The Field Trip Part 2

A/N: This has taken me a long time and I was just about to publish it until I realised that it had been deleted so here I am again trying to remember what I wrote. Please bare with me, I was so happy with what I had so right now, I'm grieving lol.

I don't own these characters or marvel.

Con Air, the movie, is mentioned, I don't own it but it's such a good movie so you should definitely go watch it.

And by the way I'm British so that's why I say police and stuff like that.

Hope you like this chapter .

As soon as Peter slid up into the backseat of the car, Happy knew he was angry. His brown eyebrows were scrunched up a little and he had a little pout with his jaw clenched.

'Hey kid, what's up?' He asked.

'Do you know about it?' Peter asked angrily.

'About what?'

'The field trip!'

'No. Why would I care?'

'Never mind.' Peter turned to look out of the window.

Happy looked at Peter through the rear view mirror smiled slightly and put the divider up. Oh he knew about the field trip.

Tony was working in his lab when he heard the ding. He looked up for the first time in ages and saw Peter walking towards him.

'Hey, kid.' He said.

'You planned this, didn't you!' Peter said angrily waving the permission slip in his face.

'Woah hold on kid,' he looked at the slip. 'Oh this,' he snorted. 'Yeah umm… Pepper said I should have a school take a tour of the place and she really scares me if I don't take her advice so I may have decided to use this opportunity and…' he shrugged sheepishly showing his hands to the slip.

'Ugh, you know what, I'm not gonna go.' Peter stated.

'What! Uhh come on Pete I promise I won't embarrass you!' Tony complained.

'Oh but how do I know you keep your promises, Mr Stark?' The teen asked cheekily.

'Oh come here you little rascal!' Tony made for Peter but stopped to see Peter just run looking weird. He started cracking up which made the kid crack up.

Once they calmed down Peter put his slip back in his bag and Tony asked,'Hey kid, movie night with the rest of the team?'

'You know it!' Came the reply.

Anyone who didn't know the avengers personally would think they were really uptight and they didn't mess about. Well they were all the opposite of that, well except for Steve.

Eight figures were sprawled out across the humongous theatre room. Peter Parker, obviously the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, Tony Stark, Ironman, Natasha Romanoff, the deadly, fierce, Black Widow, her partner Clint Barton, or better known as Hawkeye. Then there was Steve Rogers, the righteous Captain America and his best friend Bucky Barnes, the former assassin called the Winter Soldier. Next was Sam Wilson, the falcon who hates Bucky but is really close to Steve. And last but not least the one and only god of thunder, Thor.

Now you might be wondering, what about the Hulk, Bruce Banner? Well he didn't want to let the hulk come out as he would probably destroy everything so he decided to do some knitting with Wanda, Scarlet Witch. If he ever got stressed out she could soothe his mind with her powers and make him fall asleep. All of the avengers called her the most powerful avengers even though she was only 21.

'Dude, the your frickin' foot!' Came a yell.

'Ugh, move the hell up Wilson!' came another, one guess who that was.

'Language!' Everyone turned silent and looked at Steve who shrugged sheepishly.

'Alright…' Tony tried to break the awkward silence. 'What movie should we watch? And no Star Wars!' Tony said before Peter could suggest it.

'Oh come on Peter, we've already had a Star Wars marathon 3 times now!' Clint said when he saw Peter's puppy eyes coming to life.

Peter stuck his tongue out at Clint.

Bucky snorted. So did Natasha, Sam and Clint. They were the childish ones of the group. Unless when Shuri came over. Sam, Nat and Clint would all have to clean up after Shuri, Peter, Wanda and Bucky. It was a mess when they were all together.

'Movies!' Tony reminded them.

'Ooh there's this really good one that I've seen before it's called Con Air and I've seen it with my kids and they loved it.' Clint suggested.

'Everybody alright with that?' Tony asked. A chorus of yeahs went around the room. 'Alrighty thennnnnnnnn!'

They were at the point where the prisoners were taking over the plane.

Wow, these police are stupid to let really dangerous prisoners on a plane. Any sane person would know that, Nat thought.

'Wow midgardian police are really stupid. And petty. And tiny.' Thor boomed.

'Well not all police are like that Thor, they are just portrayed like that in this movie.' Peter told him.

'Ah ok.'

All the avengers had gone for a bathroom break and Peter, Nat and Bucky were cleaning up the mess so that everyone would be comfy when the came back.

'So Peter, what's this I hear about a certain field trip you have next Thursday?' Nat asked with a sly smile on her face.

Bucky snorted. 'Where's it to, Peter?'

'It doesn't matter,' Peter mumbled.

'I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that, where to again?' Nat teased.

'You don't need to know.' He replied.

'Ooh is Peter Parker being sassy?' Bucky challenged.

'Yes I am,' Peter joked flicking his non existent long hair.

They all cracked up.

'Wait, but really though how did you find out?' Peter asked, wondering how.

'We have our sources.' They said together.

Oh yeah, Peter remembered, they master assassins and master spies.

The rest of the team then came back in and they began to rewatch the movie only with a pouting peter and a smirking Bucky and Nat.