Author's Note: I hope you all are enjoying this story. Leave a review and tell me what you think, as well as any hopes for Louise's journey. I will answer questions that won't spoil the story ahead.

P.S. I made a mistake in the last two chapters. I called Boost Points as Battle Points. I have no idea where I got Battle Points from considering I've been playing Octopath Traveler the past few days. Anycase, I've gone back and fixed the errors, so this note is for those that had read it.

TheStrangerThatComesFromNower: Yeah, Octopath is tough, and Louise's journey will be full of challenges even with her leveling.

Chronos0305: Louise will not be alone. She will be the only one with the Job Class System, but there will be other characters joining her.


Chapter 3: For Recognition

"Oh, sacred light!" Louise's voice echoed in the quiet halls as a pillar of light responded to her cry and incinerated the black-stone gargoyle. She felt the familiar sensation of the Boost Points fade away and the appearance of the battle's end screen indicate her finished combat. This was her second battle, occurring briefly after the first, this time against two golems at once. Needless to say, Louise Valliere also healed herself and was consuming the 'SP' at a rapid pace, she'll be forced to rely on her Willpower and rather useless failed spells soon.

It was stunning how quickly Louise found herself relying on the Cleric Job Class. The ability to heal oneself during combat at such an instantaneous rate would make any Water Mage envious.

She passively watched the bars on the Menu's Victory Screen reached to its presumed limit and-

-It felt like her entire body was rejuvenated. Louise's wounds healed, her exhaustion removed, along with her body feeling just a bit healthier than before, just a bit quicker, just a bit studier, just a bit better.

The Menu revealed bright golden words above the 'LV', as well as increasing the numeral 1 to 2.

[Level Up]

"So what I felt… Was a Level Up?" Louise spoke to herself, tapping the screen to try and obtain more information, but the Menu only faded away at her interaction. She frowned, "Could you at least give me more information like the last time…?"

It wasn't a significant change, but Louise felt like her entire being had improved with the exception of her Willpower and mental ability. Well, the latter was more of a comfort than anything.

Although the lantern appeared in her grasp once more, Louise ignored it, "Menu."

The Menu opened in response, she navigated to the Status tab.

"The HP and SP values have not only been restored but their limits have raised," She examined. "The Attributes seem higher too."

She needed to consider carefully what that meant. If the higher numbers meant that her capabilities had indeed improved, this meant that theoretically, she would be able to not only cast the Cleric spells more often, but also take more hits against her. Of course, the increase in the numbers wasn't any substantial, it would probably take her many more of these 'Level Ups' to be twice as powerful.

If that is how it worked at least.

Almost like the experience of battle was improving her… That made some sense, and the acronym 'EXP' would fit with that very word.

Louise smiled, "I'll learn how the Job Class and Menu work bit by bit." She closed the Menu, satisfied that she now knew what the recent phenomenon did.

Besides… Louise had tallied for long enough.

Although it was, admittedly, quite exciting to experiment and learn about the Menu and Aelfric's Job Class. She hadn't come here to destroy property for the sake of trying out the Cleric abilities.

She frowned, realizing the contradictory nature that now presented itself in her mind.

Why would a town major of Ninovi have these gargoyle golems attack guests?

Ninovi, the town she currently was within, wasn't some major city, perhaps on its way to becoming one but for now, a quaint town which served mostly as a rest stop between the Tristanian Academy of Magic and the capital.

There was a deeper mystery occurring here.

Should she truly interfere further?

This was going beyond simple self-satisfaction, Louise knew that in normal circumstances, she wouldn't be so hard-pressed to answer the plea of commoners. They were used as an insult against her own lack of magic, her reputation had garnered more than one occasion of looks with pity directed at her. Sure, her parents have taught her the importance of commoners, but it was also directed at those under the Valliere House, not to others beneath someone else's jurisdiction.

Yet despite knowing this break of character for Louise, she pressed onward step by step.

For the Sacred Flame guided her path.

Louise Valliere might express her nobility above the common folk, but there was now presented a different state of morality instilled into her by what she presumed was the Sacred Flame's religion of origin. Perhaps it was a requirement for a Cleric Job Class, a certain character needed to perform its spells. That might be true for other Job Classes as well, considering that Cleric was listed as a Secondary Job Class.

