A dragon's secret

Chapter one: She knows

April was walking back home in the night. It was late again and her mom called her where she was. April had told her mom she was with her friends again and she'll be home soon.

April had a good time with the turtles today, only she finds it weird that Leo suddenly disappeared without saying anything to anyone else.

'He does that sometimes.' Donny dismissed when she asked him.

April was almost home when she noticed a big shadow passing over her head. 'What was that?!' She looked up and sees a dragon passing by.

"A new mutant?" April wondered, running after the dragon. April runs up the stairs when she sees the dragon landing on the rooftop. She tries quietly open the rooftop door and sees the dragon standing there.

"So cool!" she says and grabbed her phone. She takes good look at the dragon. The dragon had strange yellow markings all over his body except his tail. The tail had some red markings. On the dragon's face were red markings too. Like a red slider turtle. Looking further she noticed a blue bandana around the neck and a very familiar blue belt around him. 'Why does that look so familiar?' She thought, switching from photo to video.

The dragon looked around as if he was checking if no one was around, before starting to change. April gasped when she saw the dragon turned into someone she knew. "Leo?!"

Leo jumped down the roof into the ally and into the manhole.

"Okay, what did I just witness?"

After school, April immediately started walking towards the turtle lair. She will find out what she saw last night!

"Hey guys!" she greeted Donny, Raph and Mikey. She looked around but didn't see the blue bandana turtle. "Where's Leo?"

"He's in his room reading comics." Mikey said. "Why?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask when he wants to go urban exploring with me again."

"Awesome! Can I come too?"

"I wanted to go to the Old City Hall Station." April said, knowing Mikey immediately would pass for another time.

"Oh…Maybe next time then."

April smiled and walked to the blue turtle room. When she entered the room, she saw Leo reading his comics as Mikey had told her.

Leo looked up and smiled at her. "Hey April."

"Don't you 'Hey April' me! You've got some explaining to do!"

Leo looked confused at her. "Okay, what did I do?"

"Oh, maybe you suddenly left yesterday to change and fly around as a dragon?"

Leo stared at her, before breaking into laughter. "Really April? Did you spend too much time with Mikey again?" Leo immediately stopped laughing when April pushed her phone in front of Leo.

The video of a dragon looking around before turning back into himself played. Leo started to look bit lesser green.

"Please don't tell anyone."


Leo's dragon design based on JazzTheTiger art.