago."
Butch watched her as he was confused by how he was acting. Blue put her hands on her hips and said, "Let me get this straight. You're the queen? And you never told us?"
"Hey, I'm still the same girl." Rexy reassured as she turned back to them. But Blue pumped up a fist while adding, "But with power!"
"Could ya'll excuse us for a few minutes?" Butch politely asked as he lowered his head with a grin. Blue looked to him before patting Cera's snout and said, "Hey, whatever he's got to say," Cera and Butch's faces fell as she leaned against the yellow Triceratops' snout, "she can say in front of us." She looked to the female Tyrannosaur and said, "Right, Rexy?"
"Mm…" Rexy said as she thought about it before looking to Blue and said, "Maybe you'd both better go."
Blue's face fell as she couldn't believe what her friend just said. Then raising her arms she said, "It starts." But complying with her friend's wishes, Blue turned and muttered, "You think you know a girl."
Cera groaned as she followed Blue into the forest. When she was sure that they were gone, Rexy sighed before turning to Butch, "Blue and Cera." She looked to Butch and added, "You learn to love them."
But her face fell when she noticed how sad he looked as he faced away from her. Becoming concerned for her friend she asked, "What?" She walked up to her right side and asked, "What is it?"
Butch took a moment before quietly saying, "It's like you've came back from the dead." He looked to her and shook his head, "You don't know how much this'll mean to everyone." He hung his head and sounded hurt as he said, "Or what it means to me."
"Hey, it's okay." Rexy said to comfort him. Butch moved towards her and placed his head over hers as he said, "I've really missed you, Rexy."
Though a little startled by his bold move of affection, Rexy didn't fight it as she said, "And I've missed you too, Butch."
Butch moved his head to where he could nuzzle her which she was glad to return. As they rubbed their heads together, they made purr like growls. Rexy pressed herself up against him as the continued.
The two sat down while they were being watched from a small distance. Blue and Cera hadn't really left the two lovebirds alone and were watching the two Tyrannosaurs from under the cover of some bushes. While Cera didn't really mind the scene in front of them, Blue was the exact opposite as she snorts and said, "I tell you, Cera. This stinks."
"Don't look at me." Cera warned while throwing their cover off. Blue shook her head and said, "Not you." She gestured to the Tyrannosaurs as they got up and left the clearing, "Them!" Then portraying them with her hands, "Her. Him. Alone."
"And what's so wrong with that?" Cera questioned as she didn't understand. Blue decided to explain through a song…
Blue: I can see what's happening
"Wait, what?" Cera asks, not understanding.
Blue: And they don't have a clue
"Who is they?" Cera questions, starting to get annoyed.
Blue: They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line
Our trio's down to two
"Oh," Cera said as she finally understood what her friend was talking/singing about. Blue then sung in a mock French accent…
Blue: The sweet caress of twilight
She hopped up on Cera's back as she made it sound mystifying.
Blue: There's magic everywhere
Blue slid down her friend's face between the horns before becoming dramatic while swinging an arm out…
Blue: Disaster's in the air
Cera looked to where Rexy and Butch had disappeared and wondered if Blue was right.
Elsie: Can you feel the love tonight?
Rexy had led Butch to a different part of the prehistoric forest. They came up to a small rise and Butch took the lead as they climbed up to the other side. The two lovers found themselves on a path next to beautiful waterfall. Butch carefully stepped down the rocks with Rexy right behind him. When he had reached the stone path at the bottom of the falls, Butch turned around to wait for Rexy as she joined him. She came up to her and it made him back up a little. Butch moved over to the second waterfall he stared at her through the falling water.
Elsie: The peace the evening brings
Rexy moved to the opening beside the second falls, and they went around in a circle around the second falls one time. Butch stopped behind the third falls and turned to stare into the face of Rexy.