Her thoughts were interrupted just as she reached a door towards the back-end of the second floor. She pressed a hand against it, but halted, resisting the temptation to see and instead listened carefully. There were two male voices in the middle of a discussion, and it didn't sound as if they were aware of her presence even despite the combat scenarios from before. Was Louise that fortunate? Or was it another advantage of Aelfric's gift?

She pressed an ear against the door, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of wood, Louse listened in.

"I'm sorry, I haven't followed up on the quote. The citizens of Ninovi have grown increasingly wary." A voice began, which Louise believed to be the mayor.

"This is only your first offense, all is forgiven. But I expect the next shipment to be bountiful." Another deeper voice, that was likely the visiting noble.

"Of course, my Lord. But, will I still receive the reagents?" The mayor seemed concerned.

"Since you failed to provide, normally I would not. But I had already brought it here, so I will grant you half in mercy." His voice gave no discernable emotion.

The mayor sighed in relief, "Thank you, you are quite kind. I will be sure to send my support of golems with far more considerable quality. The shipyard?"

"Yes, the same as before."

"Will you be staying for a while in Ninovi?"

"No, Mayor Faren. I have some business throughout Tristain that I must accomplish before returning."

"How many I contact you if something came up then?"

"Send a letter by bird to the Mott Estate, his profession makes him quite experienced in managing a communication system. The Crown has no proof on him, so he is unheeded by authorities."

"Ah, so that is why you gave me the avian," The mayor spoke. "Then I presume to bid you adieu?"

Louise Valliere backed away from the door quickly and looked around for a possible hiding place. Sure, she'd been tempted to rush into there since the mentioning of the royal family, but foolishness would spell her death. Louise would not be made a fool again. Since she could not hope to defeat both men, it would be too risky to reveal herself.

There was a decorative statue nearby, her petite size, usually a point of mockery for her, now aided the young noble girl in hiding from the sight of the mysterious man that exited from the very room she'd been overhearing. Louise dared not sneak a peak, there would be another time to deal with her unknown foe. But for now, there was a traitorous man to execute justice.

So dreadfully close were the sounds of the door opening; the echoing of footsteps. Louise prayed that she would remain undiscovered, it was fortunate that the gargoyles from before had vanished into purple smoke and dark-colored light upon their defeat. As that would serve to hide any evidence of her transgression from the leaving figure.

Don't look… Don't look… Don't look.

Louise Valliere reminded herself constantly.

It would not be wise to be overtaken by zealous conviction to stop an evil. She must be calm, rational, a gentle fire that did not blaze outward in rage.

The Sacred Flame guides her.

A young noble girl bit her lip and was thankful for the subtle influence on her actions preventing her from taking emotionally-driven mistakes so easily. She did not deny the part of her that would have charged in recklessly, but it seems that Aelfric's gift tempered her decisions to take a more rational approach.

However, it was not so influential as to remove those feelings, Louise still had to fight the urge, it was only just easier to do so.

A minute passed, a breathtakingly long minute.

But finally, not hearing footsteps any longer, Louise risked a peek out of her hiding spot. It seems that whomever had visited the mayor had left the building, or at the very least was far enough away to not hear. Eager to finally get some answers, and also stop his evil plot, Louise Valliere walked towards the door leading into the mayor's office, placing a hand against it, she was about to push when yet another Menu prompt appeared in front of her.


What did that mean?

[Autosave function failed. Please check your Nintendo Switch system memory space.]


Louise shook her head and swiped away the strange prompt. She'll deal with that later.

The door opened with an audible creaking sound, revealing a rather chubby man dressed in a wealthy attire that betrayed his noble status. It created a sense of disgust within Louise, the traitorous swine to Tristain reaping the benefits of exploiting the people under his charge while sending out young women as messengers only to meet their mysterious kidnapper.

The man looked up from paperwork. "Did you forget something- Oh, an academy student? It is the Day of the Void, but I expressed to that servant I wished for no visitors."

"Your servant and the people of this town seemed quite eager to ask me for help," Louise said, barely keeping herself from shouting. "I thought that you would have more information concerning that no letters had arrived at the Academy."

He coughed, "Well, rest assured. I meant to hire a more reliable courier instead to address the issue."

