Adora never in a million years could have imagined this could be her life.

Catra purrs against her chest, no doubt dreaming about teasing her and poking fun at Glimmer and Bow.

Outside their little window, Adora sees the stars.

Thousands of stars.

There were no stars in the fright zone.

Catra pushes herself into Adoras chest again, murmuring something that sounds kind of like "Hey, Adora" in her sleep. She laughs.

The thought crosses her mind that Catra is so beautiful when she sleeps in her arms.

Her Catra.

She never thought there would be any kind of returned affection. But then she was ready to die for the sake of the world, and she was there, and everything made sense.

Everything makes sense now.

No more Horde and Resistance and dead mothers and ex best friends and portals and princess alliance recruitment. No more blurred lines and betrayal.

Just a sleeping kitty in her arms.

She's safe.

Everyone is safe now.

Adora falls asleep curled around Catra, the stars swirling behind their head.

And everything is enough.