The world for once
In perfect harmony
With all its living things
Both Tyrannosaurs walked on both sides of the waterfall before walking together along the shore. The two came to a spot where Butch jumped onto the other side while Rexy stayed on her side. Rexy and Butch leaned down and began to lap the water. And as they lapped up the cool water, thoughts ran through their heads of what they should say to each other…
Rexy: So many things to tell her
But how to make her see
Rexy looked up from her spot over to him. The two Tyrannosaurs glanced to each other before Butch continued to drink the water. Rexy then thought about telling him why she'd left, but thought against it for she believed…
Rexy: The truth about my past
Impossible, he'd turn away from me
Butch stopped lapping the water and noticed that she had stopped. He could tell that she had something on her mind. He lifted his head as he wondered…
Butch: She's holding back, he's hiding
But what, I can't decide
The two Tyrannosaurs looked to each other when a smile formed on Rexy's face. She moved along the rocky shore towards him. Butch then started to question…
Butch: Why won't she be the Queen I know he is?
The Queen I see inside
Rexy ran right past Butch, confusing him as he turned his head to follow her. She ran up to a vine and grabbed it with her jaws. Then running back to Butch she picked up speed. Butch moved out of the way to avoid being knocked into as she jumped and swung out over the water. Rexy released the vine with a wide grin and fell into the water with a huge splash.
Elsie and Chorus: Can you feel the love tonight
The peace the evening brings
Butch slightly drenched from the splash and then looked out into the water for any signs of her. He quickly noticed a trail of bubbles coming right at her. Looking down at the water, he was caught off guard when she burst from the water and did her best to wrap her arms around his neck. Then she playfully pulled her into the water with a much bigger splash. A smiling Rexy came back up to the surface as Butch burst from the water with a gasp. He quickly swam back over to the rocky shore and pulled himself out of the water. When he was fully on the land and a few feet from the water, he started to breath heavy as it had been a scare for him. Rexy came out next and walked up to him with a smile. Butch looks to him with a playful grin before snapping his jaws at her. Rexy moved back, but it left her open to a sneak attack of Butch's as he used his head to push her back into the water. Butch took off running as Rexy fell in with another huge splash.
Elsie and Chorus: The world for once
In perfect harmony
With all its living things
The sun was starting to set as Butch ran into an open field with Rexy chasing after him. Their run caused a flock of small birds to take off in fright. They soon entered the forest again just as the day had become twilight. Rexy chased Butch down small hill. At the bottom of the hill, Butch turned around and faced Rexy as his friend came up right behind him. The two made playful swipes at each other as they had smiles on their faces. Rexy then took a chance and lunged at him. Butch was unprepared as she tacked right into him and it sent them tumbling down another hill. Rexy and Butch held onto each other as best as they could as they rolled over and over each other. Nearing the bottom of the hill, Rexy kept a good grip on Butch as she threw them off of the hill.
Elsie and Chorus: Can you feel the love tonight?
You needn't look too far
The two Tyrannosaurs landed in a pile with Rexy on top of Butch. She lifted her head as they both started to laugh from their fun. Butch stopped laughing and looked up to his friend. Gently raising his head, he was able to come in close and he licked her right cheek. Rexy's face became surprised while opening his eyes and looks down to Butch. He gave her a smile that she was willing to return.
Elsie and Chorus: Stealing through
The night's uncertainties
Rexy got off of him to let Butch stand back up again. When he was on his feet he found her really close to him. The two Tyrannosaurs were lost in each other's eyes as they moved their heads towards the other's. Slightly moving their heads to where they touched, Rexy and Butch rubbed their necks together as a moment of their love.
Love is where they are
When they parted, Rexy and Butch walked off into the forest.
The thought of losing their best friend made Blue cry as she sang…
Blue: And if she falls in love tonight
It can be assumed
Cera was sad too as she sniffled. The Raptor looked to her yellow friend as the Triceratops rubbed her snout. Blue wrapped her arms around Cera's side and started to sob. Cera patted the Raptor on the back and took up where Blue left off…
Cera: Her carefree days
With us are history
The two friends finished together by raising their arms dramatically as they sang…
Blue and Cera: In short, our pal
The two friends looked to each other before bursting into tears. The way that their tears flew was in arches.
Author's Note: I wanted to one with Rexy since she is one of my favorite characters from Jurassic Park/World. But I couldn't really think of any other male Tyrannosaurs so I went with Butch from the Good Dinosaur, plus since I did them in the Pinned Ya! Scene. I might think of someone else to do this with her, but until then I don't know. I look forward to reading your reviews. Be sure to leave a comment either about if I've done something wrong or if you want something specifically to happen. See you next time.