"That every time you would hire a commoner girl to deliver speaks otherwise," Louise countered. "You seem quite keen to only send them."

"Pardon, but who are you, milady, to so boldly accuse me." The mayor inquired.

"I am Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere, the third daughter of the Valliere House," She introduced herself. "And I've had the pleasure of overhearing a conversation just moments before with your scheming compatriot."

He stood up from his desk chair quite suddenly, hand pointing at her in anger. "You dare assume that I would willingly conspire? I have done nothing illegal!"

Louise shouted back, "That you would conduct such misdeeds behind the crown is grounds for treason! Let loose your despicable farce and surrender to the authorities!"

"I am the authority! And I will not let some petty girl yell to open ears! Gargoyles, to my side!" The mayor yelled as he drew a wand from a drawer, two black-stone gargoyles from decorative statues came to life and went to his side. "You're quite infamous, third daughter of the Valliere. Even outside the Academy, your lack of magical talent is known."

She clenched her fists, "I may be only the third daughter, I may have no talent for spells, but I shall show you a true noble's power all the same!" Louise Valliere felt the guidance of the Sacred Flame fill her heart as the familiar sensation of a Boost Point appeared in its dormancy within. "There is no choice!" The words spilled out of her mouth as she drew her wand.

The gargoyles charged at her, baring stone fangs and claws, they swiped at the petite noble but Louise avoided both attacks by taking a step back. Her eyes darted to the treacherous fiend behind the golems, noting the spell he was wording to cast. Her years of focused learning had given Louise Valliere unparalleled memorization of various elemental spells, and even though it was in vain for her own magical ability, it now served to aid her against an enemy mage.

She raised an open palm, directed past the gargoyles, and aimed at the selfish mayor, "Holy Light!"

A distinct advantage between the spells of Aelfric's gift and Halkeginia magic

Little to no casting time.

She only needed the required SP to use them, as evidence to the mental awareness of her current reserve depleting by a few points. A pillar of light appeared in response at the mayor's position, who's spellcasting was disrupted by the light that burned him, interrupting his concentration. But, like the guards the prior day, it did not seem to do much notable damage as it ended rather quickly.

Louise raised her wand to use Halkeginian magic, aiming to compliment her earlier spell with an explosive result. But, the gargoyles gave her no time, and swiped at her small frame with their sculpted weapons. The burning, intensely stinging sensation of pain racked her nervous system. Louise nearly stumbled but kept herself standing, retreating to the right to avoid the golem gargoyles in near instinctive response. But the eagerness to escape and the intense pain faded away shortly, replaced by a dulled feeling and resolve to continue fighting.

The young noble recognized this odd phenomenon and had no quarter against the benefits provided by Aelfric's blessing. Instead, her mind focused on the values whispering at the forefront of her mind.

"Twenty-seven instead of thirty," Louise spoke to herself. "That explains the 'phys' term as 'physical', so indirectly, raised by resistance to injuries of that type."

Earlier, before the 'Level Up' event, the gargoyles hit for around 30 points of health, varying higher and lower by 1. But now, those numbers were lower, quite possibly the gargoyles were now less dangerous to her, even only by a smaller margin. Since they attacked by physical means, considering increased values on her Status meant the higher it was, the lower the damage dealt too her.

Wouldn't that mean that the Clericspells could also be more effective now?

Time to test that out.

Her current HP value rested at 186 out of 242, by rough estimate, she could only take a solid six to eight more hits before either unconsciousness or death takes her. That was a terrifying thought, but the ability to heal her wounds meant that she could outlast them.

Especially if she takes out those gargoyles!

She raised both hands towards one of those black-stone golems, even if one was currently holding her wand, it was an unneeded tool.

"May the Sacred Flame shine forth!" The sentence was voiced by Louise unwittingly, but the 'Holy Light' spell responded to her by creating a pillar of golden light that burned away one of the gargoyles, causing it to dissipate into purplish-black smoke which soon after vanished into nothingness.

"What!" The mayor was shocked. "What sort of magic can so easily destroy my golems?"

It was odd on how effective the Holy Light spell was on these gargoyles, but that was a thought for another time. Louise tried to dodge and weave out of the way of the second black-stone golem, but it managed to tear through her uniform and cut flesh into her side.

"Gah!" She cried out in pain, even knowing it was just a temporary sensation, a reminder of her mortality. Louise Valliere kept tabs on her current Boost Points, which numbered around two. If the information given to her prior was correct, she could use a maximum of three for the most potent increase. Her battle plan revolved around using this to quickly end the fight.

Her eyes suddenly widened as a spear carved of stone from a nearby statue was sent flying at her through the magic of the mayor earth mage. In reflex, Louise crossed her armors in front of her face to Defend against it. "No! You will not!" The girl shouted, again by choice not of her own will.

It struck against her entire body… But didn't piece through her.

"Impossible! How did you survive that!" The mayor shouted.

Even Louise was surprised that her seemingly futile action caused actual merit in saving her from taking fatal damage. But that did not mean that she didn't receive any damage, the value of her health pool stood at a lower-than-half 118 out of 242. In simple terms, she was half dead according to these numbers. It didn't feel like she was half dead though, exhausted and bleeding, but not half dead.

That can be fixed.

She clasped her hands together into prayer, "Bring out the miracle of healing."

The effects of 'Heal Wounds' took place as the light enveloped her body for a brief moment, mending her injuries, and rejuvenating her exhaustion. Now that Louise had healed herself, she can focus on more offensive options.

"You… You're a heretic!" The mayor accused her. "That magic isn't anything from Brimir's teachings!"

"Says the traitor!" She argued right back. "What right do you have to distinguish what isn't from Brimir's holy teachings!" Louise stepped forward, "Prepare yourself!" She shouted.

With that specific reply, her entire body lit up in a coursing red aura like a mystical flame, which only increased in intensity and switched into a golden hue before quickly transferring to a bright light blue coloration that surged around the girl's body.

The visual effects of using three Boost Points now surrounding her petite form.

"May the Sacred Flame shine forth!" Louise yelled once again, extinguishing the intense aura and pooling all its potency into the offensive skill, aimed directly at the earth mage mayor.

"Shi-" He didn't get to finish his words as the pillar of light erupted to a degree that it was near-blinding, forcing Louise to look away and close her eyes, the entire room lit up like sunlight.

She hadn't expected it to be so potent as to also incinerate the other golem, yet leave her entirely unscathed. As if it was impossible for the spell to harm its own user. Once the blinding light died down with the spell's finishing moments, Louise looked to see that the mayor's body had turned into a pure white husk, which then proceeded to fade away into a cloud of contrasted purplish-black dust that dissipated.

A prompt from the Menu indicated her victory, granting her experience and JP. Which served to 'level up' her Status twice in a row to Level 4.

"I hope I've grown more able…" Louise whispered to herself. She frowned. "I need to figure out how to stop these phrases escaping my voice."

Louise Valliere glanced to the spot where the mayor had perished.

She'd killed him.

That was the thought that crossed Louise's mind after she calmed down.

Of course, Louise was no stranger to this. Her mother had practically beaten the training into her daughters to be prepared to take a life in defense of their own and the crown. Many years of mental preparation had allowed her to come to grips with having to kill another human being. Louise Valliere did feel awful about it, but it was necessary, and would not hold her consciousness.

All she did was take a few deep breaths. A traitor deserves no pity. Speaking of which...

"I have to get evidence," Louise said.

With the mayor disposed of, so was the removal of a confession.

So Louise moved towards the desk and rummaged through papers both on and within the furniture's drawers. The so-called mayor seemed quite a bit more incompetent than she initially thought. If she recalled, Count Mott was apparently in leagues with this cohort of treacherous figures, acting as their messenger throughout Tristain, so his estate would be her next goal. Louise decided to store various letters and paperwork into the Menu's Inventory, which could be used to support her goal.

Now, as for her other problems…

It hadn't been nearly long enough for the individual who talked with the mayor to have left town. She needed to leave the building, but not through the front door.

The girl glanced at the window, it would be a rough fall, but there was likely something below to help break the potential impact, not to mention 'Heal Wounds' would restore her injuries...

"I can't believe I'm going to do this…"

And while Louise Valliere was beginning her little adventure for recognition and to prove herself; a pair of girls on top of a blue dragon flew towards the town.